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Anyone on just Taxotere and Cytoxan?



  • wrsmith2x
    wrsmith2x Member Posts: 127
    edited January 2008

    Hair - here, there, and everywhere!  My pillow was full this morning.  I think the time is husband still wants me to wait but the finding of the little hairs everywhere is becoming overwhelming.  He keeps coming back to another woman who has BC and her hair only thinned.  But she was on CMF chemo and not TC.  My doc says that most women patch bald and go ahead and shave because they can't do anything with their hair.  The ONC nurses say that evetually it will all come out.  All I know is that my scalp is so tender and when I run my fingers thru my very short hair I get a handful of little hairs.  I think its time.  I have read that most women feel empowered when they cut their own hair as opposed to having it fall out on its own.  I'll let you guys know what I decide.  But it is my decision and not my husband's.

    Good luck to all this week!

  • PAlady
    PAlady Member Posts: 56
    edited January 2008

    Can you tell by looking at you that you've been losing it? I still haven't gotten any on the pillowcase yet. I do still have the painful scalp. I have to wash it today, so I'll see how that goes. That is when I hear everyone has it coming out in clumps. I am just going to wait until I KNOW it is all coming out. Do what feels right for you!

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524
    edited January 2008

    My head starting itching on Saturday, more yesterday and today - a few more hairs than usual are coming out but no avalanche yet.  I ordered a comfy grip (google it) and hope it gets here soon.  I have read posts from several women who bought one and said it was the best thing ever that got them thru the uncomfortableness of wearing the wig. 

    Jean - welcome.  When did your nails start lifting up?  Every morning I wake up and check my fingernails out.  Let's see....fake hair, fake eyebrows, fake eyelashes and now fake fingernails??????

    CHJ - Yes, support is so important for us.....I've gotten so many great ideas and gained so much knowledge. 

    Yesterday was a wonderful day with friends, football, card games and cold weather.  So nice to be "normal"

    I'm wishing everyone a great day......Love Trina

  • Harsch
    Harsch Member Posts: 6
    edited January 2008

    I start Taxotere by itself for 3 treatments every 21 days, as I have already had Cytoxan/Adrucil/Pharmorubicin 3 treatments every 21 days and wondering if anyone has had just the Taxotere by itself.

    thanks for any input - I really appreciate your help.

  • PAlady
    PAlady Member Posts: 56
    edited January 2008

    guggerty - I am curious to see how you like the comfy grip. The lady that sold me my wig advised against it saying they get uncomfortable because they make your head too hot. I don't see how that could be a problem with this weather now (15 degrees)! Love your comment about the fake hair, nails, etc.

    Hi Harsch - I don't no much about your regime, but I was originally supposed to be on AC + either Taxol or Taxotere. I was pushing for the Taxotere as I had read it was supposed to have a better outcome with fewer side effects.

    I now know the meaning of the statement "coming out in clumps".Frown

  • loopyloulee
    loopyloulee Member Posts: 34
    edited January 2008

    Sorry it took so long for me to answer.  Now you already know how it feels!  I saw a woman whose hair only thinned, and she looked worse than my old bald head!  Just buzz it off!!!  I took a shower, and it came out in handfuls, it was awful.  I understand it is so much easier when the hair is very short!


  • Jackie19
    Jackie19 Member Posts: 5
    edited January 2008

    Hey all, well it is finally happening, my hair is starting to come out.  I'm debating back and forth whether to go and see my stylist to have her just take it all off or wait for most of it to come off by itself?? This is really crazy but I had ordered my wig and had my haircut to look like my wig (I only had a picture of it at the time) so when I started to lose my hair I could transition over to the wig and no one would be the wiser, right!!! Well, when the wig got here it was darker than my real hair, best laid plans right? I can't help but wonder what it will be like once it grows back, darker, curlier, guess that lends to looking forward to something.

    Trina I actually found a way I can be part of my daughter's sports, via the internet. One of the local news stations captures a good portion of the games and posts it the next day, and on game day I listen via the radio. It works wonderfully and I can still be part of the after game talk with her and my husband.  Yes I agree we need to feel blessed that our hair does grow back, I have a niece who at the age of 4 began to lose her hair, I mean all of her hair, on her head and body, she now has to wear hair pieces.  She is a very fortunate and strong young lady that this did not stop her in the least, and now we have something in common at least for a short period of time.

    Question, is the neulasta, the booster shot?

    Lou congratulations on your final Ctherapy I am so very happy for you.  And working 2 jobs, you truly are a very strong lady, my hat goes off to you.

    Yipee the s/e of the skin irration has pretty much passed and very little nausea, I'm kinda hoping these will be pretty much the only s/e I experience.  This weekend I was rather busy cleaning house, that was a therapy in itself, it made me feel like my old self again, independently functioning without my husband underfoot keeping a watchful eye on me.  I Thank the Lord for him everyday though, he truly has been a major cause of my recovery and strength to go through this momentary set back.  We have talked about what will happen once this process is over, and we've decided we might take a little trip all by ourselves.  Another thing to look forward to. 

    To you all take care and be strong there is only good things to come if you only believe. God Bless you all~Jackie

  • wrsmith2x
    wrsmith2x Member Posts: 127
    edited January 2008

    Well, we just shaved my head.  It was very freeing, ladies.  I just couldn't take all those hairs everywhere.  So, its scarves, hats and wigs for a few months now.  Its OK.  This too shall pass.

    And, really, it feels kinda cool. 

    Much love and hugs,


  • PAlady
    PAlady Member Posts: 56
    edited January 2008

    Jackie - The nuelasta shot is to raise your white blood cell count. I think I will normally get one shot in the days after a round of treatment. There is another type that you have to take 5 days in a row. I think it is called Neupogen, but not sure.

    wrsmith - Hugs to you! I am glad it went well for you. I haven't done mine yet. I think it will be tomorrow evening or Wednesday at the latest. Depends how it goes tomorrow. I have a meeting tomorrow night and I would like to do it after that.  

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524
    edited January 2008

    Wendy:  Congrats on getting it over.  My head is still itching and my scalp feels tight but still no extreme shedding - however, I'm getting tired of the anticipation and think I'll just run over to the beauty shop tomorrow and get it shaved.  I'm busy today, Thurs and Fri is my next tx so I think Wed will be the best time to get it over with this week.  Will let you know. 

    PA - I'm anxious to get the comfy grip and I will report back.  It really should come today - I also ordered a special swim cap that I'm looking forward to getting soon. 

    Jackie:  I'm so happy that you can still "participate" in your daughter's sporting events.....I know how difficult it is to have to miss these special times.

    The Neulasta shot is as PA says, the shot to boost your WBC so I guess you could call it a "booster" shot.  I didn't get sick until after that shot for my 1st tx so I don't know I had a reaction to that or was it to the T/C after the steriod wore off?  I'll see how this next tx goes -

    Have a great day ladies......(((hugs))) Trina

  • chj127
    chj127 Member Posts: 146
    edited January 2008

    Well, ladies, it's "hair today, gone tomorrow", eh?  Thanks for sharing!! I figure I have another 10 days or so. 

    I haven't checked in in 2 days because I had a great adventure...   My first treatment was Friday, and on Monday morning I woke up feeling a bit queasy so I got up to find a Zofran and passed out cold on the floor.  Luckily my husband hadn't left for work yet.  He got me up, and then I went back down.  He was ready to call 911, but then I started coming out of it.  We called the onco, and he called back after a few minutes and told me to go to the ER.  It seems the problem was mostly that I was dehydrated.  They called it a "vasovagal reaction" which appears to be the term for "you fainted, and if you had just sat with your head between your legs for a few minutes you probably would have been fine." Anyway, they did usual tests; my blood pressure did drop again while I was in the ER (where I stayed from about 7:00 to about 11:00) but they got me stabilized, pumped me full of fluids & sent me home. I'm supposed to keep hydrated, which I am doing. Today I'm not too bad, mostly tired and a bit weak yet.  But I'm hydrated!

    I'm not particularly interested in eating, but I'm doing it anyway. (What do you do with good-intentioned people who bring "Thai Coconut Chicken"? Not my stomach's idea of a good time right now...) I am able to eat without a lot of trouble, no real nausea for the most part. I just don't enjoy it particularly. I'm hoping that I turn a corner soon - my past experience was that after about 5 days I started to feel better.

    One really nice thing was that I was supposed to go back to the hospital complex today to see the surgeon for my post-op port check. I told them that while I was in the ER yesterday, and they found the surgeon who came down to the ER & checked me out before I left. So I don't have to go back today. That was SO nice.

    Are we having fun yet?? 


  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524
    edited January 2008

    CHJ:  Wow......what a scary experience - I'm sure more for your poor hubby than you!!!  Did you neglect to drink water over the weekend?  I drink at least a gallon in the 24 hour period pre-tx and at least 32oz during and than another 32oz right after tx.  I was told (I'm doing IV drip) that drinking the water pre-tx will "plump" up my veins so it'll be easier to find a good one - during and post to flush as much as possible.  Then of course keep drinking water to stay hydrated.  Now I see why they want you to stay hydrated.

    I made the appt to shave the head dh would like me to wait but I am getting tired of waiting and wondering "when'?

    Saw my dental hygenist today and since I am not supposed to floss during chemo, she gave me a couple super soft toothbrushes which she says are so soft you can do the circular brushing and it'll help get more particles out without doing any damage to the gum tissue.  My dentist also gave me a tube of MI Paste to apply to my teeth each night for protection....don't forget that chemo can do some serious damage to our teeth so take care of them.

    Gee, this is more fun than a barrel of monkeys........


  • chj127
    chj127 Member Posts: 146
    edited January 2008

    Trina - well, I know NOW that I need to hydrate.  I don't think anyone stressed that to me before, but now I've got it!!  I don't have to worry so much about my veins since I have a port.  And yes, DH was pretty stressed out by the whole thing, but his concern was really touching.  I don't have to make an appointment to shave my head - DH has his beard trimmer and is more than happy to do the duty in another 10 days or so.  He did it the last time also.  

    I never heard not to floss during chemo, that's a new one to me.  I knew you were supposed to get your dental work done prior, so I did see the dentist a week ago Sealed and no cavities!!  Oh, it's the little things.

    And you know what?  You just have to laugh sometimes, because if you don't you'll go crazy!!


  • PAlady
    PAlady Member Posts: 56
    edited January 2008

    chj - that sounds similar to what happened to wrsmith and I, too.  I had my chemo on a Friday and had my episode on Sunday night around 11:30 pm. I did put my head between my legs and got to feeling better. I was all clammy too. I didn't link it to being dehydrated though. When I told the nurse Monday she told me to just be prepared that I may have the same reaction next time. I did try to drink more than usual those first few days, but not sure if it was enough. I have since heard that gatorade is good to drink those first few days. I was going to try it this time even though I don't really care for it.

    Well, DH shaved my head tonight. It wasn't awful! It actually feels much better. I had so much coming out today, I couldn't wait for him to get home to do it. Now I just have a little peach fuzz. I think that will all come out in the next few days. I feel like I have velcro head!

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524
    edited January 2008

    Isn't is interesting the how different protocols and treatment emphasis are?  My chemo nurse stresses eating and drinking so much - when I called the morning after the Mack truck ran me over (day of my Neulasta shot), she asked me several times if I'm eating and drinking water.  She said I must take in lots of calories because my body needs fuel to fight the effects of the chemo and the water is so necessary to keep flushing and keep hydrating since chemo will dehydrate you.

    I was told no flossing because when you pull the articles out between the teeth, the bacteria back flushes and goes into your blood stream.  I was told to brush and rinse (with Biotene or Oasis) 5-6x a day.  Treatment of our BC can be a full time job!

    PA - Congratulations on doing the deed!  I made an appt today and am looking forward to getting it over with.  I am taking my camera with me to record the event, that way my friends out of town can see the sheep shearing!

    I'm wondering if anyone felt itchy all over the head and face?  Even my ears are itching.....what the heck is that about??????

    Man, it's always something........feel good?  Just wait 5 minutes until the next s/e pops up.........oy.

    Keep smiling........Trina

  • chj127
    chj127 Member Posts: 146
    edited January 2008

    Guggerty - have fun with the hair thing (or lack-of-hair thing) today.  Julie, on the other thread, said she was going to do a mohawk first.  What a riot!

    Well, I've been drinking so much I think I'll explode...  I'm going to keep track of it today because you can probably overdo it also.  My other good news is that the laxative really started working last night, so I'm no longer constipated... Tongue out  I just need to get a balance here.  By the time I have the whole drill down, it'll be over, right???


  • PAlady
    PAlady Member Posts: 56
    edited January 2008

    guggerty - I agree it is interesting the different protocols. I was told it was ok to floss if you already were a flosser. If not, now was not the time to start because of the bleeding. I do fine with the food intake, but I really want to up the fluids and see if I do better this round.  Good luck with the cut!

    chj - I felt so much better once I got over the constipation - hopefully you will too. We did the mohawk haircut too. My 12 year old thought it was hysterical!

  • Sclark01
    Sclark01 Member Posts: 6
    edited January 2008

    Hey PALady...Thanks for the congrats on finishing...I'm happy about it too.  For the rash my oncologist gave me a medrol pack (more corticosteriods) and it has made a huge difference.  The itch is much like poision ivy!!!  And thanks for the compliment on the head!  I didn't wear a wig, thought it would be too hot and besides I figured why hide it, it's what I'm going through right now.  I wear hats outside because it's just to cold here in VA, otherwise bald at the office, bald at restaurants, bald at the gym!

  • darlene07
    darlene07 Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2008

    Hello Ladies!  I have survived the 4 treatments of Taxotere an Cytoxan and if I was offered a chance to do it once a month to insure no recurrence I would.  Except for the hair loss, which was not total by the way, just very thin.  Wore only a hat and felt the most comfortable.  My advice is whether or not you feel you need it, take the anti-nausea meds like clockwork.  They won't hurt if they are not needed.  Don't sit around and feel sick, they have so many meds that work, just keep trying.  Think positive !!  This too will become a distant memory!


    (studies show this to be the best treatment!)

  • wrsmith2x
    wrsmith2x Member Posts: 127
    edited January 2008

    SClark - you give me courage!  I shaved my head - buzzed it very short - and it continues to fall out - and I want to wear it as is but am concerned about the stares and making others uncomfortable.  My husband tells me to stop worrying about what other people think!  In fact that what's everyone keeps telling me.

    If I can muster the courage that you have shown then I think I will be more comfortable.  That wig is so hot and itchy!  But it is beautiful!  Anyway, I'm wearing a scarf today but really want to take it off and just BE! 

  • wrsmith2x
    wrsmith2x Member Posts: 127
    edited January 2008

    Please forgive me, PALady!  Congrats to you on getting rid of the hair!!!  It does feel kinda cool, doesn't it?!  Are we ready to get "hit" again on Friday?  I borrowed several movies for the weekend and laying on the couch.  I could get used to hubby waiting on me!  But the fatigue is awful! 

    And I agree with Darlene - I would go through it also if it would guarantee it from coming back.  But I spoke with a 6 year survivor and a 10 year survivor recently and both said I would reach a point where I wouldn't think about it all the time.  That sure is good to hear.  And btw, SClark, I am sitting here at my desk with no hat or scarf on.  Small steps but a step forward anyway!  Thanks so much for the courage, ladies!

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524
    edited January 2008

    OK......I did the deed.  Got it shaved down to the bone.....yikes.  Actually it wasn't bad at all and the wig I bought is so realistic - and so close to my own color and style that all the gals at the shop said that if they had not seen my hair shaved off, they'd swear that I still had my own hair.  I think I'm going to have fun rubbing the fuzz.  DH has yet to see it - I know it's going to be a little bit of a shock for him but he'll have fun with it also.

    Darlene:  Thank you for those wonderful words of encouragement - I've been told that several times but it sure is nice to keep hearing that T/C is the best treatment around for our types of BC.

    PA, CH & WR - Free to be me.......hey, it's only hair and it'll be back better than before.  And the constipation is gone for me also - just in time for the next tx on Friday.....oy

    Sclark:  You are a very lovely young woman and bald looks great on you.

    (((hugs))))  Trina

  • wrsmith2x
    wrsmith2x Member Posts: 127
    edited January 2008

    CHJ - I've heard that sometimes when the hair grows back it comes back darker and sometimes curly also.  Since you have been thru this before what was your experience when your hair grew back?  Any info is helpful. 

    Gang, I'm going to try to come back to work tomorrow after chemo treatment.  Hope its OK.  I surely hope we have no more passing out and busting of the lips!!!

    Take it easy, all.

  • chj127
    chj127 Member Posts: 146
    edited January 2008

    wr - when my hair first started coming in, it was baby-fine and wavy, but very quickly went back to being straight, and exactly the way it was before.  It will be interesting to see what happens this time!  I'm 13 years older, and now I'm afraid of it coming in gray (I have a bit of gray now that I didn't have back then).  Whatever, I'll be happy to get hair back at the end.

    By the way, wr, you are adorable!  Love the picture.  You look so young, how old are you?  I should post one now while I still have hair then change it next week.  Sealed   You all do notice that the smiley faces have no hair, right??

    Be well, everyone!!


  • PAlady
    PAlady Member Posts: 56
    edited January 2008

    guggerty - so what did DH think of the hair?

    wr - you look cute without your wig! My hair is shorter and quite blotchy from where the clumps were coming out. I have a dear friend coming in from N.C. to go to my treatment with me tomorrow. DH has to go out of town with two of our boys for a soccer tournament, so we are going to have a girls weekend. Can't wait to see her. I am a bit nervous about reactions from the Taxotere, but they were quite careful last time, so hopeful tomorrow will be good too.

    Take care, all!

  • wrsmith2x
    wrsmith2x Member Posts: 127
    edited January 2008

    CHJ - I am worried about the hair coming back gray also.  Was just starting to get more grays in my hair before the adventure started.  Thanks for saying that I look young - I guess I am - soon to be 45 but I guess the hair, or lack thereof, makes me look younger.  And darnit - I was hoping for curly hair!

    PALady - post a pic also.  Thank you for the kind words too.  We are in the splotchies together but most likely soon to be smooth and shiny anyway.

    A girl's weekend sounds good.  Get you lots of "chick flicks" and lie on the couch and watch movies.  Take good care of yourself!  I'll be praying that our treatments go well tomorrow!


  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524
    edited January 2008

    Well....DH walked in last night and said "wow - it doesn't look bad at all, as a matter of fact, it's kinda cute" and then he kissed my bald head.  I said well, no matter how much of truth stretching was in that statement it sure was the right thing to say.  My mom, however, is aghast.  When I went in to see her today (she's 85 and in assisted living) the first thing she said was "well, I see you didn't shave your head yesterday" at which point I pulled off the wig.  OMG!  She said I look like the son she never had.  She is too funny.

    I have started the water regiment in preparation for tomorrow's treatment - have my snacks ready to go and a good book all set.  I'm going to swim for an hour in the morning and stop for a big breakfast before I hit the onc's office for my treatment.

    Hope everyone getting their treatment tomorrow has a good one.  We'll all hold hands......

    (((((hugs)))))  Trina

  • chj127
    chj127 Member Posts: 146
    edited January 2008

    Trina - swim with your mouth open, get your exercise & fluids in one step.  Laughing

    Wendy - that was just my experience - LOTS of people end up with curls.  You can still hope!!


  • Jackie19
    Jackie19 Member Posts: 5
    edited January 2008

    Wow ladies, sounds like hair today gone tomorrow was in the air the past couple of days.  I finally got fed up with the chunks coming out, I had an appt with my stylist for Friday, but that was too far away.  So I borrowed some clippers and just did it myself today.  You are all so right, it feels really different, almost liberating for a more positive way of looking at it.  And the prep time to get ready for anything now is almost cut in half since there is nothing to dry and style.  Hubby thought I looked real cute today when he arrived home from work and saw me with a funky hat on.  My daughter has adopted the style of the 70's (somewhat hippie) and has some real cute hats which will help me out at times.

    Thanks PALady for the info on the Neulasta, my Nurse Navigator confirmed the same to me.  Sorry to those that have had the bad s/e of hard nausea, passing out, etc..  I feel so lucky that nothing like that yet has knocked on my door, I hope it passes for you all real soon.  One thing I noticed is my fingernails have really gotten longer, stronger and hard, very unlike they were before my Tx.

    I am making it back to my office tomorrow, I have been feeling pretty good the last couple of days and feel the need to be around others, wish me luck.

    Next week I have my 2nd Tx, in calculating the weeks, I have 7 more to go before the last Tx.  Keeping that in mind gives me a goal that this will go by faster than I had thought. Considering I started the surgical process back in Oct and a number of set backs before I could begin the Tx.  There is a rainbow in site.

    Love and Peace to you all~Jackie

  • PAlady
    PAlady Member Posts: 56
    edited January 2008

    wr - I'll try to post a pic after the weekend. I don't feel like any more is falling out right now. I will be praying for you, too. I am happy to be getting #2 over with but anxious. And this being wide a wake at 3:15 stinks! (from the steroids, I am sure.)

    guggerty - You are on number 2 also? Yes we can all hold hands and get through this together.  Were you one who take the Miralax? I bought some to take starting tomorrow. I haven't read the directions, but want to try to avoid the constipation this time. Dr. told me today that it is the antinausea that they give in the drip that causes. Also, said the fainting thing was a vasovagal reaction, caused when everything was kinda shocked in to getting moving again.

    Jackie - congrats on the haircut. So, did you get the Neulasta shot?

    Well good luck tomorrow girls. We will be 2 down and 2 to go!