Is anyone else an atheist with BC besides me?



  • Bren-2007
    Bren-2007 Posts: 842
    edited November 2009

    Hi Sige ... I got really sick and the first round of antibiotics didn't do squat.  Then the doc prescribed Augmentin, which kills ALL the bacteria, good and bad.  C.diff is a side-effect of augmentin for some when all the good bacteria is killed off and there's nothing to fight the bad stuff, usually if you've had preexisting intestinal troubles.

    I'm feeling pretty darn good this afternoon! 

    Lisa .. hope your friend is on the mend.

  • AnneW
    AnneW Posts: 612
    edited November 2009

    Heal up well, B. My neighbor had a horrible time clearing the C. diff--had to be on antibiotics 3 times, the last time was for about 6 weeks! That's some nasty $hit, pun intended. Another good reason not to take antibiotics unless you absolutely have to!!!


  • glostagirl
    glostagirl Posts: 93
    edited November 2009

    I love this thread.  I recently came across this quote by Robert G. Ingersoll, it seems to express what many experience after leaving organized religion.

    When I became convinced that the universe is natural, that all the ghosts and gods are myths, there entered into my brain, into my soul, into every drop of my blood the sense, the feeling, the joy of freedom. The walls of my prison crumbled and fell. The dungeon was flooded with light and all the bolts and bars and manacles became dust. I was no longer a servant, a serf, or a slave. There was for me no master in all the wide world, not even in infinite space. I was free--free to think, to express my thoughts--free to live my own ideal, free to live for myself and those I loved, free to use all my faculties, all my senses, free to spread imagination's wings, free to investigate, to guess and dream and hope, free to judge and determine for myself . . . I was free! I stood erect and fearlessly, joyously faced all worlds.
  • chumfry
    chumfry Posts: 169
    edited November 2009

    I came to my non-belief rather gradually and I think I even grieved during the process. I see religion as a real comfort to most people and I was sad that, for me, it didn't make enough sense to be true. I'll admit that it does feel "freeing" at times, but mostly I feel like the odd man out---a very tiny minority bobbing lonely in a sea of blind faith.

    (Forgive my glumness. I'm sure I'll perk up later. <grin>)


  • glostagirl
    glostagirl Posts: 93
    edited November 2009

    I often feel alone in my non-belief as well.  However, I think there are a lot of closet atheists & agnostics out there. More than you know.  

    Even with the few people I know who feel as I do, we just don't go around talking about it.  It's personal.  There are too many other interesting things to discuss!  

    I would never try to talk anyone out of their religious beliefs. I grew up hearing the old adage about not talking politics and religion with family and friends.  It's just not worth it, too much angst.  I have close friends who are very religious and know that I'm not, it doesn't get in the way of our friendship.  It's a non-issue and that's the way it should be.  

    It does make me sad that people believe that if you're not religious you're not a moral person. That's a debate I can sink my teeth into!

    By-the-way,  take a look at how many times this thread has been viewed, getting up towards 30,000!  Curiosity seekers or...... 

  • crazy4carrots
    crazy4carrots Posts: 624
    edited November 2009

    Glosta:  I think you're absolutely right on!  I also noticed all the views.  We could think it's because some come over here to see what "those heathens are up to", while others come over because they think like we do but aren't prepared to share their thoughts in public.

    I also grew up with an "oh so polite" family, where we never discussed politics or religion.  Well, with religion I did have some heated discussions with my father in private, when I was starting to question all that I was taught in church and Sunday School.  I was also a church organist and choir director -- loved the music but just couldn't buy into the "belief thing".  Fortuately, my dh, whose father was a minister, couldn't either, so we never argue about religion!  However, we had determined that if we were to have children (which we didn't/couldn't) that we would provide them with the opportunity of studying all religions -- in order to understand more about their world.

    There are absolutely no reasons for folks to equate religious belief with morality, and yet, so many do.....Frown

  • Dawnbelle
    Dawnbelle Posts: 130
    edited November 2009
    KITLER Pictures, Images and Photos
  • jelson
    jelson Posts: 623
    edited November 2009


    In another context I might find this poster amusing, but not here. Six Million Jews were not killed because of religion, the purposes were eugenic and socio-economic and political diversion. It didn't matter what an individual Jew believed or didn't believe. At least during the Inquisition, the Christian Spanish gave the Jews the opportunity to convert! I often think one of the saddest aspects of the Holocaust is that although they suffered because they were Jews, many considered themselves assimilated, they felt for example more German than Jewish, and I think that they perhaps weren't able to find the solace in the Jewish religion that those who were observant might have been able to find during their suffering. I think you defame Christians, Jews and even Cats with this posting here. 

    I ask that you delete your post.

    Julie E 

  • glostagirl
    glostagirl Posts: 93
    edited November 2009

    I've got to agree with Jelson & Madalyn.  Not funny, very offensive.

  • Sige
    Sige Posts: 334
    edited November 2009

    I would have to agree as well and ask that it be removed - it's horrid.  The atheist thread has enough backlash as it is...

  • Bren-2007
    Bren-2007 Posts: 842
    edited November 2009

    I agree too.

  • Dawnbelle
    Dawnbelle Posts: 130
    edited November 2009

    6 million Jews have been killed due to religion? Really? And what are the numbers of others who were burned tortured & murdered? The Christians have done far worse. I will delete it.

    Pull your heads out of the sand. I am done here. Not, because of you guys, but of the double standard of what one person feels is acceptable must pass a majority ruling. Hitler might as well be back.

    It will not let me edit....jump on your report post button, it will disappear with the blink of a witch's eye.

  • AnneW
    AnneW Posts: 612
    edited November 2009

    Dawn, YOU don't have to leave. This is about the tactlessness of the picture, not about you personally.


  • glostagirl
    glostagirl Posts: 93
    edited November 2009

    Dawnbelle....I think you're missing the point of why this is offensive.  Even though we're atheists/agnostics whatever, I would say that most of us are tolerant of religion and the beliefs of others.  What we're not tolerant of is the bigotry that your poster signifies.  Come on, it looks like something that would be on a Neo-Nazi site.  

    I agree with Anne, don't leave over this.  This is all about free speech and free thinking.  

    Edited to say, sorry, I don't mean to say that you're a bigot, just that the Poster, IMHO, is.

    DX 01/05/08, IDC, T2, N0, MX, Trip. Neg. Lumpectomy, AC X 4, 33 Rads.Diagnosis: 1/4/2009, IDC, 1cm, Stage IIa, Grade 3, 0/2 nodes, ER-/PR-, HER2-

  • socallisa
    socallisa Posts: 10,184
    edited November 2009

    what is the difference between an athiest and a nonthiest...

  • glostagirl
    glostagirl Posts: 93
    edited November 2009
    From Wikepedia: Nontheism is a term that covers a range of both religious and nonreligious attitudes characterized by the absence of — or the rejection of — theism or any belief in a personal god or gods. It is in use in the fields ofChristian apologetics and general liberal theology. "Nontheism" should not be confused with "irreligion".Non-theism has various types. "Strong atheism" is the positive belief that a god does not exist. Someone who does not think about the existence of a deity may be termed "weakly atheistic", or more specificallyimplicitly atheist. Other, more qualified types of nontheism are often known as agnosticism, or more specifically explicit atheism. "Strong" or "positive" agnosticism is the belief that it is impossible for humans to know whether or not any deities exist. It is a more precise opinion than weak agnosticism, which is the belief that the existence or nonexistence of any deities is unknown but not necessarily unknowable. PhilosopherAnthony Kenny distinguishes between agnostics, who find the claim "God exists" uncertain, and theological noncognitivists, who consider all God-talk to be meaningless.[1]Other, related, philosophical opinions about the existence of deity are ignosticism and skepticism. Because of variation of the term "god", it is understood that a person could be an atheist in terms of certain portrayals of gods, while remaining agnostic in terms of others.Invented originally as a synonym for secularism (see below), it has become an umbrella term for summarizing various distinct and even mutually exclusive positions united by a naturalist approach, sometimes in the plural, nontheisms. 
  • Bren-2007
    Bren-2007 Posts: 842
    edited November 2009

    Hi Lisa!  I'm waiting for the answer.

      Geez ..  Dawn .. I thought it was a tacky poster .. that's all. 

    IMO being an atheist or agnostic doesn't have anything to do with Christianity and who killed who in the name of religion.  It's about believing or not believing or acknolwedging any god.  Geez .. it wasn't just the Christians (Spanish Catholics) killing Jews and non-converted Catholics .. history is full of different religions attempting to wipe out entire populations. 

    Personally, I'm envious of others faith .. no matter what they believe in.  Last night, I was thinking that I would like to believe in something infinitely bigger than me.  I just couldn't figure out what that would be.  I thought of my friends and their strong faith .. and I thought of Sige and her faith.  All I can fall back on is that I feel more peaceful and comforted when I'm outside.  So maybe I'll make my 80 ft oak tree my new spiritual leader and leave it at that.


    Edited:  Thanks glosta .. we posted at the same time .. I will take some time and reread the wikepedia you posted.

  • glostagirl
    glostagirl Posts: 93
    edited November 2009

    Wow, it feels weird to be "Moderated".  Glad to see that offensive cat poster gone though.  I looked back a little and could not find that the person who posted it was a regular on this thread, hmmmm.

    It has me wondering if there are those that think that just because we're non god believers that we're hateful of all religions.  I don't think that's true at all.    

    Sorry if anything I wrote was offensive.   

  • Bren-2007
    Bren-2007 Posts: 842
    edited November 2009

    Glosta .. Dawnbelle was pretty regular on this thread ... I don't know where she went .. or her posts.

    I think mods are doing some housekeeping on lots of threads on this site.

  • konakat
    konakat Posts: 499
    edited November 2009

    Dawn is a frequent poster and normally her atheist cats are funny and well liked.  This one was a complete and surprising abberation.

    I agree with Madalyn re. the Mods.

  • glostagirl
    glostagirl Posts: 93
    edited November 2009

    Thank you ladies,  

    I guess I worried that my 2nd post came on rather strong, went back to edit but it was gone and so was Dawn, not a trace of her.  

    I agree with you both re: the Mods, good job.   

  • konakat
    konakat Posts: 499
    edited November 2009

    Dawn PM-ed me before this last post that she was moving on and had asked the Mods to remove her completely.  Moving on in a good way, new start in life.  That pic is not representative of the person Dawn is as I know her, it was a bit of a shock, to say the least.  I'm sorry to see her go but wish her all the best.  I hope she doesn't mind me sharing this.

  • Sige
    Sige Posts: 334
    edited November 2009


    I'm sorry to see you go, but good luck with your new start!!

  • glostagirl
    glostagirl Posts: 93
    edited November 2009

    I'm sorry to see someone move on in anger.  I know I've certainly said or done stupid things in an attempt to be funny, I think that was probably the case here.  

  • althea
    althea Posts: 506
    edited November 2009

    Dawn is leaving?  I'm so sorry to hear that.  But what's this about all her posts being removed also?  Is that why I was taken to 'page 50 of 48?'  ??  I visit another community where members can leave and have all their posts go poof.  I never liked that feature.  It creates invisible gaps in threads.  And I'd hate to lose her story about the rooster that was carried off by the eagle only to return 3 days later.  Probably the only rooster anywhere named Jesus.  lol  Love ya dawn. 

  • Sunone
    Sunone Posts: 10
    edited February 2012
  • konakat
    konakat Posts: 499
    edited November 2009

    The rooster story is a classic!!!  Just the other day I mentioned to Dawn -- how often does someone get to know a chicken farmer from Alabama with a rooster named Jesus and who loves atheist cats!  Now doesn't that description just sound like a fun person?!?

    Seems like the database will have to regenerate overnight so the numbering catches up -- I hope that's the case!

  • glostagirl
    glostagirl Posts: 93
    edited November 2009

    I remember her now, that was a funny story!   Ya gotta keep a sense of humor or bc can certainly get the better of you.  Here's to Dawn, new starts and humor!

  • konakat
    konakat Posts: 499
    edited November 2009

    Yes, she changed her avatar to her boots from the pretty one with the puppy.  I didn't recognize her at first either.  I'm so used to looking at avatars that I get discombobulated when they change.  Our friend IvoryMom changes her's too once in a while and takes me a bit to clue in.

  • chumfry
    chumfry Posts: 169
    edited November 2009

    I'm sad to hear of Dawn's decision, but I agree about the poster. I kind of went "Ack" when I saw it. <grin> Black humor and bad taste can be a very fine line to walk.

    I don't know if any of you are science fiction fans, but I just remembered a mantra of sorts that I used to say in my head at times when religious people would probably pray. It's from Dune.

    I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.

    I couldn't remember the whole thing so I abbreviated it, omitting sentences 1, 3, 4 and 6.
