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Anyone on just Taxotere and Cytoxan?



  • chj127
    chj127 Member Posts: 146
    edited January 2008

    Trina - missed you by a minute!  My tx was 1/18.  I got up this morning & thought I felt OK to go in to work, but by the time I had showered & worked on my hair, I was really tired!  So I went back to bed.  Guess I'll be working from home today.


  • wrsmith2x
    wrsmith2x Member Posts: 127
    edited January 2008

    I'm here.......finally.  I went thru a little BLUE period and didn't want to do anything.  Didn't even want to write here or in my blog.  I think it happened when we finally shaved my entire head.  It was a bit much for me.  But I am back up today and at work and am feeling a little better.  Its so hard to maintain a good positive attitude when one is feeling so bad.  More nausea this time for me and same amount of fatigue.  At least this time I didn't pass out and bust my lip! 

    Hope all of you sisters are doing better with each passing day.

    SClark - thanks for the kind words about the baldness.  My girlfriend tells me that now that I am bald my eyes really "pop"!  I guess that's a good thing.  But my head is soooo white!!!!!  It looks ghostly!

    CHJ - thanks for worrying about me.  We all have our down moments and I was having mine - laying around feeling sorry for myself.........doesn't do any good but as another girlfriend tells me - don't minimize your feelings!  Feel them and then move on from them which is what I have been doing.

    You guys are all so sweet for being there.  Hope your "bad stuff" passes quickly.

    Now the only thing I have to worry about is whether or not my wbc's will be so low that I will have to get Neupogen again.  I sure hope not.  I am going to WILL the wbc's to be UP, UP, UP!

    Cheers to all and better times ahead!


  • guitarGrl
    guitarGrl Member Posts: 150
    edited January 2008

    So how much unable to work time will there be? I start next Friday and I've applied for this program at work which is part time disability - it allows you to work some hours so you can get more money than you would on disability alone & not lose any benefits along the way.

    They are going to ask me how many hours a week do I think I can work. Any guestimates? I know everyone is different, but some guesses would help. Worst time is right after? A few days after? My treatments will be on a Friday, so my weekends will be ruined. And when you are feeling bad (physically) are you up for doing at-home kinds of work (most of what I do is on the computer)?

    And for you guys who are getting depressed - don't hesitate to ask for anti-depressants. They help. People are amazed at how I've held up through the first two surgeries - better living through chemistry for sure.


  • PAlady
    PAlady Member Posts: 56
    edited January 2008

    Hi all,

    I feel much better today. Fatigue hit me much harder this time. Also, I  was having knee and ankle pain yesterday I am assuming from the Neulasta. I am hoping that gets me out of the intense hip pain I had third day last time *crossing fingers*.

    Well I had my 17 year old son home Monday and Tuesday with severe sore throat and fever. I think he has strep (which I tend to get if I even look at my kids when they have it). Took him to the dr. and the quick test came back neg. but they put him on antibiotics anyway. We won't find out the final results till Thursday. 5 days after my first round, he had a stomach virus that kept him home throwing up for two days. This is from the kid who hasn't been sick in years. Maybe he is having sympathy symptoms!Laughing

    guggerty - I am not noticing any increase in urination that's why I think it is weird that I can't get my levels up with all I drink. My scale is a Healthometer. Our weather is just like yours only not as drastic. We are supposed to be about 13 today when we were near 50 yesterday. We are right up on Lake Erie. I think the exercise really helps. I did get on the treadmill yesterday and today even though I so did not feel like it. I think it really helps though. Last time I started the day after my tx, so not sure if that made it better last time or not.

    chj - did you ask the doctor about the 4/6 rounds of treatment? It is so nice that you have the option of working from home.

    Wendy - Hugs to you. Hope you are feeling a bit better at least. I can see what you mean about the lead feeling. Yesterday was the first that I had experienced that.

    Guitargirl - I have my treatments on Friday, too. I just had my second one last Friday. Both times I have felt fine on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Last time I felt really bad on Monday morning and this time starting Monday evening going into Tuesday. It may depend on whether or not your dr. puts you on steroids. I seem to crash when I am done with the steroids. I think I had a bad day further on too, but would have to look back at my journal at how far out that was.  But, as we all know, we are all different!

    So, guggerty and Wendy - did you use a regular razor to shave your heads? When we buzzed mine we did the lowest setting. My scalp is still hurting and I would love to just get the rest of it out. I tried using a razor on a small strip and I got too scared I would cut my head the way it was pulling. I did try buzzing it again, but don't think it made much of a difference.

  • chj127
    chj127 Member Posts: 146
    edited January 2008

    Susan - you are SO right when you said, "I know everyone is different".  I checked your posts, and it looks like you are getting TC, right?  (Me too.)  Do you know if you are getting Neulasta shots the day after?  For me, I got my first tx on a Friday.  I felt decent on Saturday, not so good Sunday or Monday.  I had a fainting spell that Monday morning (dehydration) and ended up in the ER. Tuesday, still weak, but was able to do some (computer) work at home.  I also worked from home the rest of the week, but I only work 3 days per week (T-W-Th).  Friday, Saturday & Sunday, I felt good, and had they been work days, I would have been there.  But then Sunday night, I started feeling worse, and Monday (day 10) was awful.  I'm assuming this is because of my counts, which were way low.  I am also hoping that Neulasta shots (which I will be getting from now on) will alleviate this the next time!  Yesterday & today I have been working from home - I'm still a bit weak, but I'm sure it's my body trying to revive itself.

    So the answer to your question about working from home is yes - other than the first 3-4 days, I've felt well enough to sit in front of the computer & work, for the most part.  Part of my problem is also my 1+ hour commute.  If I didn't have to go that far, I might have attempted to do a partial day  in the office today.

    I'll let the other ladies chime in, but a lot of them seem to be doing better than I am in getting back to (semi) normal.


  • wrsmith2x
    wrsmith2x Member Posts: 127
    edited January 2008

    PALady - we used my husband's razor (Mach 5 or something like that) and put shaving cream on it.  He shaved it for me.  It would have been very difficult for me to do it myself.  It didn't take too long and it didn't hurt either.

    Watch out being around that sick son of yours.  Maybe you should be on antibiotics also.  When I told the doc how bad the Neupogen bothered me he said that we would only use it next time if my wbc's were way low.  If they are borderline then we are going to let my body try to take care of things on its own.  That's really what I wanted to do anyway.

    I just heard from my mom and I can't blog about it (because she is reading the blogs) but feel the need to vent so please bear with me.  My mother is, and has been as long as I can remember, against modern medicine.  In fact, I playfully call her the "Witch doctor" because she is all about homepaths and natural things and I know that alot of that stuff works.  But she thinks that she knows of a doctor with a cure for cancer and is on me to go and see him.  I think if he had a cure for cancer then I would have heard of it and he would be filthy rich. 

    She never misses the opportunity to tell me that she thinks I was wrong in taking the chemo and it really hurts my feelings that she can't just be supportive.  Its not her body after all - its mine!

    She gets her digs in every chance she gets and it hurts my attitude also.  I spoke with a lady (six year survivor) and she told me to give my friends and family a break.  She said that they don't know how to deal with this sometimes and thus don't do a very good job.  And that I should realize how hard it is for them also.  I know my mom hurts for me and hates seeing me go through this. 

    But does she have to continuously tell me things like, "I'm going to go read more of your blog because I haven't read it in a while.  I want to see more of what the poison is doing to your body.  You know you don't have to go through this, don't you?  But its your decision.  And we learn from our decisions whether good or bad." 

    That's the kind of stuff I have to deal with.  And I'm supposed to go see her this weekend and it has gotten to the place that I don't even want to talk to her.  She hurts my feelings!  I didn't want to do chemo but I am young and fear drove me here!  I don't want to die - not this soon!  I wanted to be able to say that I did everything I could possibly do to prevent it from coming back.  It was a grade 3 and doc said he is a bad guy!  I wanted the bad guy out!  And I know he may still come back but at least I could say that I did everything to prevent it!

    Sorry for dumping on you guys but I am so mad and sad.  If a woman would ever need her momma it would be now.  So, I am depending on my friends instead.  Thank you ladies for being there for me.  If it weren't for this board and my friends I would go nuts!  Have a great day and a better week is my wish for you all!


  • chj127
    chj127 Member Posts: 146
    edited January 2008

    Wendy - don't beat yourself up.  You need to do what you think is right for you!  I had a friend that was so afraid of chemo & what it would do to her that she opted out.  When her cancer spread, she went to a "miracle cure" guy in another state, and she swore he had completely cured her, but a year later she was gone.  I mean, you never know with cancer what is the right thing or how anyone will respond to any given treatment, but I always wonder how it might have been for my friend had she done the chemo...

    I have a friend now who is suggesting a lot of that stuff for me, and I just tell her thanks, but I have all I can handle right now.

    Chin up girl, and get your support where you can!  

    And you, bad guy, OUT WITH YOU!! 


  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524
    edited January 2008

    Wendy:  Glad you're feeling a bit better....I too hope that your wbc's are up and you can skip the nasty neulasta!!!! 

    CH:  I haven't been hit with fatigue yet......for that I'm grateful, hope you get some juice back.

    GGal:  How much time you'll be down (if at all) is just a guess at this point.  Prepare for the worst and be pleasantly suprised at the best.  I get my tx's on Friday because I know that after my Neulasta shot on Saturday I'm down for a couple of days...and so far that's been it.  Some don't have any reactions to the N shot so who knows.  There are those who have never had 1 down day throughout the whole ordeal......hope you're one of those!

    PA: Hope you son is better.......the last thing you need is a virus in the house.  Can you make sure to spray common things like faucets with Lysol......and I keep the antibacterial soap at every sink and counter - I wash constantly.  And yes, use a razor but first make sure you lather up good......let hubby or someone else do it, I know it is a little scary but if anyone saw the last Vegas tv program, Mike (the beautiful black bald guy) was in a gal's bathroom and appeared with later on his head and her razor in his hand....this is how you do it!!!  I'm going to look into the Healthometer.....

    Wendy:  See next post.

    Love Trina

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524
    edited January 2008

    Wendy:  I know your in I have known women like her my entire life.  Right now, she is toxic for you.  Of course she loves you but she needs to understand that this is about YOU not HER.  And I have the feeling that everything is always about HER.

    You have to stand up and stand up strong.  She needs to be told that this is the most serious thing you've ever faced and you went with the best possible treatment out there.......if she ever gets cancer then she can treat hers with poppyseeds if she wants - you, however, are making use of the best that modern medicine has to offer and there are thousands surviving and living life to the fullest because of the inroads modern medicine has made.

    I also could have said no to chemo.....but I wanted to throw everything including the kitchen sink at this - and if it recurs then I can say, "hey, I did the best I could".  I never want to be in the position of thinking that I "should have" but didn't.

    Wendy, you have the support of everyone here and I'm sure of all your friends.  Your mom needs to back it off and if she can't then you have to cut her off until you're done.  No wonder you're blue - one of the most important people in your life is telling you how wrong you are??  You need love, support, understanding - not this BS.

    I would write a blog and let her know in no uncertain terms that if she cannot support you right now then she needs to stay away until you are finished, until you are healthy again. 

    You don't need this in your life right now, Wendy.

    Stay strong.....Love Trina

  • chj127
    chj127 Member Posts: 146
    edited January 2008

    PALady - I completely missed your last post.  I think I was mid-post myself, which maybe made me miss it.  So yes, watch out for sick people!  What Trina said...  And good luck with the hair thing.  :)

    Anyway, about the 6 x TC - I still am not necessarily convinced, but he said that (of course) it's not an exact science, and he could not guarantee me that the 2 extra rounds would make a difference, but due to the other factors plus my history, they thought they should be aggressive.  I know for a fact that they review everyone's treatments in weekly meetings, so I know that he did not make the decision unilaterally or in a vacuum.  So, 6 it is...


  • guitarGrl
    guitarGrl Member Posts: 150
    edited January 2008

    PAlady - I am taking the steriods. So maybe before I crash I should start playing baseball? And what side effects will that come with?

    CHJ - don't know yet about Neulasta - the doctor hasn't said anything about that, but I do meet with her for 1/2 hour before the chemo so I'll ask. I guess it'll depend on what my blood counts are. I think I'm going to go out and get one of those bed desks so I can play with the computer in bed. Besides work, big parts of my social life and my art are on the computer - don't want to give any of that up.

    Wendy - we aren't all lucky to have supportive, non-judgemental mothers. I haven't even told mine - for different reasons than you have for avoiding yours - but this is a time to be selfish. I don't want to have to deal with her problems about my problems. Focus on getting better. It's way easier to give advice on this than to do, but we are here to support you. Vent away!

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524
    edited January 2008

    Good Morning:  Just sending out a recommendation on a laxative.  The other day my mom asked me to pick up Walgreens Easy Lax Stool Softener - this 85 year old has had GI issues her entire life and she says this stuff was great.  So I bought one for myself and took 2 Tuesday night.  Ladies, it was a nice poopy day on Wednesday.  No cramping either.  Of course what is good for the goose is not often good for the gander but what the heck, you can try.

    Another suggestion is the comfy grip.  It is a silicone filled band which has a velcro place it around your head and the wig sits atop it.  I think it makes wearing the wig ever so much more comfortable.  I ordered mine thru - they have a nice selection of stuff and I can say that their customer service is excellent.

    Off to work, have a wonderful day gals.....Love Trina

  • loopyloulee
    loopyloulee Member Posts: 34
    edited January 2008

    Susan I have worked 2 jobs all the way through with only my transmission day off.  I work behind a desk, 7:30 to 4pm all week, and then 3 nights a week I work at Weight Watchers as a leader for 2 meetings.  That is so much fun for me.  So all in all I missed 4 days of my real job, and 2 nights at WW.  So it just depends on you and how your body reacts to this vile stuff!


  • loopyloulee
    loopyloulee Member Posts: 34
    edited January 2008

    Wendy, I agree with Trina!  You need support right now. I hope you have the strength to let your Mom know that she needs to keep her thoughts to herself or you will not be able to be around her till you are back to your normal healthy self.  I know it is easy to say, and hard to do!

  • wrsmith2x
    wrsmith2x Member Posts: 127
    edited January 2008

    I must chime in on the amount of time that one may or may not miss from work.  As we are all different and have different situations - for example, CHJ and I both have a long commute to work so we may decide that we do not feel up to going to work on a day where if we worked closer then we may go.  I am all about doing for myself in regard to this cancer.  I am being as selfish as possible so that my attitude and physical being can fight as hard as possible to get this bad guy out!  And I really do not care if they are upset when I do or do not come to work.  This is the time to think about things pertaining to survival and survival only!  Ladies, life is precious!  My brother-in-law (really the only brother I've ever had) died on this past Christmas Eve, suddenly, and I realized that no one is guaranteed anything in this life.  So, I say do whatever YOU need to do to make yourself well.  And if it means missing work then do it!  Just my 2 cents.

    Ladies, thank you for the support on the post I wrote about my mom.  I blogged, generally, about people who tend to "know what's best for us" even though they have never had cancer.  And how no one can know how they will feel until they walk in our shoes.  I doubt she will get the message but its out there for her to at least think about.

    Cheers to all and better days ahead.


  • PAlady
    PAlady Member Posts: 56
    edited January 2008

    Guitargirl - lol about the baseball!  I think the biggest side effect from the steroids is I can't sleep. Even if I am tired I only sleep a few hours at a time. Can also make you bitchy, which I had a moment on Friday. I think it can also make you crave foods or eat more, but maybe that's just my excuse.Wink

    guggerty - good to know about the comfy grip. I find I only want to wear my wig for short periods of time. That is all have worn out in public though other than when I went to get tx #2 I wore a scarf.

    I think it might help to have a job to go to. I am a stay at home mom and I think it could get easy to just feel sorry for yourself and not get up and do. I have had a busy week with appointments and such, but yesterday I didn't have to go out and that does make a difference. We all need our down time though, so I agree and take what you need.

    Wendy, sorry about your mom.  My mom tries I think, but she can drive me crazy too. There are times I have to just ignore things that come out of her mouth or I will go crazy stressing over. I just chalk it up to ignorance. Like the others have said, try to keep a distance and if not try and let it go. I know it is hard but you can come here and vent anyway! I am sure she is not doing it to purposely hurt you.

    My hip pain is starting to kick in. I am bummed cause I thought I would get by without it this time. Hopefully it should only be till tomorrow.

    Take care, all.

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524
    edited January 2008

    PA:  I totally agree with you on getting out of the house and to work.  I do electrolysis mornings at a shop about 20 miles away - my clients all know what I'm going thru and they know if I have a bad day and have to reschedule, no problem.  My other job is also a part time - mobile signing agent....I get calls from all over the country and it's usually a real estate signing for that afternoon or evening.  I have the option of accepting it or if not feeling well, turning it down.  So I really am so very lucky with the flexibility of the types of jobs I have.  And what I am really trying to say here is that when I am at work - either job - I am NOT a cancer patient - I am NOT in pain.....I am in charge, I am exchanging pleasantries, views, laughing, etc.  All my aches are less, mostly unnoticeable.  So maybe you could join in with some groups - book clubs, light volunteer work, etc.  It's wonderful to have different people to actually talk to each day.  I know it makes a world of difference for me.  Hope that hip pain eases up - that darned Neulasta shot - really kicks butt, doesn't it?

    And I'd like to brag about my "baltitude".  This morning while swimming, I'd just had it with the bathing cap so I took it off and swam bald.  It was exhilirating.  All the regular gals know I'm bald from the locker room, now the regular guys have seen it too.  And no one had heart failure.  I am really feeling not so bad about being bald - no roots, no haircuts, no bad hair  And I have two different styles so I can flip flop looks.

    This may not be the party we thought we'd be at but we might as well dance while we're here.....Love Trina

  • clubmember5
    clubmember5 Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2008

    Yes I did taxotere and cytoxan, 4 doses.  I have to say I was lucky and did great.  Day three I was very tired, but that was it!  I did have to take Neulasta shots and they were worse than the chemo.  I have to say none of it was too bad.  I did lose my hair, but it has grown back beautifully and my nails were fine.  Use the mouthwash they reccomend with the baking soda and salt starting several days before your treatment and no mouthsores.   I did drink Boost through the chemo and the protein in that helped me feel not so tired.  It is something you have to do and it isn't too bad.  Just tell yourself you can and will be ok.  I am one year out in March and doing fine.

    Mary Jane, clubmember5

    Stage 11a, multifocal IDC' largest tumor 1.3 grade 1, 1/7 nodes microscopic involvement.  Cancer in old biopsy site. er+,pr+ ,her2-

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited January 2008

    I did it, too - got my first session out of the way yesterday.  The anticipation was worse than the event.  Didn't sleep last night, maybe from the dexamethasone.  I'll take another dose of that tonight, and then none until the day before my next infusion.  Maybe I'll try Tylenol PM tonight.

    Bowels feel a little stopped up - so maybe I'll try the Senokat (took two last night) but I don't want to take too much. 

    I also posted on the 2008, Aint it Great post to ask about nausea.  I don't know if I should start taking the compazine before I get it, or wait til it starts.  Maybe it won't get it, but I just don't know.  What did the rest of you do?  I'm more afraid of the nausea than anything else.  I'm drinking plenty of liquids - trying for 3 - 24 oz. containers a day.  Any other suggestions?


  • chj127
    chj127 Member Posts: 146
    edited January 2008

    Sunshine - I definitely took Compazine as a pre-emptive strike.  Had no real problems with the nausea. 

    Trina - I bet it felt great to swim bald!  I mean, a bathing cap would be such overkill.  Good for you!!

    PALady - I hope the hip pain is very short-lived!

    Wendy, you are right about life being precious.  As crappy as it is to be going through what we are going through right now, there are people a lot worse off.  I have to remember to count my blessings.  My food-coordinator friend emailed me the list of 4 people who will be bringing us dinner for the week of my next treatment.  I am blown away by all of this! 

    I finally went back to work today - it was great to be among people.  Went to lunch, but nothing on the menu spoke to me.  I ended up ordering scrambled eggs & an English muffin.  It was fine.  I just don't care about food these days!  I got to work a bit after 7:00, and at 2:30 I was fading fast, so I went home.  But it was good to be there and feeling decent most of the day.


  • PAlady
    PAlady Member Posts: 56
    edited February 2008

    guggerty - I bet that did feel good to swim without the cap. It is great that you could feel comfortable doing it.

    clubmember - congrats on your upcoming anniversary!

    sunshine - I doubt you can take too much of the senokot. Better to be safe than sorry - it takes  a while to get caught up if you get backed up!  That was one of my worst se's first round. As far as the compazine, I have only take 1 through both of my two rounds. I haven't had any nausea, though. I have a lot of stomach acid and have to take Pepcid AC every 12 hours. I really thought I would be one to get nausea as I am the type of person who throws up pretty easily. So who knows. I was told the anti-nausea they give you during treatment lasts for 3 - 4 days. If you don't take it pre-emtively, just try to be aware so you can take it if needed as soon as it hits.

    CHJ - Congrats on getting back to work. I am sure that makes you feel better be back in the real world!

  • lpacemissoula
    lpacemissoula Member Posts: 15
    edited February 2008

    Hi! I'm Laurie, and just had my 4th (of 6) cytoxan/taxotere treatment today. So far so good however I know it hits me hardest days 2-4. I have to say that the buildup of anxiety those 3 days get to be almost more than I can cope with. I think that being very fatigued has alot to do with that. I also think that steroid withdrawl plays a major role. I had to take predisone back in 1990 for Bells Palsy (that is a condition which makes half of your face go paralyzed). Most of the movement came back for me. I did not have to take decadron (dexamethazone steriod) pre-meds for this treatment. So am not all charged up like the last two treatments. Hoping the withdrawl will not be do difficult. Does anyone else struggle more with anxiety/depression than physical symtoms on this regime? I am happy to have the chance to join such a brave wonderful group of women. Reading your thoughts gives me strength and alot of hope for a good long future. Bless you all!

    Laurie from Missoula Mt.

  • lpacemissoula
    lpacemissoula Member Posts: 15
    edited February 2008

    criminy, I make a mistake in every post I write. heh heh. I'm actually finished my third treatment today. I forget/mistake things an uncountable times each day. Last week I locked my keys in the car twice in 3 days. Lord help my poor husband.

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524
    edited February 2008

    Yes, it felt great to swim bald - maybe next I'll whip the bathing suit off and swim naked?????  

    Sunshine:  Congrats on getting your first tx out of the way.  Yes, the anticipation is way worse than the actual tx but I think each of us have to find that out for ourselves.  I took a Compazine the night of my tx "just in case" and that's the last one I have taken.  I'm one of the lucky ones - no nausea.  I really think that the bag of anti-nausea they drip in before the chemo really does the trick for MOST people - we're all different so we're all affected so differently.

    I'm going to recommend again the Walgreens brand Easy Lax.  I took 2 on Tuesday night and had a wonderful day on I didn't take any Wed night and blocked back up - took 2 last night and things are starting to move along I'll keep it up for a few more days.  I think someone said about day 9 the constipation stopped.  The Ducolax and Sennekot didn't do much for me at all.

    I would like to also mention popsicles.  My chemo nurse gave me that hint last week....she said sucking on them would help to soothe a dry cottony mouth and it ends up in your system as fluid - sugar water.  So even tho the temps outside are in the single digits, I'm sucking on popsicles...and she's right, they are refreshing.

    CHJ - How sweet you have a "food coordinator"......aren't we so lucky to have such good friends!  I know how you feel, not wanting to eat but you must - put small bites in all day but get it in.  It controls our nausea and fatigue (so I've been told) and we need those calories!

    Welcome Laurie......good for you hitting the 50% done mark.  I'm guessing you're doing 6tx's because of your onco score being 37.  I am a 15 and am on 4tx's.  No problem with the tx, it's the Neulasta shot that lays me low for a couple of days.

    Well, we're having a huge snowstorm that started last night and won't end until 6pm tonight so we're housebound for the day.  Good day for a nap.

    Have a wonderful s/e-free day......Love Trina

  • chj127
    chj127 Member Posts: 146
    edited February 2008

    Welcome, Laurie!  I have only completed 1 out of 6 cycles, and I haven't had the anxiety/depression (yet).  My worst anxiety during my whole bc ride was early on, trying to get appointments, test results, and waiting, waiting, waiting.  I was pretty much a mess back then.  But now that I'm actually on a schedule and know what happens when, I feel like I'm more under control.  (Well, except for my hair...)  I don't know how I'll feel a month or two from now.  And I'm glad you signed on - it seems most people are only getting 4 x TC, and I've been bummed that I am getting 6.  So it's nice not to be alone. 

    And don't apologize for forgetting stuff! I'm the same way and it drives my dh nuts.  We have a lot on our minds, and are on so many drugs, we're lucky to be functional at all!!  Smile  Hang in there, glad you could join us.


  • loopyloulee
    loopyloulee Member Posts: 34
    edited February 2008

    Trina, that is exactly how I feel about working!  If I feel crappy, I will stay home.  But when I am at work, I am the normal me, not the cancer patient!!!  My daughters, at first were baffled, and yelled at me.  Then I explained how I felt, and they said ok, I guess you have a point.  We all react differently to the meds, and we have different views on what we "should be doing", it is all a personal choice. 


  • guitarGrl
    guitarGrl Member Posts: 150
    edited February 2008

    CHJ -

    I'm like you - my anxieties were more pre-surgeries & waiting to find out what the final diagnosis and treatment decisions would be.

    Not to say there isn't any anxiety about the chemo, but my hospital has this chemo 101 type thing, so yesterday I spent an hour with a nurse who walked me through all the side effects and what to do, and in some cases to prevent them. She took me to the chemo room so I could see what would happen & how many nurses were there to make sure everything was ok.

    And of course for me, the other part of this stage of the treatment is that I get to indulge in the thing I do best - shopping! Wig, hats, I don't care. I get to shop.


  • PAlady
    PAlady Member Posts: 56
    edited February 2008

    guggerty - you go girl! I've heard taking this journey makes you look at life differently!  We don't have a Walgreens here. Can you tell me what the active ingredients are? Maybe one of the other phamacies has a similar one. I am going to try the popsicles too.

    chj - what day are you on? Are you having any hair fall out yet? (sorry if I missed this info from earlier - the whole memory thing!)

    guitargirl - Do you start today?  Good luck. I hope it all goes well.

    Hi Laurie - I was much more anxious also with the whole testing and waiting for results. I was pretty much living on xanax until I got the final pathology from my surgery.  I was then fine until a day or two before my first chemo. Back on the xanax until the night of my treatment. Then for the second round I just took one that morning.  I am a big worrier and always think the worst. I am so trying to change that thinking now as I really think a positive thought process makes a difference.

    Well the hip pain didn't seem as bad last night. I tried to lay down most of time and that make a difference. Today it is the spine and ribs. I did take half of a hydrocodone to see if that would work better than the tylenol, and it made me nauseous. Frown

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited February 2008

    PA Lady - We sound alike - I get motion sick easily and was afraid of the nausea.  So far, I'm good (this is day three).  I do have some heartburn this a.m. so I think I'll try the Pepcid AC.  Thank you for the suggestion.

    Anyone using Tea Tree Oil on your nails?  How often do you use it?

    The "Eating Well Through Cancer" cookbook came the day before yesterday.  Recipes look good and not too complicated or fussy.

    Are any of you having trouble typing???  Good grief, I've had to backspace so many times with all the mistakes I'm making.  Oh well, if that's my biggest problem, I guess I'm doing OK :)


  • chj127
    chj127 Member Posts: 146
    edited February 2008

    PALady - My first treatment was Jan 18 - 2 weeks ago today (does that make today day 14 or day 15?  I can't remember the rule.)  Anyway, my hair started getting "loose" yesterday.  If I comb my fingers through it, I get a couple dozen.  I did the blow-dry thing very carefully this morning, but it's starting to fall.  I'm going to try to keep a reasonable amount of hair in my head until Sunday - I have a couple of things on Saturday and I'd like to not have to deal with it yet.  I'm sure I'll be fine over time with the wigs & hats (I did this before, remember), but it will take a little getting used to.  My hubby & I will have the shaving party Sunday, I imagine.
