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Illinois ladies facing bc



  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited September 2013

    Timbuktu Government is a bunch of shysters and business men (and a few women). No way do I think government is honest. I mean I've live in the windy city… called that not because of the weather, because of the BS from our elected officials. Wink Many of them are out for their themselves and what ever it takes to get them re-elected. There is some truth to the sit-com Veep (julia louis-dreyfus). But there are some people that do good.

    Cami Remember I currently work for ACS, one of if not the wealthiest charity in the US. While the mission of this organization is terrific (great programs for research and those going through treatment) there are some real problems on the inside. They are the process of restructuring so maybe that will improve some of the issues. It's a 200 year old organization.

  • Timbuktu
    Timbuktu Member Posts: 1,423
    edited September 2013

    lago!  YES!  You made me laugh!  So true!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Tim how many states can say 2 Governors in a smal window if time went to jail. Geeze.

  • Timbuktu
    Timbuktu Member Posts: 1,423
    edited September 2013

    It seems to be part of the deal.  I wonder if they plan on it as a hiatus?

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited September 2013

    The career path for Governor in IL (and some congressman) is:

    Halfway house

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,903
    edited September 2013

    Lago....too-too funny.  Here's hoping we break that pattern.  PLEASE


  • cateyz2
    cateyz2 Member Posts: 253
    edited September 2013

    Only state in the nation where the govenenor just might be making your license plates!

  • mdg
    mdg Member Posts: 1,468
    edited September 2013

    Well I am originally from Detroit. Anyone hear about the mayor we had there? I know he was not a governor but talk about a mess! If you want to crack up and don't know of Kwamee Killpatrick. Talk about a criminal!

    I hate to think that anyone would prevent a cure from being available. Almost everyone has lost someone to cancer. I hope in my lifetime a cure is found.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    mdg hahaha I often wonder why anyone is lucky enough to be able to hold a career to be able to really help people have to commit crimes. I mean I understand it someone was so broke and they stole but come on people in office that we are supposed to trust. Makes u wonder how many people we trust with our lives think of money first. 

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited September 2013

    camillegal It's power that does it. Granted money is part of that power but so is holding an office/high position. It just goes to their head. Not everyone can handle it.

    I'm an New Englander. New Englanders trust no one. If you're nice to us we start wondering what you want Wink

  • virginiab
    virginiab Member Posts: 79
    edited September 2013

    Their was a really good cover story and long article in Time Magazine a few months ago. It was lauding the way the entertainment industry has forced new priorities on cancer research, especially a practice of cooperation instead of the traditional competition among researchers. Here's a link to the article:

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,903
    edited September 2013

    Couldn't decide so here comes two -- maybe you can decide.

    I am a Unique Expression of the Universal Fabric of Creation.
    I celebrate both my uniqueness and my connection with all that is.
    - jlh

    Each of us has a unique perception of the world. What if we could all celebrate our different ideas and beliefs rather than argue and fight wars over our differences.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,903
    edited September 2013

    Yes, yes, yes....power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  I would hate having to be in charge of people or hugh organizations....or heaven forbid, a President.  I do think it is about time we had a female one which may happen this time around.  Too much ego can be such a dangerous thing and just just to lawmakers but to law breakers. 

    Just thinking of the rash of wives that dissappeared after O J Simpson murdurder Nicole Simpson. One of those men, Drew Petersen was a law officer in Chicago.  So......I think its ego and you think you are so much smarter and will cover all your bases.  Criminals  ( whatever they may be doing ) do of course manage to get away.  Some people run from the law forever....but you never run from yourself and some day....the karma train comes rolling in.

    Not my usual cheery subject here, but it is what I believe.

    Peace and love


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited September 2013

    Speaking about IL governors....actually 4 out of our last 7 have served jail time:  Otto Kerner, Daniel Walker, George Ryan, and Rod Blagojevich!  Doesn't say much for our choices, does it?

    I think that everyone has their own ideas on the research and search for the cure.  I have done lots of research on this and worked on LOTS of fund raisers for the cure in the past 7 years.  I do think that the mega pharmaceutical companies are making big dollars on cancer treatments and drugs.  It does not appear that it would be to their advantage to find a cure.  Many research studies that appear to be getting closer have been snuffed out for some reason.  None of us will ever know the truth and we'll only be able to speculate and guess what's really behind the scenes here.  Opinions will differ.  I know I will continue to chair events that raise money for cancer research but I also know that a part of me does really wonder about the major role the big pharmaceutical companies play in the search for the cure. 

    I have to take our oldest cat to the vet today.  That is a major nightmare as she doesn't like being put into her carrier.  She hasn't been eating since Friday and when she doesn't eat, there is something wrong.  Hopefully it will be a quick fix. 

    Everyone have a great Monday!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Rita I hope u'r furbaby will be OK. Mine did that for a while and they gave her a shot and I was so happy and she was fine.

    And as far as volunteering I think any giving of time is wonderful u cant control what goes on behind the scenes but u can do what u can do in front for so many people.

    Jackie I like the 2nd one better, just a smidge.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,903
    edited September 2013

    It doesn’t matter for how long the room has been dark; for a day,
    or a week, or a year, or for ten thousand years. The moment you bring in a
    candle; darkness vanishes like it was never there. Similarly, it doesn’t matter
    for how long we are stuck in a sense of our limitations. The moment you decide
    to break free, nothing will stop you…

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Hmmm different story here Jackie.

  • cateyz2
    cateyz2 Member Posts: 253
    edited September 2013

    Well ladies I am now overfilled to 600ccs in my allergan 133-FX 550 ccs as of last thursday. My PS wanted me to come in for one more overfill of 50ccs and I said no because of my job the TEs are so uncomfortable/painful. As I do a lot of heavy lifting/stretching/twisting.

    So now Im waiting for a phone call from his scheduler with a date for exchange.

    Well today I found out that Im only working monday and saturday next week and Im debating scheduling that one more fill for Tues, so I have a few days to recoup.

    I do have my pictures on the picture forum under "NS BMX allergan 550 133fx TE 5'4" 135lbs"

    Ladies, whats your advice, Should I get another fill?

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836
    edited September 2013

    why does he want to do another? Just to give him plenty of space to work with?Or does he think what you want in the end will be more achievable with another fill? I keep hearing when you get to the te size how you want to be- then he overfills, but Im not sure by how much.

    I go Thu for my 2d (on right) and 1st (on left) fill---when would you go?

  • cateyz2
    cateyz2 Member Posts: 253
    edited September 2013

    I know he does the overfills because the same size implant will appear smaller than the same size TE. Also he wants a little extra skin to correct my scars from mastectomy where I had some necrosis/wide scar

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836
    edited September 2013

    well maybe you can compromise= go in but get less than a normal fill? Gives him some room and you less uncomfortableness.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    I have no idea, but the things I've read the norm is like 650 cuz they settle down and if u go Tues. u will feel good to work Sat.? Wow I thought it took longer to feel better. It sounds very complicated to me so don't go by me at all--I still don't really understand. I chose just to be flat, it fits my personality fine.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited September 2013

    aviva5675 go to your next appointment carrying a bra about the size you want to be. Tell your PS you want to be that size. My PS is a man. I told him a little bigger than I was. A man's idea of a little bigger is different than a woman's. I went from a  small34A to a full 34D! He said I would be a full B small C. Ha ha not quite.

    My PS likes to overfill as well. Last few expansions I took Aleve with me. Popped a pill right after the expansion. It took the edge off.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Good Morning.

    i knew lago would come by and tell u what and how to explain it better. See just be patient.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,903
    edited September 2013
    • Norman Vincent Peale Every problem has in it the seeds of its own solution. If you don’t have any problems, you don’t get any seeds.
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Good morning all---

    Hmm Jackie i see u'r putting the "author" in front now--well I have plenty of seeds, just don't know where to put them to grow an answer. But that's all right I could throw them to the wind and let them grow and change my life. How's that for a solution?

    Well there is a chill in the air today, fine with me but St. it's supposed to be warmer so since I have to go somewhere I have to dress summer/fall, maybe I'll eve wear my false bra, I always say that and never do.

    I hope everyone has a decent day today---

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836
    edited September 2013

    Thanks, sounds like good advice.  I wouldnt even mind not wearing a bra later. I think its going to be one of those - you know it when you see it- kind of things.  My PS does stress its about what I want, not him, so that is good.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited September 2013

    Just to warn you tissue expanders look wierd and squarish. I can be hard to judge.

  • cateyz2
    cateyz2 Member Posts: 253
    edited September 2013

    Lago- you are so right about men LOL. My husband and I were discussing boob size last night and let me just say he would be so elated if I was a 36XXXXX, not really but thank God he is not a plastic surgeon, or Id feel sorry for his patients.

    Anyway, now that you have your implants, albeit a little bigger than you had wanted, are you happy now with the size? 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,903
    edited September 2013

    Life is often messy, uncertain, and unpredictable.  Sometimes it's a string
    of troubles that seem to never end.  That's normal.  Ups and downs
    are normal.  Being ill on occasion is normal.  Feeling peaceful and happy
    are normal.  Occasional low-energy days are normal.  According to Chinese
    medicine, it is accepted as natural that we fluctuate from being in balance
    to being out of balance.  Peace of mind comes from not attaching a great
    deal of significance to either state.  We simply note our moods and
    physical states and gently move toward balance as best we can,
    accepting it all as part of the flow of life.

    Charlotte Davis Kasl