Hi everyone, finally had a chance to sit down and read. Not going back will pick up from here.
Cheri, there is no place like home but it will be nice when this home is running as good as it was.
Neesie, I would rather not work but I have to and guess I will until I win the lottery. I read about your dress, sounds nice.
Jan, have fun with the grandkids.
Odalys, I'm so sorry about your mom. I can understand how you feel as I have a difficult relationship with my mom too. I think it's because she expects everyone to cowtow to her and I don't. It's also hard to watch them go through this. Your mom's conditions sound like my mom's with the exception of diabetes. I don't think she has lost bodily functions yet. It has to be very hard on your dad since they've been married so long. Glad things worked out for your sister. Hugs to you.
Becky, welcome, pull up a chair right in the middle of the circle. Hang in here with us, you'll like us. I've found all the women (and we have one man, Peter) to be the best....they are always there when you need them. You sound like you could use a break. Your body has been assaulted for the last several years and then to take care of your ailing mom on top of it is exhausting. Is there someone else who can help out with your mom so you can get a break?
Neesie, in the overall scheme of things, it's only money and the time with your family is priceless. We're not going to take the grandkids to DisneyWorld in October because by the time we pay off the small second on our house in October, we we will have spent a fortune on the bills, wedding, car, etc. so we decided financially it makes more sense to wait. Enjoy the time with the kids and then if you want to look for a different job, do it.
Candie, thanks for the update on Robin Roberts. I was fortunate that I didn't work during chemo. Hope your knee has you running around in no time.
Ok, going to go check out the Hamptons. See you all there.
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Just my opinion on the whole media garbage about bc. If they made it all sound as crappy as it is bc would lose it's status as cancer poster child and then Lord help us we couldn't buy pink M&M's or pink ribbon toilet paper anymore. Just think how that would send the whole world into a tailspin.
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Is that what RR is getting A/C?
I saw my onc today and he is considering starting me on Xeloda. It will mean an extra month of chemo and the hair I have now will be gone.
Can anyone tell me about their experience with Xeloda?
Welcome becky! Glad to have you here!!!
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Becky, Welcome to you!
Just jumping on to wish those who are still up pleasant dreams and restful sleep. I'll try and catch up here tomorrow if BCO cooperates!
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Hey Gina-
I did not take Xeloda, but did a lot of research on it when i was looking at trials. I did not end up in the arm of the trial that did Xeloda, but know 2 women who did. They both had a lot of the same SE's that I did with Taxol...most notably hand and foot pain and skin peeling, neuropathy and joint and bone pain. One of the gals had some fairly serious skin loss and cracking on the palms that took a while to get ahead of, but that seems to be the worst of it for them. I DO know that it kicks cancer's butt...so they both felt like it was a good trade off. I am hearing more and more stage 3 gals like me getting it even though it use to be exclusively for mets. Let us know how it all goes...
Sending big hugs
Deb C
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Welcome Becky-
I'm a stage 3 girl too. Pull up a chair by the fire and sit awhile. It sounds like you need a rest girlfriend...
Deb C
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It duped my post so since I can't delete one of them I can at least edit enough to erase it and give an explanation. Beats nothing.
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I guess it's a little late for good evening but too early for good morning. My dh got in off the road tonight and it's thrown everything off.
Neesie, you think you're whining. I do believe i passed my own record over at Ginas. Don't know why. I just feel like things aren't fitting anymore and like I don't really belong at either bc site. I feel like an outsider and have lost that comfortable, secure feeling I always had here. Maybe it's all the changes and learning all the new stuff and all of us being split up and just running into each other once in awhile. Or maybe it's because my potassium level is so low and I haven't felt well. I dunno. But I'm not leaving here, lol, unless I'm thrown out. I like Ginas set up being so user friendly and all the bells and whistles but it just doesn't feel like I belong there. I don't know, I'm just tired.
Odalys, glad that your sisters surgery went well but so, so, sorry about your Mama. My prayers are with you and your family, my friend.
Welcome Becky. We are actually a very busy thread and wonderful group of women. BCO has made such drastic changes that the kinks aren't worked out yet so alot of the Circle prefers to post at a temporary site until things are technically back to normal. Actually, alot of us post both places. Sorry that I'm a little down tonight I'm not usually. You'll really like these nice, caring women. Stick around and keep posting and get acquainted because we do 'get it' and understand your feelings.
Candie, you know what I HATE? It's when you tell someone that you have or have had bc and they say something to downplay it like, 'well you're lucky then, I hear it's easiest to cure' or 'thats too bad but it could be so much worse' or better yet, 'oh that's the cancer that they can cure now'. WTH? Most people do not have a dang clue as to what this disease is unless you have it. The media does potray it to be "the common cold of Cancer'. Stupidity.
Well, i need to shut up and go to bed. hahahaha I'm sounding a bit irritable. Wishing you all a restful and peaceful nights sleep.
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Good morning sweet family,
Mr. Peter...where are you hiding? Hope you are feeling well and wishing you a restful nights sleep. What is the weather like over there now?
We have a real fall feeling in the air...mornings are cold, a couple of light frosts and then it warms up during the day. The trees haven't started turning yet but will soon. I am not a cold weather person...would rather hibernate by the fire!
Welcome Becky...this is a wonderful place to be. I'm only a year out of rads and I am like you...just plain tired. Maybe we do too much...sounds like you have a lot on your plate and I don't know enought to say "no". Come sit and talk a spell.
Nessie...geez...I just love ya to pieces. Babble all you want...you have every right too. Hugs for your day.
Sunshine sister Nicki
Tweakin your toes...its ok...I put a log on the fire and started the coffee.
Cheri pal...You are not an outsider. Things will get back to normal. My goodness...I truly don't know what I'd do without you here. I am sticking with it myself. I wish I could take the events of the past couple of weeks and make them go away. Hugs to you and quit your whinin! (just cuz thats what you'd tell me!)
Gotta go check the Hamptons but I'll be back...
Love ya all
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Good Mornng Everyone: It took forever, but I actually did get on this site this morning. Almost fell asleep as it took so long to load up. Dont have much time. Hope everyone has a great day and welcome to all the new people.
Did someone say RR plans on working with A/C? Im sorry, but she is giving the world the wrong impression. Like chemo is a peace of cake.
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Good Morning!
Watch out world.............both Cheri and I were handing out whines last night!
Mon Cheri: You're just tired........tired of being sick and tired. And who would blame you? I challenge any of us to go through what you have been through and keep the wit, humor and attitude (that's a compliment!) that you have. You be fine!!
Nicki: Good luck today!! You've got the credentials, you've got the skills, you've got the personality...............and if all that fails................you've got the "Italian Finger" that you can shake at them! Waiting anxiously to hear how things go!
Margaret: You are so right! Once all the plans are down and we are on our way, we will have a great time! I just can't seem to get all the plans down.
Last night I finally made hotel reservations and then my Son called. I told him where we were staying and he says..............don't stay there, that's where all the Tweekers hang out. (Crack Heads).........I don't know the area and I guess in big cities you can be on the same street but one block is nice and the next block isn't.................So back to the drawing board tonight!!
Shirley: If you haven't left yet..........have safe travels and a grand time with DD!
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Cheri, you belong wherever you throw your hat but I know what you mean. On this site I feel like they moved the furniture while I was gone and I came home in the dark bumping into things. You need to get your potassium levels up so you're back to normal.
Beckie, make sure you hang around here. As BCO gets fixed more will start coming back. Gina's temporary website is listed every few pages so you can always go over there too.
Denise, want me to make those plans for you? I'm a great event planner - now I'm elected to head up our department fun team. I like spending someone else's money for a change! Why doesn't your son tell you where to stay or give you some choices in the area you should stay? Kristen gave us a recommended hotel and everyone stayed there; they gave the wedding party guests the entire third floor.
Ok, going to check the Hamptons before I shower.
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Good morning everyone..
Well it's my turn to have Comcast connectivity issues. I can't get on Cheri's or Gina's site but I can get on here. Strange. Comcast said they are working on the problem and will call back when it's fixed. Going to go try and get ahold of my scheduler, been messing around trying to get on the PC for too long now.
Cheri, I understand how you feel. This site hasn't felt like home with all the changes and all the BS over the last few weeks. Gina's site is so new and moves so fast. It takes time to get acclimated. We'll make this feel like it used to again. Just give it time.
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didn't I just post here. O hell I'm confusing myself this morning.
Have a happy weekend dears. See you on monday.
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There is nothing wrong in the hamptons, I didn't lock anyone out today! LOL!
It is open for one and all... not just circle the wagon girls.
I have still not been approved for Cheri's site so I will stick to my beloved bco and the hamptons.
Too much to do and not enough time to do it in!
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Good morning chicas and good night Peter........Becky welcome to the circle.........I finished rads on 9/29......and a year later am still trying to regain some strength........I am beginning to go through the day without napping but when I go to bed at night I go to sleep.........one piece of advise the rads doc gave me was really try to get to a point where I was not sleeping during the day......she said that even a short nap can really disrupt your sleep cycle........but the trick is to get aleast 7 hrs of sleep at night.......I have been in bed no later then 10 at night since oldest daughter left and up at 5 so its not too bad.........brb phone...............
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Morning all, took me forever to get on here and my patience is not very good these days.
Shirley-be safe driving.
cheri-gotta work on that potassium. that stuff can really screw you up when its low. Like you havent figured that out, huh?
Nicki-good luck on the interview. kick butt!
Shokk-Not seen alot of post from you lately. Its time to step out of the closet for a while,,I mean the weekend is getting close.
Man oh man I need some coffee this morning. I have had a diet Dr. Pepper but my eyes will not stay open. How come I can sleep late on the weekends and i wake up early but during the week I cant pull myself out of the bed? I'm tired of being tired I do believe.
wow caught myself going into a full scale whine!
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Well it looks like many of us are struggling with trying to find our place in the bc discussion world........bc.org is coming along but the Hamptons are so nice and they are right on the water........Cheri I know what you mean but whats nice about the rental we can say what we want with out being sensored.......certainly don't want to offend anyone I know many of us are very religious but every since I have gone thru cancer this last year I find myself using more curse words then I have since I was young......would never talk that way in front of the kidlets but crap sometimes a curse word lets you express yourself so much better...............sometimes last year when I was alone I would just shout out the f word because I was so angry........and ya'll know what it felt good..........Denise talk about rambling.......sorry guys................brb.............
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hi from beautiful San Diego! Going to see our son on the marine base in a few minutes!!! Went to the Maritime Museum and San Diego Zoo yesterday. The zoo is amazing! Ask me later when I get home about the naughty monkey... DH Navy Boot camp is gone, now a lot of markets there.
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Welcome to rainy San Diego, Wild Jan..did you bring it with you?? It has been months since we saw a drop of rain.....
Lots to see in our area...have you gone to the USS Midway yet?? My husband is a volunteer there on Wednesdays...NTC is no longer here..you are right..but the Naval Station is as is North Island..
Hope you have a good time and we shall see you Saturday for lunch!!
So nice you will see your Marine son...Semper Fi!!
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I am still a bit confused by the sites but have posted on both also but it doesn't seem like a good fit yet.
I was glad to hear that some of you are a year out of rads and still tired....I felt like I was the only one. I finished rads in August '06 and my daughter got married Dec 9 so I spent Aug-Dec planning and partying.....The week before Christmas my Dad(95) got really sick in tenn and I went up and brought him to my home in Georgia to recover but he is now going to live with me permanently and is better but still needs daily care.....................my sister has been diagnosed with metastatic kidney cancer and is having lots of problems (Delaware)....just spent at week in tenn cleaning out and getting my dad's house ready to sell and my husband's company has been bought and so we are anxious about what that means..................am I whining to say that I am tired???????????
I agree that most of the media makes bc sound so simple and for me chemo was not too terrible but it still took its toll and life will never quite be the same.
Thanks for listening gals and PEter....sometimes I just want to run away:)
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OMG you guys!!!!!!
shelli (shelliks) has passed away .................. i knew it was coming as i've followed the threads but i'm just lost for words right now.
it's hard to keep the faith sometimes .............. today is one of those days for me. what an extraordinary lady she was ............... this just isn't fair!
my heart is aching and my head is heavy ............ and i'm just plain pissed off at cancer today!
i want to whip my computer through the window right now!
god bless shelli and her family .............. god bless us all ............. and god hear our prayers!
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Shel, I know how you feel. It is very upsetting. We knew it was coming but it's so hard to picture such a young, vivacious woman going way before her time. I was crying when I read it last night.
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Dang. Still taking long to load - and like Amy I dont have the patience. Hello to everyone. Hoping this week-end I will have more time to catch up with everyone.
Have a great evening.
I think Im becoming an expert at interviewing. This job better be high profile and worth all the time I have invested.
Hello to all the new people. Im Nicki and have been hear for over 2 years now. Welcome.
OK - its back to the Hamptons for me. Have a great evening.
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Good afternoon Circle. Hope all are having a good day. My PT came back today. I don't care for her personally but I do think she knows what she's doing so I think I'll keep her. We locked the pup outside. I did quite a bit of walking on my walker and my little painful exercises. I'm sore but I did well and thought I would because I do everything I'm told to do, I plan on getting well. She said since I did so good today that we'll plan on upgrading to my quadcane next week. OUCH! Oh heck, I can do it. I've done it several times before so I can do it again. I've been working on my walker and have gotten to where I've started walking using it when I move around instead of the wheel chair. I do have to use the chair if I have anything to carry though. Which reminds me of when I first had this accident 8 yrs ago. I had 2 broken ankles, broken leg, and broken left arm and I was here alone quite a bit. So I had one limb I could use for awhile and then one ankle and my arm healed so I graduated to moving very slowly on my walker. I didn't have a cell phone then but our home phone was cordless but I couldn't carry it with me if I changed rooms or went to the bathroom. So my dh strapped his pistol holder on the front of my walker and put our black cordless phone down in it in case I fell or something. I think it was a little intimidating until people figured out what it was. Gosh, thinking back on that and remembering the first day I was able to use the real toilet instead of the drop-arm bedside cammode sure makes me realize how lucky I am and that I'm actually not so bad off now. Life has been hard sometimes but it has been for all of us. Maybe I just needed my little pity party last night to trigger some really tough memorys to make me count my blessings today. My goodness I did rattle on. Whoooosh!
Vickie, you're right, I would've told you to quit whining. hahaha I'm so transparent.
Neesie, thanks for the pep talk and the compliment. I think I needed them both.
Margaret, I do think you're right about the potassium, as is Amy. It can sure make a person feel lowsy. I loved the metaphor with the moved furniture.
Charlene, sorry you're having trouble with comcast. I just hate computer problems. You know, you missed your chance to get even with me about the whining. You know I can take it. hahahha
Gina, you shouldn't be having any trouble getting into my little forum, nobody else does. But I'll check it again.
Amy, guess my whine was contagious but at least you caught yourself before you got completely out of control. LOL Sure nice having you back.
Shokk, you do make a very good point about the censorship issue. It's wonderful having the freedom of speach instead of feeling like you're walking on thin ice! LOL Ginas site and my own little board gives me a much more relaxed feeling as far as what I post. I have had my hand slapped for some very minor things here and seen so much worse left untouched. It's funny, I guess it's the feeling that we're being 'bad' if we say a bad word or post a risque pic so we do it over there...alot! hahaahha I have to admit that i think me and Gina like me better than these moderators do cos we don't get onto me like the ones here. LOL I really think it's due to the size of forums. This place is huge with so many different types of people reading and complaining about posts and backing the mods into a corner on issues.
Swank, I finished chemo July 06 & rads Oct.06. and ever since chemo I have had extreme fatigue. I think what you're feeling is probably the norm. Plus the meds make us achy and have other SE's.
Wishing you all a very nice evening.
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Wow, Cheri just read your post--what a bad accident you had...car? Oh my, and to have bc too!!!! God bless you...you are a survivor!!!!
Nicki, good luck with your interview.They haven't said yet what chemo RR will be doing.
I just don't like the way they are portraying bc. I was able to work during chemo but it was not easy. I pushed myself day in and day out--literally crawled to work and then crawled home to bed. I didn't do the "hard stuff", I did CMF which is considered chemo light but I sure wouldn't want to know how the strong stuff is. Even my mom and sisters say--oh it wasn't that bad for you--oh wow--can u believe it--I said yeah cause you didn't go thru it. I just hate when people minimize it. Though I am past the chemo and rads and do feel better, my life will never be the same. It made an impact on me physically, emotionally and mentally.Even if some don't get many se's it still STINKS!! Can you tell this subject really upsets me!!! Thanks for listening.
Hugs and prayers,
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Candie, I hear the same thing because I worked every day except for treatment days. they didnt see the times I would sleep in my truck at lunch and use my cell phone as an alarm clock. When the subject comes up I have to bite my tongue to be nice and sometimes I dont bite hard enough.
Cheri-yep your whine must have been contagious. Just kidding but if you want to take the blame I will let you,,lol.
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Cheri: I cant get on the web sight either.
Candie: In my book there isnt any light chemo. It all stinks. I worked also while on chemo and it was very, very hard. So I know it can be done, and so many say its doable. And it is, but I dont like when people down play it.
Amy: Yep, I passed out in my car a few times. And for me, the sugar cravings were awful. I couldnt get enough - guess thats why I gained 30 pounds instead of losing weight. I never got nauseated. Just had terrible bone pain and had chemo induced asthma. Lost my voice for 4 months. Now some thought that was good cause Im so talkative.
OK this time, I really gotta go.
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Hello everyone,
I was hoping that Robin Roberts would not need chemo. I got my chemo on Thursdays and I could have worked after the first chemo but after that it was all downhill. Fortunately for me, I worked from home but could only manage a couple hours in the morning. My counts bottomed out even with the Neulasta - so I was on house arrest most of the time. I started out with a 9 gram hemoglobin so my red counts got kicked too and needed shots for that - felt perpetually exhausted. I too hate how they portray it in the media - as if it were your gallbladder or appendix. I wish Robin all the best with her treatment.
Nicki - was your interview today? If so I hope it went well.
Shel - I too was so sad to see that Shelli had passed away. Even though things looked really bad I was praying for a miracle for her. So young and with little children. Breast cancer stinks and we so need a cure!!
Cheri - sounds like PT is going well. You will be walking in no time. They say no pain, no gain - but do be careful and not overdo it.
I too just can't seem to get used to this site. I guess it is a sign of getting older - resistance to change LOL.
I have not gotten the results from the CT I had last Friday. I am thinking that is a good thing since he said to expect that it would be negative. Thought they would call me though - afraid to call them.
My youngest woke up today with a sore throat and came home from school all stuffed up and feeling crummy. I promised him I would watch "Are you smarter than a fifth grader" with him - so I need to go.
Hugs and sweet dreams to all from A to Z,