Cheri .. that was an excellent post and I want to thank you for making it. I was exactly as you were when I first joined this circle and it was the best thing I ever did to help me get through this journey. The circle is small on this thread right now and you're right...a perfect time for anyone new to come along and join. I hope those considering it do so and will see how many friends they'll make and how much support they'll get in no time.
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Hello Everyone! Have spent most of my time this morning in the Hamptons, but just had to stop by and say hello.
Its gonna be a grand day here in the circle. Breakfast is cooking. Nothing like the smell of bacon cooking over an open fire. Johnny cakes and bisquits with gravy. Of course for all of you who are health conscious - a big bowl of fruit and oatmeal will be available.
Its a beautiful day in the Chicago end of the circle. High today will be in the 70's. Took a walk around the perimiter and many are sleeping.
Its been over 2 weeks since the changes here and Im still having some problems. Hoping they work out all the gliches as sometimes its just too hard to try and post.
SoCal: Macaroni Grill is one of my favorite restaurants. I love their blackened salmon. And the bread to dip in olive oil is one of my favorites. Time sure flies by doesnt it. This past June I had my anniversary and realized I have been in health care for 38 years. Now that makes me feel old.
Brenda: I knew Shelli well from the discussion boards over the last 2 years. Watched her with such bravery as she kept getting disappointing news with progression of her cancer. I remember when she was first diagnosed with brain mets - she was so brave and made the treatment seem so simple. She is so very young, and it angers me - that she had to leave her family at such a young age. These are the stories that should be written during October. So many take bc with a grain of salt. Alas, I say good-bye to Shelli.
Cheri: Nice post to new people. Hoping all understand that everyone is welcome. I try to come here everyday, but finding there are still computer gliches when trying to post. I like going to the Hamptons. Will always be my first stop now - but will always check in here to say hello to everyone.
Charlene: Hoping this morning is a better day for you.
OK - time to walk the dog. Everyone have a wonderful morning.
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Good morning everyone
Very well said Cheri. This has been my home away from home for so long now that I don't think I could ever leave. I check in every day at least a couple of times but don't always have time to post so if there are new girls out there lurking that need us...please post. This is a wonderful place to be. We will welcome you with open arms.
Peter...oh my...my phone rang right about that time last night and stopped after two rings...before I could get to it...I didn't get up and check to see who it was...wish now I had. I will try to find out what hospital she is in and call her. Thanks for the infor. Tucking you in for a good nights sleep.
Angel...awww...I so feel for you. I can't imagine as I didn't do the recon (to chicken and had had enough at the time) and I don't think I ever will. Sending you a gentle hug. I'll be so happy when this is behind you.
Sunshine sister Nicki...wake up sweet thing. I was thinking that next time DH gets lippy...wait till he's asleep...super glue those lips of his shut LOL. I am still fuming about that. Stupid man anyway.
Well yesterday was rough. Worked all day and let me tell you...I hate tamoxifen...I refuse to even capitalize it...my whole body hurts...every joint I have is screaming this morning. I was so tired last night I could barely talk. Sucking it up and moving onward though. Gonna be a long day today but I do get a long limo ride from the wedding to the reception! With chamagne which I plan to take full advantage of!
I will return this evening and try to tuck everyone in...sorry to all I missed...we need to pull some girls back home.
Love and hugs to all from A to Z
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ahhh...Nicki cooked breakfast and I am starving...thanks sweet girl.
Wanted to pop in and give a special thank you to Marsha for calling my dd about apartment rentals. DD said she will give you a call as soon as she gets a free minute.
A little story about yesterday...I got to the reception hall around 9 and started working, cooking, setting up tables, decorating, put the arch together, hanging lights etc. Well the bride wanted blue lights under the fabric on their table so I ran home to get the ones that I had...was gone almost half an hour. I got back and low and behold they were all sitting around the table eating lunch that they had ordered. Did they think to order me anything or maybe wait the few minutes I was gone to order...nope. I was really kind of both ticked me off and hurt. I am not getting paid for this and doing it because the brides mother is a very good friend of mine. I just thought it was pretty thoughtless and rude. Just a little whine...pass me the cheese.
off to get ready....love ya all
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Vickie: A similiar thing happened to me when I was Director of Nursing. The surveyors were at the nursing home and its always uptight when that happens. Anyways, when the surveyors left - someone went and got food and starbucks coffee for all the department heads. They totally forgot about me. And I was the one dealing with the surveyors most of the day.
I will never forget it. I was hurt and angry - and to this day I believe I had a right to those feelings.
Sounds like that group was pretty self centered and inconsiderate. Hope you have a great day and I will be looking for your posts later.
See ya in the Hamptons.
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Good Morning,
The storm entered at the Fort Walton point....so sorry they had to deal the the TD.....anyway, we have not had any bad weather...there is another area that has formed in the Gulf and the hurricane center is watching this area for development.
Peter, thank you for letting us know about Jankay....wish we were all closer so we could help her......
Cheri, well said....hope today is a good day for you
Nicki, enjoy your Saturday....the weather around your wagon sounds wonderful
Vickie, we all worry about you...you do so much....yea, I agree with no capitalization of tamoxifen....
Hi to all from A to Z...I'm working on another afghan....I'll check in later today
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Good afternoon Circle. Hope everyone is having a wonderful saturday. I remember the good ole days when I worked. hahaha You know, I would have Never believed I would ever say those words! When I was working all I wanted to do was...not work. Stay home. I'd get up of a morning and stand in front of the mirror getting ready grumbling to myself. I billed health ins. for a hospital and it was a hard job but I basically liked it and the people that I worked with I just wanted to stay home. I should have specified when i was wishing that I wanted to be healthy and still have my income while staying at home. haha I will let you working girls know, it really isn't what it's cracked up to be...most times. Unless I'm sick then i'm glad.
Candie, I didn't see a post from you today. Hope all is ok.
Charlene, so sorry you're having a painful time. Glad you have meds. Just think about those perky boobs you're gonna have...forever. No sagging to your knees. WooHoo. You will have beaten gravity at it's own game!! I never looked at it like that until now. All you recon girls should remember that cos few people outdo the laws of gravity. hahha Sounds like little Audrey is cut from the same cloth her Mama is.
Nicki, wow thanks for breakfast this morning. I don't remember the last time we did that. Shoot, this is Cyber land so everybody should be able to eat what they want since there's no calories or fat or carbs in your food. Wouldn't that be wonderful? Good luck on your job if that's the one you want.
Vickie, hey there darlin. I've been taking the tamox since last Oct. and I didn't have any side effects for about 6 months and I wondered what all the hoopla was about when I'd read about other women having such problems with it. Then I slowly found out. I started feeling them a little at a time. Now I feel them alot. But we can do it and if you can't then maybe your onc can switch you to something easier on you. Glad to see you posting, Vickster.
Hey to Marsha, Jazz, Iris, Janny, Shirley, Sheri, Gus, Boo, Odalys, Amy, Gina, CY, CherylG, Christine, Donna, Neesie, omg I can't believe I'm already drawing a blank, Liz, Brenda, Carrie, Madison, MB, Margaret, Lini, and if i left anyone out, I still did pretty darned good, sorry, I'll catch the ones I missed next time and probably leave some out that I got this time. ahahaha
Wishing you all a wonderful day.
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oops, I meant to thank you girls for the comments on my post. I just thought we should explain why the place was empty and welcome any new girls. This would be the perfect time to jump in here because it does get busy at times and hard to keep up.
Jazz, where are you? Why aren't you posting here?
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OK here we are the San Diego group plus Wild/Jan
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Hey friends.........hope all are having a enjoyable Saturday. I skipped town today and went to the Hamptons.........but wanted to stop in on my way home and say HI to all!
It's been a pretty lazy hazy day..........did some running..nothing fun, but hey, atleast I got out for a bit! I think My largest purchase of the day was Gas for the car! Boy I hate sinking $50 into my gas tank...............duh.........can't even see it or enjoy it!
I might be back tonight when DH settles in front of the TV to watch the dreaded SciFi! He's been getting up at 4:30am to go to work, so me's thinking he won't be up watching anything to late!
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Hi from San Diego, just got back from having lunch with the wonderful California girls. What a great bunch of ladies and lunch was awsome. I guess I brought some rain from Oklahoma as it was raining this morning and while we had lunch. No time to read much here yet. Trying to relax before we leave for home in the morning.
I had a bad crying jag after leaving our marine son yesterday. He tried to run 3 miles with his metal thigh to ankle brace but it locked up on him and was broken. They got him a rubbery like one around the knee so he could try again. Halfway through the officer pulled him off the course as he was limping from alot less support. The officer told him he has to run 3 miles in 27 minutes or less with his leg brace to pass and go from being a recruit to a marine in a platoon and still wait for surgery but have more privaleges like being able to get off base, cell phone, computer. Things he hasn't done in 8 months! The officer also told him if he doesn't pass this next 3 mile run then he's going to discharge him from the marines. Didn't make sense since he's been waiting so long after getting hurt in April for knee surgery. He was supposed to run it this morning but because it was raining they moved it to Monday instead. He was limping with the new metal thigh to ankle brace when we said our goodbyes. He was walking fine with this brace before the first run try. Maybe this will give him some time for the knee to be iced and rested before trying again but then I worry he could blow the knee out trying too hard to do it and have to be medically discharged anyway. So I kept a brave face for him but cried and cried when I got back to my room as he really wants to be a marine and he's in one hell of a place right now trying to get there. He was supposed to have surgery next week but his surgeon went on emergency leave and they told him maybe October/November before he would have surgery. I hope he passes the run but if he doesn't I hope he doesn't destroy his knee doing it. Sure nice to see the man he has become, didn't recognize him until he was about 8 ft from us.
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I should mention my DH was able to get a copy of our plane tickets from the hotel like y'all (Cali girls) mentioned so that's one less step to do tommorow! Thank you so much for that info.
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Okay, hope I don't lose this one. I was in the middle of posting here when my PC froze up and shit itself down ... very strange. I'm in a drug induced stupor right now due to my pain meds for my coconut shells on my chest. Just wanted to stop in and say hello and sit by the fire for a spell.
Cheri .. What a sweet thing to say about Audrey and me. See why I love you. I suffer the tamoxifen side effects too but some of my meds help combat them somewhat. They say it takes about 6 months for it to fully build up in your system and that could be why you're starting to notice them.
Vickie .. What happened with lunch is just unexcusable, don't blame you for being ticked. Hope you have a grand time at the wedding.
Nicki .. Love your posts and your depiction of fall. I'm stuck in my bedroom on pain meds but feel like I've walked with you and can see all the fall colors and feel the cooler air.
Lisa .. Thank you so much for the pic .... what a beautiful bunch of ladies!
Wild/Jan .. I want to cry with you regarding your son. I really wish him the best. It sounds like it's going to be so hard for him to make it and you hate to see him ruin his knee trying ... that could give him lifelong problems. Sending positive thoughts his way and hoping it all works out in the end.
Neesie .. $50/gas is insane....sounds like you had fun running around today though!
Hi to Lini, Suz, Candie, BMD, Odalys, Madison and everyone from Acorn to Zuchinni.
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CherylinC, yes he hurt his knee during cruciable week. He did it during the very first obsticale but kept on going and the senior Drill Instructor pulled him off the course later during the evening stuff when he saw him limping.
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Well I should have an avatar now. We shall see if it works when I post.
Jan it really was nice spending time with you. It was a great bunch today. We never had 9 at once before. Can't wait until next month.
A to Z have a lovely evening. I need to get my kids to bed.
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What a great picture of the San Diego group plus Wild Jan. I recognized Jan and Lisa right away. Jan, I am sorry that your son is having such a hard time. It must be painful to be waiting so long for the knee surgery as well as painful to possibly loose a dream. I hope things work out for him. Angel, how many CC's do you have? I only had 3 fills, but ended up at 400 or 450cc. After my last fill, I made the PS take out 50cc as I was miserable. I forget how much he put in at the time of surgery, but I think each fill was 100cc - I didn't think I would forget, but evidentally I did. I do know that I only go to 400 of 450cc total. My implants are 300cc. Tell me again when your exchange surgery is. How is Audrey's shiner. You are so right, the teacher should have asked her in private about the eye. Very embarrassing for her.
I haven't felt good all day today - not sure why. Craig says I am irritable tonight. Today was Yom Kippur. I did my best to fast, but did have some water last night and this morning and then age a light breakfast. This afternoon when we came home for a break in shul, I had more water and some nuts and raisins. I know I didn't drink nearly enough water as I only pee two or three times today. I didn't miss the food, but did miss the water. I just could not drink water in synagogue. Took a couple hour nap this afternoon so hope I can sleep tonight. Last night I took Temazapan to sleep which I haven't taken in a couple weeks - wondering if that is why I feel "weird" today. Need to check out the Hamptons. Wishing everyone sweet dreams. Gentle hugs from Denver, Karen0 -
Good evening Circle. Hope everyone is having a restful and peaceful nights sleep.
Hey to Neesie, CherylNC, WildJan, Charlene, BMD, and Karen. So glad to see you all posting here. I'm cutting mine short tonight. I make no excuses I'm just plain not in the mood to post. LOL
I will say good night to Marsha, Amy, Janny, Shirley, Iris, Susan, Brenda, Sheri, Gus , Boo, Candie, Vickie, Nicki, Gina, CherylCY, CherylG. Madison, Carrie, Margaret, MB, Lini, Christine, Donna, Suz, Tricia, and anyone I've missed this time.
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Good Morning Everyone: Another quiet day and night in the wagon circle. Im still not used to only having one page to read.
Im so ready for some Football today. I just love watching it. Today is gonna be a good day cause I get to see the Green Bay game and the Detroit game. DaBears dont play until tonight. We play Dallas - and Im already having an anxiety attack over that one.
Neese: I too spent most of my time in the Hamptons and Cabana. So very comfortable there. Now whats wrong with SciFi? I love it. Seems like your DH and I are getting up at the same time. Dont get me started on gasolene prices. Its outrageous and right now Chicago has the highest price in the whole country.
SoCal: What a great picture. It looks like you all had a wonderful time.
Wild/Jan: Somehow it doesnt seem fair how your son is being treated. He is trying so hard, so Im hoping he can pass this 3 mile thingy on Monday.
Charlene: Im hoping you dont have a virus in your computer. My computer at work locked up on me and they said it was a virus. Was able to get it fixed. I absolutely hate when Im having computer problems.
Karen: Im hoping your feeling better today. Very hard not to eat or drink anything. Sending you a big hug.
OK - time to get some breakfast. Hope everyone has a great day.
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Lisa - I love the picture. Someday I will make it and be in a pic with all of you beautiful women. I so want to meet you all.
Brenda, your hard work is paying off, you look great!!
Angel - Last fill?? Thank goodness. I wanted to be a bit bigger and gave up on that. I couldn't stand it and actually had my PS remove some saline. I was expanded to 500ccs. Can't imagine those that go up to 750. OUCH!! Hope you find some comfort soon.
Jan - Praying your son runs like the champ that he is.
Cheri - Good morning! I looked at your profile this morning and noticed that both you and I have a biggie birthday coming up soon.
Nicki - Not into sci-fi. When I have time to watch I flick, it's usually a chick-flick for me.
Wishing all my sisters and brother a good day!!
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Nicki, wow, four posts from you on one page. That really shows how slow things are moving in the circle on BCO. Well I'm just going to copy my post from the Hamptons here and hope everyone from A - Z has a good day and those that like football, enjoy! Hope your team wins, unless they're playing against my team of course!
Cheri, sometime's we're just not up to the task of remembering/note taking and responding to each other individually and that's okay... we understand. I'm in no condition to do it right now. It would take me twice as long as usual so we're talking several hours hahahaha
I think we're all happy to at least hear from each other.
Well I guess I must admit Fall is really here. It's a beautiful season in PA with the mountains and valleys. I will call this my lost spring and summer because with my dx in March that is what happened. Autumn will bring menopause and Winter will bring my exchange surgery. I'm looking forward to spring and that sense of being reborn again.
I'm just rambling here, my meds are starting to make my eyes close so I should go get some rest. The painful bowling balls are back and I also have pain down my arms and back. Take care everyone and have a great Sunday. Go Steelers!
Charlene0 -
Well it is a mighty quiet day at both the Hamptons and here at bc.org...I have been crawling back and forth all afternoon and only seen a few posts. Hmmm...too much football me thinks LOL. I don't "do" football...heck...I actually don't do any sports.
Where is Cheri? Thought she was gonna fire up a cyber party...chicken out girlie?
Peter is still snoozin away down under.
Charlene is watching football and taking cheap drugs LOL.
Robin is plotting and I am just waiting to give her a hand...we gotta let the man person make the improvements first though.
Nicki is watching football too...my my
I think ChristineK ran off with the plumbers.
Shirley has been abducted by bats.
Donna is hitting it big in the casinos
Deb is getting ready for winter.
Brenda has a very pretty new avatar!
Snowmaninthongs is MIA...does anyone have her email?
Speaking of email...I got a new computer on Friday...now...I changed all the other computers and managed to save everyones messages and address books...except MINE! Crap...soooo...if you don't hear from me by regular email it's because I've lost your address in the changeover...boohoo.
oh my...this cold is gonna be a doozy...i can tell already.
Gonna go work on wedding pics...bbl
Love and hugs to all.
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Good afternoon Circle. I feel pretty good today. Infusions went well this morning and I took the leg rests off my wheelchair and I can now sit facing my computer with my keyboard off my lap and back on the desk. My PT told me I should try that since I'm trying to get back to normal. If my foot/leg starts to swell then I need to prop it back up. Funny thing tho, my bad leg is about and inch and a half shorter than my good leg so I have to shift my weight so it'll touch the floor. Feels really strange to sit in a chair or something and one foot can't reach the floor and i have to double the other one back. I'll have to have a shoe lift later on.
BMD, very nice avatar.
Nicki, enjoy your football today and just relax.
Lini, Oh NO! You turning the Huge 50, too? i guess there's only one alternative to aging and I don't want that! So I guess I'll age.
Charlene, I do hope you're feeling better. It's much easier to reply to everyone here than at Ginas.
Candie, haven't seen any posts from you in awhile.
Wishing you all a nice Sunday afternoon and evening.
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Since the easiest way to catch up and know where you left off is to go backwards... that's what I am doing. Just a quick "hi" before I read from the rear to front, lol.
Finally, a relaxing day off. After catching up, I hope to spend more time posting here later.
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Guess I'll pop in on the quiet little circle and say HI! Hope it's just quiet cuz everyone is enjoying the day!
Been kinda quiet at the homefront today also. Made some muffins for DH and yup....that's pretty much it! Actually, I vacuumed the house too....guess that makes things sound better!
Hubby took the fireplace apart and cleaned the crap out of it.........it's gas, but does get dusty after sitting all summer.
I have 3 huge envelopes of pictures that I have not put in albums yet. So, I've been working on that off and on today. Have to tell you..........All the pictures of PinkStock still warm my soul!
Oh Nicki...........I just can not do SciFi!! Gas prices.............ridiculous. In August we spent something like $650 on Gas! I know it was right around there.....just don't remember exactly what. Probably put a mental block on it!! How far are you from Chicago? I've never been there.........but DD tells me the shopping is great. Let me know.......I can hop a train or commuter flight and we can go Christmas Shopping!
Vickie: Glad to see you popped in over here too! I think Christine did run away with the plumbers! Actually, I saw a post from her either her or the Hamptons just a couple of days ago or so. Shirley fled the Bats and went to her Daughters for the weekend.
Cheri: See how much stronger you are getting???? Removing the foot rest on wheel chair may sound trite to you.........but that is a big acomplishment!
I know your B'day is coming up..............pray tell............when did you say it was? I know it's this fall and I'm thinking November............might as well spill the beans cuz you know I'll find out!!
My hard life continues...............DH is out in the kitchen making dinner! Of course I'll probably pay for it later on...............!
Gonna walk around the sites here and there and see what I can find! Still got to visit the Cabana!
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See, we just mention Christine's name and she shows up!!!!
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Yup...there is our Christine...hmmm...almost an hour ago...bet she just popped in for a quickie...you know how she is LOL! Missed ya lady!
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Well this crazy computer, I think it's posessed! IN and OUT, it's driving me crazy. I did read one page back and then had to shut her down. I am going to try again, since I gave her a lil rest.
Here I go and if I don't come back and post tonight, I am lost in cyber world somewhere, send a cute rescue team, OK?
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Hi CG's,
Going to read back a bit but wanted to say hi.
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Evening all. Just had time to flip through so sorry I can't post to everyone. We had a carnival at our church today. It was the 80th birthday of our church. The oldest church in town. We had a carnival with rides, games and free food for anyone who wanted to come. We had a great turn out but I am beat.
Lini-Thanks for noticing. I just wonder where that cupcake and tri-tip is going to show up on me tomorrow.
Love and hugs to you all.