Is anyone else an atheist with BC besides me?
Chumfry ... I am so sorry to hear about your dad. I know how much it hurts. Today is the third anniversary of my dad's death. I was blessed that he didn't go to church or pray or anything like that .. so I didn't have to sit through a bunch of platitudes. He was a hard smoking, hard drinking guy and he lived life to the fullest.
OMG .. the rise of the zombies!
Hugs to all,
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So sorry about your dad, Chumfry, but also a relief for him if he had been very ill. Be kind and gentle with yourself, and keep the giggles going!
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hugs, and warm healing thoughts to you - and a LOT of out loud laughs - re: rise of the Zombies
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The worst part was that I couldn't share the joke with anybody there! Couldn't wait to get back to my like-minded sisters in this thread. <grin>
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Oh Chumfry, Sorry to hear about your Dad. Mine passed away last year at this time and we had no funeral or graveside service. He willed his body to University study. Well at least I know that he won't go Zombie on me! LOL you just made my day! PM me and let me know where in MN you are. Kitty
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Chumfry, sending hugs. I'm sorry about your Dad.
Zombie Apocalypse - too funny!
It's nice to see everyone here and how busy the thread has been.
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There really is nothing scarier than a bunch of christian zombies...
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I haven't posted here before, but I'm agnostic at best, and that is probably pushing it. I was actually trying to find if anyone on BCO was posting about the Komen kerfuffle, but I can't find anything. The Christian zombie imagery is priceless, but I am sorry for your loss, Chumfry.
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Hi, Kristinka. There are posts on the Komen kerfuffle in the Advocacy forum, the Stage IV forum and the Clincial Trials, Research, News and Study Results forum.
I have just read that some of them have been removed from the recent topics list, which I find troubling.
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Chumfry. I am so sorry your Dad's funeral turned out that way for many times I feel ministers etc feel that they have a monoply of running them...I know you will miss your Dad and he will last as long as anyone has a memory of him...
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river rat
Amazing - why would anyone want to censor a discussion of women's health care - that will prevent women who MOST NEED the help, from getting mammograms? This is a breast cancer discussion board, isn't it??
Well, here's one link -
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Sorry about your Dad Chumfry, but I couldn't help having a giggle about the C Z's too...........but my imagination took it a little further to wondering if they would do the "Thriller" dance too? If it had been me, I would probably have had a snigger or two.......behind a handkerchief of course! At least you will remember the event with a little smile to yourself, and probably your Dad would have appreciated it too.
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Thanks for all the kind thoughts and shared giggles. It was a surreal experience, to say the least!
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Chumfry, I am sorry for your loss, and I appreciate your sharing this experience. My 97yo grandmother--a 20 year + survivor of breast cancer--died just two weeks ago. I tried to prepare myself for her funeral, but it was such a challenge managing grief while also trying to ignore the minister's efforts to preach to the heathens whose souls would be eternally lost if they didn't claim Jesus as their personal savior. I had to comfort myself by focusing on the fact that at least there was not an "altar call" and on my many memories of an amazing woman. I, too, was unable to share my experiences with anyone present, but I did unload when I returned home!
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The whole Komen thing has me wanting to reach out to you all here... I have had such an intense reaction to it all... Initially, the feeling of doom that I get when I consider the state of the human warming, corporate control, plastic ubiquity, etc... Yet another moment of stupid decision making in the name of religious bias (thinking bringing down planned parenthood is more important than getting poor women good health care)... Then a feeling of optimism at the number of people that spoke out with signatures and money to support planned parenthood's rational approach to caring for real people. As I have read all of the posts on bco, I am bristling at the sheer weight of the god references... I just feel a need to touch base here, with people that understand how difficult it is to constantly hear the religiosity... And how hard it is to let it go and maintain inner peace...
Thanks for reading my ramble...
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I would never have called myself an atheist, but was agnostic for many years while searching and establishing my belief system. Today I fall in the realm of being very spiritual, and feel that everyone is entitled to their beliefs as long as they don't infringe on another's rights and choices. In arriving at this choice, I have found peace, and I'm no longer afraid of death and the beyond. It is what it is.
CLC: I agree that organized religion sometimes causes more harm than good in our world. Again when the judgments of some get in the way of what is best for all, then it isn't a good thing. That Komen issue is a sad example of how religious politics can get in the way of good decision making, and believe me, they will pay for it dearly.
When I was dx with bc, my DS and DDIL wanted to pray for my healing. I went along with it because it made them happy, and because it could certainly do no harm. They prayed that God would take away my bc as though it had never existed. I had my surgery and was scanned for my rads treatment, so imagine my surprise when I received a call from the RO stating that she could not plan my rads treatment because she could not find the site of the surgery. She said "it's as though it never existed". The only thing left was the scar. Many would say, just a coincidence, that choice of words. Believe what you far as my DS is concerned, I'm healed. I hope he's right, but in the meantime, I'm still following my diet and lifestyle changes, and getting regular check ups!
In the end, none of us really know what lies beyond, so best to live our lives here on earth in such a way as to find the most enjoyment, and do our share to create peace and harmony. We should do this because we are human beings, and it is the right way to live, not because we fear some eternal judgment.
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Kaara, my surgeon leaves clips in the bed of the tumor that she takes out so the radiologist can hit the spot with seeing anything....
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It's great that you healed so well because radiation treatment is no walk in the park. I agree with SoCalLisa that the surgeon should have left a clip.
Your DS and DDIL sound like lovely people who want the best for you. You are fortunate on many levels.
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Thanks Kaara, Your thoughts and words I coudln't agree with more. When my sister-in-law wants to pray for me, I let her and say thanks. I know it makes her feel good and I'm glad that she cares. BUT, I would never agree to pray with her and thankfully she knows it. It also strikes me funny that the good Christians seem to want to pray to a Jewish man. Seems to me to be contratiction of sorts. Kitty
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The Christians in my family believe their god has a plan and that the plan is perfect although beyond human understanding. They are always praying for this god to change the plan to be more immediate benefit to them. If their prayers aren't answered then they go back to saying "God has a plan." I find their logic strange but they get through their days.
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Lisa & notself: My BS did leave a clip in place..and even noted it on the path report, that is the strange evidence of that either. They were still willing to give me WBR, but I politely declined.
notself: I hear what you're DS always says "God will provide", and I used to always tell my friends that God was spelled "Mom"! Guess he showed me!
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Chumfry ... So sorry about the loss of your Dad. I also got a giggle out of the image of you had. As I wrote about earlier on this thread, the last funeral I attended the folks speaking spent more time trying to convince everyone at the funeral to believe, believe, BELIEVE than they spent celebrating the life that had just ended on this earth. I understand that the way those who hold the belief in an "afterlife in heaven" cope with losing someone to death is by focusing on that the loved one has gone on to a "better place" but it was frustrating to feel that there was so much focus on getting everyone to "join" the cult.
Mandalala ... No problem about the conclusion about my Aunt's personality. I do love her very much but she can certainly be a bit provoking!
CLC ... You know I understand! I continue to curb my desire to respond to all the "religiosity" (nice word) on other threads. However, I will not curb it on this thread - the one and only thread I feel was created to give us a place to freely express our feelings about such matters. With that statement made ...
Kaara ... From the bottom of my heart, I am sincerely happy that you received such good news from your doctor regarding the indication that you no longer needed to go forward with radiation. Although I certainly am not a doctor and can not explain why the clip did not show up when they did the scan, I believe that there is a logical and rational explanation for it. I do not believe that some mystical power removed it and all traces of the cancer from your body. If it helps you to hold that belief that's fantastic.
Furthermore, I want to say I understand the desire to want to witness & provide "testimony" to those of us who do not believe as you do but I really wish you wouldn't do it on this thread. I'm fairly certain that most of us on this thread are constantly reading the words that "believers" write on these forums. I'm also sure that many of us are also having the interjection of those beliefs throughout our lives from family, friends, and other sources. My point, I am confident that each of us has had, and continue to have, many people try to share their stories and beliefs in an effort to help us "see the light", so to speak. It is with the utmost of respect that I ask you this ... please let this be one place where we don't have to have it thrust upon us!
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Kaara...I must concur with PlantLover... I too am glad you are getting such wonderful news re your bc. But, I, too, was trying to politely wait out your attempts at sharing your newly found perspective on us...but PlantLover is absolutely right in asking that you find another thread in which to share your beliefs. We all came here to have a place to get away from just such a perspective. Please be considerate of our space to do that.
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PlantLover: It is what it is, and I have no desire to thrust my beliefs on anyone. If you read my entire post you would know that.
That said, I will be happy to delete it so you will not have to be offended every time you view it.
Sending lots of positive energy your way!
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Kaara ... I assure you, I did read each of your posts in their entirety. I had no desire to see you delete what you had written ... I simply wanted to request, as respectfully as possible, that you refrain from continuing down the path you were on within this thread. Obviously, you found more comfort in deleting them & I understand but that was not my intent.
I wish you nothing but the very best & I hope that you continue to find strength & peace in whatever way works best for you!!!
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Kaara: But reciting your "miracle," which sounds more like an error on the part of your surgeon in placing a clip, is "testifying." I live in a community where I am constantly inundated with prayers along with promises of cash and prizes if I just believe in something that doesn't exist, without any respect for my thoughts while I am expected to respect their fantasies and delusions. Thank you for understanding.
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Good morning! How about we share some more pictures.
I know many across the USA are experiencing an unusually warm winter, but I thought you guys still might enjoy a glimpse of spring from my yard last year ...
Last but not least, a pic of sunset from my backyard. I've taken a ton of these and some have a lot more color, but I just love the way the clouds look in this one.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day!!
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ahhhhhh....thank you...supposed to be in the 50's in western Ma early this week - still snow on the ground, but I have just been painting a wonderful picture I found of 3 purple crocus just coming up on a field of snow....thanks for reminding us of the BEAUTY of our world...
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If Kaara looks in again –– I have had a compatible, if not similar, experience, and understand your way of reading yours. Whatever works for you – great! But, et cetera.
Plantlover – and, long ago, forgot to say, SoCalLisa! – wonderful pictures.
And ... Komen? What's that?
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PlantLover...what a wonderful reminder of what is to come soon... I love the change of seasons and looking forward to the next...