Bottle o Tamoxifen
Dessert will follow later.
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GOOD NEWS TO SHARE! I have an appointment next week with the NV Cancer Institute. Thanks for the info about the effexor and the exercise. I am so happy and relieved to get an appointment. I've been in a down slump and very mixed feelings and undecided, feels good to be taking some action again. I guess I was pretty scared and down after going through so much so suddenly (from 6/2010 through 12/2010). I sortof isolated myself for awhile. This forum and all of you wonderful girls have really helped motivate me. Thanks!!!!!!
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dks - So glad you got the appt and can move to the next step. It is alright to be scared and have mixed feelings about all this. It can be real confusing. Let us know how the appt goes.
I know the feeling about things moving fast. I went from diagnosis on 8/17/10 to finishing rads on 12/3/10. Talk about a whirlwind.
Hang with us - we have all been there and will help you get through it. Since you have limited posting right now - until you reach 50 - feel free to PM me anytime.
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DKS Great news so glad you were able to get an appt. Like Jo said keep us posted we are all here...
Dinner and desert were wonderful Jo yum... thanks!!!!
Blood work that I had done with my new primary care doc came back good! Yeah! thank God, even the Vit D was good...
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Sandeeonherown so glad you were able to go and get the kinks worked out.....I know it is a WIP, but hopefully tomorrow you wake up and are feeling a little less pain.....
Jo what can I say I am getting fatter and fatter but enjoying all your treats......I hope you are planning some mean cocktails for Friday nights train ride.....where are we heading this time?
Tink that is great news on the blood work.....yipee.....I hate that I have to wait until end of March, oh well.....
Okay today was in the 40's and tomorrow is supposed to be I just wish I could go walking outside that is totally where I belong. Not downstairs on my treadmill.....boring! However if we have a few more weeks of warm weather maybe this 3 feet of snow I have on my yard will start to melt and I can then journey on outward and not get killed by traffic not seeing me......
Nite nite ladies.......
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June- thanks!!! I am siting on an ice pack as 'we speak'!! have told my p. trainer that tomorrrow squats or lunges on directive from the chiro! HAH! My balance is all off...not that I can afford to be any shorter (4'10.5"...come on!) bt I feel totally squashed..feeling more movement tonight so back on track ladies!
dkindistress- good for you for making the is easy enough to be in a roubles began 6/6/10 so I know the whirlwind....don't know wat I would have done if I were not working and working with such a loving gorup of people...
YAY tink!!!!! wheeehhhaaaa!!
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Tink - Good news on the blood work WOO HOO!
June - Remember, all the food I serve has zero calories so enjoy it while you can. Let me think about Friday night and get back with you LOL! We will be in the low 80s for the next week - I have dug out the capris and sandals.
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Tink - glad your bloodwork came back okay
June - so glad you are feeling better today.
dks - we were diagnosed on the same day. It has been a whirlwind hasn't it?
No biopsy results yet. I leave for my cruise in the morning so unless I can check on the road tomorrow, I will talk to y'all next week.
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oops - chemo brain - dks we were NOT diagnosed on the same day. Where is my mind?
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Yes the dream is one of the newest ships. We are excited. We are in Cozumel first stop on Monday. so we miss each other. Our last Carnival cruise was to celebrate my being done with chemo and surgery last May. I had very very little hair ~ and it was an older ship out of NY. We still had a blast with bad food and all. So I am looking forward to this one knowing it can only be better. We are also travelling with my brother his wife, and my neice and nephew. So my kids have their cousins to explore the boat with ! Sorry girls for the cruise banter on our TAMOXITRAIN!
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Good morning everyone. First time on this thread - I will be starting Tamoxifen in about 2 weeks and I'm a nervous wreck about it. I tried really hard not to read anything, but of course I couldn't hold back any longer.
I'm now wondering if the benefit is worth the SE for me - I went to the cancermath website and honestly, if I input everything correctly, it looked like Tamox added 175 days to my lifespan. Does that make any sense? I am very confused. Any advice would be so much appreciated.
Anyway, this looks like a fun place to be, so hello and nice to meet you!
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oakley - Tamoxifen has been around for about 30 years and has been the standard of care all along. The benefits far outweigh the SEs. Everyone experiences different side effects. I will share mine with you. I had some mild stomach queasiness in the beginning - that is gone. I have some joint pain but it is manageable. I started taking 10mg the first week then went to a split dose - 10mg in the morning and 10mg at dinner. I did that for about 3 weeks. When I got tired of pill splitting, I took the whole 20 mg at breakfast and other than the joint pain, I am having no other SEs. In fact, Tamox has reduced by hot flashes quite a bit.
I have read many posts on this subject and see alot of the ladies are scared to try it - I must be totally weird. When I got my script, I jumped in with both feet and did not give it a second thought. Now that I can take the whole dose at once, I just add it to my mix of other pills in the morning.
Just relax and breathe - consider Tamox an added insurance policy.
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my nausea is worse. Could not make it to work until about 10:30 (thank goodness for a great boss). Went ahead and took some Zantac and waiting to hear back from MO office. I really need this to go away. The sleeping is getting better though. I can now at least go back to sleep which is an improvment.
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Sherry - Are you on Tamox because you are premenopausal? If you are post - maybe one of the AIs would work for you.
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Oakley -
I also fought this long and hard and really didn't want to take it. The problem is, as with most things, we only tend to hear the negatives. I spoke with several doctors, trusted family and friends. Finally decided to try it - the thinking being that if the side effects are really bad, I can just stop. Most of the people I spoke with who were taking tamoxifen really had no major problems with it. So I've been taking since August and can't complain. Every now and then I'll experience something that I think may be caused by the tamoxifen, but then it's gone. I think the bigger issue for me is that I'm philosophically opposed to putting more "stuff" in body, unless it's really important, and I still haven't been convinced that this makes that much of a difference. But I've concluded that with no real side effects to speak of, the risk of recurrence is more frightening, so I'll keep taking it for now.
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Jo-Yes I am premenopausal. My old MO and this new MO have both told me the same thing that if they cannot get me adjusted on Tamoxifen the only alternative is to give me lupron shots and force me into menaupause and then try the AL's. If they work then I would have to have my ovaries removed. My new MO really does not want to do this because he says overall women have more problems with AL's. I guess I am just the lucky one!
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Oakley ~ Welcome, try not to worry to much about taking the little white pill. Hopefully it is keeping our cancer from coming back ~ For me the side effects come and go. Some weeks they are horrible and other not so bad. This is a not so bad week, I think exercise really helps me with my hot flashes and sleeping. So I have gone every morning this week. For me it is some joint pain when I am sitting for long ~ my knees hurt when I get up, hot flashes and night sweats sometimes barely noticeable other times brutal. But it is all doable for now. I am 10 months on tamoxifen.
Hope everyone has a great day !
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Oakley don't let my SE scare you. I think I am having a more difficult time than others, but I am determined to work through it as I know I need this little pill.
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Just heard back from the MO and he wants me to stop the tamox for 3 days and he is giving me a precription for my stomach to take for 4 days and then will take prilosec 2 Xday until next month when I see him again. Lets hope this works.
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JustmeAlicia I too am on my 10th month and so far so good. I do exercise as much as I can as well, but the last 2 months have been very hard for me. I used to walk 3-4 miles outside everyday 7 days a week and since winter hit I am more like 4 days if a good week then it is 5 far I hit 5 days this week with Tuesday being the only day I did nothing due to extreme tiredness.....I started end of April and cannot believe I will be celebrating a year soon......what date did you start?
Jo you remind me so much of myself....I jumped in without even thinking about it as I feel I really had no choice and just wanted to get on with my life......I started on my last day of radiation.....and thank you for all those desserts that are calorie free......I must be getting fat from somewhere else......LOL
OakleyTry not to read too much as everyone is so different and I thought I would have problems as I am so sensitive to everything and YES, I have had some mild SE, but nothing too harsh.....Keep positive and please let us know how you are doing........
Sherryc- So sorry you are having a bad day......I like your positive attitude,I am sure that will help you along.......keeping my fingers crossed!
Hello to all you other ladies out there.....loving the weather today as it is in the 50's......
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thanks june. I really did not think much about starting tamox as I knew I needed it. It has really caught me offgaurd that I have had multiple SE. I usually am not that sensitive to drugs so this has been a surprise for me.
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Sherry ~ I hope your stomach issues settle down soon.
June ~ I started my tamoxifen on 4/1 ! Figured it was a fitting date ~ LOL
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I have a question for you ladies. I am 52 years old and haven't had a period since March of 09. I figured I was by now well established into menopause. I started a period last night and am flowing like a stuck pig. I am not sure if I should just wait it out and assume it is a period or call my onc since I am on Tamox. Any suggestions?
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If it was me, I would definitely get it checked out but by a gynecologist.
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peg119 - Stuck Pig you say?? I'd call my Gyn or my Vet, not sure which. (cancer humor) Seriously, I'd ask somebody if this is something you need to be concerned about.
I saw my Naturopath today and the good news is my circulating Vit D went from 27, 3 months ago to 67 so I am back to 2000 IU a day, down from 5000 IU. Amazing to me how fast that worked. My eyelashes have been falling out and my skin is like tissue paper. I get so many tiny little cuts and cracks on my hands, it's ridiculous and I wear rubber gloves, gardening gloves and winter gloves. I also rubbed a quarter sized piece of skin off my knee 4 weeks ago - kneeling down in church. Crazy. She added biotin - 1 5000 mcg/day, Sea Buckthorn and Shea Flex to my pile. Eat 1 Cup of berries/day, fresh or frozen. She also recommended applying castor oil topically - not to ingest - thank goodness! Thought that was interesting considering all the biotin posts I've been reading lately. Also am to quit the melatonin as that can cause skin drying. She said different things work for different bodies, but we are starting on this for now.
I am thankful to her for restoring my energy. In 3 months I've gone from "Queen of Lethargy" to "Better Than I was before the diagnosis". Last weekend I attended a 3 day swim meet, my son's last Collegiate Meet, and I felt great. That was the litmus test, my daughter is getting married a week from Saturday and I WILL be ready for it! I had some serious doubts there for awhile. Not anymore. I am back to fighting strength. God Bless all of you fine ladies real good today!
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Call your Onc, AND your gyn. The Tamoxifen can cause uterine polyps. These things are nasty, and can cause bleeding. I don't have periods anymore, but I got them after 6 months on Tamoxifen. I had terrible bleeding, and had to have a D & C.
Please keep us posted, ok??
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Like I said in an earlier post, I jumped into taking Tamox with no hesitation. Knew that if I had any SEs that were not tolerable, I could stop taking it. As for the other issues I keep reading about, uterine polyps, thickening of the uterus, etc. I will deal with them if and when I have to. Mentally, a little white pill is not going to control my life.
Am I just really weird or what? Sometimes I can't believe I am so noncholant about this.
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When, or IF these things come back, I will have a COMPLETE HYSTERECTOMY! That D & C was the WORST surgery I have EVER had! So... if need be, I will just have them rip it ALL out!