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Anyone on just Taxotere and Cytoxan?



  • prssnprss
    prssnprss Member Posts: 7
    edited January 2008

    Hi all,

    Trina: I'm on day 4 of my 3rd treatment and, so far, it has been better than the last two. However, I recall the worst days are between 5-10, so I'm prepared! I have found that most of the se are a little less, except for the fatigue and weakness. I'm trying to walk every day, and hills get me a little winded. I'm still recovering from tissue expander surgery, so stretching is a biggie for me right now.

    The onco didn't know why my 2nd trtmt was so bad with depression . . . maybe it had something to do with the fact I had the tissue expander surgery 2 days before. That is a whole other pain issue, btw. 

    I've never had neulasta shots . . . my onco doesn't believe in them unless your counts are really really low. He did one mid-treatment blood test (10 days) to check on things, and now only does them the day of the chemo to make sure everything is back to normal.

    Diane: Good luck tomorrow . . . I will be thinking about you and hope you sail through. My tx are at Overlake.

    Prayers and hugs to all of you as we go through this together. And a big woohoo! to Lou for coming up on her last treatment in a week. 


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited January 2008

    Looks like I'm in this club, too.  Got the call today that I've been "randomly" selected to get chemo (Onco score = 16) as part of the TAILORx trial.  Not  sure how I feel, but I would like to know that I'm doing everything I can to make sure this doesn't come back.

    Not looking forward to the hair loss, but oh well.  I think I may go wig shopping next week. 

    My husband and I are going to a "Chemo Class" sponsored by our hospital next week.  I'm hoping it will be informative for both of us. 

    Chemo starts January 30th...


  • PAlady
    PAlady Member Posts: 56
    edited January 2008

    Jackie - I know what you mean about missing your daughters games. Two of my boys play soccer on travel teams and I will be missing quite a few of them.

    guggerty - It is funny how different everyones doctors are. I have blood work done every week. So, I had my first treatment on 1/4 Friday. The next Friday I had bloodwork. Tomorrow I go in for bloodwork again. Then, next thursday they do it again for my second treatment on Friday. My doctor just automatically gives the Neulasta shot the next day (or next available day).

    Diane - I am so hoping you have a better treatment this time. Said a prayer for you!

    wrsmith - I'm not sure on the day thing. I started counting the day after our treatment as day 1, so I would say it was day 13 - Friday being the 14th, but when the nurse was counting out to day 10 for the nadir, she started the day of treatment as day 1, so she would have it be 14th and Friday as the 15th. So, I don't know!

    Loopy - I had the whole contipation thing too - it's awful. Are you taking anything for it?

    Nothing on the hair front yet. I did get my wig yesterday. It is ok- I can at least live with it. The color is perfect, the style is a little off.

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524
    edited January 2008

    Melinda:  So happy that your s/e's are less rather than more.  Thanks for sharing that encouraging news.  Can't wait till I catch up with you.  Isn't it mind boggling how all our oncologists seem to be so sure of the methods they use and they are all different from each other...and we all like to think we have the "best" doctor!

    Sunshine:  Welcome to the club ((hug)).....I think you made the right decision to go with the chemo - I was one number lower than you - my feelings was that I needed to do whatever I could to prevent a recurrence...this way, if it happens, I can say I did everything I could have done.  And it makes me happy to know that my participation in a study can help women down the line....after all, treatment is where it is today because brave women took part in trial studies before us.

    Diane:  Please let us know asap how your tx went - we're all concerned.

    One more thing.....a couple of days ago I didn't even know what thrush was - now I have it!  I will talk with my clinical nurse today and see what is to be far it looks like I'll need to take a prescription drug...I was hoping for something natural or at least otc.  UGH.

    Hope everyone has a fine day......XXOO  Trina

  • Sclark01
    Sclark01 Member Posts: 6
    edited January 2008

    Hi everyone.  I'm Susan C.  I just finished my last (4th) round of TC.  Everything went very well.  The worst for me was coming off of the Decadron, really hate that stuff.  Made me feel like I had the flu for two days.  Just as a note, before all of this I exercised M-F and continued to do so during treatments even if it was just walking on the treadmill. I believe that it made a difference in my recovery times.  I usually only had two days that I felt poorly.  I would go to the gym after my treatment (Thursdays), then again on Friday and Saturday.  Sunday and Monday were my down days.  Tuesday I was back at it. 

    Ok, but my questions is this!!  My last treatment was on January 10th.  Last night at 3 in the morning I woke with a rash on my legs at the hip flexor, below my armpits, behind my ears and random little spots.  Has anyone experienced this?  My oncologist says it could be a taxotere rash.  It itches like mad and wondered if anyone had it, how long did it last?

    Good luck to all of you who are still going through this, it gets better and it's only for a short time.  Hair is over-rated anyway!!  Bald is beautiful! 

  • wrsmith2x
    wrsmith2x Member Posts: 127
    edited January 2008


    About the hair falling out - how did it happen - I mean would you mind being very specific about what was happening with how it felt and how it came out, etc.  Its day 14/15 for me and I still haven't started losing it.  No tingling or real itchy - maybe a little sore scalp but otherwise normal.  Its the waiting that is killing me.  Maybe I'll be one of those that don't lose their hair - HA! Right!

  • DianeB
    DianeB Member Posts: 22
    edited January 2008

    So, for all of you ladies that finished rounds 3 and 4 were the fatigue and pain accumulative or pretty much the same each time? I've heard conflicting things.

  • Sclark01
    Sclark01 Member Posts: 6
    edited January 2008

    My hair didn't start falling out until about 24 days or so after my first treatment.  The funny thing, and my mom laughed so hard about this, wasn't the hair on my head that started to fall out first.  It was my pubic hair!!  I decided after my first treatment that I would just shave my head anyway, it gives you a modicum of control and mine was long enough that I could give it to Locks of Love.  When it started to fall out I had a kind of sore scalp feeling first and it fell out in a kind of male pattern baldness my brother!  And remember it's only hair and it does grow back.  I'm looking forward to seeing what it comes in like.

  • Sclark01
    Sclark01 Member Posts: 6
    edited January 2008

    Diane - the fatigue for me was pretty much the same each time.  The little bone pains and aches lessened with each round.  I kind of wonder if you become somewhat conditioned to the drugs, felt like it.

  • vettegal
    vettegal Member Posts: 5
    edited January 2008

    hi ladies, doing the TC treatment starting next friday (25th) been reading about all the side effects and crap..will buzz my hair probably after the first treatment so i don't have to watch it fall out.....LOL

    only 4 treatment every 3 weeks....

  • PAlady
    PAlady Member Posts: 56
    edited January 2008

    guggerty - does the thrush hurt? Figures another drug to take, huh? I have spent more money on pills and remedies in the last 2 weeks than I have in the last year I think!

    wrsmith - how is it going with your hair? Mine has started coming out in multiple strands when I put my hand through my hair. It is not what I would call clumps, though. I bet that will happen tomorrow or Sunday.

    Sclark - I can't help with the rash. Did they give you something for it? BTW congrats on finishing!!! You look beautiful bald! Just curious, have you worn a wig or scarves at all or just bald all the time?

    vettegal - that is one of my sayings that is getting me through - "only 4 treatments every 3 weeks" I can do this!

    Yesterday was the first day I have felt any fatigue. Went to bed about 9 but got up at 2am with a serious sinus headache. Finally got back to bed around 4:30. Had my blood work done this morning. Everything looked good. I seemed to be on the lower end of the normal readings. I would think this week I should be building back up, right?

  • wrsmith2x
    wrsmith2x Member Posts: 127
    edited January 2008

    My scalp has started hurting pretty badly back on the crown.  SClark said that it starts coming out like male pattern baldness so I'm guessing that it will begin soon.  When I run my hand through it several strands come out so I'm with you, PALady, it will probably happen this weekend.  And SClark is beautiful bald!!  I can only hope to look that good.  BTW, SClark, did you also lose your eyebrows and eyelashes?  If so, what did you do about them?  I'm really not that scared about losing my hair on my head but the losing the brows and lashes really scare me!  I think that's when I would really look sick.  This too shall pass!  Its only temporary.

    I haven't had any thrush but have had a sore throat the entire time.  And PALady, if you have only had 1 day of fatigue then consider yourself lucky.  So wonderful for you! 

    Thank you ladies for being there for me.  I sure appreciate it alot! 

    Blood counts are going up.  The best week is to come and then they hit us again next Friday.  Only 3 more to go!!!

  • chj127
    chj127 Member Posts: 146
    edited January 2008

    Hi all,

    I hope I'm not too late to this party.  Tongue out  I have popped into the chat rooms now and again, but I started 6 rounds of TC yesterday and am interested in all of your comments and experiences.  I need to read the rest of the comments to get caught up.  

    So far today I'm popping Compazine, and haven't had any nausea problems.  I did notice that I've gained 4 pounds in 2 days(!) - assume that's from the Dexamethasone, and I'm hoping it goes away just as fast!!

    As background, this is my second breast cancer - I was dx'd in 1994 and in early 1995 had 4 cycles of AC.  I'm hoping this isn't as bad, but then I'm 13 years older...  (52 now, at least for 1 more week!)

    Thanks for letting me chime in.


  • PAlady
    PAlady Member Posts: 56
    edited January 2008

    Welcome chj!

    I hope your se's are mild from this 1st round. I didn't have too much problem with nausea. I took the compazine just the  1st night. I had more of a stomach ache for days. I actually had a touch of nausea about a week and a half in, but not too bad. Do you have invasive ductal?

    My two cents on the 4 pound gain - I was miserably constipated and not forwarned! If you think that will be a problem take care of it now. I waited till my one week bloodwork to talk to the nurse. (Other than my run to the store for All Bran, prunes, prune juice, etc. that did nothing!). She told me to take Senekot and I felt better the next day. With my second round next week, I am starting the Senekot the night before.

    wrsmith - my crown is hurting too.  I didn't find any strands on my pillow, so that is good. I have to wash my hair today (usually do it every other day), but wondered if I just don't wash it any more, maybe it won't come out!Wink  I agree with the eyebrow thing, I think that is what will make us look like we are sick.

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524
    edited January 2008

    PAlady:  The thrush has been slightly uncomfortable but not really painful.  They called in an order for Diflucan which I started yesterday.  I asked about a prescriptive mouthwash that someone else posted about and I will get a script for that now that we know I'm susceptible to thrush.  Sidenote - thrush must be treated - it can cause other problems if left untreated.

    Chj:  Welcome to the T/C club.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you won't experience any serious s/e's.  I only took one Compazine after my 1st tx......I was lucky too - no nausea.

    Vettegal and Wr:  We are all scheduled for a tx next Friday, the 25th - this will be my 2nd and I'm wondering if I'll be bald or not!  I love SClark's statement "hair is overrated".......

    As for weight chemo nurse says this to me over and over "this is NOT the time to lose weight - eat, eat, eat - get as many calories as you'll lose the weight later......your eating will determine your nausea and fatigue - no matter how queasy the stomach feels EAT".  I am a few lbs heavier but I am truly not going to worry about that until chemo is done.

    I am going to stop today and try to find a couple light weight terry turbans that will be comfortable to sleep in.  I want to be completely prepared for the "fallout" soon as it begins, hubby is ready to shave it.  I don't mind as much losing the hair as I do losing the eyebrows and lashes....eeewwww.

    Have a wonder "feel good" weekend...Love Trina

  • chj127
    chj127 Member Posts: 146
    edited January 2008

    Thanks, PAlady.  Do you think the constipation is from the steroids?  Because I took the steroids Thursday, and on Friday, I was up 3 pounds.  Whatever, it's not that important in the bigger scheme of things .

    When I had chemo in 1995, my constipation was awful!  I remember saying that I felt like I was trying to pass a baseball!  Oh,it hurt.  The onco suggested Senekot at the time, also.

    Here's my dx:  I was diagnosed on Oct. 26.   Had a lumpectomy Dec. 13 and sentinal node biposy (he removed 4 nodes).  1.3 cm tumor, invasive ductal, micro mets in the first node.  Clean margins.  ER/PR+, her2 negative.  Started chemo yesterday (6 rounds of TC), and will have 33 rads at the end.

    First dx in 1994 was on the other side.  Invasive ductal, 2.1cm.  Had a mastectomy with TRAM reconstruction and 4 round of AC.  ER/PR+, also took tamoxifin for 5 years.


  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524
    edited January 2008

    CHJ:  I had constipation here's what I did - started taking 2 Ducolax Stool Softeners each night - seemed to have helped me.

    Good luck

  • chj127
    chj127 Member Posts: 146
    edited January 2008

    Guggerty - I have been wondering about the timetable for hair fallout.  In 1994 with AC they told me 17 days, and that was pretty much exactly it!  For TC, I've been hearing 2 weeks, so I guess we'll see.  I ordered a wig, and still have some hats from the last time, and my "Cappy" which is my soft cotton purple cap that I wor to bed last time.  I'm sure Cappy will keep me snug and warm again this time.

    Hubby shaved mine last time when it started really falling, and bless his heart, he's ready to do it again!!


  • cc01
    cc01 Member Posts: 9
    edited January 2008

    I'll be getting TC too, starting hopefully in one week. I had an allergic reaction to Bacitracin that caused more irritation on my breasts and I still have areas that blistered that are still healing from my immediate implant reconstruction that the onc decided to give me one more week to heal. I am a little scared having chemo with these ulcers not completely healed on my breasts because chemo is really going to slow the healing, but the PS said chemo is OK the onc wants to wait another week. Have any of you had areas still in the healing process when you entered chemo?

  • chj127
    chj127 Member Posts: 146
    edited January 2008

    My lumpectomy and snb incisions were more than a month old when I started chemo (yesterday) so they were well healed.  But I had my port put in the day before chemo, si I guess you could say it isn't healed yet.  But I am SO thankful I got the port!


  • wrsmith2x
    wrsmith2x Member Posts: 127
    edited January 2008

    CHJ:  I take flax oil capsules and mix flax meal in my juice and it works well for me.....just if you are interested in something more natural than Dulcolax or Senekot.......just depends on your choice.....entire scalp is really very tender........and I seeme to be finding more and more hairs everywhere.......matter of time.......CHJ, I'm sure sorry that you are having to go through this again.  You sound really positive and that's good!  Keep up the good attitude!  I, too, have had little nausea which is a very good thing.

    They are saying it might snow here today so I'm enjoying waiting on it to start.  Hope everyone has a really good weekend!!

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524
    edited January 2008

    cco1:  If it were me, I'd wait the extra week and let the healing process continue because of course once you start chemo, you will not be healing normally - if at all.  The body you once knew and loved becomes a stranger.

    CHJ - My head is starting to itch - now I am day 12 (not including day of) so I think that's pretty much the average schedule.  I expect hair to start dropping like flies oh, say Monday or Tuesday.  I'm ready.........

    I do want to say this to one and all.  An old friend of mine has had to have her head radiated twice for brain cancer.  A radiated scalp grows no hair no more......this lovely woman will NEVER have her own hair again.  Just something to help US keep it in perspective ......ours will grow back, generally more beautiful than it was when it came out.  Some women will not have the luxury of having their own ever again. 

    I see that Diane B was taken off T/C due to complications....sorry to hear you had so much trouble D....hope the new regiment will go smoothly.  Let us know.

    ((((hugs to all))))))  Trina 

  • prssnprss
    prssnprss Member Posts: 7
    edited January 2008

    sclark: I had the taxotere rash after my first round on my back, hands, face, and stomach. It itched for a while and then started peeling. The red blotches hung around for a couple of weeks. It was a little like chicken pox. I haven't had it again, though, so I don't think it should last very long.

    cc01: I had tissue expander surgery in between chemo 1 and 2. I was trying to get everything over with. Turns out that it was probably a mistake. I passed out and got a big bump on the head 3rd day after surgery and the next day was chemo treatment. I had a really bad time for 2 weeks with that second chemo, probably because of the surgery. So . . . I definitely recommend that you wait and get healed. I also got a skin infection (cellulitis) and have been on three rounds of very strong antibiotic for three weeks. Everything is better now, but it is very true that your body can't heal and fight very well while you are on chemo.

    wrsmith,palady,Trina: My eyebrows and lashes did thin out considerably, but I have a few hanging on. A little eye liner and eyebrow pencil helps considerably when you want to look "normal" in public.

    Diane: Sorry to hear about your troubles with TC, and wishing you the best for your new treatment schedule. 

    Good job, sharing experiences, everyone! I know it makes me feel like I'm not alone. This is truly the best way to find out what you might encounter as you make this journey. Thank you all for the info and reassurances. Hope you all have a great weekend!


  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524
    edited January 2008

    Melinda:  I hope I will have a few hanger-oner lashes and an eyebrow hair or two.  I did buy a color pot and brush for recreating eyebrows....should be interesting.

    My head is itching a little more today than yesterday but still nothing coming out....ugh.  I know I should just buck it up and get it shaved but gee whiz our temperature is almost 20 below wind chill - brrrrrr.

    Hope everyone is feeling good today.......((((hugs))))  Trina

  • wrsmith2x
    wrsmith2x Member Posts: 127
    edited January 2008

    Woke up with a scalp that is very sore and lots of hairs on my pillow.  Asked my husband if he would shave my head today and he has asked me to wait.  He says maybe it will just thin and not fall out.  I don't know what to do.  I'll see what happens today and maybe go get my hairdresser shave it tomorrow. 

    Hope all are having a good weekend.  Snow never materialized here - that sucks - so today is football day.  Feel really good except for that darned sore throat (and sore scalp) that just won't quit. 

    Well wishes to all!

  • chj127
    chj127 Member Posts: 146
    edited January 2008

    wrsmith - where are you that you were expecting snow?  And what day did you start chemo?  We had snow last Thursday, just in time for us to drive home after my port installation surgery.  It was a bit dicey.  Snow is pretty, but these days I just want it to stay clear so I can get to the doctors when I need to!  All of my doctors are in the same place, 27 miles away.

    This is my 3rd day - feeling queasy, things are starting to taste funny.  Yesterday was better, but today's queasiness could easily be the laxative I took...  I do eat multi-grain hot cereal pretty much daily and lots of  fruits & veggies, but those are just not working!  Do I remember that it's the steroids that cause the constipation, and not so much the chemo drugs?  Guess it doesn't matter much.  I hope it gets better soon.  Blah!

    For those starting to get "loose hair" - are you prepared with wigs & hats & such?  I just found the ACS tlcdirect site, and they seem to have some nice things.  I ordered something for around the house and a chenille hat.  I ordered a wig last week (locally) and it should be in this week.  I'm guessing I'll be losing my hair around the first weekend in Feb.  At least I'll still have it for my birthday next week!!!  Last time I went through this, my hair fell out 7 days before my 40th birthday.  Nothing like turning 40 and being bald!!!

    And guggerty - you are right about our hair loss being temporary.  I am thankful for that.  My surgeon is a bald guy, he reminded me that at least MINE will grow back.  Undecided


  • wrsmith2x
    wrsmith2x Member Posts: 127
    edited January 2008

    I'm in NC - about an hour east of Raleigh.  They predicted 3-5  inches and we got none.  Everyone got this one wrong!

    I started 1st round of chemo (TC) on Jan 4th.  Next round is the 25th.  I never had alot of nausea (still only a couple of times and the Zofran helps) just lots of fatigue.  Doc calls it "dish rag" fatigue.  I call it LEAD in my bones.  Sorry you are having to do this again.  We appreciate your help though.  God has a plan!

  • chj127
    chj127 Member Posts: 146
    edited January 2008

    Yes, I agree with you.  I'm not sure what God has in mind in all of this, but I do trust that He does!!

    I am thankful for this forum to be able to compare notes with you all going through the same thing and about the same time.  I also have a survivor group where I work - we've been meeting occasionally for about 2 years.  There are about 12 of us, and they have been awesome also.  And then right about the time I was diagnosed, I met a woman my age who lives near me, also going through it.  We have the same doctors.  We talk at least 3-4 times a week, and I do not know what I'd do without her!!!

    I love the way women support one another!!  (and the occasional guy who comes through - I don't want to forget you  Smile


  • lady4law
    lady4law Member Posts: 32
    edited January 2008

    I have been thru the chemo regiment, two times. First I had 3 TX before my surgery and then again following surgery. My hair fell out around day 14 with my first set of chemo. After surgery, my 1/4-1/2 inch of hair feel out a little earlier, I think.

    I did develop an issue with Nuelastia. It didn't bother me more than normally, I think, during the first set of chemos, however with the second set I got so ill, teh pain became very intense, and I had to go to the ER. My ONc told me it was getting worse each time and I could not take it any longer. So I had my last chemo , and a fill a few days later, with no issues.

    My main issue now is, losing my nails, all I have left is my thumb nails. A few days ago, I noticed it's also happening to my toe nails. They lift up layer by layer.

  • PAlady
    PAlady Member Posts: 56
    edited January 2008

    Hi All!

    guggerty - When I was having bloodwork done on Friday there was a lady there who was talking about her hair never coming back because of radiation. You're right - it does put it in perspective.

    wrsmith - My head is hurting today too. I haven't had any hairs on the pillow yet, but when I run my fingers through my hair I am getting more. We are all ready with the clippers here, too.  We got about 18 inches of snow since yesterday - ugh!

    chj - I hope you are feeling a little better. I think the constipation is both from the steroids and the cytoxan, not positive, though. I ordered a few turbans and a scarf from tlc. I loved the scarf and the turbans will be comfy around the house, I think. I did pick up a wig last week, but I just don't know how comfortable I will be wearing it. I have a feeling I will wear more scarves.

    lady4law - Welcome! So did you have 6 rounds all together? How long ago was your last treatment? The whole nail thing doesn't sound good. Do they have you do anything special for it?

    Hopefully we will all have a good week!