Illinois ladies facing bc
Donna -- don't listen to your head -- way too many things are a guilt trip there. That is why God gave us all a warm, loving, heart that knows peacefulness and serenity and doing what WE need to do for us -- minus any guilt -- so we will be cheerful, and healthy and then can go help someone else. The answer is always, but always love. it's not enough to be kind and loving to others -- there is a time and place to be that way with yourself because that is what makes you available to others. Give yourself a break and a pat on the back. Believe me sweet ladies, the last time I took a little time for myself the world did not stop and I was much more enthused later on about what I did do.
Remember that old saying " Colder than a witch's t**. ahem, appendage of a sorts. Well, it was that cold outside last night and this morning. I'm hating it, but it has me wondering just what January and February are going to be like.....I may be checking out a different climate too.
Gotta run --- I"m home late from work and no appetite -- over-tired I guess. I'm going to curl up in a few minutes in front of that new flat screen and check it out before Dh comes home from work and yanks the remote out of my grasp. See you all tomorrow.
Hugs, Jackie
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Thanks Jackie!!! Never are we to react to our feelings and I know this...lolol.!!Do i listen to myself...NO!!! How is theTV and i can relate to the remote control war! IF my DH has it, it is enough to do me in. switching every channel and then back and forth once we find a show!!!!
Go to work tthis PM and grateful it is a half day. Have a wreath/center piece making class toight at my church.NEED help as i have this cute dish/bowl as I had won at a dinner party as a centerpiece and now i need to make one again for this!!!Should be interesting.
Stay warm and hope ALL are doin well in overall health and treatments.
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Hi all,
Its been a while since I posted but read daily all the happenings in everyones life. I go for my dimensional art (tattoos) today. I opted for this instead of nipple reconstruction. Thought I wasn't nervous but have been awake since 3 am. I am ready to have this last stage done and begin 2010 FRESH and NEW.
All my volunteer events are over for now. I am glad to be able to help two great organizations and give back.
Christmas shopping is awful this year. We all have TOO much and need/want nothing including the two granddaughters. I haven't wrapped a single gift and the tree is very lonely without but no enthusiasm this year. My best friend says its delayed depression from the bc and dh's prostate cancer. Maybe, who knows
Off to finish dessert for tomorrow's Thanksmas get together in SO. IL and then out in the cold for some shopping. Day off from the nanny gig.
HUGS to all
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Hello everyone!
Ginny, it was so good to see you and the boys. I'm so glad we got the chance to get together while you were in town. Travel safely on your way back East. Hugs to you! Keep us updated on your next scan after the holidays. You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers! Remember to email me!
Tanya, I have to admit that this is the first year since my treatments that I am really excited and ready for the holidays. Rest assured that your feeling of apathy will pass and by next year you'll be enthused and into the holidays again. This journey takes a lot out of us and you've gone
non-stop with all your other activities. I look forward to seeing you Thursday night! We'll talk and unwind a bit then! Hope the tattoo procedure goes good today. Hugs!Donna, your craft class at the church sounds like fun! Enjoy!
Well, I have a dermatologist appointment this afternoon. I need her to look at a spot on my face that hasn't ever disappeared. Yuck! So........I think I need to get off of here and continue to work on my Christmas cards.
Stay warm and enjoy the day!
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"In times like these it helps to recall there have always been times like these."
Paul Harvey
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Going to warm a bit thank goodness, but I think we will still be seeing our breath. So, I'll just try to think of the quote today. At least there is good sun....that is going to help a whole lot and will give some of the spirit and drive I'd surely lack if it was gray.
Hope you all have a fantastic day. Maybe the Doughboy won't, but the rest of us can. Talk to you all after work.
Hugs, Jackie
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Tanya - Good luck! Best wishes!
Ginny/Rita - Glad your lunch went well!
Ginny - Hope your holiday is filled with love and happiness! And...hope the weather there is better than ours.
Rita - Good luck at your appt!
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My sis just cld. Shelby won 1st Place in the Science Fair AND she WON AN ADDITIONAL AWARD for OUTSTANDING OVER-ACHIEVEMENT! I am so choked up...we worked SO hard on her project! We did Excel color charts and graphs, took photos of each step of the experiment. Recorded everything in Word. Took a total of 34 photos and mounted all photos and hard copy info on a 3 sided poster-board exhibit. We calculated the weight difference between the objects, the texture of the surfaces and each object's speed at 5 different ramp angles. It was titled, How Texture and Shape Affects the Speed of Objects in Relation to Gravity.
Education really does begin at home! I feel fortunate to have been able to help her with this. She's only been at this new school for about a month. Great way to start!
My sis said Shel will be calling me after school to tell me about it. So I have to pretend like I don't know that she won! lol
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Hi all,
Hey, wondering if anyone has heard anything about the " Dr. Block Center for Integrative Medicine" in Evanston, IL. I remember hearing about this place a while back and did ask my onc nurse at the time. She knew of it and indicated that there were several patients that also went there, but it was a passing conversation. She did not react as if this doc and center was any kind of quack.
I have a friend who is interested in learning more-- she has been battling mets for over a year now and is understandably looking to do anything she can- but wants to be careful with what kind of integrative methods she pursues. And- is leary of quacks. So- thought I'd throw it out there and see if anyone knew anything.
Laura-- congrats! After what Shelby has been through this year, this must feel great!
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Julie - I have heard VERY GOOD things about Block. In fact, my good friend, who happens to also be my personal "natural" advisor for supplements, etc. - swears by Block. If I ever get a recurrence or mets...that's where I will go. Best wishes to your friend, it's nice of you to help her.
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The nurse at my school (she is an RN) wrote this place down for me when I was first diagnosed. I know exactly where the Block Medical Center is. I never went as my cancer a Stage 2 and I just hustled into traditional treatment. Here is an article on the insurance approaches with alternative as it can be a slippery slope. They talk about insurance ways and means at Block.
The woman they refer to had pancreatic cancer. I believe most people that go there are stage IV (I could be wrong).
I cannot endorse this place as I have no personal experience. YET, they never promise or guarantee a cure. I would worry if they did. There are medical doctors there and they use chemo, so it is not like they are into TOTAL alternative medicine. The nurse that gave me the referral said she believed in the place, but as I say I did not have any experience with them I wish your friend well. Susan
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Hi all,
Thought you all might be interested in this article:
Let's keep our fingers crossed that this pans out!
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JanClare -- that is quite amazing if you ask me. I had wondered so often about the why of cancer coming back -- especially after getting the same general txs as others and having similar diagnosis. Of course -- no two people are alike, but still you just know there has to be more to it all. . I sure hope something good comes of this.
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Laura - Yeah for Shelby! That is great that she did so well. You are such a special aunt!
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Happy Friday to all of you....I have been fighting this flu all week at school. I think this weather is really getting me down. Oh I do need some hot sun and the beach...calling Wendy. I see that you have a big day coming up...a milestone....Birthday. So let me be the first to wish you a very happy birthday. I hope you have a great day...enjoy your cake and don't forget to save me some. lol
Laura..congrats to Shel for a great job on her project. First place yeah!!!! Give her a big hug from me.
Jan..interesting article. I hope they work hard on finding a cure soon. We can only pray for one soon. are you doing. I see you have a big TV. Good for you. Now it's your time for that remote control. lol My dh always has to have it near him or he gets very crabby. He loves his TV.
Zap..You gotta love the grand kids, playing with them is so much fun...better than working at school. is the weather by you. Lots of snow. Just think only a few more months to golf season. Really need to think spring and bypass winter. lol
Well girls..I hope you have a great evening...its jammie and tea time . Off to bed now.
Hugs to all
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There is no pleasure in having nothing to do; the fun is in having lots to do and not doing it.
-- Mary Wilson Little0 -
Morning - not bad out here, but chilly of course. For now the bone-chilling cold seems to be over so I think I can manage all right, even with a couple of small outdoor projects.
A huge Happy Birthday to Wendy. And many more.
Hmm, about that golf. Have to admit I am really tired of seeing Tiger Woods on t.v. lately. I don't condone his behavior AT all, but isn't there something a little wrong when we demand our news to feature something like this prominently every day for weeks. Can't we just be told and then have an update once a week or something. We breathe life into some of the darnedest things. Good news is boring I guess. We need daily doses of depravity to keep our adrenaline pumped.
Well, off to my day. No rest for the wicked, even on the week-end. I got a lot to take care of but I guess I'll be building character, like my dad always said....doing things I wish I didn't have too.
I'll be checking back later.
Hugs, Jackie
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Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's WENDREW!0
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The girls at the x-mas party will get this - I saw a 30# turkey at Jewel today - it was HUGE! So I can only imagine what Sharon's bird was like-in the back of her car too
Happy Birthday to Wendy! And I believe it's LittleC's B-Day too -Happy Birthday! Hope you enjoyed your day!
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HB -- Little C. May you have as many as you want forever.
Happy Birthday.....Jackie
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Michele, you are the best! Wasn't that the funniest story about Sharon's turkey? I am such a wimp. I could never capture and then transport and then COOK the same turkey. I prefer big business does all that for me and then allowsme to buy for mine at Jewel or Trader Joe's with my coupon in hand. Well, if I look at the task closer, capturing it in the first place would be impossible, so all the rest would never follow
So hoping the TWO B-day girls had fun today. Wendy and Little C, we love you both and we are grateful to each of you for your special friendship.
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Morning! I've pretty much had it with AT&T! They come to install a DSL next door on Thursday and somehow manage to cut my phone line for 2 days, then fix that and cut my DSL service all day yesterday! I still had my iPhone, but I can't post on that. These people just do not know what they are doing.
Happy Belated Birthday Little C! Hope it was great! DH took me out shopping very early, then a light lunch. Then out for dinner where I had 2 martini's. Since I've pretty much stopped drinking all together I thought I handled them pretty well. Until I got up this morning. Wow. Headache. Now I remember why I don't drink these things anymore. Back to teetotaling....makes for much happier mornings.
Laura...congrats to Shelby! I am so happy for her success at her new school. Obviously it was the right decision for her.
OK...since I was not there...could someone fill me in on the Sharon's turkey story????
BJ....yes. I need a beach. And sand. And waves. And palm trees. NOW. But I see it's already 33 outside so this weather I can do. Really didn't like -2 and snow and ice. Yuck.
Jackie .... I'm with you about Tiger Woods. I just don't care what he's been up to. That's Elin's problem. I am so glad however that he decided to break from golf...which means that we should be hearing much less in the days to come.
Not much going on here today. It's my grandnephew's BD and since I missed the big party last Saturday I will stop by and drop off his gift. It's some spaceship thingy from Imaginext. Pretty Cool! Also, since Tom's BD, being 12/22, gets lost with Christmas about 3 years ago I started "10 days o' Tom". He gets a silly little gift every day, leading up to his BD. Today, while he was in the shower, I snuck in and left it on the sink. It's a jar of his fav peanut butter. He LOVES peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! He would eat one every day...
Have a wonderful Sunday...and thanks for all the BD wishes, here and on FB! Another year older...and you know, growing older is nice. Being around is nice. Even wrinkles are nice.
Well....not nice exactly. But you know what I mean!
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Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is
our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most...We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
- Marianne Williamson, American author and lecturer0 -
Oh hey !!! It's nice out now ( no sun thought ) but last night the wind howled, it thundered and lighting flashed, and it poured and poured. Will get into the 40's here today. Sigh !!!!!! I was not itching for snow, but I also don't like switching from deep winter temps to relative warmth in one day either. A little consistency please.
Not sure what I will get into today -- maybe some reading. Have a Brian Weiss book ( on the spiritual side ) that I got a while ago and haven't been able to sink my teeth into as I wanted. Too much going on.
New dog pen is done. Wow!!! It is big and now I wonder if we shold have gone that large....hmmm, a little too late for that now. Just in time for lots of mud out there of course. I was going to sigh again but hey....better buck up as the sun is trying to come out and that briings inner cheering to me. No grumping now.
Hope you are all poised to have a good Sunday. BTW -- I really do think we are all very powerful if we could just tap into it -- it is hard so often with the twists and turns to be in accord with our inner spirit -- to be in the moment and not even have to therefore think of the next step. Sounds so easy, but when it works you spirit soars.
Hope you all have the bestest day.
Hugs, Jackie
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Happy Birthday Wendy and Little C. Sorry it's a day late. I hope you enjoyed your day!
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I was outraged with the new mammogram guidelines, yet this is at least an intelligent explanation as to the reasoning. Mammograms missed my cancer and I went for them every year, so it is personally not satisfying to read this. Yet, perhaps there is some reason embedded in here.
Have a good day
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY A DAY LATE, LITLE C! I hope you celebrated in style!
So Wendy, what did you purchase on your birthday shopping trip? So you and hubby both have December birthdays, eh? My Mom's birthday was December 22nd, too. I always felt she got a little cheated even though we always did her birthday before we did Christmas. My first grandson's birthday is December 29th, so we just finish with Christmas and then celebrate his birthday!
For those of you who don't know......Mary Jane's mother passed away this last week. Her funeral was Saturday in Quincy and it was a lovely ceremony celebrating her long life. Hugs to you MJ! My prayers and thoughts will continue to be with you as you move into the holiday season. May your memories bring you comfort.
I am determined to finish Christmas cards today while Dave travels to Springfield to be with his Mom. I may still be working away at them when it's time to head for the bowling alley tonight.
I hope everybody is doing well and hope you all have a great day.