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  • evilelf
    evilelf Member Posts: 274
    edited October 2006
    Way Cool~!~!
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited October 2006
    Good Morning campers,
    Vera, thanks for the cream of wheat. It hit the spot on this nice cool morning. It is supposed to go up to about 78 today so enjoying the coolness while I can.
    NS-hope you are doing much better. E-coli can be awful. So much for avoiding spinach.
    Chemosabi-you have been busy here lately doing your pumpkins and pumpkin seeds and also working on your costume for tomorrow. I still wish I could get up early like you but my body doesnt work like that. My alarm goes off and I snooze and snooze again and maybe even again and then I am pulling myself up out of the bed after I have given myself the pep talk of how I need to be up and getting ready.
    RobinTN-if you need to borrow Mazer the Tazer the baby donkey she is really enjoying learning to kick and your husband might be a great target. These cool mornings gets her all excited so send him this way and mazer will kick him into shape. I hate that you are having to deal with such an inconsiderate bas!@$d with everything else you are going through. His day will come though and we will all take great pride in watching him suffer. I was married once and was running a 106 degree fever and I never run a fever and called the doctor since I had already been and was taking tons of meds. The doctor said to come back in and my husband said, now? cant you wait till after the ballgame? I could have killed him. Needless to say I am not married anymore and enjoying every minute of it.
    Geesh, I didnt take notes but know I have missed so many. Great to hear from Mena and hoping she feels better soon.
    Oh, I found a dog weekend before last. I was riding my dirtbike and stopped because I saw a cool piece of wood down from the farm. I heard something in the leaves and for a moment I almost panicked because I hate rats but then I saw the cutest little puppy. I picked her up and she was totally flea bitten and took her to everybody down that road to ask if she was theres and she wasnt. I also put a flyer up at the country store and nobody claimed her so shes mine now. She is either a rat or fox terrier no doubt. She is probably about 3 or 4 months old and weighs 1 pound. She is tiny! I will have to post a pic of her. Like I needed another dog but oh well, shes little and doesnt eat much. Life has been busy lately and I also bought a new truck so I am enjoying that for sure. No more SUV, its truck time for the farm.
    Love to all the circle girls and my apologies to everybody I missed but I think of all of you. Since I have started chemo again I can go back to using the chemo brain excuse thank goodness. Speaking of, I had treatment on Friday and all went well. I will have scans in Novemeber so hears hoping for some good news.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited October 2006
    Good morning circle girls...

    My burns are much better, but you are NOT going to believe this...I woke up with PINK EYE! I am really beginning to wonder if my body will ever heal. My immune system is just shot. I catch every little thing that comes down the pike. Grrrrrrr....

    I know it is just pink eye, but I'm still sick of it all.

    OK...complaining done. I'm off to the doc to get some drops for my eye. I just hope the rest of the family does not get it.

    Deb C.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited October 2006
    Amy I just love your story about the puppy. I love the little ones. So nice of you to take him/her in. What the heck, doesn't eat much. Bless you. You amaze me with everything you are able to keep up with while you are doing chemo. My hero!

    Deb I was worried about the same thing when I first got done with treatments. It gets better with time. I had one of those oncs who did not want me to take any vitamins during treatment and once I got out of the habit it was hard to start up again. still working on it!

    Nicki thanks for asking, I'm waiting for the onc to call me. I'm thinking it isn't anything but I'm amazed at how the fear can come and grab hold. I started noticing this pain just after Shel told us she had rib mets. Maybe it's sympathy pain.

    see ya later. out to ride the circle
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited October 2006
    You are right...I have to get back on track with my suplements...I quit it all fro treatment and need to get back on all of them.

    I'm sorry you are in "waiting mode". That just stinks. Every time I get a little pain I am sure I have mets. I need to work on that....I don't think doctors understand how hard waiting is for us.

    Deb C
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited October 2006
    Good Morning ladies. At least it's still morning on the western front. Went to work out for the first time since my vacation adventure this morning. Made it one time around the circuit before the bod said ENOUGH!!! Guess I'm just gonna have to ease back into it. So much for that new bikini for my cruise. O well the scars won't have faded by december anyway. But dang it's a really cute bikini and I worked soooooooo hard to get my tummy flat. A bit chilly this morning but seems to be warming up.

    Love all the pumpkins. I have always been hopeless in that department.

    Liz, glad your feeling better.

    Tracey, hope your feeling better and got to enjoy your days off. Cute pooch. NO SNOW!!!!

    Kathy, sepsis? yikes. Take care.

    Cheryl, good for you for getting your fabric organized. Wanna come do mine? I'll have M&M's please.

    NS, yikes on the neighbors car but thats what insurance is for right. Me thinks you need a new mayor.

    Vickie, Nifty Knitter? gonna have to look into that. Tried crocheting caps for my gdaughters last christmas. It was a complete failure.
    Maybe you should swear off cars for a while.

    Susan, HAHAHHAHHAHHAHHH I like the nerdy natural doc best.

    Laura, send me some warmth. I'm freezing. The kahlua should do the trick.

    Lynn, 6.5 hours. dang thats a long drive. Glad you made it safely. your son looks very spiffy & fast.

    MB chicken pot pie and apple pie sound grand. Thanks

    Robin, "Nasty little men ALWAYS get their comeuppance" quote from The Mummy by heroine shortly before nasty little man is eaten by bugs.

    Amy, good for you for rescuing the puppy. I had a rat terrier once. They are the best and happiest little doggies and make excellent gopher hunters. Mine used to bite the heads off and use it as a ball. Totally gross but hysterically funny to watch.

    Deb, pink eye omy...take care

    Off to make the beds.....the wagon is a mess this morning.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited October 2006
    Oh gosh...just sucked it up and made my appointment for the genetic counseling!!! Actually sick to my stomach at the thought and I don't know why. So worried it will come back worried about everything! So sick of worrying about worrying LOL. I simply wanted my doctor to take out my ovaries and be done with it and he insisted on the BRCA testing as he feels if it comes back negative I don't need the extra surgery. I WANT the extra surgery...I am estrogen positive...I want the overies OUT. I guess I'm worried about my daughters future risk.

    Geez...whine whine whine. I'm done now.

    Hugs to Robin and Mena...
    NS...feeling any better?
    Shirley...the knifty knitter is the's like yoga for your hands! (I read that somewhere and totally agree)
    And...ewww...the "biting the heads off story! sweet...please post a picture. My boss is always giving me a hard time for taking in every stray I it animals or kids! eye!! Does it ever end!
    Susan...I have rib pain too and have been a bit freaked out after Shel's experience but I think I just haven't healed from the surgery and radiation yet...that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
    Pictures later ladies.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited October 2006
    Ok someone didn't take the M&M's away and I ate the whole bag! It was a big bag too!

    It's cold outside today! The windows were frosted over so I decided to go back to bed. It's 65 in the house so had to build up the fire! My toes are cold and I refuse to put shoes on!

    Went out looking and paint samples for the front room. Think I have the hubby convinced that Rose and a nice pale green will look nice. Now we just have to get all the patching & sanding done so he can paint.

    Well I gues I should get off and finish up the curtains.

    More later
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited October 2006

    HI CG'S, I am really scared, and don't know, where to post about this!!! for 3 years now, i have told my doctor, and the place i get my mammo., that my breast has very painful lumps, in it!! they tell me not to worry, because they see nothing, WELL, that is what i was told, before they finnaly, took the lump out, and you know the rest. But, my husband and i were out working in the yard, and the pain was so bad, i doubled over!!! we are wondering, if i call, the GP or the ONC. What should i say, if they just keep telling, me my breast is very dense, somthing is wrong in there and i just know it, it has been so long, i might really be in trouble!!! debbyfive PS, I am going to be six years in dec. my bday.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited October 2006
    Cheryl...I told you to hand over the M&M' just wouldn't listen. Guess you needed them!
    Going to try on my costume and get some pictures to try to post later. Just think "hormone deprived menopausal maniac"!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited October 2006
    Hey Debbie5-
    Go get your doc by the ear and MAKE them listen to you. Ask for an ultrasound or an MRI. I hope it is nothing, but you will feel better once you get the all clear from your docs. I'll pray for you hon.

    Deb C.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited October 2006
    Evening girls,

    MB, warm apple pie for breakfast is my kind of meal! Chicken pot pie sounds wonderful.

    Lynn, What a great picture of your son!

    Amy, I am a sucker for animals. How nice of you to give the puppy a loving home.

    DebC, Pink Eye! Bless your heart. Hope it gets better soon.

    Susan, gentle hugs. I hate it when there's a new pain. Hopefully this is from your working out or is actually a true sympathy pain.

    Sher, Sorry about the bikini. I'm sure whatever you wear you will look wonderful in it. Heads off the gophers? Ewwwwwww

    Kathy, sorry about the sepsis. Hope you're getting better.

    Tracey, love the pic of your dog. There was a black lab puppy running around our busy street yesterday. I tried to catch him but he was having way too much fun being free. I hope he got home safe.

    Cheryl, I have unopened M&M's on the counter. If I open them, they'll be gone.

    NS, What a jerk for a mayor. Sounds like your neighbor needs to use his garage. Glad there wasn't any damage.

    Vickie, Nifty Knitter sounds interesting. Where can I find one? You probably said already but I have chemobrain still.

    Robin, I've thought of you alot this weekend. I can't say what I actually feel about the person you call your husband. I would be banned for sure. Wish I were closer to help you out. When you're all done, strong and better, you will give him the boot and enjoy your new happy life. He's the one who will realize what he's lost and you will be so better off.

    Cheryl, I need to pain several rooms in my house. I haven't mustered up the energy to go decide on colors yet.

    Deb5, Have you had a breast MRI? They see so much more and this would definetely help relieve your mind. Insist on this or tell the doc you're going to stay in his office until it's scheduled.

    Nicki, all the halloween candy????? That's why I buy the kinds I don't like. LOL

    I've missed many but know you are in my thoughts and prayers.


  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited October 2006
    I Agree Debbie, if they wont listen goto someone else! My prayers are with you

    Vickie, You crack me up!

    Oh I'm suppose to be sewing not chatting. Got the fire stoked up and it's a nice toasty 80 degrees in here now. The high here today was 48. I feel like I'm up North with Deb C.!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited October 2006
    ok ladies theres a new sheriff in town and he's well armed to take care of any and all rustlers and hubby's that are misbehaving!

    And the wicked witch of the east with constant PMS
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited October 2006
    Trick or treat and happy Halloween all...
    Have some fun all deserve it! can get the knifty knitter at Michaels or AC Moore...if you don't have one where you are you can order online too.

    Hugs ladies
  • evilelf
    evilelf Member Posts: 274
    edited October 2006
    That's a great pic~!~!~!
    did you knit your scarf???

    I found my nifty knitter at walmart in the craft/yarn dept.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited October 2006
    I got mine at Walmart too. It's pretty fast to get a hat done!

    Great outfit Vickie. Now I know no man can treat you wrong with that handson young man holding the shotgun they don't dare!
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited October 2006
    Vickie, you are one beautiful woman. I thought that blue looked fabulous on you... green is even prettier! And I feel so safe now! Our new sheriff has a Red Ryder! MY KIND OF COWBOY!!

    Cheryl and your M&Ms! This is why i don't buy my halloween candy until 3 o'clock on Halloween! I have No willpower!

    Lynne that is such a great photo! Olympics HERE WE COME!! Imagine the Wagon Circle parked outside the Olympic Village??? (All downhill racers named Sven report to my wagon)

    Nicki, just thinking about the fourth of July and sunsets at 9 make me so nostalgic! About Distorted Humor- Nicki, judging from our female fillies in the paddock, Distored Humor should WIN the Breeders Cup!

    Deb i am so sorry about your pink eye. You will find that you have some kinks to work through but soon you will be back to your old self. It takes a while- but your immune system will be back on track!

    Amy, I just love your puppy tale! how sweet!

    My little town update: Supposedly another round of calls went out to warn the village... I didn't get one. And I specifically went to the village hall to make sure I am on the list. Anyway- about a third of the village recieved a call that said the water is unsafe to drink or use for cooking because of TOO MUCH CHLORINE! It really stinks when you turn it on. But can't they get it together??

    I am still not 100% but I am better than I was. This is starting to tick me off.

    I am trying to get ready for Halloween and over the weekend someone stole my pumpkin. Actually a lot were stolen. I don't know who did it. If it were kids they would have smashed them in the street right?

    I am thinking it is time I start thinking of moving again!

    Love you circle girls!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited October 2006
    HI ALL...thanks for the compliments. I did knit the scarf, I love the funky yarns out there right now.
    Little guy is actually pretty darn accurate with that bb gun too!! He is so excited!
    No pumpkin stealing here...mailbox smashing was the "in" thing to do last night...15 mailboxes were history this morning...mine survived (so far). I remember toilet papering the town and starting fires under the intersection light...lived in a very very small town...lots of fun but nothing too destructive (well...I suppose a fire under the stop light probably wasn't such a good thing to be doing but...) old for that now all I want is the chocolate. I planned on hitting Cheryls house for her M&M's but guess I'm too late now.
    Night ladies...till tomorrow...sleep well, sweet dreams.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited October 2006

    Oh No Vickie I still have another big bag! Plus all the candy I mentioned above!. Hubby is a chocohalic so I've always got chocolate here!. We have three huge bags, only one is the the kiddies!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,644
    edited October 2006

    Vickie - Nathaniel is one handsome dude!!! Have fun trick or treating with him tomorrow.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited October 2006
    Vickie love the pictures. You are both so cute.

    Debbyfive, you have gotten good advice from the CGs. Call the doctor and tell them you need to see someone. I'm praying for you.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited October 2006
    Happy Halloween! Oh I feel like a kid today. On Halloween, everyone is a kid. T

    The changing weather from day to day is crazy isnt it? Yesterday was gorgeous here and in the 70's. Today the high will be 40's. So its cold here in the circle this morning. The winds came and there are many more leaves on the ground. As I look out at the forest, I realized that when leaves fall, they start at the top of the tree! So many trees are naked on the top but still have more to shed from the bottom. When you wake up this morning and come towards the campfire, there is gonna be alot of crackling noises from walking on the bed of fallen leaves.

    Mother nature sure has a way of doing things. So in the wilderness, then bed of leaves protects and creates its own mulch. And we here in the suburbs - rake and rake and rrake! The one thing I really miss is the smell of burning leaves. Has been outlawed, so ya cant do it anymore. But oh the aromia in the air used to be so neat.

    Got the results of my tumor markers. They have gone back down to normal which is wonderful. They were never really that elevated to begin with. Normal in my lab is 32. Mine went up to 38. High enough for the onc to put the kabash on my having my port taken out. Im back down to 32. And Im hoping he stops doing tumor markers everytime I see him!

    Lynn: Oh my. You should be so proud. Matt looks great. It looks like a professional picture that should be on the front of a magazine. Hes got real pizzazz!

    Amy: The story about your little puppy almost brought tears to my eyes. I have a real love for animals - any kind. I brought home strays from when I was a little girl. Even brought home a Rooster once and then tried convincing my dad I could keep it by putting an egg by him. Told my dad, we could get free eggs lol. Well obviously that didnt work!! My horse Distored Humor is still wanting to take a week off. Wants to go to the Breeders Cup come Saturday. So if he sneaks away, I may need to use Mazer the Tazer. So far, feeding him apples is keeping him satisfied.

    DebC: I know what you mean about just wanting to start feeling better. It took me about 3 months. Yet sometimes even today I feel fatigued. Sorry about the pink eye! It is highly contagious, so make sure to wash your hands. Can easily be spread from family member to family member. Glad you went to the doctor. Im also glad the burns are healing. Have you stopped picking yet, or do we all need to come over there with some mittens?

    Shirley: Ahaha, just like a mom. Went around and made all the beds did ya. Thanks, cause mine hadnt been made for 3 days. At least you went to your exercise class. Im still in the mode of "I need to exercise today" - my excuse? Well I have to come to the wagon circle first to talk to everyone and by time Im done, its time to go to work. Oh and Im also lazy! Lucky you, I will never, ever, ever be able to wear a bikini again. Not unless I have massive liposuction. My jelly belly makes me look about 7 months pregnant.

    Vickie: Glad you scheduled the appointment for the genetic testing. I knew in my heart I would test positive cause of my family history. So when the results came back positive, well at first it was a kick in the butt, but then it was anticlimatic. I had decided on a bil. mast, reconstruction and removal of my ovaries. My results came back the day of my surgery, so it only confirmed my decision was the right one. Because I have a strong history of cancer of the ovary in the family, I didnt get much arguments when I asked to have the out. So anyways - good luck with the testing. The costumes are great! You both look adorable. Today is casual day at work. But I never go with the flow. So Im wearing my best suit. But I do have my cat ears and cat tail!

    Debbiefive: Im not sure what is going on, but pain is NOT normal! Sometimes it makes me so angry when doctors are not listening to our concerns! If I were you, I would get a second opinion. Maybe a breast surgeon! They were wrong about your heart problem, so they could be wrong about this too. Anyways, a second opinion is in order. I have learned from this whole breast cancer experience to be my own advocate!

    Liz: you are so funny. Yes I did eat all the candy! So I went out and bought some more. This time I got chewy candy. I cant eat chewy candy cause of my loose crown. And I bought myself some cheese sticks. So hopefully Im back on track with South Beach. I can already see, my belly got bigger!

    NS: Oh my goodness. First Ecoli, now too much chlorine! Why does this happen in this day and age of things? Be careful around the chlorine. It is a carcinogen!! Does boiling help when there is too much chlorine? Oh and about distored humor. Yes he sure is happy being around all the mares in the circle. Thats why he is always smiling. He is too old himself to run in the race, but he wants to watch all of his off spring! Whenever you see a horse fathered by distored humor, bet on it - its almost a sure win!

    Susan: I hope the onc calls you soon. I know what you mean about getting concerned after hearing about Shel. I think that really blew my mind. I mean on Wednesday she is posting she is stage 2 and on Saturday she is posting she is stage 4 with mets to the ribs! That scared the heck out of me. So Im hoping that it is nothing, but best to get it checked out!!

    Mena: Hoping you are feeling better today.

    Kristin: Just a hello and hoping your getting through the 2nd round of chemo without too many problems.

    Robin: Hoping you are having a better day, better week!!

    PurpleMB: Snow? Are you getting snow? I cant believe the power went out for 4 hours. What is the world is going on? It used to be they could fix it easily. Im glad it came back on for football. I would have been really upset if that happened to me. Would have forced me to go out for some retail therapy which I cant afford right now. But I would have charged it, charged it, charged it. So thank goodness we had power here and football kept my attention all day.

    To everyone else, if I missed you, Im sorry - so many of us here now - so know you all are close to my heart.

    Ya know, last night I had some time to actually go to other forums and read other posts. There are so many women out there who are struggling right now. I hope whoever comes to this forum, you know that you are all welcome. This forum was started to help our dear sisters who were getting bad news, or going through chemo. The wagon circle is for anyone and everyone. ALL ARE WELCOME.

    Gotta go. Have a great Halloween.

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited October 2006

    Thank You, CG'S!!!! I Knew i could feel better, after talking to You!!! I have never had a MRI on my Boob(one hung low) But, I will get a New Dr. and Insist one!!! and I will, Take, Our Little, Cowboy with me( he is so darn cute) To, ALL of You, my Prayers and Healing thoughts!!!! debbyfive

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited October 2006
    Good Morning everyone,

    I am still trying to catch up on everyone's post. If you are gone for a few days you have missed so much.

    I am afraid if I try to mention names, I will not remember all that has been posted.

    Wanted to share with everyone that yesterday I had a special procedure that checked my gallbladder. They scope you, kind of like for an ulcer, and they can inject dye and then have pictures like ultrasound from inside. Guess what - Nicki - you are gonna love this. My gallbladder has lots of little stones and one larger one. That is why nothing showed up on ultrasound. I am now looking at gallbladder removal. They say things comes in threes and this is my 3rd one - female repair surgery Nov. 2004, BC surgery and treatment in 2005/2006 and now gallbladder surgery. I was just hoping it was a small stone maybe in a duct and could have been removed yesterday without further surgery. Ladies, there are a few doctors I would like to tell them to stuff it where the sun don't shine!!!!!!!!!!! I know when I am having pain and when I am not and d _ _ _ them for acting as if it was in my head.

    All of this started during chemo and I can't prove it and I doubt anyone would ever admit it, but I can't help but wonder if chemo started all this gallbladder stuff. I never had pain until my 3rd chemo treatment last year in November.

    I do hope all of you are feeling better and will have a good day. All of the pictures posted have been great. We sure do have some beautiful children/grandchildren and some beautiful BC sisters.

    OK, off to start my day but wanted to try to catch up with everyone. Sky here this morning is blue with white clouds scattered and the hues of the reddish/golden leaves with that background of sky is just beautiful. God sure gave us an artist palate, we just sometimes get so busy or don't feel well enough to enjoy.

    Blessings gals, Brenda
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited October 2006
    Happy Halloween ladies...ok...where are the costume pictures...we are having a parade here!
    I actually wore my costume to work today as our residents are going to be trick or treating our offices. I am hoping I can leave early so I can see Nathaniel in his parade at school but being the last day of the month it's hard (bookkeeping stinks sometimes).
    I'll be back later.
    (after I raid Cheryl's M&M's!!
    Hugs all around this morning
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited October 2006 can borrow my little cowboy sheriff...he will keep you safe and get you exactly what you want...he's pretty good with that bb gun and fierce looks!

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited October 2006
    Alrighty then---typed a nice long one and it seems to be floating around in cyberspace since it surely isn't here! You guys have been busy while I was out on the baby shower beat. Didn't take notes but rest assured I was (and am) thinking about all of you. Kinda miss the old Train when I'm gone for awhile and wonder what is happening...

    Vickie---you are Glamour Puss Witch! I don't think you could take a bad picture if you tried. And Nate is too cute! How can you ever say no to those big brown eyes?

    Brenda---I think I can help confirm your suspicions. My girlfriend got thru 3 of her 6 CMF treatments when she developed severe gall bladder symptoms. They stopped the chemo, let her body rest and she had the surgery a few weeks ago. They are presenting her case to the tumor board since they "think" the stones were caused by her chemo and may change her cocktail---we'll find out tomorrow. I had the laparoscopic version of that surgery 12 years ago and it's a breeze---and you feel SO much better afterwards. I was gravy phobic for years afterwards, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, since it caused so much pain if I ate anything along those lines before surgery.

    Going to be mild again today so it's off to do errands and pick up items for the silent auction 11/17. Every year about this time I start to look forward to 11/18---or whenever the event is over! Also have to go get a blood draw at the onc's. Now the calcium levels are too high---sigh. This has happened once before and it came down after I cut back on the calcium supplements but the only place to go with that now is to stop calcium supps altogether. Of course the first place my imagination goes is bone mets......but nothing hurts except where I keep poking myself in the ribs to make sure it doesn't hurt!

    Everyone have a peaceful and content day. No costume for me Vickie----unless you want someone dressed as a Gramma! Every year I think I'm going to dress up for the 200 neighborhood kids we get each year and all of a sudden it's Halloween and it's just me in my clothes!

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited October 2006

    Which is infinitely better than me NOT in my clothes! Now that is a truly scarey costume! :-o

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited October 2006
    happy halloween ladies.
    back to work after a few days off...
    getting a little disgruntled as hubby hurt his back and is now off work...
    not sure why but i am feeling overwelmed with emotions today...
    taking the kids out trick or treating tonight and its cold here today .. its minus 12 celsious so that would be about 10.4 in fahrenheit.....brrrrrrrrrr.
    well have a happy halloween ladies and have a great day!!