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Is anyone else an atheist with BC besides me?



  • flannelette
    flannelette Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2012

    Thank you sweet people. Had the breast MRI today. No wonder they routinely screen with a mammogram at about 1/20th the time and so uncomplicated. I tried to count beeps, gave up after 600...they had me hooked up with an IV to perform some kind of chemical boost for a certain part of the imaging. sheesh - I really feel for anyone claustrophobic. years ago during a time of prolonged anxiety disorder I took Jon Kabat-zinn's classes which must now be all over N. america on stress reduction & relaxation- mindfulness meditation - and for most of this, when I couldn't count, I focused on my breath at the tip of my nose and was lucky enough to be able to be in the moment. All things change. Thank you JON -and he's from Mass., sunflowers. Bet you've taken the same course.

    it's s0 parched here the grass is now crinkly golden and guess what? no ticks!! by now they'd be falling off my cats like blueberries ughghg!  you were right, Notself, it's too dry even for insects. Scary.

    Hope you're all fidning a pleasant way to stay cool....

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,017
    edited August 2012

    Flannel - yes, I think he lives around here.  Never did his stuff, lots of others during my early days on the "human potential course" circuitKiss

    All interesting, valuable, and culminating for me in Carl Jung's psychology...perfect "completion" of the seeking stage, and as TS Eliot tells us throughout The Four Quartets, an end is a beginning...expect a great deal of the sense of contentment is also good ole AGE - but expect all the years of "working" at it helped a lot.

    Fingers still crossed for the rest of the tests...

  • CookieMonster
    CookieMonster Member Posts: 90
    edited July 2012
    Flanelette - wishing nothing but the best possible outcome for you. I remember my breast MRI, not the most fun I've had, and boy was it loud too. Sending lots and lots of hugs - they're pretty good medicine IMHO.
  • 3monstmama
    3monstmama Member Posts: 123
    edited July 2012

    thinking of you today flannelette.

    the first time I had an MRI I was on my back and I made the mistake of opening my eyes -- was doing just fine until then!  Now I know to close my eyes before they roll me in and keep them that way.  I tend to be so sleep deprived that when I have to lie on my stomach I actually fall asleep, big banging noise and all.  And they can tell I did because readings are different! 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2012

    I usually get the earplugs from the drug store that are rated for the most noise

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,800
    edited July 2012
    Our message to you was a sincere attempt to remedy a situation that was not apparent to us and that was being publicly discussed. We were simply asking for insight. Just trying to help.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2012

    I have no idea what is going on...

  • luv_gardening
    luv_gardening Member Posts: 362
    edited July 2012

    Unfortunately I've seen some outrageous claims about sock-puppets that can't possibly be true including one that I'm posting on another site under a different name. I have no idea who the other poster is but the style, spelling, opinions, verbosity and tone are nothing like mine and I wonder about people's observational skills. These are the things to look for to mostly disprove any link between different posters.  It seems that whenever anyone has a difference of opinion with another member they immediately start to suspect they are posting under other names.  I find it best to take it all with a pinch of salt. As long as people are respectful and kind I don't care who they are.

    Sorry Sunflowers that you got caught up in all this.  I hope it all gets sorted out soon and we can have your wise words, quotes and references back. 

    ETA, to Sunflowers, your wonderful descriptions of your environment give me a picture of your beloved country that I look forward to reading.

  • sushanna1
    sushanna1 Member Posts: 61
    edited July 2012

    Can someone please explain the Moderators' post?

  • flannelette
    flannelette Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2012

    Hi all - just innocently popped in to talk about my Day at the Hospital - the excisional biospsy totally fine but my BP through the roof as I have super white coat hypertension so the final straw was when some young resident who looked about 12 and acted like an automaton came to ask me HIs long list of questions do I smoke NO do I do illegal drugs NO and so forth, until we hit the Do I have High BP yes, so He decides he must try to read it for the 12 th time today and pushes the cart in and sure enough its higher than ever!!!!. so, on to "Am I having chest pains, difficulty breathing -"No you friggin idiots get out of my room  you are causing the insane numbers"...then a few tears - very unlike me. Well, I do have HBP as well as white coat hypertension and yes, should long ago have been looked after etc. I just wanted to get up and leave. But the 2 wires were aleady inserted into the lymph glands.

    Blah blah feel fine, came home, no pain, no I didn't have a heart attack or a stroke.

    So on here to quietly chat with my fave people and what's going on? No Sunflowers?????? WAH!!!!!

    Then this funny misquote from the rime of the Anceint Mariner came into my head:

                                             Drama, drama everywhere

                                             But not a drop to drink.

                                             Drama, drama everywhere -

                                            The very BOARDS did shrink.

    sunflowers- you who read the 4 Quartets - you might be the only person to get this!!!! (((hugs)))) Yell

    ps I'm a bit looped on morphine right now and probably so was S.T Coleridge.

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited July 2012

    Hi flannelette!  I am glad you are home safe and sound.  When do you expect the results?  I have been thinking of you often.

    Yes, the Sunflowers ordeal stinks.  STINKS.  I am very sad about her banning and decision to not return even when they let her.  I hope someone somewhere changes their minds.


  • flannelette
    flannelette Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2012
    CLC - I'm tryin to figure out what all this is. something from another thread. something about sock puppets. never comiing back? can't be. how do we know? mind explaining a bit? so very unexpected and sadCry thanks for thinking of me today.
  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited July 2012

    Evidently a few people have been posting under multiple identities and using these identities to use the report button against anyone they disagree with.  This site's software counts these multiple reports and after a certain number is hit, the reported person is banned.  There were some words given and received about the situation.  There were some hard feelings, but it appears that the moderators are getting on top of things.  It is now against forum rules to have multiple identities.  This rule is standard on most forums because of the trouble posters with multiple identities can cause.  Multiple identities are called sock puppets.


    If I have overstepped my bounds by explaining this situation, please delete this post.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2012

    Who knew?

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited July 2012
    The internet can be just like Junior High sometimes.  Laughing
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2012


  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited July 2012

    Hopefully, Sunflowers will decide to return after her ban is over.  It would be awfully sad to not see her bright yellow blossoms around here...

  • river_rat
    river_rat Member Posts: 317
    edited July 2012

    I just wanted to mention that Sunflowers wasn't accused of being a sock puppet.  She just kind of got caught in the crossfire.

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited July 2012

    Yeah, it seemed that she was trying to answer someone's request for what thread was full of know, being nice enough to let someone else know what people were getting upset about and she mentioned the sock puppets in her response.  And when the mods wanted to know who the sock puppets were, she said she wasn't going to point any fingers...then she was banned. 

    I don't pretend to know the full details, and there is always more to any story...but the mods haven't elaborated on Sunflower's banning, only Sunflowers has, so that is what I know. 

    I also know that she has always been a wonderful member of the bco community, at least for me, and I will miss her.

  • owlwatcher
    owlwatcher Member Posts: 63
    edited July 2012

    yeah I am. Boy do I get a lot of i am praying for you. Then I ask them not to do it and then I explain.

  • SelenaWolf
    SelenaWolf Member Posts: 231
    edited July 2012

    As a witch, I believe the Earth has cycles of creation-destruction-recreation.  Ancient weather patterns have proven that the Earth is capable of extreme change - both warming- and cooling cycles - and it's all part of how things are meant to be.  Are we making an impact on that natural cycle?  I think so.  We need to be more careful of our environment because - as tough as the Earth is - She has her limits, I imagine.  But I, also, think that there are things that we cannot change because we are not meant to.

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited July 2012


    Sorry your biopsy was such an uproar.  When will you get your results or did you?  It was my understanding that a pathologist would read the results right away.

    If you blood pressure spikes in the future you may want to try putting an ice filled cloth around your neck or a very cold cloth over your face for a minute or two.  If it is ever really high, fill a bowl with ice water and stick your face in it!  Your blood pressure will lower quickly and stay down for a while.  It is a temporary fix.

  • flannelette
    flannelette Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2012

    Thanks CLC & River Rat & Notself - sheesh, poor Sunflowers - if you are reading this - Come Back! you are so gentle! we miss you!

    Ya, pathologist not there. Results whenever they do them - a week or 2? I really appreciate your comments re the ice water for HBP.  As of yesterday I'm on a beta blocker and ramipril courtesy of the anaesthtist, which is great as I've avoided going to my new dr. as he's kind of anal and not one I would have chosen but he's nearby. I have like a Pavlov's dog response to a bpcuff - the more it inflates, the more I do! Fom some dippy dr way in the past freaking out and immediately sending me to have an EKG. that was all it took. then it became my secret neurosis, or whatever...

    by the way, no new primary, MRI showed good breast clear as a bell. that leaves metastasis or lymph cell angst, take your pick! really, sometimes black humour is a great way to cope.

    and also, we are officially in a drought now. brown crinkle grass. Am so very glad we finally got a new, highly productive well. Up here, I can hardly see any black walnuts forming on the trees. Same in KS?

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited July 2012

    My black walnut tree is making enough nuts for the squirrels to visit a lot and to leave crunchy bits of shells on the sidewalk.

  • kayfh
    kayfh Member Posts: 79
    edited July 2012

    Ours too. The branches are drooping down to the flower beds, the oaks are heavy with acorns, crab apples weighing branches down. And it is so so dry!

    I have been trying over the past bunch of years, to have more and more perennials that are drought tolerant. But plants that didn't seem to scorch out before are doing it now, even rudbeckia. I obviously need more mulch. More rain!

  • flannelette
    flannelette Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2012

    Even my pampASS grass is dead, and I've been trying to get rid of it for years! I have a mind to soak the ground with water (we just got a new well) and dig up the roots, if that's even possible. I've treid burning it, poisoning it, cutting it out bit by bit - no.  but one thing that seems amazingly drought tolerant is the turk's cap lilly, which just started to bloom in a sea of shrivelled-up phlox.

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited July 2012

    Pampas grass is tough to get rid of.  I had some that I dug out.  When ever a new shoot appeared, I dug that out.  It went on for years.  Finally, I prevailed.  It is strange to hear that it can be beaten by a drought.

  • flannelette
    flannelette Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2012

    As soon as it's gone I want to estblish a milkweed garden there, for the monarch butterflies. In our area, they brought in fishers to kill the porcupines who were killing trees. the fishers have a thriving cat-killing business instead. pampass grass looks so totally ugly in a precambrian shield granite/oak/white pine environment - underneath it, I see low things like hens and chickens and bugle weed trying to grow whre someone planted them maybe 50 yrs ago..

    the prev people also had cypress trees - 1 or 2, and fake bridges to nowhere. I spent my first year here ripping all that out, including the pampass burning episode which actually scared me - I was all alone and just thought I'd have a little fire....

  • 3monstmama
    3monstmama Member Posts: 123
    edited July 2012

    I concurr that can be much like jrhigh-high school here.  My solution is simply not to read those who seem to desire to "start something." Sort of like a grown-up version of my school days approach which was to stick my head in a book and pretend I haven't heard a word.

    flannelete, I'm sorry about the blood pressure mess.  my fingers remain crossed for a boring blocked gland thingy.

    We are one of the few places NOT in a drought.  Good for our farmers, bad for the concept of summer, at least for most people.  It is very fallish gray outside my window and last night I had to get up and look for a blanket.

    Do not talk to me of squirrels and nuts--we have lived in our house for coming on 5 years.  There is a giant hazelnut bush in the front yard.  This year, for the first time, it was simply covered in hazelnuts and I was plotting what to make--a batch of cookies? nuts for Christmas?  Daily I monitored their development, at one point even culling a few to use for making hazelnut liquor.  Then last week at some point I took my eye of the bush and WHOOOOOSSSSHHHHH the wretched squirrels snagged every single one.  I was so ticked on Saturday when I discovered it.  I am considering setting box traps--hazelnut fattened squirrel should be tasty right?---braised with some red wine?  we like rabbit in our house--whats the difference?  Wink  Such bad ideas from a women who is being a vegetarian for a month to support my Oldest in his thoughts about his food and what he eats.

  • flannelette
    flannelette Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2012

    hazelnut stuffed fat squirell would taste great. I've eaten commmon black squirrels and they taste like little sweet chicken. Because the nuts do make them taste good! Will not go into it much more....I had a partner then who only ate wild meat and he'd grown up on an island where there were no stores....we ate vension. with red wine. felt like kings. alwys said a prayer for them. never took one unless it was to eat, and we did all the prep ouselves. utterly delish, and no growth hormones or frankenfood. I could never shoot or kill an animal in a million years. I cannot look at a big truck going down the road to the abattoir. I close my eyes and I do say a prayer, to honour them.

    so sorry you lost your nuts. will no doubt have to buy some kind of mesh? 

    thank fully I got my new well just in time to save the small trees - 2 buckets of water a day under heavy cedar mulch, and the leaves are looking fresher. they woud have otherwise died, and they are in their 2nd year.Well, sorry about grey summer holidays there, but things must be so lush!

    I am on pins & needles, some clonazapine and threw in a morphine (fom surgery, it's actually pretty weak) - ah!!! that makes things better! Cool