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Anyone on just Taxotere and Cytoxan?



  • wrsmith2x
    wrsmith2x Member Posts: 127
    edited January 2008

    TWO DOWN AND TWO TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Went this morning at 8AM and didn't have the lab orders so had to go to the doctor's office - across the hall - and get the orders and then go back to the lab and wait.  By the time I had blood drawn and made it back to the doctor's office it was 8:50AM and there I sat until 9:20AM and then she took me back and took blood pressure (which BTW was excellent and for me that's good!) and temp and then I waited.  A lady came in and talked to me about a study for anti-nausea meds that I can participate in if I want.  Told her I would discuss it with my husband and then she left and I waited.  Doc came in about 10:20AM and by the time he and I talked and went through everything that happened to me in the 1st round and then I went to the "chair" it was 10:45AM.  So it took longer than I thought but went well.  Had to get stuck twice, again, but it is OK.  Not that much more to go.

    And now I am at work.  And I wait for the chemo to kick in.  Doc says maybe this time won't be as bad.  I hope not.  And I took the advice of Darlene and decided to take the anti-nausea pills anyway.  She's right - no use in being sick.  Hope all you did well today.

    Cheers to us!


  • chj127
    chj127 Member Posts: 146
    edited January 2008

    Geez, Wendy, you got chemo & went back to work??  I am in awe, truly.  Way to keep moving, girl!   I think the Benedryl alone would keep me from going back to work. Congrats on being 1/2 way done!


  • PAlady
    PAlady Member Posts: 56
    edited January 2008

    wr - you did have a long day! How long did you end up in the chair? They do all my bloodwork and Dr. talk the day before so I go right to the chair. It took about 4 hours 10 minutes today. I was really paranoid about getting a reaction from the taxotere but had no problem. From what I have heard rounds 1 and 2 are where you are likely to see a reaction. Yeah for being half way done!!!

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524
    edited January 2008

    Good Morning.....Hope all that had their tx's yesterday are doing ok! 

    Mine went blood counts were good, saw the doc and was on my drip by 11am.  I don't get any steriods to take at home before I go, they give them to me with my anti nausea drip...then we go Taxotere, Cytoxan and saline flush.  I drank at least 1/2 gallon of water before the treatment and another 1/2 gallon  during.  Last night I added in another 32oz.  No nauseau but dh did make an Italian dinner last night which I belched all night!  No spicy meals on chemo day anymore!!!!  1st tx, I came home and slept all night - last night, not the case.....I went to bed at 9:30 - awake at 1:30, got up around 3 and back to bed at 4am for another hour - that was it.  Today I get my Neulasta shot and am prepared for the Mack truck to make a run thru here tonite....I'll have all my fleece stuff and extra blankets close by......last time I had the most horrible chills.

    PA - No that wasn't me that mentioned Miralax - is it highly recommended?  I used Ducolax and forgot to take 2 last night - I am going to start those today.  I did get a script for a special moutwash to use in case I get thrush again....sigh.  The only s/e I'm noticing this morning is pain in the tops of my thighs...something I had last time.  We'll see how the Neulasta shot goes...ugh.

    50% over....hip,hip, hooray.....Love Trina

  • PAlady
    PAlady Member Posts: 56
    edited January 2008

    guggerty - I know I say this all the time, but it is so interesting how differently everyones treatments are. 

    I have to take the 2 steroid pills 2 times a day for the day before, of and day after. Then when I get in the chair, they give me a bag of the steroids. Then the aloxi for nausea. Then the give me a bag of pepcid and benadryl then the taxotere and then the cytoxan.

    Someone on another thread had recommended the Miralax and said they had no gas problems with it. I did talk to the pharmacist yesterday during my treatment and she said I should start taking Colace which I think is just a softener, day and night starting on treatment day. If that doesn't work to move on to Senna S which I think is a mild laxative + softener. If needed after that to move on to the Miralax. All I had was the Miralax yesterday, so I took my dose of that last evening. I will run out today and get the Colace and Senna S and start that. I think if I can avoid the constipation I will be in good shape. My only se that showed up last night was the same annoying stomach ache all evening. I think it is from the steroids. I have it again this am.  I did take an ambien to try to sleep last night. I was still up at 6:00 but at least I got about 5 1/2 hours straight sleep instead of broken up.

    Good luck with the Neulasta. I don't get mine until Monday and that was a pretty bad day for me last time as far as feeling bad.

    Have a good weekend if possible!

  • wrsmith2x
    wrsmith2x Member Posts: 127
    edited January 2008

    I just wrote a long post and somehow it disappeared so this will be the short version - lucky for you all!

    Anyone having any weird cravings with this chemo?  I'm craving fruit and milkshakes.  Weird, I know.  How about anyone having bad gas issues?  Between what milkshakes do to me and what the chemo is doing to me my poor hubby is paying the price.  Oh well, I'm sure things could be worse.

    Guggerty - I'm sorry that you have to take those Neulasta shots.  If they are anything like my Neupogen shots I feel for you!  That was some kind of bad pain!  I've never had children but I can imagine that it would have been like back labor.  It came in waves and just hurt so bad.  I hope yours goes better.

    PALady - I was in the chair 2 hours only so not too bad.  But between the liquids they poor in and the liquids I drink during I have to keep getting up to go to the bathroom.  My baby bladder can't take it!  I bet they get a good laugh at me!  The nurses are great though.

    CHJ - don't think too much of me going back to work yesterday.  If it goes like the first time I won't be affected until tonight.  In fact I've got to get up and do some stuff before it sets in.  You are the brave one going thru this again.  I pray that this will be the LAST TIME for all of us to have to go thru anything like this.

    So when the Mack truck pulls in, rolls over each of you, backs back up over you and rolls over you again remember that I will be with you and praying that this too shall pass quickly.

    Thank you, my sisters, for listening.



  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524
    edited January 2008

    Back from getting my Neulasta shot.  I mentioned to the nurse how sick I got last time and she said to take 3 Advils when I get home, 3 more around 6pm and another couple at bedtime.  Eat small bland meals and hopefully that'll help.  So I'm going to give it a whirl and will report tomorrow how I did.

    PA - I am totally fascinated at how different the protocols are!  Why, I wonder would some have to take the steriods in the 2 days before and some get them pre tx the day of?  And another thing - I do NOT get any bloodwork in the weeks between chemo....doc says you have to do it the day of because counts can fluctuate and you have to know that they are right for the day you do chemo.  So I get my blood work and doc visit right before going into the chair.  I was there yesterday from 9:30 to 3:00 - drip time was 11:00 to 2:45 - they slow down the Cytoxan so I don't get the headaches. 

    I have the Ducolax and some Sennekot here.....I waited too long the first time to take anything - I took 2 this morning and will take 2 more tonite.  Yes, I am gassy but hey, I'm bald too - I think bald people have the right to be gassy!!!!!

    Halfway there......whoopeedo!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Love Trina

  • chj127
    chj127 Member Posts: 146
    edited January 2008

    Guggerty - I get the same steroid pills that PALady talked about.  It's dexamethasone.  You take them in the morning & evening the day before, the day of, and the day after chemo.  And then there are other steroids with the drip.  I also got the benadryl & aloxi in the drip prior to the TC.

    The protocol difference that I am most annoyed with is that it seems everyone is getting 4 x TC and I am getting 6 rounds.  I don't know what's up with that.  Maybe it's my history or other factors, I don't know.  I DO know I'm going to be bummed when everyone in this group is done except me.  (could I have some cheese with that whine??)

    The good thing, though, is that (on day 9) my intestines seem to be back to pretty normal, and my port bothers me less today than it has so far! 

    Love you girls!!


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited January 2008

    Why do they give you the Neulasta?  Does it have to do with your WBC?  I'll get my first chemo tx on Wednesday.  I'm supposed to take the dexamethasone the day before, day of, and day after.  They haven't said anything about Neulasta.

    They want to take my blood the morning of my infusion.

    Any of you use the Cookbook "Eating Well Through Cancer"?  I just ordered it from Amazon.  I was given an exerpt from it at the "chemo class" I went to on Thursday.

    Thank you, ladies!


  • lady4law
    lady4law Member Posts: 32
    edited January 2008


    Actually I had 5 treatments, 3 prior to and 2 following surgery. I developed worse and worse SE from the chemo and had to go to the ER after #4. The reaction to the Nuelasta was so severe,my Onc said I was never to take it again. So following my 5th tx , I had to stay in the house for about 3 weeks. As careful as I was I did developed an urinary tract infection that I am still fighting - even after Cipro.

    I have also, lost all but one of my nails, my left thumb, and my toenails are now on their way off.

    My head/hair also hurt prior to my hair falling out. I tried to explain the pain to my DH, but wasn't sure how to do that, other than saying it felt like when combing the hair in the wrong direction, or that feeling you get when you let your hair down, after having a tight ponytail all day.

  • PAlady
    PAlady Member Posts: 56
    edited January 2008

    Just testing to see if this link will work.

  • 40somethingMom
    40somethingMom Member Posts: 73
    edited January 2008

    DX12/18/07 IDC 2.3cm stageII GRADE2  0/2node- ER/PR+HER2-


  • PAlady
    PAlady Member Posts: 56
    edited January 2008

    Good morning, everyone!  Hope everyone is hanging in there. I am doing ok. I think I am going to be a bit more tired this round.

    Wow, wr your chair time is pretty short. I was in a little over 4 hours.

    guggerty - did they tell you to only take the advil for the one day? I was told I could try ibuprofen but just for a day or so. They really want you to take tylenol, but I really don't think that helps.

    chj - have you asked them about the 6 rounds? I wonder if it is this is your second go round.  I forget, what type of treatment did you have before?

    Hi Sunshine! - My doctor does just give the Neulasta automatically to boost the white blood cell counts. I also get blood work to monitor once a week in between my treatments. Some people get the Neupogen shots which I think are not as strong but you have to get more than one. Other people don't get any unless needed. We are finding there are so many different ways the doctors monitor our progress.

    lady4law - hope you are feeling better soon. I had a laugh when tried tell my dad about the hair feeling like you had it in a tight ponytail for a long time and then letting it out - like he knew what that felt like!

    40somethingmom - Welcome! It seems for a lot of people that waiting is what will get you. The treatments themselves seem to be better than the what you expect. Hopefully the same will be for you. It is nice to be able to get on here and compare notes.

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524
    edited January 2008

    OK - here's my report:  I took the Advil every 4 hours from Neulasta shot until bed - 9:30pm.  I took a sleeping pill also.....slept until 3:30am and then woke up a little chilly but NOTHING like the first time.  I wrapped myself in a fleece blanket and got back under the covers noting that the legs and lower back were hurting more and more.  So the Advil did keep the flu-like symptoms at bay but did nothing for the leg/back pain.  Can't have everything, can we?

    I got up and took half a Vicodin and the pain is subsiding somewhat but not completely gone.  I do not want to do anything today that doesn't involve a recliner, couch or bed.  I am hoping that (like last time) I'll be ok tomorrow.....please God, grant me this small (?) wish.

    CHJ - Sorry you are taking 2 more than the rest of us.....I would ask - is there something else that would warrant that?  You can have all the cheese you want with that whine.......and you have all my sympathy and empathy!

    Sunshine:  I would be surprised if they did not give you a Neulasta shot - true some people cannot take them because the s/e's are too awful but you wouldn't know if you didn't take one.  I love that there is something out there that works on your wbc's keeping you up and mobile and as healthy as possible during the chemo treatments.  Ask your doctor.

    PA:  They didn't say only take Advil for one day - my chemo nurses told me I could take either/or whenever....but again, it's that same old DP's (different protocols) thing, I guess.  Like I don't get steriods in the days before my tx and I feel great afterwards so why do some get them?????  And others not??????

    Jean:  I shaved b4 the hair started shedding too much because I wanted control....I didn't want to keep waking up every morning checking my pillow or wondering if TODAY was the DAY it would come out in scalp was itchy and tight so I did it and it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it might be.

    40Something:  It's so easy to say "don't worry, it's not as bad you as think it's going to be"....but that's the truth.  I was very teary eyed in the days preceeding my first tx and afterwards I was like - wow, that was it?  No problem.  My chemo has been fine, it's my N shot that does me in but hey, we're battling the beast and we use all the weaponry we can get our hands on.

    Hope everyone has a great day....or at least a restful one....Love Trina

  • wrsmith2x
    wrsmith2x Member Posts: 127
    edited January 2008

    I am now completely bald.  We took my husband's razor to it this morning and it feels so wild.  The buzz cut was definitely the thing to do before but it was almost completely bald on the sides anyway so I got hubby to shave it all off.  It will be nice not finding little hairs everywhere now.

    Woke up this morning thinking that I would be extremely tired and go straight to the couch but am feeling better than I thought.  Tired but not wiped out.  Sorry for those of you that are really down - either emotionally or physically.  It WILL be better.

    Am thinking of you all as we go thru this together.  Best of luck to each of you!


  • chj127
    chj127 Member Posts: 146
    edited January 2008

    Trina & PALady - I go in to the onco tomorrow for my 10-day check & bloodwork.  I am definitely going to ask about the 6 treatments instead of 4.  The first time (1995) I had AC.  The doc told me this time that (1) Taxotere is getting good resuls and (2) they don't like to give Adriamycin more than once to anyone in their lifetime anyway because of the heart problems.  Thus, the TC for me.  In addition to my past history, I also had "evidence of lymphovascular invasion" (LVI) and my Ki-67 (proliferation index) is high at 60 (I think I read somewhere that over 30 is considered high.)  I don't know much about those 2 things, but they may be factors in the choice of protocol as well.  Whatever!!

    I'm 9 days past my first tx & feling pretty good!

    I am wondering, though - how many of you do get Neulasta?  My onco said I would only get the shot if my counts didn't stay up.  I am mentally willing them to be up, up, up!!!  I guess I'll know when I go tomorrow.

    Wendy - keep smiling - you really do look good bald!!  I remember from the last time, everyone said to cut my hair really short & it wouldn't be so traumatic, but my contention is still that when it's longer, it's easier to grab hold of!!  I'm just going to let mine the way it is until it gets loose.  The last time, I remember it being "loose" for a day or two, and then finally one day I just stood in front of the mirror running my fingers through it, over and over, until it was about 80-90% gone.  I pretty much laughed the whole time.  Then DH shaved off what was left.  I guess I'll see.  Laughing 


  • guitarGrl
    guitarGrl Member Posts: 150
    edited January 2008

    I'll be starting the TC on Feb. 8th - I have a very practical question for you guys. From what I've seen skimming this thread, constipation, not it's opposite, is the problem with this combination?

    I'm worried because I'm a vegetarian and cheese is a MAJOR component of my diet. Many of the other things I eat they also say you can't have because your mouth will be sore. So what's left?

    And why do they say no candy? Chocolate is also one of my other major food groups. (just because a person is a vegetarian, doesn't mean she eats healthy)

    Also, if everything tastes funny and metallic, how do you even get yourself to eat?

  • chj127
    chj127 Member Posts: 146
    edited January 2008

    guitarGirl - yes, constipation is a problem for a lot of us!  My experience has been that there are just a few days (especially days 3-5) that you just don't feel like eating at all, but then it gets better.  Most of us also seem to find relief with Senokot-S or other over-the-counter laxative/softerner products.  You might want to ask your doctor or the oncology nurse and have it ready ahead of time.  AND DON'T FORGET YOUR FLUIDS!!  Lots, before, during, and after treatment.

    No candy?  Who said that??? Vitamin M (aka M&M's) is a very important part of the diet!!

    I wish you the best.  I started January 18, and my next tx is Feb 7, so I'm not that far ahead of you.  Come back often, the girls in here are the greatest!!


  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524
    edited January 2008

    CH:  I hope your onc looks at you, slaps his head and says "6?  Why would I say 6 - sorry, I meant 4" dreamwish for you!!!

    My day went downhill yesterday - I may have delayed the Neulasta horror show with the Advil regiment but it did get me.  And today my back and legs are pain ridden. 

    Well, after 6 Ducolax and 4 Sennekot's since Friday - (oy), I finally had a teeny tiny movement this morning.  I was going to call one of the chemo nurses and ask if I should get a Fleet Enema and just use that.  Has anyone tried that?????

    Guitar:  By the way the cat is absolutely goregous!!!  You will obviously have to avoid the cheese for the few days following chemo - I would talk to the nurses, certainly you're not the first vegetarian to do this.  And, OMG, whoever said chocolate was a no-no needs to be drawn and quartered.  My chemo room has a bowl of chocolate candy sitting there....I didn't even think there was life without chocolate?

    PA:  Have you ever had to take even one Neulasta?  I'd sure like to stop those but am frightened because I don't want to pick up any infections.  I'm going to to talk to my onc and see what he says.  What a nightmare post Neulasta and this one felt worse than the first one.

    Have a wonderful day you beauties......Love Trina

  • wrsmith2x
    wrsmith2x Member Posts: 127
    edited January 2008

    The truck is here and he has already run over me.  It seems that the delay of symptoms was even longer this time.   And then they came and they are rough.  So much lead in my bones.  And this time I am sleeping more and can't seem to wake up.  Hubby finally made me get up, eat something and he opened the blinds so I could see the sunshine.

    Am so tired.......


  • loopyloulee
    loopyloulee Member Posts: 34
    edited January 2008

    Hi all!  Well I had my last treatment of tc this past Thrusday.  Wow did I feel like a truck hit me.  I had been feeling bad because I had not felt as bad as some on these boards.  Now I regret ever feeling that way.  it jinxed me!  Only good thing to say is, it is over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I find it so strange that we all have so many things in common, and yet, it affects each and everyone of us so differently.  I am finally feeling a little better.  Constipation was not too bad this time, but I go cramps from the senekot!  You can't win for losing!

    Good luck all!

  • PAlady
    PAlady Member Posts: 56
    edited January 2008

    Just popping in for a second, ladies. I'm feeling rather blah!

    guggerty - I feel your pain with the constipation. So far trying to stay ahead hasn't helped. I have been taking Colace and senokot. I am now moving on to the Miralax. Will see what happens. Yes, I did have the Neulasta last round and just went today for my second. Last time I got it on Monday and the pain hit Thursday. I was told not to take ibuprofen because of bleeding. So, if Tylenol is not enough, which it wasn't last time, I am supposed to take a hydrocodone which has tylenol in it instead of aspirin or ibuprofen. A friend of mine opted to skip it her second round and ended up having her counts drop way too low, she then had to go in for the Neupogen shots everyday for 5 days. She said it wasn't worth it and went back to the  Neulasta for the 3rd round. Who knows?!

    Hugs Wendy. I hope you feel better soon!

    Loopyloulee - Congrats to you!!!!

    Hopefully we can all start feeling a little better soon.

    Take care.

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited January 2008

    Hi there everyone,

    I had 4 txs of Taxotere and Cytoxan.  Started Aug. 7, 2007 and finished Oct. 9, 2007.  I just wanted to let you know that it really is DOABLE.... 

    I had some minor se's from the tx.... I got diarrhea, not constipation with my first tx... so I had to try to keep that se in check.  Later, I had stomach cramps, but no diarrhea...

    I also wanted to pop in to give my support for ya'll...  You are strong, You can do it!

    BTW, another tip for the Neulasta shot...  my onc nurse told me to take Claritin for three days after getting the shot.  I did this, and had little trouble with bone pain from the Neulasta... I DID, however have TERRIBLE back pain after my FIRST tx, when I got Neupogen shots (FOUR of them, one each day for four days!)  after the tenth day after my first tx, when my bloodwork showed that my wbc was very low!!  So I did those Neupogen shots, and I raised a fuss with my onc, saying that in the future, I wanted to have Neulasta shots to prevent the low wbc...  He listened to me, and I was glad!

    So, just to let you know, if you have any terrible se's from the tx or the treatments, just tell your onc nurse, or your onc, and if they can do something to help, they will...

    Hang in there,


  • Cara
    Cara Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2008

    I had my second treatment January 17th.  And I had the worst constipation.  I had to keep taking Senokot and it helped. So far for me the first week im tired. Second week I feel better but my WBC drops low so my Onc. gives me a shot.  And the third week I feel normal again. From what I read T/C is easier than alot of other combos. 

  • Sclark01
    Sclark01 Member Posts: 6
    edited January 2008

    Wendy = I did have lots of people who would stare but I just didn't let that get to me.  I sit in restaurants, book stores, anywhere I go and don't worry.  Some people will come and ask and it's what I prefer. I'm not Typhoid Mary!! LOL!  Kids are the best though, they will stare and ask parents questions or comment on me.  I always talk to them and tell them that it's from my medicine and that my hair will grow back and it will grow back prettier than before!! They seem to like that answer.  Go natural, it's not as bad you may think!  You never know, I've actually had several men come to me and tell me it's "hot"!  Be brave girl!

    Oh, and I never wore a scarf or wig at all during all of this.  The pic of me is from our Office Holiday Party..about 350 people.  If you act like it doesn't bother you it won't bother other people. 

    You look beautiful with your shaved head!   

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524
    edited January 2008

    Good Morning:  I feel HUMAN again, finally.  Oy.  Talk about lose 2 days and I'm not complaining too too much because I know some lose more than that.  Once the bowels started to move (ever so slowly) last night, I knew that I'd start feeling better.  The pain in the lower back is still there but not as bad and the upper thighs (which is caused by chemo) while still feeling "heavy" don't hurt as much. 

    I will continue taking 2 Ducolax or Sennekot at night for the next few nights just to keep things moving along.

    Loup - Congratulations.......I can't wait to be able to say the same thing.

    PA:  LOL again.....Tylenol is acetamenaphin - Advil is ibuprofen....doesn't the acetameniphin cause bleeding?  My nurse told me to take whatever I wanted to take so I did....took Advil post Neulasta and then Tylenol yesterday for the bone pain which was a bear by the way. 

    I'm heading over to the gym this morning and hit the pool.  Even if I cannot swim, I can walk in the water and hopefully loosen up my back and thighs.....and then there is the blessed whirlpool to help this achy joints. 

    Hope you gals are doing better today also.......misery may love company but happiness loves company way more!  (((hugs))) Trina

  • PAlady
    PAlady Member Posts: 56
    edited January 2008

    Still not feeling great, but things got moving for me last night too. I am hoping as the day wears on I will feel better. I feel achy all over.

    guggerty - acetaminophen (sp?) is the one you can take to not cause bleeding. The aspirin and ibuprofen can cause it. I've always been a big headache person and it was a pain when I had my surgery that I had to switch to tylenol,  cause I think it really doesn't do much.

    Here is an interesting observation - I have a scale that measures body fat and body water. I have been keeping track of it daily for about 2 years. For a woman my age (42) the water amount should be around 50 - 51 %. It has always stayed around that with changes of maybe .10 or so. (ie. 50.4 or 50.6).  Both with my last round and with this round, my body water amount dropped to 48.6 and 48.8 the next day even though I had drastically increased my fluid intake. It took about 10 days for it to return all the way to normal last round. I guess that explains the constipation and the dry mouth/sinuses. I wish I could find a way to rehydrate better, though. I have been trying to drink gatorade this round, which I can't stand, but so far my sinuses aren't quite as dry.

    Anyone else having problems with pains on their fingertips? I had a bit of it last time, and then it went away and now it is back. Not super painful, but just annoying.

    I am going to try to get on the treadmill - I did that starting on day 2 last time and felt much better than this round.

    Have a good day everyone!

  • chj127
    chj127 Member Posts: 146
    edited January 2008

    Guggerty - glad you are on the rebound!

    Wendy & loopy - I hope you feel better soon.  I just hate feeling down & out.  I hope for you guys that the icky feeling doesn't last too long.  

    Amazing how our intestinal tracts become the object of so much frustration!  When a bm becomes a highlight of our day...

    I reported on the other thread (the Jan 2008 group) that I had a bit of a relapse yesterday.  Felt like I had been hit by a truck.  I had a scheduled appt. with the onco, and my blood counts were waaaaaaaaay down.  Got a shot & an antibiotic, and am feeling better today.  I'll get the Neulasta next time, oh boy!

    Hang in there you all!


  • chj127
    chj127 Member Posts: 146
    edited January 2008

    Wendy?  Are you there?  I hope you are feeling better since your last post on Monday.  I also checked your blog, and didn't see anything new there.  I hope you are regaining your strength.  I'm pulling for you!!

    Guggerty - how about you? 


  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524
    edited January 2008

    PA:  OK, think I got it straight this time.......chemo brain, ya know???  But my onc nurse DID say to take either or, didn't really matter.  Again...those different opinions.  Yesterday it was so nice to rejoin the human race.  My ON also explained how chemo dehydrates you, it leeches the fluid from your body and that's why they say DRINK, DRINK DRINK.....have you noticed more frequent urination post chemo?  What kind of scale do you have?  It sounds interesting.

    CH:  Sorry you had a bit of a relapse......when was your tx?  You may NOT have any issuses with the Neulasta....don't be frightened of getting it.  We are all so very different. 

    I went swimming yesterday and it was so great - would have gone today BUT we had a storm come thru and (get this) was 45 degrees yesterday morning...this morning we have 35 below wind chill (gee that's about hmmmmmmm 90 degree difference(!) and the roads are treacherous so I'll be taking it easy...thank goodness no work scheduled until later in the day.

    Had dh run the razor over my head yesterday - it had been growing back in and has just now started to really shed so needed to clear the cue ball.  So I guess for me, the fallout was day 21.

    Hope y'all have a nice warm day.....((hugs))) Love Trina