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Anyone on just Taxotere and Cytoxan?



  • CarolC
    CarolC Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2008

    Good morning! Some of you I know from the January 2008 group.

    Well tomorrow I go for my 2nd tx but this one will include Cytoxan in addition to the Taxotere. I was originally scheduled to do oral Xeloda  but my insurance wouldn't approve it in an adjuvant setting.

    So 3 weeks ago I had one chemo - and that was the Taxotere.

    I am anxious because I'm not sure of what to expect or how to prepare. I was told by my onco nurse that I only needed to take one Dexa steroid the morning of since I tolerated the Taxotere so well (according to them) last time. Does this make sense? Also, I see many of you take your anti-nausea in advance - they haven't told me to do that but I will if it helps.

    I'm driving myself to tx - will I have any problem driving home by myself? I didn't last time but with the addition of Cytoxin I'm not sure what to expect. I'm going to run in and have my blood drawn ahead of time today since I meet w/my onco at 8:30am tomorrow..

    Any advice is welcome...

    One more quick thing since I'm running late for work - Guitargrl - your Siamese looks exactly like my 11 year old Jocko... what a cutie.

    Take care girls....

  • chj127
    chj127 Member Posts: 146
    edited February 2008

    Welcome CarolC!  Glad to have you over here, too.  I'm thinking that the Cytoxin shouldn't make things any worse for you.  I think it's the less menacing drug.  But I forget - do you get Benedryl in your drip?  That's the one that would prevent me from driving...

    Wendy, sweet Wendy!  Vent away, girl.  Yes, I am hating the fact that I am going through this again.  After 13 years, it had become a distant memory.  That's why I'm asking probably more questions on these boards than I am answering - I had put it all behind me and I just don't remember everything.  Well, and the drugs are different.  I have said that the first time I got bc I was scared, and this time I'm less scared and more ticked off.  My dh is also angry about the whole thing - why us?  Why again?  Didn't we do our duty once??

    I hate that I don't feel good after treatment and I hate that I have to worry about wigs and turbans and hats, and can't just comb my hair and go out and look normal.  I hate that I ended up it the ER because of the chemo, and I hate the fact that my blood counts are dangerously low.  I hate that food doesn't taste good for 2 out of 3 weeks.  I hate that I'm getting 6 treatments instead of 4 because the docs think they have to be "aggressive" because of my history.  I hate not feeling "normal" and that I know I'll be doing chemo until May and rads practically the whole summer!  It's just lousy, and it gets me down - sometimes.

    But I rant, and sometimes I cry, and then remember that I am so blessed in so many ways.  I do  feel good today!  I have a good job with people who care about me and let me work around my treatments.  I have insurance.  I have a husband who loves me and got me through this once, and will help me through it again. I have an incredible group of ladies online who understand exactly what I am going through, and with whom I can comiserate, laugh, and vent as needed.  I have friends who call me and email me and send me cards and bring me food until I can't fit anymore into my refrigerator.  I have a list of people ready and willing to drive me to treatments.  I am able to GET treatment.  And there is light and hope at the end of the tunnel for me.  I know it's not the same for everyone, but when I count my blessings, I can't stay down too long.

    I have a dear friend at church who was paralyzed from the waist down due to an accident.  He's a good-looking man with a wife and older kids, and an amazing attitude.  He has had some serious complications over time, though he's doing well now - but will remain forever in his wheelchair. When I was diagnosed, he said he would pray for me.  He said he knows it will be tough at times, but I'll get through it.  I said to him that he, as well as anyone, knows what it's like for me.  And he said, you know, I just have to remember that there are people who are a lot worse off than I am.  That put things into perspective for me.

    So am I still going to feel sorry for myself sometimes?  Yes.  Am I still going to cry and say, why me?  Yes.  Am I still going to resent not felling normal?  Yes.  But I'm hoping and praying that all of this is temporary and that what I'm going through will make me better for a looooooong time, and at this time next year, I'll be healthy and well and happy.

    Sorry if that was too long and sappy.  Ask me again this weekend when I'm dragging around after my Thursday treatment... Tongue out


  • loopyloulee
    loopyloulee Member Posts: 34
    edited February 2008

    Once per week!

  • loopyloulee
    loopyloulee Member Posts: 34
    edited February 2008

    duh, the once per week was in answer to how often I have my blood checked.  I find it so interesting that we have all had different methods of doing this.  I got the anti nausea meds and steroids in the IV with my chemo.  Went to the doc each time for the neupogen, I would not have wanted to give myself shots!

    Yes Kathy,  I sometimes feel like a bloated, swollen, old bald woman!  I usually feel better after a good cry! Try to have a great day all!


  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524
    edited February 2008

    Kathy and Ohmom:  Welcome to this T/C floor of the chemo cruise ship......sorry to see you but glad to hear from you.

    PA:  I know the ingredients are the same so the only thing I can figure out is that the binder or something else is different.  All I can say is that it has out performed Duco and Senn.  Again, we are all so different - what works for one does diddly for the next.  If you ever want me to mail one to you, just let me know, I'm happy to help.

    Lou:  As the chemo is dripping thru the IV my legs start to feel so heavy especially the upper feels like I have weights strapped to them.  I have still have achy thighs and I'm 13 days out.

    Laurie:  Sorry about the headache....are they dripping the Cytoxan slowly enough?  I THINK it's the C that can give you terrific headaches.....I had some headaches after the first tx (not as bad as yours) and told the onc nurse so for my 2nd tx, the drip was much slower and I had no headaches in the week after.  Mention it to your onc.

    Wendy:  Perhaps your Neupo shot is also having some effect on your emotions.  Don't forget that with all this foreign stuff we're getting pumped into our bodies also comes s/e's that range from bad fingernails to mood swings.  And, Wendy, don't feel like the Lone Ranger - we're all shaking in our boots.  Some can get thru it easier than others but there's no shame in asking for help.  Have you spoken with your onc about something to help you thru this?  My friend who just finished radiation is an absolute rock....she never thought she fall apart and get weepy but she sure did....and she talked to her MD who put her on took a few weeks to get into her bloodstream and when it did she was back to herself again.

    And speaking of Walgreens - found some things there yesterday and need to share:

    1.  Prevention Mouth Wash.  My onc nurse told me to check it out.  Since I was running low on Biotene MW, I stopped in and bought a bottle of Prevention which has "Oncology" stamped right on the bottle.  It prevents mouth sores and thrush and is specifically formulated for chemo patients.  Cost about $10 a's a little smaller than the Biotene size that sells for $10.  I have a small travel bottle that I carry with me with mouthwash so I can swish during the day when I'm not home.  I brush and swish after eating anything.  I had thrush after my first tx so trying hard to avoid it again.

    2.  I found Tea Tree Oil in the nail care section for $6.99.  It's 100% pure so those who haven't found it yet, check out the pharmacy nail section.

    3.  I am trying to make little differences in my life and what I am putting into my thing I've been reading a lot about lately is the dangerous levels of Bisphoren A (sic) found in bottles of water.  I don't need to put in any more chemicals than are already pumped into the food so I picked up a Hydrating Bottle - it's a Thermos brand 18oz thermal bottle narrow enough to sit in the cup holder of your car, keeps water cold for hours.  Also, hey I'm doing my part to keep more plastic out of the landfill.

    All from I'm not an employee but I sure can find whatever I want there!

    Hope you all have a good day.....Love Trina

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited February 2008

    I was wondering about trying another mouthwash.  I've been using Biotene, but I think I also need to use the toothpaste, because the regular stuff (Sensodyne) burns my mouth.  I'll look for the Prevention at Walgreens.

    My mouth feels like it was burned - like when you drink something too hot and it burns your tongue.  Looked for Biotene at CostCo today, but no such luck.  Fortunately, there is a Walgreens "just around the corner" or at least a five minute drive away.

    Thank God, no nausea yet.  I think this is considered day 8 since I started a week ago Wednesday.  The remaining three sessions will be on Thursdays. 

    Have lost 5 pounds since my chemo start date.  Not that I didn't want to lose a few pounds, but it seems like a lot for one week.  Don't feel like eating much, which is NOT normal for me, but oh well.  I'm trying to eat soft foods and drink lots of water.

    OK, sorry for this question, but do any of you have a burning rear end?  I was kind of constipated and now its more toward the other end and I'm wondering if its related.  I don't need Imodium yet, but its kind of uncomfortable to walk around.

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524
    edited February 2008

    Sunshine:  You are NOT supposed to be losing weight but rather gaining during chemo.  My onc nurse asks me everytime we speak if I'm eating.......and eating and eating.  She says (and it makes sense to me) that our bodies need plenty of fuel during this time - we must get in it no matter how much we don't feel like eating.  The food we take in will help to control the nausea and fatigue.  Drinking lots of water is of course important but I think you need to start eating more solids since you're now beyond the constipation also. 

    Your burning bum could be hemoroids (sic) from pushing during constipation - wow don't we have fun.....just a guess, I'm not a doctor nor do I play one on television.

    Good luck.....

  • lady4law
    lady4law Member Posts: 32
    edited February 2008


    Sometimes crying can help rid us of some of the pain. Try running a nice warm (bubble?) bath and cry while the water's running, then if you have kids, they won't hear the crying. By the time  the tub is full, you can soak and feel better.....Just a thought.  

  • cc01
    cc01 Member Posts: 9
    edited February 2008

    I start 4 rounds of TC on Friday. I am so scared! Will I be able to at least use a treadmill? What days are usually the worst. Will get Neupogen or Neulasta starting on Monday. Will I be able to go out with friends at all on Saturday or Sunday? How much fatigue can I expect and when will the worst hit? For anyone who has finished how long after the last treatment before your body feels normal again?

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited February 2008


    I was able to exercise while I was doing chemo...  I walked, and sometimes I would walk then run, then walk, then run...  light jogging...  I think exercising helped me to have minimal ses from the t c...  but you need to gauge yourself by how you feel.  There were definitely days when I didn't feel like exercising, and that is ok.  Your body is telling you to rest, and that is perfectly fine...

    You'll get through this!!  If I did, then anyone can!  I am the BIGGEST CHICKEN!!


  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524
    edited February 2008

    cc01:  Everyone is so completely'll depend on your system.  I had my 2nd tx on 1/25 and as was the case with the first one, it was the Neulasta shot that did me in.  The only ill effects I felt post chemo was constipation and a heaviness in my legs - nothing that kept me down but after the Neulasta shot (mine is given the day after chemo) I had several nights and days of flu-like symptoms, bone and joint aches. 

    As Harley says exercising does help.  I'm a swimmer and side effects haven't kept me out of the pool.

    I've driven myself both times and had no issues but I think I'd check with the onc nurse and see if they are giving you anything that woudl affect driving.

    Good luck!  ((Hugs))  Trina

  • KathyL
    KathyL Member Posts: 109
    edited February 2008

    Hi Ladies:  Well yesterday's round #2 was no fun.  I had a reaction to my taxotere (saw flashing white lights, flushed neck and face and chest, and couldn't breathe).  They stopped my infusion (I was only 5 mintues into it), gave saline, oxygen, Benadryl, and more decadron (I take it orally normally the day before, day of, and day after chemo).  A half hour later they restarted my taxotere and I did fine.  So my last 2 rounds I'll get the extra IV decadron and some benadryl as pre-meds, as well as a slow infusion of the taxotere.  great!  I was there 5 1/2 hrs. yesterday and this seems like it'll be my standard time now.  Ruins the day...  I know I'm b*itching, but I really hate all this.  I go for my Neulasta today; it's the first time I'm getting that-- yay.  I had no trouble with neupogen while I was in the hospital after my first round, so I hope neulasta goes as well.

    OHMom:  SEs of #2 seems to be bad for a lot of people (I read here and on another big thread), but the good news is I hear #3 seems to go better for a lot of people.  Hang in there and listen to your body.  I also have some abdominal pain.  I thought it was from the oral decadron, so I started taking Zantac, and have upped the dose to 150mg twice a day before the decadron.  This helps a lot.  But I also think the decdron makes my hungry and gives me the same/simialr stomach ache-- so if I eat a little bit, this also seems to help.

    Wendy:  I have loved reading your posts.  You are a strong person.  But remember we all have our moments.  This is so hard to go through and those of us here understand that better than anyone.  I think it's totally normal to have "moments" like you describe.  I know I've had mine.  I find that talking about it here and with my fabulous therapist is the best "medicine" (she's also a 20 yr. BC survivor).  So I say, own it, get it out, and try to think as positively as you can, but realize it will not always be perfect and it's ok to have a bad day or two-- just don't go on longer than that without seeking help.  As for Neulasta pain-- I'm getting my first today, so I have no insight yet, but girls on the other thread have used Claritin successfully-- they start it the day of the shot, and take it for a week total.  I get bone aches normally on day 3-4, so I'm not sure if it'll be worse or how worse with the Neulasta added in this round.  My plan this round is to take Advil and/or Tyenol for it, and if it's really bad I may try the Claritin or Percocet I have laying around.  I'll let you know how it goes.

  • KathyL
    KathyL Member Posts: 109
    edited February 2008

    Realized I missed a whole page of posts... chemo brain is so bad recently!

    So-- Carol C.: Hi, I'm on this thread too.  I get Taxotere and cytoxan and herceptin.  They give me Aloxi (anti-nausea) as a pre-med mostly b/c of the cytoxan which can cause N/V more than the taxotere.  I'd ask for something.  I also have Zofran at home just in case, but did not need it for round 1 at all.  I did round 2 yesterday, so I'll see how the next 3 days go.  I would not recommend driving if you can get someone to go with you.  A lot of us seem to have the taxotere reaction with round 2 (I did and round 1 was a breeze, I did not expect a problem at all with round 2).  The meds. they give to counteract the reaction can make you sleepy and not able to drive.  Just a thought; not trying to scare you.  I was glad I had 2 people with me yesterday when it all happened.

    Sunshine:  I too went through some serious butt issues.  Constipation and then diarrheaand then constipation again.  You could have a fissure, hemorrhoids, irritation or all of the above.  Diarrhea especially can be acidic and burn a sensitive area after chemo.  Try warm soaks in the tub (no bubble bath), or sitz baths (did you ever have kids?-- I don't know you!  They do these a lot after delivery for the soreness and you can do them all day if you want!  You can buy the sitz bath apparatus at drugstores if you don't have one and the directions are included.  So nice!  The tub soaks will give the same effect too though).  Another thing to consider is a cream like Anusol that numbs the external area.  I used this and it did help soothe the area.

  • loopyloulee
    loopyloulee Member Posts: 34
    edited February 2008

    Hey CC01!  I am finished and now feel awful!  I didn't have too many problems with the first 3 tx.  Constipation! Yes! Take something the day of chemo and after.  I worked the whole time and really couldn't complain much.  Had my last tx on 1/24 and thought it would be all over.  Now, my legs are very heavy and get swollen.  I get out of breath a lot, I can't even imagine exercising!  I have started with a rash of sorts.  I will feel an itch, scratch, and then have hive like rash right where I just itched!  Very weird, it does go away after a little while, but can come back just as easily.  Sorry to tell you but nobody really knows what will happen to them.  It is all so different.  The one thing I think seems constant is the constipation, and that can really hurt. 

    Sunshine, I too had the burning butt syndrome!  I got tucks wipes, and anusol, it did help.  I did have hemmeroids at first, then they went away, but it still burned.  What fun we all have gone through!

    Have a great day all!


  • chj127
    chj127 Member Posts: 146
    edited February 2008

    Hi everyone,

    I'm too lazy to type something new, so here is the update I posted in the other thread:  

    Well, just like that, things change. I came down with a stomach virus or something yesterday, and was throwing up & going to the bathroom most of the night. I have a slight fever as well, so I will not be getting chemo today. It has been moved to Monday. I am so bummed to get off-schedule. I wanted it to be late in the week so I'd have time to recuperate over the weekend, but not now. I feel like crap (again!), and I have to get re-hydrated, because heaven knows how much fluid I threw up last night! All that drinking yesterday in prep for the chemo... 

    So I see I wasn't the only one going to CVS for the Tucks.  Geez, it's always something! 

    I'm bummed out for sure.  Guess I'll spend the day on the sofa. 


  • Harsch
    Harsch Member Posts: 6
    edited February 2008

    This is the site I have been looking for! I am truly sorry we all have to meet this way, I just want to know more about this Taxotere from the girls that have been through it!!! I have finished 3 rounds of A/C and start Taxotere next week for 3 rounds every 21 days and I am sorry to say this, but the Taxotere scares the heck out of me. I think it is the unknown and I got through the A/C and got through those side effects, so I need to knock down this fear and know that I can get through Taxotere.  I landed in hospital for 3 days with low blood counts on the A/C and now take the shots that I am thankful for even with the awful bone pain, because I don't want to hear dangerously low again!!!  If anyone has any suggestions, I would so greatly appreciate your help.  Sorry if I sound like a wuss, I have made it half way through chemo and now I just feel so scared of the Taxotere. Thanks so much.

  • PAlady
    PAlady Member Posts: 56
    edited February 2008

    Good morning ladies!

    I missed a whole day on here. Just had a busy day yesterday.

    OHmom - I had a lot stomach pain. 1st round just felt like a stomach ache for about 3 days. 2nd round I felt like I had a bunch of acid just sitting in my stomach. The constipation didn't help. I took pepcid every 12 hours for about a week and it helped a lot. I get the same IV meds you have and also have to take the oral steroids day before/of/after.

    Wendy - I hope you are feeling better. I just hate to see that you feel so bad. I agree with guggerty that if you need to get some meds you do. I haven't had to deal with the depression side of it, but have definitely had my bouts with the anxiety. I feel at times I would just like to jump out of my skin. Xanax has helped with those bouts, so even if you don't want to get on something to take all the time, maybe you can get something to help get over the hump.

    CarolC- This is probably coming to late for you but, we have found that these doctors all do things so differently.  Mine has me take the steroids day before/of/after then they also give me some in the IV. I don't think the cytoxin would give you a problem with driving. I get the Benadryl in the IV and that is what makes me tired. They give that to me near the beginning, though so it is in the middle of treatment where I get tired. I did drive myself home last round no problem.  Sending good thoughts your way for your treatment today.

    chj - Sending good thoughts your way today, also.  I love your outlook!!

    Guitargirl - I get mine checked about once per week also. I think you have your first treatment tomorrow - if so good luck to you.

    guggerty - If I still have a problem this round I will take you up on your offer. I tried googling Biosphoren A and didn't come up with anything. I recently ordered a book called "The Hundred Year Lie - How to Protect yourself from the Chemicals That are Destroying Your Health". I haven't had a chance to get into it yet ( seems I have an overabundance of reading material these days) but maybe there is something in there on it.

    Laurie - Hope you are feeling better.  I woke to a migraine the other day which meds took care of thankfully. I have also had quite a few sinus headaches that are a bit more stubborn.

    Sunshine - my weight has fluctuated wildly since starting my treatments. I am backwards from you, though. The steroids make me EAT and my body just craves salt. I end up going up about 5 pounds the first week and then get back to where I started just in time for my next round. I would just keep track of it cause you definitely don't want to lose too much.

    cc01 - I have the same schedule you do. So far (I had my 2nd round  on the 25th) I have felt fine on the weekend. Actually wired from the steroids. I usually feel like crap on Monday and/or Tuesday. I get my bone pain from the Neulasta on Thursday and Friday. I told myself I would get on the tm at least 4 times a week and I have been able to do at least that, sometimes more. I agree that it helps to exercise. Believe me there have been a few times I have had to force myself, but I am glad I did. As everyone has said we are all different. The fear before treatment is very normal. I freaked out about 3 days before. Once you get through that first one and the unknown, I am sure you will feel better.  Good luck with #1 you'll be just that much closer to the end!

    KathyL - Your reaction sounds scary! Glad it turned out. Do they normally give you the steroid in the IV or was it only after the reaction?

    Well my eyebrows are definitely thinning. I am bummed about that. I tried messing with an eyebrow pencil last night and I think it just looks ridiculous.  I have a few dinners I will be going to with dh after my last treatment and REALLY don't want to go with no eyebrows. I am trying to find some fake brows for those times. Hopefully I can find something that will look decent.

    Have a good day, all!

  • PAlady
    PAlady Member Posts: 56
    edited February 2008

    chj - we must have been typing at the same time.  Did they suggest you take anything? I hear you on the schedule change we all just want to get through this. Feel better soon.

    Harsch - not sure I can offer you any insight. I was originally supposed to be on the same protocol but the Adriamycin was what was scaring me so I definitely don't think you are a wuss! My only suggestion would be to make sure they are giving it to you slow and hopefully you are getting the steroids and Benadryl to try and prevent a reaction.

  • wrsmith2x
    wrsmith2x Member Posts: 127
    edited February 2008

    Hey Guys!  Thanks so much for all the kind words.  I am up and fighting again - thanks to all of you and my dh.  I only seem to get down when I feel bad, physically.  Otherwise I am mostly positive.  I am back at work today after being in the bed yesterday.  Achy but better than it was.  Yesterday I stayed high on pain killers and slept most of the day away.  Sad too because it was a gorgeous day.  Anyway, just wanted you all to know that the Pity Party is over and I am feeling much better and getting back to my fighting mode!

    CHJ - You are my hero! I am in awe of you and the way you are taking this!  My greatest hope for you is that this is your LAST time dealing with this!  I am very sorry that you are feeling bad today.  Sending good thoughts your way!!!

    Harsh - I got 2 opinions when I was deciding to have chemo at all and the 1st doctor wanted me to have A/C.  I researched it and decided to go get a 2nd opinion before taking A/C - that is BAD stuff.  The 2nd doctor, and subsequently the one that I am with, said that T/C does just as well as A/C without alot of the long-term side effects (such as heart problems).  I can tell you that other than alot of fatigue and a little nausea the chemo itself has been a breeze for me.  Now we are all different, I know that.  However, it seems to me if you have already had A/C that T/C would be easier.  At least that's what I understand.  My only BIG problems have been with the Neupogen shots for wbc's - they give me bad bone pain.  Anyway, good luck and keep us up-to-date on your progress. 

    PALady - good to hear from you again.  I was wondering about you and you sound like you are doing OK. 

    So, my mom, the witch doctor, gave me a book to read (and if you guys are like me you have plenty to read) about cancer.  "Am I dead.....or do I just feel like it?" by Fred Hughes.  And she swears that this is the CURE for cancer.  So, I'm going to read it and I will report back to the class on what I find out.  I, rightfully so, am skeptical.  But you know right about now I'll research anything.

    Cheers to all and hope each of you has a good, better, or best day!!!


  • Harsch
    Harsch Member Posts: 6
    edited February 2008

    Thank you PAlady and WRXmith2X - I really appreciate your help.

    I hope you are all doing well today.

  • KathyL
    KathyL Member Posts: 109
    edited February 2008

    CHJ:  Sorry about your delay-- that's such a bummer.  Keep hydrating anyway in prep for monday and getting over the illness.

    PALady:  I normall got oral streoid the day before/of/after.  The IV was extra thanks to my reaction, and now I'll be getting that too with the last 2 rounds on the day of chemo.  Yay!  More drugs!

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524
    edited February 2008

    PA:  I'm sure I have the plastic chemical misspelled.  There was anotgher blurb on the news last night this time reference made to plastic baby bottles which said the Bisphoren (sp) A which was released affects the hormone system.  The company said not enough of this chemical to cause damage but they were now making them w/o the chemical.  It is however high concentrations in plastic water bottles. 

    CH:  Hope you're feeling better......that's my nightmare, I get sick and have to postpone tx's.  We all so want this to be over with asap.

    Have you thought about going to a Macy's or some other higher end dept store to see if they have someone in the make up department to help with doing something about eyebrows?  I would think there has to be something that can be accomplished without having to glue on eyebrows - can you imagine the looks if one started to peel off? 

    Harsch:  What frightens you about Taxotere?  My onc told me from the start that this is a newer and kinder chemo.  True we all have different reactions but that is with anything it seems.  Hope you do just fine on this one....after going thru with the A/C tx's you're no wuss! 

    Have a great day everyone.......Love Trina

  • leesa
    leesa Member Posts: 57
    edited February 2008

    Hi All,

    My name is Leesa and I just got diagnosed for the 2nd time chest wall recurrance after mastectomy.  I will be doing the  Cytoxan and Taxoter also,  I'm so happy I found this site because I was really scared the last time I had A/C and it was a nightmare, I'm hoping this time it's better.  I'm going for a second opinion next Wed.  

    As far as the eyebrows, when they're thining use waterproof mascara with a powder after.  When they're gone use a pencil.  make sure it's really sharp and use small strokes follow with a powder.  Some people use a henna thing, you can find at  I hope this helps.

  • leesa
    leesa Member Posts: 57
    edited February 2008


    Good luck on your first time today, please let me know how it goes.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited February 2008

    PALady (and others),

    What kind of steroids were you taking?  I take Dexemethasone  AM & PM the day before, day of and day after my chemo.  I think it made me a little jittery those days, but haven't noticed  any long term jitters.

    I finally took an Ativan last night, just because I haven't slept through the night since my first chemo on Jan 30.  What an amazing thing to actually sleep through the whole night!

    I had another questions, but have no idea what it was!  Oh well, I'll come back when I remember it :)

    Weight is stabilizing a bit.  I got the Prevention mouthrinse at Walgreens and my mouth feels better.


  • wrsmith2x
    wrsmith2x Member Posts: 127
    edited February 2008

    Welcome to you Leesa.  Sorry that you have to be back with us and so soon!  I had a lumpectomy instead of a mastectomy but my tumor was close to the chest wall and this is my fear -that it will come back in the chest wall.  I know its a crap shoot but I do worry about it.  Anyway, I hope that things go well for you and please talk to us.  These ladies are great at lifting spirits, giving advice, suggestions, and just plain listening. 

    I have had a pretty bad bout of nausea today - not typical or at least it wasn't this way the first round.  Am popping pills like crazy to keep it at bay but I hate this feeling.  I hope it passes soon.

    Hope all is well today with each of you. 

    CHJ - hope you feel better today!

    Have a good weekend, ladies!


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited February 2008


    What day is this for you?  Today is day 10 for me(assuming I count chemo day as Day 1).  I've not had any nausea as of yet and am hoping I escape that one!

    I remembered that other question I had:  When I take my temperature, I get three different readings depending upon the thermometer I use.  I have an in-ear one that reads about 100.1; and electronic oral one that reads 97.1 and another electronic one that reads 97.4.  I know that my "normal" is slightly under 98.6.

    Maybe I should take the ear one with me to my next appointment and compare the results with the one the nurse uses.  I don't feel like I have a fever, I just thought I'd see how these three compared. 

    I bought the ear one at the drugstore (or maybe it was Costco) several years ago.  The first oral therm was given to my by the nurse who did the chemo class, and the other oral one came in a "goody bag" that was sponsored by Aloxi and was given to me when I got my first chemo.

    What do you think?  I know we're supposed to report a temp above 100.5, but since mine fluctuates so much, I'm just not sure.


  • wrsmith2x
    wrsmith2x Member Posts: 127
    edited February 2008


    I hate any thermometer but the good old fashioned kind.  I can't ever get an accurate reading on the digital ones.  You may want to call the nurse just to see what they say.

    This is day 14 as my next tx is next Friday.  The amount of nausea overall has been worse with this 2nd chemo than with the first.  Not sure why.  It seems like some things were easier this time and some things were worse.  Just can't ever tell how it will be........

  • Leyden
    Leyden Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2008

    Dear All,

    I just found this site and would like to share my experience with you regarding Taxotere and Cytoxan.  My first treatment was Tuesday November 27 and these continued every three weeks until the last one January 29.

    I got a neulasta shot the Wednesday after treatment. Here is what I learned.

    1.  Don't have sex for about a week after treatment.  Your urthera and bladder are irritated and cam cause your to experience symptoms of cyctitis.

    2.  Start taking Aleve or Motrin about 5 days before you get the chemo and continue taking it for about 10 days after.  I got horrible sternum pain the day after chemo.  I thought at first it was heartburn but the chemo nurse told me it was pain from the chemo.

    The Aleve also helps with the spasms from the neulasta.  The first time I thought I was in labor. 

    3. Take prilosec throughout treatments.

    4. Drink water constantly.  I found putting crystal light in the water helps it go down

    I don't know how you post your profile but I was dx 10/8/07, had a lumpectomy and will have radiation starting the end of this month.

    I am 67 and go to the gym everyday.

    Hang in there.  It does get better. 

  • wrsmith2x
    wrsmith2x Member Posts: 127
    edited February 2008

    So for those of you who are done or know someone who has been through long does it take for your hair to start growing after completing chemo?

    Also, did you guys see Robin Roberts (Good Morning America) strut down the runway with her bald head!???  She looked fabulous!  Very brave of her!

