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Bottle o Tamoxifen



  • sunangel27
    sunangel27 Posts: 234
    edited February 2011

    Sure hope you feel better soon Sherry...... I started getting sick this morning and am running back and forth to the restroom.......gonna go lay down for awhle now and see if it will subside some. Already called in sick to work.......would have to go in tonight and am feeling feverish on top of the other two things...... oy! :(

  • sunangel27
    sunangel27 Posts: 234
    edited February 2011

    I hear ya Jo........I am so hoping I don't have to repeat it.......        just called the MRI department at the hospital and they told me my MRI has been read and sent to the drs. waiting to hear back from them. I called and left a message......we'll see how soon they call back....... :(

  • sunangel27
    sunangel27 Posts: 234
    edited February 2011

    Would LOVE to join you!!!  (I am originally from Calif!! heheee    We can stop and pick up a few family members that I am sure we will all have  an awesome time with!! They love wine tasting! :)

  • MissTW
    MissTW Posts: 16
    edited February 2011

    My doctor just phoned with great results. The lump was fat necrosis due to breast reduction surgery. I will begin my tamoxifen tonight.

    Best wishes to all!!

  • sunangel27
    sunangel27 Posts: 234
    edited February 2011

    MissTW!! What awesome news!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!! 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    MIss TW that is wonderful.

    We wer suppose to the the Texas Hill Country Wine Trail today.  Would already be there but we my queasy stomach and my husband is having some bad back problems (going to the neurologist on Tuesday) we decided it would be a waste of money to go an lay around feeling bad so cancelled the trip.  This was suppose to be my celebrating finishing rads.  Oh well another time.

  • oakley
    oakley Posts: 82
    edited February 2011

    Hi Sunangel - thanks for the welcome. Sounds like a great trip you're planning!

    Jo - I will join you in the wine country.  I know I'm leaving for vacation on Sunday, but nothing stopping me from making a stop in Napa!  On a serious note, I've not been drinking as much wine as I normally do.  I LOVE red wine (mostly pinot noir and some blends), but I've been getting migraine headaches recently and one was definitely triggered by the wine.  So, I miss it a lot, and that picture makes me happy! 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2011

    Miss TW - Wonderful news!

    Sherry - Bummer you are not going to the Hill Country Wine Trail.  That is one of the things I miss about being in San Antonio.

    sunangel - I am originally from Riverside, CA. 

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Posts: 1,998
    edited February 2011

    MSTW..Wonderful news... so happy to hear!!Smile

    SUNAANGEL..W aiting is the worst..Wish the whole process was so much quicker.. hang in hugs!

    Jo... wine looks very tempting! will meet everyone in the car.... but I am really about the desserst lol!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2011

    Tink - I think I have spoiled you rotten.  Just finished in the kitchen making this for you.  Now I am on my way to the bar car to sip some wine.


  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Posts: 1,998
    edited February 2011

    JO..Now thats what Im talking about!! wahoo!!!!... and yes you do and I thank you :)

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2011

    Tink - Anything for you "sweetie"! LOL

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Posts: 4,503
    edited November 2013

    If we are both feeling better tomorrow we may make a day trip out it as we already have out tickets.

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Posts: 923
    edited February 2011

    We definitely need a stop over in wine country! 

  • sunangel27
    sunangel27 Posts: 234
    edited February 2011

    Sherry, hope you get to go!!!!

    Jo.....that is awesome.... I was born in Maywood. and lived in Buena Park, and Downey and Bell Gardens the years that I lived there 

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2011

    Surfette- I have also been feeling pains off an on....doesn't fit the two wek rule and sometimes seems to depend on whether or not I was wearing a wire bra....or am tired. I need to remind myself that I was radiated!...that that has an affect on the body and that healing takes time. Good luck with your appointment...I don't go until June or July....I expect to be a bundle of nerves that month....keep us posted!

    ps. tried to add you on facebook and it wouldn't let me. Can you PM me your full name (and residence ) so I can find you that way?

  • sunangel27
    sunangel27 Posts: 234
    edited February 2011

    Could just see all of us there............toasting to the end of all this BC!!!!! :)

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2011

    I don't post anything about cancer on my facebook page....I have hundreds of students, past and present, who are on there and this is not something I plan on sharing wih them about me....Want to keep the mystery going! HAH!

  • sunangel27
    sunangel27 Posts: 234
    edited February 2011

    I sure can understand that snadee!! :)  There are people that I don't share this with, but they aren't on there.....

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2011

    My main reason for joining Facebook was so students could find me and so I could see where my teaher trainees were teaching etc. I don't write anything personal on it except in direct messages to people...I only have he basics posted..I figure anyone who I want to know about my cancer diagnosis or my split with my partner already know....don't want others in there.

  • sunangel27
    sunangel27 Posts: 234
    edited February 2011

    I can fully understand that :)

  • awb
    awb Posts: 213
    edited February 2011

    peg---I would definitely call your  GYN. Mine said to always call with any abnormal heavy bleeding while on tamoxifen, as it can be a sign of endometrial cancer. That doesn't mean it is, but it would be best to get it checked out thoroughly. they will probably do a transvaginal US--something that should be done yearly while on tamox to monitor the uterine lining and the ovaries.


  • peg119
    peg119 Posts: 190
    edited February 2011

    MSTW - that is such great news and I know you are relieved.

    I did call my gynecologist today since it was my second day of extremely heavy bleeding.  I have never bled this bad when I was actively having periods.  There was no doctor available to do an ultrasound so they told me to call my onc.  I called them and they said to stop the tamox for now and they tried to call my gyn.  He is in another town about 20 minutes away.  They had no luck so told me I needed to go to the ER since I was soaking through a pad every hour.  I sat in the ER for 5 hours.  My blood work was normal which was a surprise.  They finally got in touch with the gyn who was on call for mine and they told them to put me on Provera for 7 days and to call the gyn on Monday.  I then got to come home.  What a waste of time.  I am not thrilled about the Provera since my DCIS was estrogen and progesterone positive but I guess I will have to take it for now until I see my gyn.  Not really sure when I am supposed to start back on tamox but guess I will wait until I see the gyn.  I feel as weak as a kitten even though my blood work was normal.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2011

    peg, what a day you have had!!!! Bodies really do take a beating with all of this gentle with yourself this weekend.

  • JustmeAlicia
    JustmeAlicia Posts: 629
    edited February 2011

    Peg ~ ugh ~ so no resolve after the ER.  Try not to worry about the Provera right now they need to stop the bleeding.  Hoping Monday you will get to see the gyno.  Hang in there and rest.

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Posts: 1,998
    edited February 2011

    PEG So sorry that you had to go through all that and no resolutoin yet.. Rest as much as you can this weekend and please please let us know what happens Mon hugs to you!!!

    SANDEE... I can completly understand that too!

  • peg119
    peg119 Posts: 190
    edited February 2011

    Sandee and Alicia - Thanks.  I am going to try to rest.  Right now enjoying a glass of red wine to help replenish the blood cells.  I know that is a no no but oh well.  I at least have Monday off for Presidents day so can get some extra rest.

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Posts: 2,126
    edited February 2011



    Please keep us posted on how you are doing.  I'll be thinking about you.



  • sunangel27
    sunangel27 Posts: 234
    edited February 2011

    Peg, take care of yourself and get to feeling better...and yes, Keep us informed.

  • June2268
    June2268 Posts: 926
    edited February 2011

    Tink what are my chances of getting a slice of that cake?  You are so tiny and couldn't possibly eat it all......

    Jo I have been in the bar car and cannot seem to find you.....I must be sloshed already!!!

    Freak Storm due to the heat now brought on by the sudden change in storms!!

    MSTW congrats on the good news!