Illinois ladies facing bc
No I am fine today ... Faded a bit overnight .... Won't be in the sun as much since we won't be on the boat ...
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Hoping this comes in without there dreaded marks:
The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely, or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quite alone with the heavens, nature, and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature. As long as this exists, and it certainly always will, I know that there will always be comfort for every sorrow, whatever the circumstances may be.
Anne Frank0 -
Two hang in there. Half way is good because the very next one gets you so much closer to the finish line than even half way. Chemo is indeed very pervasive as well in invasive and really does for so many become the only real focus going on. That is made worse by the fact of how much you need to do it....all the while dragging your feet due to some of the VERY real un-pleasant parts that show up ( not for all by a long shot ) for some of us.
I hope like many of us and certainly will look back with the good kind of pride and be able to say WOW !!!! look what I did when so often I was wondering if I could. Part of the true test for me ( and I was nearly positive twice I couldn't make it thru ) is that if I had too....I would do it all over again without so much as an eye-blink. It is and can be a real character-builder. You may stretch yourself to huge limits you didn't think were possible. will end up with such a great version of you never thought was possible.
Life, there is nothing like it so keep up the good work. Wishing you all the success in the world.
Peace and love,
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Welcome Helen.
Glad everyone enjoyed dinner. Hope our friends to these north enjoy their visit and have a safe trip home.
I went to the Paul McCartney concert in Milwaukee last night-it was so hot I thought my foobs were going to melt.0 -
"The longer you have to wait for something, the more you will
appreciate it when it finally arrives. The harder you have to
fight for something, the more priceless it will become once
you achieve it. And the more pain you have to endure on your
journey, the sweeter the arrival at your destination. All good
things are worth waiting for and worth fighting for."
-- Susan Gale0 -
Well I did it again, removed this topic-Oh I talk to alot of the same people on other threads then I just notice I was missing this one-I didn't read thru yet.
Welcome any newvies-Oh how I hate to say that here but everyone here is so nice u picked a good topic.
Has anyone heard from Adey, I did last week then nothing.
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Anyone hear from myers421, Amy, after her surgery last week? Hope that all is well, Amy.
Whew! It is HOT out there! And our upstairs A/C has quit working. Repairman is coming at 6am tomorrow morning. Guess that will get us up early.0 -
I know where Joan is sleeping tonight....DOWNSTAIRS!
Now that I am nearly 8 years away from cancer and knock on wood...stay that way. I do see things that haunt me. I am so genuinely happy for Robin Roberts and I so genuinely mean that I am happy she is doing so well (and knock on wood she continues to do so). Yet, I wish all women of color would have her resources to fight this fight that is just so damn huge. So many women, and so many of them of color, simply do not have the insurance and/or the connections, to get what they need to keep up with what befalls them. I am really hoping she has the energy to push for equal rights (for both white and women of color) when it comes to healthcare. My Dh is receiving treatments and there is just inequality when it comes to health care. Educated and insured people get treatment while so many do not. I thank the powers that be that we fall into the "educated and insured" sector.
I am on this soapbox because women on this thread who organize walks and runs need our support so all women can get what they need to have a chance at survival. Off the soap box.
Susan (Zap)
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Thanks for the walk support plug Susan. I am still looking for team members. So far I'm the only one who has signed up. I haven't done much fundraising yet. Still recruiting for the team. If you're interested just click the this link and then look for the "JOIN MY TEAM" button: linky
If you go to our team page you can see a photo of the team from last year.
Also remember just because you can't come to the walk doesn't mean you can't become a team member and raise funds.
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It is hot here too my Air has been going for 4 days . I had a colon scope Monday and the Doc said everything was fine one more thing out of the way A lot of women all ages do not have health care and can't afford it there used to be a clinic here that did exams on a slideing scale or for free but it is gone which is not good cancer strikes at all ages and the medical card only covers if you have kids they have a pink card that is for birth control but you can't use it just for pap smears we need to do something because the government is not listening
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momto7 are you familiar with Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Program? I know some funding has been cut but it's still in place in this state:
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i know we have it here but only if you are 35 and over for free pap smears and mammogram. What can a person do if they have not got insurance and are in their 20's ? Doctore charge a lot for their office calls and some can't afford that. It is a no win situation all the way around because younger girls with no insirance are left out in the cold. and I do not think Obama care is the answer either
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Obamacare does allow older kids to stay on their parents insurance till they are 26. I also know some without insurance go to walk-in clinics. It's cheaper. Also planned parenthood will do free paps/mammos but I don't know what the requirements are.
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Joan Surgery went well I was released Sunday I visit my PS today for drain removal (I only think 1 will be removed). Not too much pain but the PS encourgaged me to keep taking the pain meds so I lay low and the drains can be removed. I am up to every 6 hours with those. There is one drain (#3) that is just irritating and stings but doesn't look infected so I assume it is jus positioned in an odd place always feels like it is pulling.
3 nodes removed and all clear = ) I visit my BS today as well to find out if radiation is needed.
Much Love,
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LUNCH on the 26th I would love to do lunch in St. Charles/ Geneva on the 26th please let me know where and when.
Thx = )
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We in the West don't think much in terms of balance, and obviously we should. Even the very thought of an exquisite union and balance of all our forces, both physical and mental, has a gentle, hopeful ring to it. . . . All of us must find a bridge between our physical and spiritual parts. When that balance is achieved, what a happy comfort for ourselves!
Edward J. Lavin
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Hi Ladies.
Susan -- what a wonderful message. We do become somewhat insulated....especially when we have had care that was wonderful and we are pretty high up on the well side now . Easy to forget that some have to struggle for just the basics let alone full screenings and maybe some extra testing.
It is also a wonderful reminder message that we are our brothers' keepers and that any time we can make some part of life a little better for someone, we truly really should.
Peace and love,
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Jackie u'r one of the people who makes life better, u'r thoughts, u'r words are always so comforting-so I'm giving u an atta girl slight pat on the back. I don't want to hurt u.
OK Amy what's going on u must be home.?????
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Does anyone have Adey's number, is she all right--she came on about 2 weeks ago and she hasn't been back and I haven't heard from her at all.
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Amy Congrats on the nodes were all clear. Mine weere too and no radiation for me, praying the same for you
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Thanks, Jackie for the encouraging words.
Zap, I just said yesterday to my husband how stressful it must be for those who have no access to insurance or financial means even with insurance. I owe an arm and a leg with insurance, but thankfully I can cover it. If we were of more modest means, or god forbid one or two of us out of work, what a stress that would be.
I'm pretty sure I could fix our healthcare system. Someone just needs to ask me! Honestly I wish there was a committee I could sign up for because I have some good suggestions.
Amy, glad your surgery went well and nodes were clear. You'll feel much more whole when you get those dang drains out.
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Adey was out of town. Not sure if she's back
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The rhythm of walking generates a kind of rhythm of thinking, and the
passage through a landscape echoes or stimulates the passage through
a series of thoughts. This creates an odd consonance between internal
and external passage, one that suggests that the mind is also a landscape
of sorts and that walking is one way to traverse it. A new thought often
seems like a feature of the landscape that was there all along, as though
thinking were traveling rather than making.
Rebecca Solnit0 -
Morning....Thought I would say that I have found that if I can walk long enough, any of the cares and concerns ( burdens ) I had when I began....often magically disappear or I will at least know what to do. I wish I could walk more than I do, but I highly recommend it.
Peace and love
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Hi ladies! It seems like forever since I have posted. Welcome to all the new gals. I need to go back and read all the posts again to get caught up!
So glad the Canadian gals could connect with some of the Illinois gals from the north. It sounds like you had a good time!
Summer is getting away from me too fast. I've had "dad" problems and have done more travelling than usual and my summer pace is usually pretty fast anyway without additional complications.
Hugs to all off those in treatments and those who are just starting or have just finished. There is a good life waiting for you when the treatments are over!
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Amy and Catey, so glad to hear about the clear nodes - YAY! Amy, I also had one drain that just lingered on for an extra week...I was worried it was going to pull out unitl I saw how much tubing was in there when the others were removed, no need to worry! I'm sure it's just tender because it's been pulling that area for while.
I, too, am up for lunch on the 26th. PM mdg to let her know you're interested, I think she is coordinating this. Hope to see some of you then!
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What a beautiful morning walk earlier today. This is my favorite summer weather.
And I'm feeling better after nipple surgery and tattooing on Monday. Ouch! Did it hurt for a few days! It was constructed in part out of remaining areola tissue, so super sensitive. Only taking tylenol for pain.
Getting the nipple reconstructed was necessary for me to move on and feel "whole" aesthetically, but I didn't realize until this weekend how tied this step was to putting my fear of reocurrence aside. By doing this I was telling myself the reconstruction wasn't going to be undone by an MX cause by recurrence later on.
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Real success requires respect for and faithfulness to the highest
human values--honesty, integrity, self-discipline, dignity,
compassion, humility, courage, personal
responsibility, courtesy, and human service.Michael DeBakey
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Congrats Doxie. I didn't think the nipple and my case tattoo was any big deal till I did it. That final step in recon really gives you the sense you are done.
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Good news, Doxie!