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We can develop gratitude for all conditions, good or bad. Each has its necessary place in our development as healthy, happy people. We need the sorrows along with the joys if we are to gain new insights. Our failures keep us humble; they remind us of our need for the care and guidance of others. And for every hope dashed, we can remember, one will be realized. -unattributed
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Humility is the world's antidote to self-righteousness. Self-righteousness is the disease that assumes that if I say so, it must be so and if I want it, I ought to have it. A lot of wars, domestic and otherwise, could be prevented with the slightest touch of humility.
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Your mental attitude is something you can control outright and you must use self-discipline until you create a Positive Mental Attitude-- your mental attitude attracts to you everything that makes you what you are.
Napoleon Hill
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The development of loving kindness is a demanding practice that requires time. However, see if you can cultivate some part of loving kindness toward yourself, other people in your life, and the natural world around you every day. As we keep practicing, we begin to see beyond what is best for ourselves, or for other people, toward what is good for all life that is affected by our actions. Loving kindness for all life on the earth is the ultimate result of the deepest understanding of the unity of life.
Claire Thompson
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There is a vitality, a life force, an energy that is translated through you;and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is
unique. MarthaGraham
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Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind. You are as old
as your doubt, your fear, your despair. The way to keep young
is to keep your faith young. Keep your self-confidence young.
Keep your hope young.
Luella F. Phean0 -
I would never want to carry around all the material objects I have acquired over a lifetime. It would be impossible. Yet this is what I do on an emotional level when I refuse to let go of yesterday’s mistakes and hurts. And I add to the burden when I take on concerns about tomorrow. -unattributed
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Every decision you make—every decision—is not a decision about what to do. It’s a decision about Who You Are. When you see this, when you understand it, everything changes. You begin to see life in a new way. All events, occurrences, and situations turn into opportunities to do what you came here to do. -Neale Donald Walsch
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To love very much is to love inadequately; we love--that is all.
Love cannot be modified without being nullified.
Love is a short word but it contains everything. Love means the
body, the soul, the life, the entire being. We feel love as we feel
the warmth of our blood, we breathe love as we breathe the air,
we hold it in ourselves as we hold our thoughts. Nothing more
exists for us. Love is not a word; it is a wordless state
indicated by four letters.
Guy de Maupassant0 -
Goodness is the only investment that never fails. -Henry David Thoreau
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We can never untangle all the woes in other people's lives. We can't produce miracles overnight. But we can bring a cup of cool water to a thirsty soul, or a scoop of laughter to a lonely heart.
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When I remember that the primary purpose of life is to feel and appreciate the presence of God, to live from a state of love and compassion, and to be of service to others, then instantly, like magic, I begin to feel at peace.
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Gradually, the repeated triggering of negative thoughts and moods
can begin wearing grooves in the mind; over time, these become
deeper and deeper, making it easier to set off negative, self-critical
thoughts and low or panicky moods—and more difficult to shake
them off. After a while, prolonged periods of fragility can be
triggered by the most innocuous of things, such as a momentary
dip in mood or the slightest flux in energy levels. These triggers
can be so small that you might not even be aware of them.
Mark Williams0 -
"Life is not all sadness," Old Hawk continued. "Yet, without sadness we would not yearn for joy, and strive to find it, and treasure it when it comes. It is also a fact that neither sadness nor joy is with us constantly. And how often one of the other is part of our journey is not always within our control. We all want joy more than sadness and rare is the person who wants sadness at all."
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A friend's son was in the first grade of school, and his teacher asked the class, "What is the color of apples?" Most of the children answered red. A few said green. Kevin, my friend's son, raised his hand and said white. The teacher tried to explain that apples could be red, green, or sometimes golden, but never white. Kevin was quite insistent, and finally said, "Look inside." Perception without mindfulness keeps us on the surface of things, and we often miss other levels of reality.
Joseph Goldstein Insight Meditation
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Compassion makes no distinction between friends and
enemies, neighbors and outsiders, compatriots and foreigners.
Compassion is the gate to human community.
Joan Chittister
Seeing with Our Souls0 -
There is a huge difference between "entertaining" and offering hospitality. Entertaining puts the emphasis on you and how you can impress others. Offering hospitality puts the emphasis on others and strives to meet their physical and spiritual needs so that they feel refreshed, not impressed, when they leave your home.
Karen Ehman
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Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness. -Lucius Annaeus Seneca
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We can spend our lives letting the world tell us who we are.
Sane or insane. Saints or sex addicts. Heroes or victims.
Letting history tell us how good or bad we are. Letting our
past decide our future. Or we can decide for ourselves. And
maybe it's our job to invent something better.
Chuck Palahniuk0 -
Up to one's last breath, one may retain the simple joys of childhood, the poetic ecstasies of the young person, the enthusiasms of maturity. Right to the end, one may intoxicate one's spirit with flowers, with beauty and with smiles.Eliphas Levi
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Freedom does not mean the right to do whatever we please,
but rather to do as we ought. The right to do whatever we
please reduces freedom to a physical power and
forgets that freedom is a moral power.
Fulton J. Sheen1 -
People are saying that I am the enemy of just laws, of family ties and old tradition. These people are telling the truth. I do not love man-made laws . . . I love the sacred and spiritual kindness which should be the source of every law upon the earth, for kindness is the shadow of God in humans. -Khalil Gibran
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Adversity introduces a person to him or herself. On the occasion of every accident that befalls you, remember to turn to yourself and inquire what power you have for turning it to use.
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Before God, there is neither Greek nor barbarian, neither rich nor poor, and the slave is as good as his master, for by birth all people are free; they are citizens of the universal commonwealth which embraces all the world, brethren of one family, and children of God. -Lord Acton
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Never let a day go by without seeing something good in the people who surround you. And tell them! Tell them so. Maybe it’s going to be difficult that day, you’ve got to really search. But find something good, and say, “That was really wonderful. That was beautiful.” -Leo Buscaglia
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We inherit from our ancestors gifts so often taken for granted--our names,
the color of our eyes and the texture of our hair, the unfolding of varied
abilities and interests in different subjects. . . . Each of us contains within
our fragile vessels of skin and bones and cells this inheritance of soul. We
are links between the ages, containing past and present expectations,
sacred memories and future promise. Only when we recognize
that we are heirs can we truly be pioneers.
Edward C. Sellner0 -
Life is made up of a series of challenges designed to bring us to fullness of growth. Meeting them with hope in the future is the real test of the spiritual person.
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Thank someone for something. Go out of your way today to acknowledge the generosity of a person you know. It doesn’t matter if you have known this man or woman your entire life, or have just met him or her and don’t know if you will ever see the person again. Thanking them for a service rendered, or a favor given, or for help of some kind will enlarge your personal community to include yet another person. Thanking someone builds community as well as friendship. It makes even the most insignificant encounters, like a stranger holding the door for you at the deli, all the more meaningful. It’s a way for two people who will probably never know each other’s names to connect, even for a moment. -Alan Epstein
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We should so live and labor in our time that what came to us as seed may go to the next generation as blossom, and what came to us as blossom, may go to them as fruit. This is what we mean by progress.
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Wholehearted living is about engaging in our lives from a place of worthiness. It means cultivating the courage, compassion, and connection to wake up in the morning and think, No matter what gets done and how much is left undone, I am enough. It’s going to bed at night thinking, Yes, I am imperfect and vulnerable and sometimes afraid, but that doesn’t change the truth that I am also brave and worthy of love and belonging.
Brené Brown0