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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2007

    Good evening cg's...

    Hi took me a long time to get snow in Ithaca when I left there but about halfway home I ran into blizzard like took me forever to get home...snowing like crazy...blowing...whiteouts and you couldn't find the road in many spots.  Was a bit of a surprise!  Made it home safe and sound though. are home again and doing ok.  Very gentle hugs to you.  The drains are a pain but they are temporary and will be gone before you know it.  Praying for a perfect pathology report for you.

    MB...we are cuter than the red kettle guys...we can manage with our tin cups...all we have to do is look pathetic LOL.

    Susan...that is a wonderful idea!!  Anything to help CY and Scott right now!

    Deb my can have all the snow you want...I will say a prayer that it heads your way.  I have already had enough!  I must be a southern girl at heart although I've lived in central NY all my life.  brrrrr

    Must admit that I got a bit lonesome for my old job today...its ok...I like my new job...just need to get used to the change.

    Hey to Gina, Lisa, Angel, Liz, Madison, Shokk, Candie, Joy...etc...all from A to and hugs.


  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2007

    Oh No!   Vickie said the 4 letter word   SNOW! 

    Please keep it.  However, I would much rather have snow than ice which they are predicting for us Sunday night.  Be careful you guys.

    MB & Vickie are much cuter than the red kettle guys.  Well at least the ones I've seen here.  LOL 

    I left a message for CY.  I sent her an email with some organizations that may be able to help them out.  I am no longer sad I AM MAD!  I also agree with her sister Charlie - I BELIEVE!

    I'm in a grumpy mood.  Men are idiots (my husband is at least).  Well so is his dad.  Okay - I'm going to go make some hot chocolate which I don't need and sit and veg. 



  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited December 2007

    Liz, glad your FIL is OK!!  You said the word that says it all "Men"

    Shrink, glad that you are doing well and felt like posting.  Thanks for letting us know you are home.  What is up with hospital care lately - sorry all my nurse friends!!

    Vickie, glad you made it home safe.  Blow some snow my way; ummm, see Deb wants it too.   I LOVE the new puppies - better keep those cute little things inside.  Is Nate Ok???  

    Nickie, you are a nurse!! You know you should have the colonoscopy!!!  Heck, I even had one and had two polyps.  Both if left in, had the potential of becoming cancer.   I swore never too and then after BC I just wanted things checked - might not get me back in 4 years but I had one.  You are NEXT, schedule one!!

    I need to get moving.  I haven't even had dinner.

    Hope everyone rest well and will catch you tomorow.

    Hugs,  Brenda 

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited December 2007

    The Finer MRi done yesterday did confirm 10 spots or leasion that they could see. There may be more that they can't see at this time. The goal is to get the insurance company to allow them to do the gamma knife rads for the 10 spots and if needed a month or more down the road do the whole brain. Hopefully that won't be needed though.

    Thank you all for your prayers. I hope you don't mind but I just copied what I posted elsewhere as it saves a bit of time.

    I really hoping the insurance company comes through for the gamma knife rads. I'm hoping to get a response by Thursday so that by Friday I can make plans to get this step done. Either way it goes I'm hoping to have all the planning stages done by the end of next week and treatment done or started by the following week.

    I believe that with all you praying out there the good Lord will hear the prayers and a miricale can happen.

    Shrink glad you're home and the surgery is over.

    Candie, glad you finally have answers as to why you've felt so much pain and they can get a treatment plan going for you.

    Vickie, Be careful out there in that snow and those puppies sure are cute. hope they will stay small for you.

    Thinking and praying for all of you.

    Hugs & Prayers

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2007

    Good morning cg's...oh my its cold outside. This is not typical December weather at all.  I hate to imagine what January will be like.

    Wake up sunshine sister Nicki!  Time to rise and shine.

    CY...You are truly something special...posting to us...praying and thinking of all of us when you are having so much on your own plate right now.  I do believe that with all of us praying God has to and hugs to you.  It sounds like they have come up with a good plan...hopefully the insurance company will agree with whatever they want to do. 

    Brenda...I'll be glad to send some of this white stuff your way (won't say the four letter word again LOL).  You will have to share with Deb though.  Brrrrr...

    Hey Liz...heres a new man for ya..

    now doesn't that look just like what you'd expect LOL.  My apologizes to any man reading...this is what you get when you hang with hormone deprived women.

    Candie...hope your feeling better this morning.

    ok...its chilly in here so its off to a hot shower and warm clothes.

    Have a grand and marvelous day are all in my prayers.

    Love and hugs


  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited December 2007

    good morning my family... yup its still cold here, and Deb we are still getting snow...and the ski slope has $4 lift tickets this

    Cy.. so glad to see you posting, and don't you think we copy & paste all the hugs my friend

    Shrink so glad you are home and doing well, remember to rest, cuz I didn't and regretted it.... very gentle hugs

    OK I have not done one bit of shopping just can't seem to get in the mood, spent the eve with a friend who thought she wanted to sew a quilt...hmmm.. need to make sure next time she knows what a needle anyway way too much laughing and smiles which were so needed, (FYI her sis passed from this beast 4yrs ago)  and we got the front of the quilt done, her DD boyfriend ships out soon, something to take along...

    hugs and prayers A to Z, and some holiday cocoa to keep you all warm & fuzzy inside... ok and for Casino Girl a shot or 2...


    Anyway just a quick fly by this AM before work gets rolling

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited December 2007

    Doing a quick flyby to see if there was any update on CY or Shrink.

    Shrink, saw your post and glad you are home.  I personally feel that the drains are the worst part.  I went home with 5 and had the last one removed 18 day later....couldn't shower until they were gone.

    Susan, sorry I missed you in Orlando.  We were there late Sunday night and Wednesday afternoon.  You'll have to tell me about Disney though because we're taking the grandkids next October.

    Candie, glad the colonoscopy is "behind you."  You done good....the prep really is worse than the procedure.

    Deb, I like cookie exchanges but no one does them here.  And it wouldn't matter how many cookies I brought home, the cookie monsters here wouldn't let them get into the freezer either.  No snow in Alaska in December???

    Nicki, you won't have a colonoscopy done?  And you're a truly isn't bad and as far as the prep, you could take the laptop in the bathroom with you and just play on the computer all night.

    Vickie, those new pups are soooo cute.

    CY, it's good to see you posting.  We are all "guilty" of copying and pasting - we're just glad to see you posting.

    I know there are others I meant to respond to but I forgot to take notes.

    Everyone have a good day.


  • Unknown
    edited May 2008

    Shrink -- check with your doctor but I was allowed to shower with drains.  My breast surgeon is the one who told me about using the scarf.  And I felt so much better after showering too.  :)

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008

    MB:  Are you talking about me????????????????????????   Spent the night with a friend wanting to make a quilt and doesn't know what a needle looks like!!!!

    See my post on the "We dream" site!!!!

    Jas, Vickie, Cy, Nicki, Margo and all...........catch up with ya in a bit!  Spent way to much time playing around this morning and now it's 'crunch' time!



  • shrink
    shrink Member Posts: 131
    edited December 2007

    Well, I took a shower today and actually looked at the stitches.  I didn't pass out or cry as I thought I would. It was tricky trying to figure out what to do with the drains.  I did pin them finally to the belt of my robe which was tied loosely around my neck.  Now I'm waiting to hear from the bs about the pathology report.  Oh, and I went to Cosco's  also so I'll be having cheese cake for dessert no matter what he says.

  • Bren-2007
    Bren-2007 Member Posts: 842
    edited December 2007

    Hi Shrink,

    Glad to hear from you.  Sounds like you found a good plan for the shower.  Geez ... you must be feeling pretty good to venture out to Cosco.  But their cheesecakes are really good.  (That's one thing I miss about living in San Diego.)  What kind did you get? Can you tell I'm getting hungry? Surprised

    When do you expect to hear about your pathology report?  I'll keep checking to make sure I don't miss your note.

    Thinking of you,


  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited December 2007

    Ok Ladies Fire up the Magic Carpet for tomorrow morning. We will be doing the Gamma Knife Rads tomorrow. It will be a one day procedure that I'm to plan on the whole day. I'm a bit nervous but know that with you all there I will do just fine.

    I can only take one person with me so that will be Scott but they won't see all of you so I figure that it should be ok.

    Thank you all for your prayers they are being answered.

    Hugs & Prayers

  • Bren-2007
    Bren-2007 Member Posts: 842
    edited December 2007

    Cy, I know you must scared about tomorrow, but this is great news that you were approved so fast for the procedure!!  We'll be right by your side the whole time.



  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited December 2007

    CY, we'll be real quiet tomorrow, they won't even know we're there.  Good luck tomorrow.  Like Bren says, good news  you were approved so quickly.  For those on the magic carpet, I'll have fresh coffee by the time you swing by to pick me up.


  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited December 2007

    Cy.. we promise to be real quit but I worry about someone  get the cinnomon rolls... strong prayers for you.. tell Scott we will be there holding his hand too...


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2007

    O.K. ladies, have that magic carpet fly by central Illinois and pick me up tomorrow enroute to Cy's side.

    We've prayed for a miracle.  Perhaps it has just arrived!

    All of our energy and prayers will be surrounding you tomorrow, Cy.  Hang tough!  You'll feel the power of all our love and energy with you!


  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited December 2007

    Cy, an insurance company that responded so quickly - I'm impressed and very glad for you. They have no idea how many people are coming along to take care of you and Scott

    Margo, have lots of coffee, it is going to be cold and bad weather in some spots we stop.  I'll have some Christmas Cookies to snack on and warm donuts.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2007

    Hello everyone!  Well I didnt get to come on here this morning and certainly didnt have a sunshine post.  This is what it looked like when I was driving to work.  Ended up getting 7 inches.  Took me 2 1/2 hours to get to work. I could  have been on an airplane and landing in Ft. Lauderdale.  And believe me I would have preferred that.

    Bren:  Your pic made me laugh.  Hahahaha!

    Liz:  I have to agree.  Im not sad anymore, Im MAD too!  We had an ice storm last week-end.  I would much rather have snow anytime.  No one can drive on ice.  And then it gets on the wires and people lose electricity.  Ah geez I hate it.  Im hoping by Sunday, the weather forecast will change.

    Vickie:  Im missed ya this morning sunshine sister.  I went on the computer and decided I better go watch the news to see how bad the roads were.  Well I fell asleep.  Didnt wake up til 8 am!  Thats a first for me.  Went to work late, which was good as I was able to miss the rush hour.  Lots of spin out though.  Your one picture reminds me of "A Christmas Story" where the kid gets his tongue stuck on the pole and they all leave him there.  One of my favorite scenes.

    PurpleMB:  I have lots of holiday spirit, but havent nearly got shopping done.  I keep window shopping, but nothing is catching my eye.  Wish I was a good cook as I would make everyone a basket of cookies and bread.

    Margo:  At this point in my life I am finished with everything.  Not one more test or doctors visit except my PCP for my blood pressure until after the 1st of the year.  Hope you had a good day at work.

    Neese:  I do believe I was able to talk to you twice today.

    CY:  OMG!  Im so glad the insurance approved the treatment.  We will all be up bright and early - magic carpet and distorted humor.  So they will take care of all 10 lesions tomorrow?  That is amazing to me.  I am so glad that you didnt have to wait long.  Now you know me.  I promise to be quiet, but I cant promise I wont be standing there with my hands on my hips making sure everything is ok.

    Shrink:  Haha enjoy your cake. Smile

    Rita:  Ill be doing an early wake up call.  Central Illinois will be a piece of cake for the magic carpet.

    Brenda:  I can do snow angels.  Nanananana.


    Oh I know I have missed many.  Life is crazy.  Gotta go.  Hope you all have a wonderful evening.

    OH!  BTW - do not put me in charge of the cinnamon buns.  I have a reputation of eating most of them.


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2007

    CY has good news...we will all be right there by your side...what is this about everyone being quiet!  Since when are we quiet?!?  We will be chanting every prayer we can think of and Nicki will be standing over all of the docs shaking her finger making sure everything is done perfectly!  I will bring the chocolate fountain...I just know in my heart it is going to be a blessed day!  A day for a miracle! 

    Ok...gotta go pay bills (yippee...its bill lottery time again...wonder who's gonna win tonight LOL).

    Love and hugs all


  • Bren-2007
    Bren-2007 Member Posts: 842
    edited December 2007


    I love that .. "bill lottery time."  How does that work?  Do you throw them in the air and see which one hits the ground first?  Check the dates and see who's most deserving?  See which one the teardrop hits first?  Puts a whole new spin on it!

    Sorry to hear about your job.  What part of it sucks the most and what part do you like the most?

    Somebody set the alarm so I have time to put on mascara before the magic carpet gets here!



  • Fllorik
    Fllorik Member Posts: 381
    edited December 2007

    candy- didn't know you had a procedure today!!!!! hope you are feeling strong and painfree! thinking of you always! Lori

  • DoreenF
    DoreenF Member Posts: 59
    edited December 2007

    I'll be there tomorrow too (don't forget to swing on by california on the magic carpet before it heads up to Seattle). Cy ... lots of prayers that the gamma knife will do the thing on those lesions!!  I'm sooo glad that your insurance company approved the gamma knife - and that the approval came so quickly! That's the way things are supposed to work  ...   

    Love and Hugs,


  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2007

    Wonderful news Cy- we will all be there!

  • Ivylane
    Ivylane Member Posts: 14
    edited December 2007

    Hi Gina:  Been away from the boards for a while.  Trying to get used to the "New" format.  Took we ahile but glad I found ya.  Hope all is going well for you with treatment,


  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467
    edited December 2007


    Shrink,glad you got to go home fast...shower must have felt good...a shower always make me feel better....enjoy the cheesecake!!!

    Nicki,love your snowman and yes, you should have a colonscopy.

    It's not bad cause you are sleeping...and a good sleep too.

    Bren,thanks for the well wishes. I did them both together cause I didn't want to go twice.

    Vickie, be careful driving in that crazy weather you are having. I am ok today,thanks.

    Margaret,like the idea of laptop in the bathroom

    Cy, will be there with you tomorrow. Our prescence will generate only good vibes around you.

    Rita,good to see you positng.

    Had a hard time sleeping last gonna turn in early...I want to up early so we could be with Cy.

    Hugs and prayers,


    Hugs to all from A to Z

    anyone ever hear from Robin--how is she?

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited December 2007

    Got a call a bit ago the insurance still hasn't been offically approved, but they are saying they should have the answer tomorrow. Too late I'm going anyway! I am still praying the insurance will pick up the tab. You still have to sign all those darn forms anyway that say if insurance doesn't cover you be financially responsible so I figure what the heck I may be making $10 payment for life. I'm doing this NOW! Still praying hard the final approval comes in tomorrow. the Dr really didn't want to wait and neither do we.

    I'm turning in early tonight as tomorrow will be a long day.

    Thank you all for being there for me

    Hugs & Prayers from Amy to Z

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2007

    Cheryl this is great news.  I have a friend here who is a survivor with mets and did the gamma knife thing.  She is doing great. I gonna start praying for the procedure and the payment!!

    Hi to the rest of you.  Busy day and I'm tired.

    Shrink, when I took off the bandages from my first lumpectomy I almost passed out. I think I was just so overwhelmed by what was going on. 

    Amy I hope you are doing good.

    Candie good for you the colonoscopy is over.  People are always so worried about the first one.  LOL  I know it's no fun.  It's always best when its over. 

    It's supposed to be (the S word) here tomorrow.  Just a little I think.

    Stay warm.

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited December 2007

    I'll have the hot chocolate for those that don't drink coffee - Vickie, I even have Starbucks hot chocolate with some mini marshmallows...yum.


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2007

    good morning cg's

    Cheryl...wanted to send love, prayers and all the best to you for the day.  We will all be with you all day...holding your hand and surrounding you with love. 

    Nicki...wake up sunshine sister...wish someone would send some sunshine this way...more snow in the night...a whooping 8 freakin degrees outside.  I may as well move to Alaska if I have to put up with this kind of weather!

    Thanks Margaret!...I'll be waiting for the magic carpet.

    Love and hugs from A to Z


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2007

    Good Morning Everyone and thanks Vickie for tweaking my toes.  Yep - I slept late again.  I can see many plan on being with CY today.  Start your engines - and give me the cinnamon buns please.

    Vickie:  8 degrees!  Geesh thats way to cold.  Its gonna be in the 20's which is cold, but still not that bad. 

    CY:  Good luck today.  I agree with you get it done now. I will be thinking about you today.

    OK - Im running late and have to go get ready for a long day.
