Bottle o Tamoxifen
Okay Ladies - It is dessert time. Here is what I whipped up for us. ENJOY!!
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Thrivers!!! Now I really love that name. It is so much better than survivor. We all know how important our quality of life is so "Thrivers" is a much better name for us.
Jo, those deserts are killers. I have such a sweet tooth and a great love of chocolate that I could dive right into one of them. I recently decided to stay off sugar. Did you gals know that Tamoxifen actually makes you crave it? I was finding that I couldn't get enough of it. I porked on 30 pounds in the last year and a half. So I decided that if I stayed off all sugars, maybe it would actually help me not to crave it. You know, it's been about 10 days and it's actually working. Go figure!
June, if I remember correctly Tamoxifen also causes skin rashes and dry skin. Perhaps that's what's happening to your chest. Who knows what this crap is actually doing to our bodies hey?
I've never had TMJ problems but it makes sense that some of us could be experiencing some pain there. Me, it's my right knee. All of a sudden it's like I have arthritis there. GEESH!
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regalbeagle - I just wish I could eat. I was doing good but the nausea is back so I have to force myself to eat something just to keep my strength up. Right now I have no desire for sweets or much of anything else. This started this morning and it has been on heck of a day.
I posted the pic to try and stay positive about this whole thing.
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regalbeagle - Since you are off sweets - I found this dessert just for you. Hope you like it.
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Hi Ladies... good day overall except tonight it looks like we are going to have to put our cat Nick to sleep tomorrow. He is very old and this will be the 3rd cat we have lost in the past 1 1/2. I told my husband I couldnt do it I am emotionally spent and feel like I am falling apart right now . He is going to callin the morning and see if he cantake him in really early... I tell you I know all this is a part of life but I am having a hard time dealing some days with "life"...sigh!
I did not know Tamoxifen makes you crave sweets just thought that part of me stayed the same at least... wow.. crazy med!!!
JO that looks delicious.too! I do hope your nausea subsides and you feel better soon!
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tinkertude - So sorry to hear about the cat - that is tough. I had a cocker spaniel I had to put to sleep due to old age. This part of life really sucks. It hurts - it is like loosing a member of the family.
Sending hugs out to you.
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Tink I am oh so sorry as I know how it feels as we have lost many pets as well and it is the hardest thing to do, and to lose 3, you poor heart goes out to you and your family..... Please know I am thinking of you and hoping your hubby can take care of it for you. My husband never could, so it always had to be me....So sorry to hear!
Jo, can we have like 10 and still not feel guilty, even if it is fruit, looks darn good! Also, I am so sorry to hear you are having such a hard time with this stinking little white pill......cant they do anything for you? If that was me, I could not continue to take it as it is so hard to function while being nauseous all the time.....please keep us posted and here is hoping tomorrow is a better day.
Regalbeagle Interesting to know that Tamox makes you I have a legitimate excuse when hubby is all over me......LOL Yeah the rash thing is so sporadic and not itchy....strange though!
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Aww, tink, I am sooo sorry to hear that! It's the hardest thing to do! I lost 2 cats in October, and I'm still upset about it. One of them died suddenly - in my arms - but she was very old. I'm afraid I lost my other one to a coyote. Bless Nick's good old heart - I know he had a good life with you. And bless you and your family. ♡
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Tink, I so understand. I think the total time I spent without at least one animal in my life since I was 4 or 5 years would amount to about a year to 18 months at the most. So I been ther a lot of times at 68. I ache for you.
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tink--i am so sorry for you! i started with 13 finally after the 4th or so, i knew what sad and griving feelings feel like. since then, i have spent the last 10 years preparing fot that part anyon's life. my first dog! way not, probly never will be able to say her name without choking up. wasnt prepared for that one----slipped by me! a good rehearsal for my father. he's 91 and as he of these days he's gonna be old. dont like the surprise effect of these things. i am sorry for you loss tink. it's been a ruff ride, no?0
TINK!!!! I'm so sorry! I know how you feel.....I took "Chevy" to the Vet on his last day....had to carry him, but the Vet was ready, had me lay him down, and I held him & talked to him when he gave him the shots...I cried, & talked in his ear....and I felt him fall "asleep"....I didn't want him to be afraid.
He had been so sick & so weak.....But he lives in our hearts, & all over the place because of his PICTURES all over my desk, ha!
Our "Lacee' was another gift from our Daughter' she is my "other" little girl.....
(((((( Tink ))))))) xoxooxoxo
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June - All the desserts on here are guilt and calorie free - so indulge as much as you want.
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June thanks. The head seems to be better. I finally broke down and took one of my migraine pills Friday night. I feel much better!
Chevy, I haven't had any jaw problems from the Big T... But, I did have some nasty uterine polyps after only 6 or 7 months on Tamoxifen. I had to have a D & C and that was the WORST, most painful surgery I have ever had.
I am so worried about these polyps growing back, but I guess I'll just have to wait and see. Did anyone else get them, or am I the only one??
Hope everyone is having a smooth ride today.
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Thank you ALL so much!.. My husband took in him this morning and poor thing didnt even make it to see the doctor. I knew it was coming, but as you all know it still is hard. He was my company during the day! I
I think hot flashes must be linked to stress??? I was flashing all night again.... anyone notice this?
Thank you all for your words and support.
Hugs back to you all today!!!!
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Hi my beautiful tami friends, thanks for the welcome back!
Chevyboy - "warm waves" is a good way to describe it. It hasn't been much of a problem, maybe a bit at night, but I am used to having to get up in the night anyway.
Jo - I'm glad you got going okay on tami, but now it sounds like you're having some nausea. That is so weird because last night I started feeling a bit stomach achey and today my face has a lot of red blotches on it. Who knows why? DH was also a bit ill after we ate out, so maybe a bug or something. Then I was jogging in the wind and rain yesterday and maybe my face is just wind-burned??? Thanks for the beautiful goodie pics, look fantastic! I sure hope you feel better soon!!
Heartnsoul - I combined work and pleasure for sure. Got to enjoy a beautiful heat wave in the southwest and even sunbathed and swam in a lake! You are right, they can't stop us from having fun (even with hypocondria!).
Regalbeagle - funny about sweet cravings, I had never been much of a candy freak, then on chemo I started craving chocolate, now I'm back to no cravings.
Tinkertude - I am so sorry to hear about your cat, that is so hard. I had adopted a cat from a shelter and didn't realize he was fairly old when I got him. I had him for 5 years and formed a deep attachment to him, then found out he had kidney disease and he got sicker and sicker to the point I had to take have him put to sleep. It was awful and I still grieve him. That was going on 2 years ago. I am so sorry you have to go through this. I would imagine the stress would intensify hot flashes. Anyway, I'm hoping you are doing okay.
Harley - thanks for the info on uterine polyps, so sorry you had to go through that and I sure hope it doesn't return.
As for tami SE's, after almost 4 weeks the main thing is "warm waves" and some at night. Then I feel a bit more tense than usual, one day I felt extremely emotional and had trouble stopping tears - these are the times I feel I have to take charge of that pill and not let it run me.
Big hugs to all ~Beans
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I am supposed to pick up my Bottle 'o Tamoxifen tonight and start tomorrow. Not sure that I'm ready, I'm not good with pills. Couldn't take birth control, it made me queasy, was sick all through my otherwise fabulous twin pregnancy and tend to only need a half dose of anything like tylenol. I know that attitude makes a huge difference in anything I do, so I am trying to psych myself up for this and I'm looking for any suggestions to minimize potential SEs. I'm nervous about nausea and mood swings...
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Hi MammaShells,
I just started Tami a few weeks ago and I was terrified of it. The first two days or so I took a quarter of a pill and had myself so worked up about it, with very similar worries you've mentioned. Then I called my oncology nurse who was very calming and reassuring so I started taking the whole pill on Jan 6. It's been no big deal with SE's mainly of warm flashes. I'm taking it first thing in the morning and just feel this is protecting me and I'll deal with any SE's that come along. The women on this we site have been extremely helpful to me as I've jumped on the 5 year Tami Train. Wishing you all the best!!!
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MammaShells, welcome to the thread! Like I told someone else, I read that in the UK the oncs actually prescribe tamoxifen in two 10 mg doses, so you may want to check with your doctor and see if that would be okay. In fact, a lot of ladies on here are taking it that way and some are gradually increasing their daily dose from 10 to 20 over a period of a few weeks. If you do have SEs, the main thing to remember is that they are usually gone within 6 months of starting the tamoxifen. Good luck with it! I have had no SEs to speak of, a little nausea and dizziness initially, I think, but not any more. I've been on it since Jan. 1st and just jumped right in.
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Hope everyone is doing well.
Gotta go...
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Hi Gals...the best thing I can suggest, to find out how the Tamoxifen affects the rest of us, is to look back on these pages! Or even start from the beginning, & work your way up...but that's 330 pages, ha! What ever SE's you get, will usually straighten out in a couple weeks....hopefully!
So Mama, you already have the right attitude...don't be nervous....I'm into it for over a year, & I haven't caused any problems here at home! Ha!
Oh wait! I AM sassier now...but they deserve it!
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You give em what fer, Chevy! Of course they deserve it - coincidentally, they deserve it around here, too!0
Hi Heartnsoul - just seconding the 10 mg twice a day as my nurse said that would be fine too, but my 5 mg wasn't a therputic dose, darn it! So, maybe due to my laziness I just popped the whole thing once a day.
Chevyboy - LOL sassier!!! - after all we go through sassier is a good outcome!!
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JO Thanks for the pic and hugs! made me smile!!!!
Thanks ladies
Mammashells... welcome aboard the Tammy train. You will find comfort support and new friends here!!!!
I agree splitting the dose helped alot.. I actually started slowly... 5mg 1st week 10mg 2nd etc...but thats just me. You may do just wonderful with splitting 10mg in am and 10mg in pm... My onc also agreed 10mg in am and pm was ok.
good luck to you!
HARLEY. So sorry to hear about your polyps hope you are feeling better!!!
CHEVYBOY... Sassier is a good thing! lol..
Heartnsoul here too making up for lost time lol..
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Thanks so much ladies for all of the responses! It is such a blessing to have a place to go for support and advice. After I posted I was talking myself into getting healthier and putting it off for a month...really just procrastinating
I like the idea of half in the AM and half in the PM. One other thing that I am worried about, I'm 38 and newly separated after 16 years of marriage and I've been a little depressed lately especially bad around that magical time of the month. I've seen on this thread that mood swings may get worse, is anyone here taking an antidepressant or doing things like accupuncture or yoga to help? If you are, could you please PM me?
Thanks so much for the encouragment, it looks like I'll be hopping aboard the Tammy Train with you tomorrow...Woooo Woooo (train whistle)
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Sisters, sure need a hug today.
A flood of tears came today. Was on the phone to my mum (back home) and just started crying.
I had this overwhelming sadness, anxiety, not sure what to call it. But whatever it was I sure don't like it.
Have been in a funk all day. Is this the Tamox, the build up of the last 9 months of hell?
Plus I broke my toe last night walking into my Dyson. Grrrrr
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Swanseagirl, you are in the post-treatment blues. I get them all the time. Sometimes,it's a watershed. A friend when I traveled a couple of weeks ago told me I look fantastic with my hair like this. I started weeping that it is impossible to embrace this look that was granted thanks to cancer. I blubbered on about menopause, etc.
It's normal, sweetie. We have been through the worst thing imaginable. Cry, scream, moan--and have fun, too. I know you do--keep balancing it out.
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Might as well enjoy the scenery sisters!
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Is it normal to get an occasional brownish red or dark greenish discharge while on Tamoxifen?
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Jules - You are going through post treatment blues sweetie. I have days like that so I know what you are going through. This is for you my sister