African American Women & Triple Negative Status
Stopping by to say I'm thinking of you all.
Blessings, Phyllis
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Giving a shoult-out to my sisters. Praying, intercessory prayers, that you are all doing well.
Blessings, Phyllis
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Hi patoo I'm still here and doing okay. Hope every one is doing fine!!
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Shout out! I had bmx in Aug and my next surgery is Dec. 10th..I visit the other specific boards for info..But glad to know we are praying for each other too..
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Hi macyhen and welcome angelfaith. Glad you chime in now and then. Angelfaith will put you on my calendar to send up prayers for your successful surgery in a couple of weeks.
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Hi! Happy New Years!
Hope all is going well with you all! Surgery went well and I am healing nicely..After my reconstruction exchange, I'm trying to decide if I will do nipple reconstruction or tattoo..Was wondering if any of you have had it and what was the outcome for you?
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Hi angelfaith. Sorry I only had lumpectomy so cannot respond. As you can see, this thread is not very active as we only chime in occasionally to wish everyone well (I'm glad your surgery went well and will keep your healing in prayer). Hopefully you are on some of the other threads regarding reconstruction and will get good advice and be able to share your experiences with others who have 'been there'.
I see you are just about a year out from DX. About this time last year must have been really rough but you've come far - Congrats.
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Hello everyone, checking in to see who's out there. Praying that all is well!
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Hi candi07, I'm here. Hope you are well a year and a half into your journey. Gets easier doesn't it?
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Hi Patoo, yes it is easier. Just dealing with some minor issues like the scar left behind from the port. Still waiting on my hair to get more length so I can wear my natural hair. The hair is the most annoying, it's growing in so slow.I had really long hair and can't get used to the way I look without it. I'm not being vain but I miss having long hair that is real.
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Yes, I didn't have chemo but from what I've read it can be a slow process. Give it more time (like you have a choice, right!) and enjoy the changes you see as it grows in and you get to try different things over time. So try and look at the positive and enjoy the journey. I've never lost all my hair but have cut it to within half an inch of my head. Had spikes at one time, jerry-curl, relaxed, corn-rowed. Never had a weave and never colored it. Now have been natural and in sisterlocks since just before DX. That was my big worry when DX because it cost me $600. to have them put in and I was afraid I would need chemo and lose them! This too shall pass for you.
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Keep up with the latest BWHS research efforts and health information at - like us and follow us today! You can view the BWHS page even if you do not have a Facebook account. I've been involved with this study for at least 10 years (or whenever it was originally started)
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hello Ladies checking in! 7 years post triple negative!
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Hey Rogam! Congratulations on 7 years! I was 6 years from diagnosis on 3/14/2015. I pray all is well with you. Didn't you have reconstruction @ the BC Center in NOLA? I am finally at a point that I am considering it, but up to $25k out of pockets expenses are making me have second thoughts. How was your experience?
Hey Patoo!
God bless you Candi
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oh! And BTW Candi, the hair thing can be an issue. I, like Patoo, had gotten sister locks 2 years before my diagnosis. They had finally started to really lock. I had chemo and chose to it them off before I started. I was told to save them for re attachment. We did but my hair never came in as full, it has been 6 years and is locked but my sister locks look like micro locks. I have length but they are fragile and break so it looks sort of layered. Lol. I'm glad it's back and even happier to be alive and thriving.
Taxotere, which I had (TAC) has been associated with permanent hair loss/thinning. Chemopause didn't help!
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Hi Ro and Candi. I've been away from the boards for a month travelling post-retirement with my sister. Now finally settling in to my new location in FL. Glad to see you are both around and doing well post 6 and 7 years. Our God is AWESOME!
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Hi All,
We would really like to put together a slide show showing all your faces to show the amazing diversity of our community, reaching around the world. Please share with us here, or PM us. We may also present this at our annual fundraiser in October.
Photo (best quality possible)
Where you live
Your Age
Quote about how the community/BCO has helped you.
Thanks Everybody!
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Hey I have recently been diagnosed with TNBC in August 2015. I'm going through chemo right now 6 mos. And 30 days of radiation. I also have Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetes, and high blood pressure. I'm so scared. I know God will bring me through but sometimes it get hard. The chemo have my glucose up my pressure up and my legs go out alot. But I know prayer answers all, so I just keep on pressing on and praying.. They caught my breast cancer on my mammogram, stage 2. My mom is a 15 year survivor but she didn't have TNBC. I know that God still work miracles. I will pray for you as I hope you will for me and may God bless you. Belinda, Florida
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Hello Belinda. As you can see this thread is not very active but some of us do check in occasionally. Hopefully you have found other threads to enable you to get the support you will need on this journey. Not sure why the Mods had to edit so hope you will see this. Feel free to PM me should you wish.
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Hello. I hope all is well. I am very please results!!! I know my response is so late what did you decide.
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Awe I have not checked in on the site in quite some time. All is well. I have set up a community on Facebook. Pink Bra Diaries.
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Hello, I'm new to this site, I thought I was alone here in Michigan going to Karmanos. I was Dx in 2012 with Stage 1 TNBC, wasn't in Lympnodes. Had a Lumpectomy and Radiation only. 2016 Had swelling under my Collar Bone, above right Breast where Cancer had originated, went for my Mamogram and was told everything was Great until I mentioned my swelling. Well I'm now Stage IV Metastasis to Lung and Brain. I wonder if I would have had Chemo in 2012 would this have happened? Well my Oncologist started me on Abraxane in Feb 2016 and an Immunotherapy Drug for my Lungs, but wasn't paying attention to my Brain. August 2016 after leaving my Chemo appt, I lost my ability to walk, talk clear etc.., my Cancer went a Rogue in my Brain. I had to have Whole Brain Radiation and Physical Therapy. I recovered, but during my Brain process, I wasn't getting Chemo. Why being without Chemo while I was recuperating cause me to get a Plueral Effusion (Fluid around Lung and Heart). I couldn't Breath. I'm currently in Hospital with a Chest Tube, but back getting Chemo now, in pill form. Hope I can check in 1yr doing good,
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Sister-Sister, sorry for us not checking in on this in quite awhile. Your post made me very sad but I'm praying that you are well into your treatment now and that the prognosis is good. It stinks that you are now Stage 4 but that is no longer a quick death sentence as many treatment options are out there and I hope you are getting the best there is. Please check the website if you haven't already to see if there is a chapter near you. Even if there is not you can speak with someone who can offer support and services should you need them. They are a wonderful resource.
I hope you have this on your favorites or as a notification so you will know that someone is thinking about you. I also hope that you have gotten information from other threads here on BCo which is also an invaluable resource.
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sister sister sorry to hear you are going through so much. My heart goes out to...sending love and hugs to you. Take car
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Hello Ladies, I think about all often and send up prayers.
I am doing well with no changes. Still getting Herceptin every 3 weeks. Nov.17, I will have 18 year Survivor "Blessing"! Everyone stay in Faith. patio, rogam, Felicia, good to see you all our on. To all the new people, a big hello from me to you!!
Linda C.
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Hi ILinda, good to know you are doing okay. I am as well and praying the same for you all.
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I'm new to this site as well but I have no problem reaching out and being an ear, prayer partner or whatever!
How are you today
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Hello every one! I am few days late, but still want to wish every one a "Happy New Year!
patoo good to hear from you☺. I am still trying to get use of my " tablet". Be Blessed.
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Hi all, nice to have people check in every so often. I am doing well and pray that you all are also.
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hello all. I'm new to this thread. just reached my one year from dx in december. I hope we keep this thread going.