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  • Emelee26
    Emelee26 Member Posts: 98
    edited February 2008

    LOL about going topless!

    The job is great Jas..I love it...I'll have to post some pics in my crime scene's hilarious!

    I think a crime lab would be nice to work at :)

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited February 2008

    Hi to everyone!

    What an awesome thread,Charlene! Thank you for the great name and the upbeat theme. This is so awesome to see so many neat people here and the great pics,song and neat posts!

    This reminds me of the NC/SC beaches here where we wear our Weejuns and dance to beach music! Some really fun moments were spent at the beach and I wore my Weejuns/loafers made by Bass.

    Life truly is a beach and we get out of it what we put into it. What I most admire abt this thread is the sunny posts and kindness. That is one thing we have,at bco, plenty of threads to best meet everyone's needs. Thank you for the uplift I felt just reading kind posts and seeing beautiful pics.

    Marsha,that was an awesome post to Charlene! Congratulations to you as well! That is so like you to be so kind and supportive of your friends rather than to have to be in the spotlight and take center stage. What an honor to have met you and all of you here. Neat to see so many familiar names and supportive friends!

    As we say in NC by one of my fave beach bands: "The Embers"... "I love beach music always have and always will..."


  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited February 2008

    Jas - I'm glad you're okay.  I just saw all the damage on the weather channel.  This has been a crazy year for weather so far.  I can't imagine what Spring will be like.

    Hi Marisa and Iris........ DH needs puter....... bbl

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2008

    Char, what a nice thread.  Beaches are very relaxing and soothing to me.  Oh, and I have my suscreen.  How was Hannah Montana?

    Marsha, great article about the play.

    Jill, welcome to the beach. Love the new avatar.

    Jas, that was a nice apology.

    Amy, thanks for the drinks, just what I needed today.

    Neesie, I wrap my towel around me so no one has to see me in a bathing suit.

    Nicki, I tried to rent a cabana when I was in Vegas earlier this year - it was ridiculous what they wanted for it. 

    Hi Deb.  No one gets a script for tequila aand a tropical vacation unless I get to go to.

    Liz, I do remember to take my calcium.

    Beth, Ft. Liquordale?  He he he.

    Susan, I'm with you on the beach and bottle of tequila.

    Marsha, Suz and I were in Florida at the same time and we're both guilty of passing up the opportunity of dancing on the table with you.  However, I'm still planning on being there in October.  I love your excitement about the play.  Nice story you shared about Char.

    Peter, those are like no cabanas I've seen.  If I remembered how to post pics, I'd post one for you.

    Marisa, haven't seen you in a long while.

    Iris, what are Weejuns?  Oh, jut figured it out.  How are you?

    Girls, I've heard about the tornados - everyone ok?

    Char, thanks for starting this thread - it was nice seeing some old faces that I haven't seen for awhile.

    Vickie, you'd be proud of me - finally figured out how to knit and finished a square or two, now I have to mail them.

    Oops, out of time.  Back later.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 460
    edited February 2008


    Wow, what a popular thread this has become already! Well who wouldn't want to hang out at the beach?!  I don't recall inviting anyone to a cabana but I guess we can find some to set up here.  There Are many beaches without them though so don't worry Liz, you're not dreaming!

    Janny: Of course, you Have to play with us! I'm so glad to see you here where it's just fun in the sun! Oh, if you make a Bloody Mary with that tequila you get the benefit of vitamins from the fruit and veggies along with the Vit D!

    Deb: Nice to see you here, just don't bring that Alaska weather with you! lol I had a Vitamin D deficiency also ... my score was 9. I take 2000iu of Vit D daily and after 4 months brought it up to 53. My doc wants me to get at least to 60 so I continue to take it. Are you taking Vitamin C? You need one for absorption of the other. Of course we need the natural D from the sun also!

    Liz: It's supposed to be in the 60's here in PA tomorrow! You can come visit me! Thanks for explaining what a cabana is.

    Neesie: Wow, you found us! I know what you're thinking ... oh no, another thread to visit! LOL I hope you do so often.  Did you find that lifeguard yet?  I think we really need one!

    Gus: A road trip sounds like a great idea!

    Marsha: Your post brought me to tears. It was my honor to send those things to such a sweet sister and I knew exactly how you were feeling. In the midst of all the BS, we can find real support here at BCO. Thank you for understanding and knowing what I am dealing with. I love you my friend.

    Jill: I'm glad you learned how to post pictures. This is a really nice place to be and I look forward to getting to know you better!  I love your pretty avatar and how nice of MizSissy to do that for you!

    (((( Jasmine )))) Thanks girlfriend. I'm glad you escaped the tornado damage .. very scary stuff.

    Marsha: ROTFLMAO .. yeah, shouldn't you be able to go topless now if you wanted to? OLO

    Iris: I sure hope the sunny posts and kindness continue here. With everything else we have to cope with in this terrible journey we all share, who needs anything negative? Don't we get enough of that in our real lives? I'm so glad you like this place as I've missed you so much on the boards.

    Well I had a grand time with Audrey and her friends at the Hannah Montana concert movie until halfway through when Audrey thought she was going to throw up. I think she has a bug and wearing the 3D glasses was making her feel kind of seasick. So we were in and out of the bathroom several times and then stood near the door in case she had to make a run for it! Truthfully, Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus is pretty good .. I like her style and she works hard! I hope she keeps her head and doesn't turn into another Britney or Paris!

    Hoping everyone has a great nights sleep ... I always love falling asleep to the sound of waves lapping on the shore...

  • bluedahlia
    bluedahlia Member Posts: 302
    edited February 2008
    Did somebody mention a script for tequila?
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 460
    edited February 2008

    Margo .. I'm so glad you came here.  You were posting when I was! 

    Here is what a real cabana looks like:

  • iodine
    iodine Member Posts: 869
    edited February 2008

    WELLLLLL,  lean back and pass the sun screen, let's get the party started!  I found some guys to put the screen on our backs, you'll have to use your imagination since I have no idea how to post pics.

    but I sure do know how to drink tequila smashes!  Learned on a Cancun beach one HOT day.  I don't need no freekin scrip for tequilia!!

    I'll be on the Fla. beach come March -- dd and her 2 friends have invited me (can you belive this?) to come along.  Guess I'll be the designated driver for the long week end.  but that's ok.  They have promised I'll not be called mom by Anyone all weekend. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 460
    edited February 2008

    Susan:  How did I miss you in my last post.  You are Not invisible!!! Hope you sleep well my friend.  I'll always be a real friend to you.

    Dotti:  Hahaha  who needs a freekin script for tequila?  Too funny!  March is a great time to go to Cancun!  Lucky you!!!  Until then hang out here and enjoy the party!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2008

    Hmm...I don't see Charlene being followed by an inner city gang...I see nothing but nice posts here. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2008

    Good Morning!  Just a quick pop in, cause I will have to go to work soon.  Wanted to bring some sunshine to the beach.  Especially since all we have is clouds and snow in Illinois.

    Susan:  Yep, pretty far from home.  Although if I catched a plane I could be in Ft. Lauderale in 2 1/2 hours and loving every minute of it.

    Marsha:  That was a nice story about Charlene.  I remember when she did that for you and thought it was one of the kindest things. I also remember how happy you were when you got it in the mail.  Thats a nice story.  Sending hugs your way.

    Margo:  I havent been to Las Vegas in a while.  The last time I was there I stayed at Treasure Island and the Cabana was $50.00 bucks for the day.  Im sure now it pretty pricey.  It was great though.  We had our own waiter - hahahaha does that count as a cabana boy?  It was 105 degree that day, got the worst sunburn.

    Dotti:  A big hello to you.  Enjoy the sunshine.  Listen to the sounds of the waves and just relax.

    Peter:  Hahahahaha Im sorry but your cabanas look like our outhouses here!!  My favorite cabana was in Florida.  It was blue and white canvas.  Had a refrigerator and you could walk inside and get sprayed gently with a cooling mist.  You could sit on your lounge chair and have half the chair shaded and half in the sun. 

    Hope everyone enjoys their day at the beach today.  I wish I could hear the sounds of the waves hitting the shore.  Watch the birds flying about.  Look out and see Dolphins jumping through the water like Beth was saying.  Smell the beautfiul scents.  But back to reality for me.  Gotta get dressed and drive through whatever stormy weather is gonna hit Chicago today.

    Vickie:  Hello sunshine sister.

    Nicki (aka chemosabi)

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited February 2008

    I have a couple of great pics of my stepson, Jonathon, when he was visiting his Aunt Brandy in Tarpon Springs, FL.  The first is him at sunset on the beach and the second is a rainbow they caught.  He loves the beach so very much.  I'll try to dig up the pics from Cape May, NJ.


  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited February 2008

    Well girls, I could use a little beach sunshine this morning. It is raining buckets here right now, and the weather should cool down by this afternoon bringing us sleet followed by 4-8 inches of snow. UGH! How many more days until spring?

    You know, insomnia can be a lovely thing. Instead of sleeping in the wee hours of the morning, I was able to get ready for work and have a few minutes to pop in here to read. LOL! I hope I don't see you all tomorrow morning too!

    Hugs. I'll be thinking of you beach bums while I'm at work.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 460
    edited February 2008

    Good morning to my beach bum buds.  Enjoy this beautiful ocean sunrise, I'd love it to be the first thing I see in the morning. 

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2008

    Just quickly flying by before I start my day.  What a nice way to end my day, went to sleep with the windows open so I could hear the waves lap at the shore.

    Dottie, I think I might have to find out what is in a tequila smash.  You'll have a great time in Florida.

    Nicki, my first thought was an outhouse too LOL.  I like Charlene's cabana so much better.  Just needs a cabana boy and it will be perfect.

    Beth, I love rainbows.

    Gus, it quit raining here - sun forecast for a few days - finally.

    Remember your sunscreen all.

  • Unknown
    edited May 2008

    Good glorious morning my beach friends!  The coffee is brewing and I wanted to post this get up and at em song.  I think its very fitting for some fun today at the beach.

    Surprise song of the day!

    < I don't remember them with such short hair!>

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2008

    Woo hoo!  Thanks for the beach song, Jas!!!  What a way to start the day!

    Charlene, the sunrise was beautiful this morning.  A whole lot better than what is actually going on in real life, lol!  I'm glad you enjoyed the Hannah Montana movie.  Too bad Audrey wasn't feeling well.

    Deb, you know that you get Vit. D from the sun, so you need to grab yourself a margarita and head to the beach!!!!  That's your problem!  Not enough sun in Alaska!!

    Margo, I like our cabanas better too.  I remember the little canvas ones on the beach.  Very cute.

    Dottie, a script for tequila??  LOL!  When we were in Cancun in Oct., we bought a sipping tequila.  I would never have thought to drink shots of it, but this stuff is real smooth!

    Hi Liz and Susan!  I'm waving my beach towel at you!!!!

    Vickie, no Pinkstock for me this year.  Vacation time is very tight.

    I'm glad all our midwest girls are safe from the storms.  Pull up a beach chair and enjoy the warmth of the sun.

    Jill, congratulations on being able to post a picture here.  I haven't been able to figure it out.  It's not as easy as the old site with the copy and paste thing, lol!  I  like your avatar.

    Gus, just close your eyes and think of some warm beach, with tropical drinks!  You'll survive the crappy weather!

    Marsha, thanks for reminding us of Charlene's generous spirit.  I had forgotten about her sending you the prosthesis and swim suit.  That was wonderful.  I'm so glad you were able to use them.

    Iris, it's nice that you are not too far from the actual beaches!

    Neesie, do you have any poop on the beach stories???  LOL!

    Well, it's a crummy day here, so I'm closing my eyes and thinking real hard about the beach, my cabana and my private pool boy who is bringing me tropical drinks, like Amy's.   Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2008

    I didn't delete anything, just trying to get a pic here and I can't do it

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited February 2008

    There you go Jan.  I posted it for you!  Nice picture.  Makes you want to relax and I really need that today.  My day went from happy to miserable in about an hour.  Don't want to bring it here to a nice serene place.  Only happy thoughts!

  • Unknown
    edited February 2008

    I sent Jan instructions on posting her picture.  It would have been nice to let her learn to post her own picture.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited February 2008

    Sorry Jan.  I was trying to be helpful.  I know Jasmine did that for someone before as well.  I didn't mean any harm.  I am glad you taught her how to do it.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2008

    Well its a beautiful morning at the beach with such a nice sunrise.  Much better than the weather in Alabama at the moment.  No tornados here but there were some about and hour from us.  Luckily they didn't hit my area. 

    jan-if you dont mind I am going to sit next to you and try out one of those nice drinks you have.

    Deb-yep Vit D must be in tequila.  You could have a white russian and we know it does.  You probably need lots of them to build up your vitamin D.  How are the ski meets going this year?  It seems like forever since I have spoken to you. 

    jaz nice song and I dont remember short hair either.

    Charlene-I just dont think I could sit through that movie but then again I am not a movie person.  I bet Audrey really enjoyed it despite being sick. 

    Susan-How was your weather last night? 

    Iris-wow long time no see on BCO.  Great to see you popping in and I always enjoy reading your post. 

    Iodine-funny about not being called mom.  Sounds like a fun trip!

    Vickie-passing you some sun glasses cause the sun is so bright it makes it hard to see everything.

    Guz---hows it going?  Hows that cute little boy doing of yours?

    Marsha-great story about charlene-thanks for sharing.

    Margo-I havent been to vegas in several years.  I need to put that on my list of things to do.

    Beth-very nice rainbow picture. 

    This thread has really grown in one day.  Excellent job Charlene!  Its nice and peaceful just like a relaxing day on the beach.


  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2008


    just found the beach... thank you...


  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited February 2008

    Good morning everyone - I'm so happy we're at the beach.  It's cold and white here.  

    All the pics are great.  I have attempted to post but for some reason I keep getting the red X.  I'll try again later.  Poor Madison has been posting my afghan pics for me. 

    Phone - bbl

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 460
    edited February 2008

    Gus: It's definitely time to start counting down those days til spring.

    Margo: I think that's one of the best sounds here on earth!

    Jasmine: Great song! It got me moving this morning for sure. That's a great old clip! Busy with Audrey home sick from school and Ava being very needy.

    Janny: I'm closing my eyes too and imagining the beach with a cabana boy delivering pina colodas and playing soft reggae music for me on his guitar. aaahhhhhh

    Amy: hahaha don't you think Hannah rocks it?! LOL Yes Audrey did enjoy it .. I'll have to get her the dvd of course when it comes out! Thanks for the kudos for this thread. We definitely needed a nice relaxing place to hang out here.

    MB: You're welcome. Love your picture and so glad you found us. Is that you in the picture?

    Liz: Let's try it this way. Tell me what you're doing to post your pics and I can tell you where you're going wrong. I'd be more than happy to post any pics for you here if you'd like.

    Uh oh it's quiet here. My mom got Ava a sweatshirt for Christmas that says "when it's quiet is when you better come find me" ... so I'm going to go see where she is. lol

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2008

    I went for a walk this morning.  It was great

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 460
    edited February 2008

    Susan:  beautiful walk, how serene

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2008

    Wow Susan you were up early taking your walk.  I was up late delivering baby goats so thanks for letting me sleep in.


  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2008

    BABY GOATS!  We want pictures :)  Do goats like the beach?  Do goats like tequila?  LOLOL

    It feels like a coons age since I have talked to you too Amy.  Skiing is going great.  The kids are having a blast and I have been cooking  pasta dinners and chili feeds for hungry kids.  I have never seen anyone eat like a kid who has been racing on skis....these thin, fit kids eating like linebackers on steroids....unbeleivable the volume of food they can put away Surprised

    Someone save me a beach towel under a palm tree.  It is -27 degrees here this morning.  I think it would take me a week to thaw out...


    Deb C