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Tips for getting through chemotherapy



  • Sea_nymph
    Sea_nymph Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2009

    Hi newtonville,

    Is this your first breast cancer? I'm curious why you just got AC rather than ACT. Do you know?

    Is the AC every two weeks?

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited October 2009

    Hi girls--I'm just checking to see how it's going?  

    Another tip I thought of (kind of gross), I wound up constipated and then had diarrhea.  My butt was really sore so they told me to use Aquaphor.  And it really works.  I know this is a gross thing to write about but it is often one of those little things that can really help!

    See ya!


  • newtonville
    newtonville Member Posts: 7
    edited October 2009


    yes this is my very hopefullllly LAST breast cancer.  she gave me choices of TC or AC, each every 3weeks.   i chose AC dose dense, every 2 weeks. i want to be done soon and not drag further. im also getting neulasta shots after each chemo.   I don't know the answer to why no T part.  which im thankful.  the less the better, however, i will be on 30 rounds of radiatiton after chemo and tamoxifan for the next 5eyars. 

  • newtonville
    newtonville Member Posts: 7
    edited October 2009

    hi Morgan,

    i can feel your pain. with my first tx, i had HORRIBLE constipation. i got sores there as well. it was horrible.  i hope this time is little better, i already got my laxalltives, prune juices, and colace ready and started them early on not to suffer too much.

  • Nico1012
    Nico1012 Member Posts: 1,152
    edited October 2009


  • MarieK
    MarieK Member Posts: 467
    edited October 2009

    I too had constipation with my first treatment.  Usually coffee in the morning does the trick but I just couldn't stand the smell so I was looking to try something else.

    I was told (by the injection nurse) to eat 22 green grapes.  So that's what I did and it worked for me.

    Don't ask me where the number 22 came from (I ate more than that because they were so good) but it was gentle and manageable eating the grapes!

  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653
    edited October 2009

    Just wanted to jump in here and thank everyone for their usefull hints.  I will start chemo next week and I am really not looking foreward to it, however, with all of your help, maybe it will not be as bad.

    Thanks again.


  • birdhouse46
    birdhouse46 Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2009

    Awesome info thanks!!!!

  • birdhouse46
    birdhouse46 Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2009

    Does anyone have a surgeon and / or plastic surgeon recommendation for Dallas/ Ft. Worth area? I have Dr. H. Jane Bussey in Ft. Worth as my surgeon, and meet Dr. Strock my plastic surgeon today. Has anyone used them??

  • mommy2two
    mommy2two Member Posts: 6
    edited October 2009

    I have never heard of the doctors you mentioned, however, my surgeon was Dr. Anita Chow and I loved her.  I did not have to have any plastic surgery but Dr. Danielle LeBlanc came highly recommended and that is who I would have went with had I needed her.  Both doctors are located near Baylor-All Saints Downtown.

  • karyan57
    karyan57 Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2009

    Thanks for all the tips.  This was exactly what I was looking for.  I will begin my treatments in 2 weeks.

  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited October 2009

    Birdhouse 46, depends on what type of reconstruction you are wanting to have.  I had diep, and from TN I had to go to New Orleans to the "Center for Restorative Breast Surgery", but when I was searching, I remember seeing there was a center in TX too that does the micro surgeries.  Check on the web for more info, or feel free to pm me


  • Nico1012
    Nico1012 Member Posts: 1,152
    edited November 2009

    Bumping for the newbies.

  • Nico1012
    Nico1012 Member Posts: 1,152
    edited November 2009


  • mommanurse
    mommanurse Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2009

    I found this last night and found that I couldn't wait to get on and read all your posts again.  Thanks for all the advice!

  • Catlover123
    Catlover123 Member Posts: 13
    edited December 2009

    What winderful information to go by, when i start my chemo. after surgury when do they start chemo???? they told me but i forgot

  • aakitkat
    aakitkat Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2009

    Generally chemo starts within six weeks of surgery, at least that's how it's done at the cancer center here. In my case, it was a full six weeks bc of work concerns, availability of husband (who travels a lot), etc. That worked very well for me as it gave me plenty of time to recover fully from my mastectomy and axillary node dissection as well as time to re-establish my normal routine of home and work. No one has mentioned much about work in this thread. I've found work to be an extremely important motivator and distraction. My institution (in my case, a university) has a fabulous health plan and I could have taken up to a year at full pay. But, once I recovered from my surgery, I went back to work; and, except for a few yucky days when I needed to stay near a bathroom (not for nausea, the other end), I've gone to the office during chemotherapy. Even on my at-home days, I can work and, again, welcome the distraction.

    best to you, kit kat

  • deedee3835
    deedee3835 Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2010

    Thanks for the tips.  From a nervous neebie.

  • mom2Bnegativex3
    mom2Bnegativex3 Member Posts: 21
    edited January 2010

    bump these are so helping me for Monday! I get my port and chemo all in the same day! Thanks ladies!

  • 1marmalade1
    1marmalade1 Member Posts: 44
    edited January 2010


  • cs34
    cs34 Member Posts: 12
    edited February 2010

    just wanted to share what worked for me. hopefully, it will help someone else too.  

    for those who will be taking Taxol...put clear nail polish on your nails (fingers & toes) throughout the treatment.

    i put it on my finger nails religiously and all was well but for whatever crazy reason i didn't put it on my toes and i lost both big toe nails at the end.

    Also, start taking B6 (confirm ok with Onc) to reduce the chance for neuropathy.

     wishing all the chemo beginners as much peace as possible.

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited February 2010

    Thank you for all the wonderful information-I have been incredibly lucky and have so far (fingers crossed!) had very little side effects after my first round of chemo (AC).  Do the side effects get worse as the treatments go on?  I have 7 more to look forward to...

  • juleisyd
    juleisyd Member Posts: 3
    edited February 2010

    These is great stuff guys!!! Thanks Mommy first Chemo is on Friday! I am packing her "chemobag"...

    Much love and Health and my God Bless u all!!


  • rubyredslippers
    rubyredslippers Member Posts: 94
    edited March 2010

    Being well hydrated the before and the morning of you chemo helps a lot. It helps as it's easier for the nurse to find and access your vein, and it also lessens your queasiness afterwards.

  • Psalm121
    Psalm121 Member Posts: 179
    edited March 2010

    Bumping for newbies

  • Melissa38
    Melissa38 Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2010
    Hello community I have had four sessions of chemo I am having my breast removed in two weeks with immediate reconstruction and I will have four chemo sessions after I recovery. I have encountered a oppinonated person who says things like why are u removing both breast, u will be disfigured, just because u remove both breast doesn't mean you wont get cancer somewhere else, and you just want cosmetic surgery. CryThese things are hurtful and insensitive so as a result I've stopped talking to her about any of my treatment and now she calls me secretive, Has anyone else encountered this type of situation. How do u deal with clueless people like this.
  • Dawnmrn1
    Dawnmrn1 Member Posts: 21
    edited March 2010

    No I haven't encountered anyone like that!  However I would ask if she has had cancer?  If the answer is no I would tell her I don't need her opinion until she has walked in these shoes!!! I bet she would become speachless!  If she didn't I would tell her to keep her opinions to herself, this is a hard enough time without people who know nothing, giving their opinion!!! Thank you very much!  Sorry that just got  my Irish up!!!!

  • standingfirm
    standingfirm Member Posts: 682
    edited April 2010

    Thanks for the helpful tips will try the Aleve  as I receive my third neulasta tomorrow.

    Oncologist also recommended claritn D ( Yes the allergy Med) for bone aches,  works good for aches but still needed pain med for 1 severe day , last treatment only had 12hrs.  severe pain immediately took pain med.

    Also Crystalized Ginger works good for nausea.

  • Terry731
    Terry731 Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2010

    Great info. I have my 2nd chemo this week, First one went went pretty well, only I caught a cold/sore throat and I cant seem to shake it. Taking vitamins, Emergence's, zinc and plenty of fluids but Im still stuffy with a sore throat.Does anyone know if I can take cold medicine? Temp is still under 100. Thanks!

  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited April 2010

    Melissa, so sorry you are having to deal with someone like that!  My answer was always "Yes, I could get cancer somewhere else, but I wont get breast cancer again, because I wont have breast tissue"  Can you change their opinion? No  Does their opinion matter? No

    I would also tell her - " I don't want cosmetic surgery, I don't want any surgery, I just want to live.  Have you heard of another way other than surgery that I can do that?"

    You are worth it.....evidently, she is not...