Bottle o Tamoxifen
Yes, I have memory problems! HATE it. No, I didn't have chemo or rads so I guess it's just a se of the Tamoxifen OR
it's the blonde hair and now big boobs!
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Ok, so taking at night is not working either GRRRRR.....
I woke up this morning at 4;30 with nausea. UGH
I'm going back to my original time of right after lunch!
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Good Morning everyone!
Tinker: I live a little further east from Merrick, western Suffolk County. Travel to Merrick a couple of times a year when the kids play soccer teams from there. And anytime we are anywhere even close to Massapequa, we must have lunch at All American! Did you every go there? Massapequa isn't that far from Merrick right? Hope your husband got home okay last night.
Jules: Great job on the five miles..WOW! I was walking through chemo, but with all the snow around here you have to walk on the road so it is a little dangerous. I am thinking of joining a gym soon. I need to exercise again.
Okay, so we got 15" of snow last night. Finally got the school cancellation call at 5:00 a.m.!! And I was actually having a decent nights sleep, couldn't get back to sleep after the call. Definitely going to call the school and take myself off that list tomorrow and find out who the idiot was who thought up the idea of calling everyone at 5:00 a.m. Checking the local news seemed to work fine for years.
See everyone in the Bahama Car this evening...tropical drinks and sunshine!!!
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SPTMM62.. What a small world yes we used to go to Massapequa all the time my aunt lived there and a cousin of mine still does. My aunt live on Pine street I remember it being somewhere off Broadway I got a ton of snow wow! we maybe got 5 inches , Thanks he did get home safely after 7 hours of commuting . Usuaully takes about an hour, but so many people were in that boat last night. He got home about 2:30 this morning.
JULES..Great job on the 5 miles wahoo!!!! for you... keep it up
Jan..Hope going to back to your original time helps!!!!
off to the treadmill
see you all in the Bahama car tonight... drinks on me!!!!
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No snow here thank goodness! Well a few flurries but mostly rainnnnn. Yuck. Getting sunny today though. Although, they are calling for rain and snow showers tomorrow.
Still on 2.5mg...guess it's time to up it to 5mg huh? Not too bad except for some mild nausea that I have definitley attributed to it. Did feel extremely irritable (as well as nauseous as usual) about an hour or two after taking it yesterday. It was an unusual irritable that just came over me....felt like I could cry at every little frustration. Then it was gone. Weird. I get like that on occasion, not often, with my cycle but it doesn't come and go that quickly.
I need to lay in the sun...soaking it in.....just nice warm sun on my skin...would be great right now....!
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ECG... Good luck on the 5ng you can do it!!!!. I get like that too usually it does pass pretty quickly, when it lasts all day though I hangon because I always know the next day is always better. I had a day like that on Tuesday and yesterday was a much better day!!!
Enjoying the sun here too, what a mess a little bit of snow causes for VA huh? glad you didnt get any!
oh well.
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Hi, was on it for five years, felt great and yes, I did lose weight. I also changed my eating habits to adding at least 7 fruits and veggies daily and cutting out junk.
(of course I still had some and some wine too).
I noticed nothing at all for SEs. I felt very safe taking that little white pill. I was terrified to begin it, but it swiftly became completely routine. I took mine last thing at night and never had any problems.
Never felt or looked better:)
good luck
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That's great news anniealso! I'm feeling better every day. My side effects are getting less and less. First it was insomnia, then that went away, then night sweats, that is much better, then vag dryness, that is better too, vision issues, seem to be getting better...I think maybe it just takes time for our body to adjust. I take the whole 20 mg before bed, maybe some gals having problems might try that?
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I ladies, I'm new to this post. After reading some of these comments, I think I'm going to try and take my tamox at night too and see if my SE go away. The hot flashes are unbearable at times but fortunately I do not get the night sweats. Do get the muscle cramps and joint pains though. Sometimes I start getting really paranoid and think that it's gone into my bones. I've also had some vision issues and so went to the eye doctor and discovered I have glaucoma. That's a hereditary disease and no one in my family has it. Any one hear if Tamoxifen causes glaucoma. My eye doctor says no, but do they really know? Anybody else here of it affecting our eyes like this? Another incurable illness. I feel like I'm falling apart.
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Swanseagirl 5 miles, good for you!!! I try to do 3 when I do it and 4 on weekends.....Did 5 with my hubby once......feels good doesn't it?
Well we got a foot of snow here and kids had another day off.....yes in total from the last 2 1/2 weeks has been 4. They are now never ever going to get out of School come summertime......
So glad to hear so many women non affected on the Tamox, makes me feel good as I am pretty much non symptomatic.....occasionally bitchiness with some lack of sleep, mild constipation, extreme tiredness (as of lately) but nothing major. I was starting to worry the little white pill was not working for me......
AnnialsoI am glad you lost weight, ME TOO!!!! I trire like heck once radiation wsa done. I told myself it is about time I put myself 1st and I lost 20lbs. Now if I could just get back on the wagon as the snow is making extremely hard for me to get outside and walk. Yes I do have a treadmill but hate indoor exercise.....I would essentially like another 20 gone.....we will see how that goes!!!
Tinkertude I hope you are enjoying the little snow that did fall your to start getting dinner ready........see you guys at cocktail hour later!
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Mirella...good for you for going to have your eyes checked and not ignoring it!...I just got a new prescription for my glasses and am having a heck of a time adjusting..hav enever had trouble adjusting to new lenses before...I am chocking it up to feeling really tired the past two weeks...6 weeks post radiation and feeling it I guess.
Picked up my botle of Glycine at the health food store and would like to start taking it this says to take anywhere from 15-60 mgs ( 1-4 doses)...Can anyone tell me how much they have taken before bedtime to try and sleep? I really want to stop taking these #$%#$ sleeping pills but know I have to sleep or I won't heal and won't be coping as well...slept horribly last night because I am the go to gal if we cancel the school due to weather..kept wakingup to check outside my window...all we got here in Halifax was rain but the rest of the province and Maritimes have been snowed under. Flu season, here we come!
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Sandeeonherown~ I take 3 -500mg capsules every night before bed per my Naturopathic Oncologist. Works like a charm. I sleep good and don't feel like crap when morning comes. Sweet Dreams to you!
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Thanks phxsunshine! I am going to mix it with juice so not sure of the dose in powder form but I will aim for that amount!
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Haven't posted in a few days. Been on the T for 3 weeks now and don't even know I am taking it. Doing the split dose and the hot flashes are now just warm flushes and fewer than I have had in a long time. Sleeping great. No more joint pain in the toes or nausea. This might just work for me after all. Had a few problems in the beginning but okay now.
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JO So glad the split doses are working for you
JUNE... You would of thought we had a blizzard here, had a doc appt today and they cancelled my appt. Not a big deal just a checkup with primary doc...and I cured my daughters "boredom" had her clean out her closet. The kids are off again tomorrow dont think she will be complaing though lol....
ANNIEA, How awesome you did so great on it. Makes me feel like there is a light at the end of the tunnel!
Goodluck with the glycerine Sandee
MIRRELLA..I have heard thet it can cause glacoma my eye doc said it is very rare and usually after several years of being on it..What can the doc do to help you?
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Tinkertude, I've been on tamoxifen for only 1 1/2 years so not that long. My last eye exam was in 2007 before my diagnosis even and my eyes were fine then. Now glaucoma? I can only think it's the tamoxifen. I need to see an eye specialist so I'll see what happens and what they tell me then. Seeing my oncologist next month and I'll ask her what's up.
Ladies, we have to be so careful with our health don't we. Watch every little thing and be aware of every sign and take nothing for granted and definitely never dismiss anything for nothing.
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Mirella very good advice to follow! Sorry this happened to you but we should not take things lightly......I tend to, as my Doc always make me feel like a hypochondriac.....0
Susan, Gig Harbour. Wished the sun had stuck around for the weekend
June, I do not like the gym, but I love it when I can get out and walk. And yes, it does feel good to stretch out my aching muscles and joints. I still waiingt for the endorphins to kick in. Can I buy them at the drug store? LOL
Allison, I still have chemo brain from chemo. I was told to do crossword puzzles, sudoko (sp) to keep my mind active. LOL I forget that I should be doing crosswords ect.
See everyone later for coktails in the Bahama car.
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Jules - Had on heck of a bad week - so I am starting early and I brought a few extras.
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regalbeagle-glaucoma is a side effect of tamoxifen. I have dry eyes so I get mine checked yearly. I have not started taking mine as I will start in 1 1/2 weeks, but when I had my last exam I asked the eye doctor about it knowing that I would be on it and he said they would check me every year for it, but he did say that it is pretty rare to get glaucoma but it does happen.
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No kidding Jules! It's nothin' but gray skies over here. Luckily my Sunday morning walking group gets together rain or shine. Otherwise, we'd never meet!
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Swanseagirl and jo1955 looks like the Bahama car is fully loaded and prepared for all of us ladies.....Thank you as I will have mine now, yum yum!!!
I asked my eye Doc about Tamox and he said not to worry at here is trusting the medical profession to find something IF IT IS THERE!!
Swanseagirl I have that same forget-fullness brain, however I did not have Chemo. I feel so bad for all you women who had to undergo that as well......
Well lets see if I can get my 7 year old to eat Tarragon Chicken tonight....I betting NOT!!!!!
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June - Close enough to 5:00 where I live - think I will join you.0
Jo I'll be at your place in a few hours, the drinks look yummy. Tough week being back at work full time and not getting my naps in late afternoon. Have gone to bed early every night this week. I could use a few of those yummy looking things.
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OH boy do those drinks look good!!! I"ll of each please !0
I am feeling really good on those many is too many??? ha ha
Have a wonderful weekend ladies!
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I've been on Tamoxifin for two months. Nothings changed yet... So far, So good. Was really hoping the menstruating would stop, but I dont think it's gonna.
It is happy hour isn't it? Those drinks did look good. TIme for a glass of wine.
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Those cocktails do look yummy!
First day since I started over a week ago that I've had no nausea or funky tummy feeling with the Tamox. Guess that means it time to up my dose.
Hope you are all having a wonderful friday night! Mine is low key, had a call for a "last minute" girls night for dinner but I was already changed into my comfy clothes and slippers and halfway through cooking passed. Ready to go get under a blanket and watch a movie.
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I mentioned to my eye doc that I am no tamoxifen..figured it would be the heads up he needs to keep an eye on it on a yearly basis. Figured out my eye thing is because my new glasses were tilted at the wrong angle! Phew!!! The split does is ensuring I only hav eone warm flush during the day and, if I wake at 4am, I only have to peel off my clothes and I am all is doable!0
Cocktail hour is over - dinner is done and soon it will be dessert time.
Chocolate cheesecake anyone?