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Bottle o Tamoxifen



  • lezza13
    lezza13 Member Posts: 579
    edited July 2012

    Hi Ladies

     Congrats Jo on the B9 results.  

    The bottle is still not open.  Waiting to do my exchange Wed and talk to the PS when I should start it.  I am having a transvaginal ultrasound Tuesday because I am scared of side effects. I heard those are good to do once a year. The chemo had me miss my annual pelvic so I thought this would replace it. Thanks for the suggestion.  Besides hot flashes, any other SE's I should be aware of before I start?  I was thinking about taking it in the morning.  I appreciate the other suggestions I got. Just Think I need some more! Thanks.

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410
    edited July 2012

    Lizza13: I posted to your ? On the "newbies on Tamox" thread, but I forgot to add that I take mine in the morning with breakfast. I haven't had any nausea. I know some take it at night and some split it half and half. You'll just have to start it and then adjust it if needed to see what works best for you. The key is to start it! :-).

    I've got four years and eleven months to go!.....might have to switch to an aromasen during that period, but I'm protecting my bones as long as I can!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited July 2012

    Lezza - I can still remember picking up my first prescription for Tammy and looking at it for a couple of days and then said to hell with it.  I just took the plunge and started taking it.  At first, I did the split dose - had nausea problems with Arimidex and Femara.  After about 3 weeks of splitting pills that got old and decided to take the entire pill in the morning with some milk.  That really helped and now after more than 1 1/2 years, I have adjusted to it and don't have to worry aout having the milk.  I set it out with all my other pills and supplements.  I say just go for it.

  • sgreenarch
    sgreenarch Member Posts: 253
    edited July 2012

    Hi, Ladies,

    Been away for a while. Catching up is impossible but I 'skimmed.' good wishes to debbie and others waiting for results. Finally have time to be in your pockets.

    To those of you with hair or nail issues, I've had great results by just increasing the dark leafy greens in my diet, specifically Swiss chard, kale, spinach, etc. I make a smoothie in the blender each morning with a banana (helps w leg cramps) berries, any other fruit in season (mango or peaches are great) cup of water, a whole lot of ice and then add a bunch of those leaves. You don't taste them as the fruit taste overpowers the green taste. My onc told me getting nutrients from food is always better than getting it through supplements. My hair shedding and nail splitting has stopped. Really recommend this.

    Tink, I flew back and forth (Israel/US) all winter and spring while mt dad was sick and dying. Never wore a sleeve and was fine. On long flights they recommend drinking lots of water and walking around but your flight is short. Good luck!

    Saw my onc last week and I'll be switching to an AI in December. (had ooph in November but I think she wants me to have the 2.5 yrs on tami before switching.) Trying to not think about it til then. Having wicked hot flashes still. Hard to say if it's the ooph or tami. I do see that they are stress related. Been plenty of that lately. Oh well.

    Jo, happy anniversary. Glad to hear B9.

    Love to my tami friends,


  • GirlPowerDebbie
    GirlPowerDebbie Member Posts: 77
    edited July 2012

    I was lucky (if you can call it that).  My insurance paid for my 3 levels of BRCA testing (family history of BC) and when my niece was diagnosed with ovarian cancer I pursued prophylactic oophorectomy - and I did not even have to get pre-approval for that.  As my MO put it, it is cheaper for the insurance company to pay for having my ovaries out than to treat me for OC.  Anthem has been really good to work with through this whole thing, I even have a nurse advocate there (free service) I can run things by.  They call about 1x a month to check in on me.  Part of my thinks about that "big brother watching" but another part of my is happy for another insight into my overall care.  I am lucky to have insurance.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572
    edited July 2012

    Hi all!!  Its good to finally be able to cool off.  Atleast the heatwave has let up, but I'm still having my own personal summer going on, lol.  Gotta love the hf.  I'll take them over the visit from the painters anyday for sure. 

    I did the staring at the bottle too.  I think its normal from the way it sounds.  I remember looking at it like it was gonna do something bad to me, and I was scared to death of it.  I then had to get into a different mindset and once I did, I was able to take it.  Am I loving the SE, heck no, but I know that I'm doing what I need to in order to try and keep this beast at bay.  My breasts had decided to turn on me, so I need to make for sure that I am doing whatever I need to to stop it in its tracks. 

    My insurance paid for my BRCA testing, but now I'm kinda screwed because the Onc changed my diagnosis to heredity breast cancer, so future life insurance that asks for health questions is gonna hurt me.  I know we have a law in place to ban that, but its on heath insurance alone.  It does kinda frost my cookies because I am lucky and found my cancer at an early stage.  I plan on living for many many years.  

  • peg119
    peg119 Member Posts: 190
    edited July 2012

    This is not a Tammi related question but since a lot of you travel I was just wondering if anyone had any recommendations for hotels in dublin or B & Bs in other Ireland cities.  We are going in august.

  • June2268
    June2268 Member Posts: 926
    edited July 2012

    Jo so so very happy your results were b9!!

    Liz I had 1 hot flash while I was on Tamox and nothing more and  I think it was well into the 2nd year with joint pain.  I have now been off Tamox for 4 months and feel great!

    Going in to see my  Onc tomorrow and see if I should get back on Tamox or not.  I feel so much better and have heard from people that my mind is here and not all foggy.  Still unsure of what I want to do as I sure as hell don't want this shit back for lack of doing the right thing but at this point in my life I feel so much better off of it.....wish me luck tomorrow and hope all are staying cool!

    Hugs ladies!

  • lezza13
    lezza13 Member Posts: 579
    edited July 2012

    jo1955  Thanks  I will take it in the morning one day soon and see what happens.

     chachamom: Yes, I answered your post on the Newbie thread.  Thanks for posting twice. Let me know if BioSil works for you. I would like to keep the fuzz I have!  I will try it in the morning one day and see what happens.  I appreciate the posts.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited July 2012

    June - First and foremost has to be quality of life.  If you feel better then I would question going back on Tamox too.  I have a 7 year survivor friend who went of Tamox after 2 years because of the same issues and she is doing all right.  Whether we take the drug for the full 5 years or not does not guarantee us a damn thing.  This is all a crap shoot.  You have to do what is best for you.  Love ya gal! Kiss 

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited July 2012

    Junie... Jo is right quality of life is so imprtant too, it is a crap shoot, but girl we will be in your pocket tomorrow... hugs

    Paula... that is frustrating but glad they were able to put your mind at ease some!!!

    The PT called and said I needed to wear it because I had both the sentinel and axillary dissections done and that puts me at greater risk..

    Leeza.yes i also stared at the bottle for some time... some days I wish I was still just staring at bt everone is different and maybe your se will be light if any :)

    Shari... good to see you back!!!!

    hugs to all my sistas!

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410
    edited July 2012

    Shari, thanks for the smoothie tip. I already eat lots of greens, having switched to a plant based diet about eight months ago.....but I can see how a smoothie would concentrate those nutrients. I'll have to experiment a little with them. I'm also going to start the BioSil when it arrives.....I don't think I would be very consistent in doing the smoothies.......

    Peg:.......Wow! A trip to Ireland, how wonderful! I have no suggestions as I've never been there, but would love to hear how your trip goes!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited July 2012

    Deb I'll be in your pocket and praying for B9

    June quality of life is worth so much.  Good luck on your appt tomorrow.

    Have been busy but wanted to let all you sista's know that my aunt passed away this past week.  She had pancreatic cancer.  Anyway have spent the weekend with family which has been nice.  After family visitation last night a bunch of us went out to eat.  It was a very nice funeral today and really celebrated her life which is what she wanted.  It was so hot I thought I was going to pass out at the cemetery. Too many people in my family have had cancer and died in the last few years so I think we all deserve a break for while.  Saw several people I had not seen since before my MX and they all said I looked like I felt so much better.  They could tell I was not having all the pain I had been living with.  I told DH I must have really looked like I hurt all the time.  He said I do look a lot more relaxed in my face and that it is obvious that I am not in all that pain.  Funny how you don't realize how you wear that on your face.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited July 2012

    Sherry - My prayers are with you and your family.  So sorry for the loss of your aunt.  Pancreatic cancer is some nasty stuff - it took my mom from  me in 1995.  

    BTW!  From the pictures I have seen of you lately, you do look a lot more relaxed and like you are having fun these days. 

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited July 2012

    heartandsoul. tink, sherry- glad the answer to the 'wait and see' response helped!!!Aren't we all lucky that we found this trhead....I have come here many times over the past 18 months when I needed words from women who 'got it'...glad that sometimes what I say here makes sense!...I am at a point wher eI am no longer thinking of breast cancer...perhaps because I have had 2 years cancer free and, other than the heart atttack (GAK...sounded weird), have not had the troubles some are having...I know tammi caused the blood clot but genetic factors also played a I am doing battle to get my cholesterol under is 2.4 with the cholesterol meds...and am wondering if I am taking food seriously enough.

    bgirl....thanks! I am better...have kept almost daily contact with my girlfriend whose mom died so suddenly and have accepted that it is what it is...maybe it is easier because there was fun not  being mobile when you are used to curling and uting your grass...the last few years had been really hard on her.

    The dragonboating, like weight lifting did right after my diagnosis, really helps me to breathe. I spend the entire hour counting strokes and trying to get it right without doing damage...not always successful but it feels SO good to be in a boat full or survivors...flying with them to Windsor, Ontario(right across from Detroit!) to paddle in the dragonboat festival this weekend....who wants to join me? I will wear something with big pockets!

    Jo-sending HUGE hugs your way! (I am only caught up to the end of June so may havemorecomments in a few minutes!) Hugs to all you tammi ladies!!!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited July 2012

    lifechanging- have you tried an osteopath for the joint pain? I started going to one a few months back and flexibility is back and my pain is (in Canada anyhow) pays for part of it....makes massage, accupuncture and chiro pale in comparison!


  • peg119
    peg119 Member Posts: 190
    edited July 2012

    Sherry - sorry to hear about your loss.  Glad the funeral was a celebration.

  • June2268
    June2268 Member Posts: 926
    edited July 2012

    Sherry honey so sorry for your loss.....I know this time is extremely hard for you and your family.  Sending you a great big hug!  Love you!!!

    Jo thank you for telling me of your friend of 7 years being cancer free, it really helps me as it is such a hard decision and I know that my Onc is going to convince me to go back on, I just know it.....

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited July 2012

    June - Of course your MO will try and convince you to go back on it.  All the same, there are still no guarantees.  I have read story after story about sisters having a recurrance after 5 years of Tamox and yet have read equally as many stories about sisters that quit taking Tamox before completing their 5 years and are just fine.  As we all know, each one of us is different and we have to make our own decisions about our healthcare.  I know you have weighed all the pros and cons and if you decide to not go back on it - it is entirely up to you.  Your Tammi sisters will stand behind you no matter what.  

  • June2268
    June2268 Member Posts: 926
    edited July 2012

    I love you Jo, thank you thank you thank you......

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited July 2012

    Sherry... so very sorry for your loss! love and hugs to you

    Junie... Jo is right we are with you all the way no matter what! once a Tammy sista always a Tammy sista!!!! love you

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited July 2012

    my oncologist and surgeon said it was up to me...i said no and am,living my lfe..we support whatever u decide. sheeey...hugs! i have added internet so can ne back on the thread on my phone hugs ladies night

  • schipmom
    schipmom Member Posts: 100
    edited July 2012

    Sherry:  So sorry to hear about your aunt.  My thoughts are with you and your family.

    June:  Yes, quality of life is what is important.  I am contemplating either going off Tamox or having a hysterectomy.  Really depends on what the biopsy comes back as.  But I know my onc will try to convince me to stay on it.  It is OUR decision on what to do, but is IS a crap shoot.  I'll be along in your pocket today :-)

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572
    edited July 2012

    June I'm with you on whatever you decide!  It does come down to what and how you feel.  Just like Jo has said about all of what she has read and heard.  My sissy never took Tammo and she has been going strong for 10 yrs now.  Heck my granny had it way before Tammo and chemo were in the picture and she lived a very long life without either one of them.  If you feel this isn't right for you then stick to your guns girl!!  You have every right to enjoy life!!!


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited July 2012

    June eveyone here is so right it is your decision.  My MIL is a 43 year BC survivor did not do chemo and tamox was not even invented then.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited July 2012

    June - Aw Shucks!  I love you too sweetie.

  • swanseagirl
    swanseagirl Member Posts: 171
    edited July 2012

    Hi Tammy girls,

    Geez, finally back on after a very long hiatus.

    So, need some advise. I have a call into my onc but wanted feed back from the experts. Started my period after 2 years of a dry spell.  Have been told that I shouldn't have a period if I am on Tammy.  Trying to keep everything in check, but would love advise on this.

    Thanks you

    Jules xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited July 2012

    Hello Tammi sistas!

    Sorry to have been MIA lately, nasty storm reeked havoc in my neck of the woods... Between that and trying to get ready for vacation, I have been ridiculously busy but have been religiously reading and attending each pocket party.  So happy to see the benign results ladies but hate to see the sad news ((Sherryc)).

    June - I agree with everyone. This is a crapshoot so do whatever feels right for you. We are behind you 100% regardless!

    Jules - I have been on Tammi for 8 months and continue to have the monthly curse as regularly as ever. Although I too may be going the hysterectomy route in the foreseeable future so .....

    Hope everyone is having a great week. Will see the onc next Monday (yes, i am a touch nervous about it) but am counting down to some toes in the sand time in 11 days....

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited July 2012

    Jules... I still get my periods on Tamoxifen. My onc told me they could still come but would probably be irregular which they are. Is it a normal period or spotting? any spotting and you should call your doc and let them know right away, thats what mt MO told me. Hugs!!!!

    Odie.. yes the storm was nuts wasnt it? hope you didnt loose power but our air broke the day of the storm and had roof damage, but consdiering it could of been alot worse. Enjoy your vacation. Im getting ready to leave next week as well.

  • June2268
    June2268 Member Posts: 926
    edited July 2012

    Jules honey how are you????  Missed you on here.  When I was on Tammi I got my periods for the 1st year pretty regular and then year 2 was a completely different story.  I would go 2-4 months with nothing then whammy......4-5 months nothing then wham!!!  So I guess that could all change.

    So I am officially OFF Tamox and no longer a tammi hoo.  But I will tell you one thing ladies is you cant get rid of me as I will be on here almost everyday as losing you ladies is like losing a very big part of me.  I thought for sure I was going to fight her on it and once she heard that I have not had stomach issues anymore she said stay off.  Just like all you ladies said, she said so many people still get cancer again when on it as it is not 100% for all so quality of life is more important.  She did tell me I need to do something about my weight which I am now officially up 21 lbs in a year.  Can we all say PORKER out loud.......also asked me if my plantar fasciitis is better?  I said why is that really caused by Tamox?  She said it is not published yet but absolutely is......go figure huh?

    Anyway you girls were pretty much behaved except Jo and Tink they were a little loud but Paula whacked them into shape so all was well......ha ha

    Love ya all!