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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 460
    edited February 2008

    Oh that's beautiful Janny!

    Jasmine:  For some reason I'm suddenly very thirsty!  lol

    A drink sounds like just the ticket.  Pick your pleasure everyone!

  • Unknown
    edited July 2008

    That purple drink sure looks pretty.  I wonder what's in it.  Purple is my favorite color.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 460
    edited February 2008

    I don't know Jas but you're right, it really is pretty!  I think I see a purple pansie in there!

  • Unknown
    edited July 2008

    So, how do they get these drinks different colors like that.  How did they get that one to be red, white and blue???

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2008

    I don't know how they got those drinks those colors, nor do I care.  Just pass one over, lol!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 460
    edited February 2008

    lol Janny, take your pick!  Good question Jasmine, they sure look cool!

  • JoeyAnn
    JoeyAnn Member Posts: 4
    edited February 2008

    Ahhhh . . . the beach.  Couldn't be more perfect Charlene!  Next week will be my one year anniversary of my diagnosis, and this Saturday, hubbie and I are headed to beautiful Hawaii for some much needed rest and relaxation.

    I can't wait!

    Despite all the crap of the last year, we are very blessed.

    I'm bringing my towel, my sunscreen, my bloody mary, and claiming my lounge chair  . . . with waves, and palm trees, and whales surfacing in the distance!

    Take care of yourselves!

  • Unknown
    edited July 2008

    Hi JoeyAnn...welcome to the beach.  Congratulations on your one year anniversary.  I would love to go to Hawaii.  What a wonderful present to yourself.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 460
    edited February 2008

    Hi Joey Ann!  I'm so happy for you getting to go to Hawaii.  You definitely deserve and need that rest and relaxation!  My brother lives there and tortures me with pictures LOL  But still, I want you to come back with some to share with us.  In the meantime we have the beach here and would love your company!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2008

    Hi there Joey Ann, pull up a beach chair and set a spell!  Congratulations on your 1 year cancerversary!  I'll pass you a fruity, tropical drink!

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2008

    A drink sounds perfect.  I must share my news.  I went to my new oncologist today.  He is taking me off AIs.  I was so shocked.  He is putting me on Tamox (which I know has it's own set of problems) but for right now, I feel like I have been let out of jail.  He feels like I am past the real danger point and he's worried about my osteoporosis especially considering all the joint/pain problems I have. 

    I questioned him on the factors that my former onc mentioned about why I really should stay on Arimidex and he just said he disagreed with that.    who knows???  right now, I'm content just to get rid of those flippin AI's.  Hey maybe I'll be able to walk again.  OLO

  • iodine
    iodine Member Posts: 869
    edited February 2008

    Ohhh, all the pics are amazing!  And the goats, yep, look like bunnies.

    Tequila smash: jigger of tequila, round slice of lime on top, cover with palm, crash on bar, remove lime, down tequila, ---repeat, as many times as you are still standing--- and in the hot sun on the beach, it won't be that long!

    Oh, have to tell you about my great earrings I bought on last beach trip: made from beach glass: teal green glass, no real shape, just smoothed by surf and sand, glued to an earring base, matched to another about the same size unique looking and what a great souvenir.  Cheap, too.

  • JoeyAnn
    JoeyAnn Member Posts: 4
    edited February 2008

    Thanks for the warm welcome!  Sorry, but I just can't do fruity drinks. The results are UGLY, trust me!  Biker, I'm passing it back, and you'll just have to drink it yourself! Maybe one of those white russians, that's healthy, right?

    Truly, thank you for the welcome.

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424
    edited February 2008

    OH Happy Day!! Beach buddies, what could be better?

    The funniest thing is that I've taken my ash white body from OH and I am in sunny FL @ Ft. Lauderdale: genuinely. Complete with cabanas. This is true..... I got sunburned walking to the store to buy sunscreen. Not even a 20 minute walk and I look like a cooked northern fool: LOLOLOL.

    We're headed to Ocala next..... to buy a new house! Maybe there's some way for us to get to your show!! If so, I'll track you down afterwards and introduce myself.

    Sunshine for all and for all, some sunshine!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 460
    edited February 2008

    Susan: That is Great news for you! I Really hope it helps with all the joint/pain problems you have! My onc wanted me to go on an AI after my ooph but when I told her I wouldn't because of the added pain issues as well as bone concerns she didn't push me. Good luck!

    Dotti: The earrings sound lovely and original! I'm sure it wouldn't be very long for those tequila smashes to sit me down, even if I wasn't in the hot sun! LOL

    JoeyAnn: Of course white russians are healthy .. they have milk which is good for your bones! lol  For you:

    faithandfifty: Another beach buddy, welcome! Oh, you are so lucky to be at the real beach this very second! That would be so cool if you could get to Marsha's show and also meet her. You are making me quite envious you know. LOL

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited February 2008

    Faith, please do!  When are you gonna be in Ocala?  The show runs Wed-Sunday until Feb 24.  Are you actually moving here to live?  Or is the house for the winter months?  LOL on getting sunburned on the way to buy sunscreen. 

    Hi JoeyAnn I am jealous of your Hawaii trip but totally understand the need to celebrate your year out!  Have fun and post pics when you get back.

    Dotti, I had those tequila smashes in Cozumel several years ago at a bar there.  They had them lined up for people to do as they came in the dance club.  Talk about doing some "dirty dancing" LOL

    Yippee for you Susan on the tamox switch!  Hot flashes are the most annoying thing about taking it.  I'm having a nice cold beer, what are you drinking?

    Hey Jan and Jas....and anybody else I am missing.  I am absolutely horrible at mentioning EVERYBODY so just know that about me right up front!

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2008

    Faith, are you actually moving to Ocala.  Lucky dog!!!

    Hi Iodine.  those earings sound like a real find.  Is beach glass like broken bottles and stuff that has been smoothed by the waves and rocks?

    Angel, are you on tamoxifen.  I gotta find some other women who have made the backwards switch like this.    If I have too many problems with the Tamox, i figure i can try Evista next. And then maybe Faslodex will be available.

    Wow Marsha are you home already?

    Hi JoeyAnn.

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2008

    Char, I want one of the fru-fru drinks with a little umbrella.

    Joey Ann, congratulations on the one year.  We went to Hawaii after I finished chemo and the vacation was totally about me and what I wanted to do.  It was the best vacation I have ever had.  Have a great time.  White Russian will be good for calcium.

    Susan, your onc is switching you from an AI to tamox and mine is taking me off tamox and switching me to an AI.  Once I got over the initial sleepy feet in the morning or after sitting for any length of time, I had no side effects on tamox.  I figure I will switch back to tamox if I have any problems with the AI.

    Dotti, I think it wouldn't take too many tequila smashes to have a smashed Margo.  The earrings sound great by the way.

    Faithandfifty, how cool that you might go to Marsha's show.

    Idol's almost over so that means bedtime for me.  Night all.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 460
    edited February 2008

    Marsha .. how Dare you not address me personally!  LOL  Well, at least we were warned!  ;)  I am jealous that you live in FL and I live in PA!

    Susan .. Yep, I'm on the tamoxifen and chose not to go on an AI after my ooph.  I can always change my mind later but for me it was the right thing to do!  Hot flashes, ocassional knee pain are the biggest problem .. oh, and some weight gain and cognitive disfunction.  But I think those are issues with AI's as well.  I'll bet you could find some women on the Hormonal Therapy thread who've done what you're doing!

    Margo:  Help yourself my friend!

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2008
  • iodine
    iodine Member Posts: 869
    edited February 2008

    susanmcm, you've got it right, broken peices of glass bottles and such smoothed to odd shapes and angles. about the size of a dime or nickle and 3D

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2008

    Goodness, I need a beach today.  A beach anywhere that is warm and sunny.  Ended up with 15 inches of snow here in Chicago yesterday.  Walking along the shore with a nice cool drink sounds wonderful right now.

    Dotti:  Those earrings sounds great. 

    Margo:  Im jealous as I never get to watch Idol.  DH hates it. 

    Faith:  Nice to meet you.  And you are in my favorite place.  Hoping your having a good time in Florida as that is where I want to be.

    Joeyanne:  Nice to meet you also.  Hawaii sounds wonderful.  Hope you have a wonderful time.

    Neese:  You went out to get your hair done in this storm?  Silly girl.  Although it was a tricky one.  At first it didnt look that bad.  Hope your staying safe and warm.

    Janny:  I still remember the picture of you in the pool with a drink in your hand.  I thought that was one of my favorite pictures from your trip.

    Well - have to hit the roads early.  Hope you enjoy your day at the beach. I have to go out in my real world now and fight the roads, cold, and snow.  Darn I cant wait til spring.

    Nicki (aka chemosabi) Cool

  • Unknown
    edited July 2008

    Good morning beach friends!  Rise and shine.  Here's a song to get you up and moving

    Surprise song of the day!

    Good morning Dottie, JoeyAnn, Faith!

    Susan -- that is great news on the tamoxifen.  I don't take any of the hormone blocker drugs but I hear that the side effects for some can be significant.

    Margo -- Idol was pretty good last night, I thought.  I thought the ladie that came back and sang Islands in the Stream was actually pretty good when she didn't screech like on the first song.

    Hello to all I missed.  I just got up and need to get some coffee going.  Waving to Amy, BikerJan, Marsha, Neesie, PurpleMB.  Gentle hugs to all from A to Z.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2008

    is it warm yet?... all I see is

    if your interested, My flip flops, adorned with pinkstock pin.... had a wonderful time in florida in Oct.... please note cute pool boy...(who actually held, yucky flip flops) flipflops/?action=view&current=b4fc7a2a.pbr

    enjoy the nice warm weather, and they share the drinks at the

    Margaritas under the tree on the beach sounds great

    thanks for the relaxing place...


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 460
    edited February 2008

    Good morning all

    Jas .. how do you keep finding these favorite songs of mine  ... great pick!

    MB .. your traveling flip flops are hilarious!  Close your eyes and imagine ....

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited February 2008

    Amy,love the pics of the goats! How amazing and glad to see you singing one of my old faves abt litttle bunny foo foo! Have not sung that in years! LOL

    Jan,beautiful pic and I know we need us a trip to Cancun! You are making me  so envious of that beautiful water and all the fun. Can hear the waves!

    Jaz,love that Three Dog Night song! I taught that to my first class of third graders and we sang that nearly every day! They just got into the Jeremiah part and thanks for the good memories this aft!

    Angel,your pics are awesome! I just feel more at peace looking at the beautiful angels. Thank you for sharing them!

    Susan,hi to you! How are things with that precious little Buffy? That is the coolest,little dog.

    Deb,hi to you and hope it is warmer than 27! I thought I was going to freeze at 27-so,you know what a wimp I am! Hope things go well with you and your two daughters! I think of you every time we have  a stray bear(at my parents' home) as this is time that the bears are foraging.

    Neesie,glad you got the haircut and I love hot chocolate with lots of whipped cream. Make that whipped cream with a dollop of hot chocolate! LOL

    Marsha,how are you? You are just so nifty in the play and I think of you every time I hear my "Crazy" on the iPod as only "The Cline" has my vote. Never did I appreciate all that talent until I was grown. Your play is just so awesome!

    JoeyAnn,great to meet you and I think a White Russian would be my choice. Not much into fruitty drinks myself but a White Russian would be awesome. Great to meet you!

    Faithandfifty-how neat your trip sounds in FL. I do hope you get to see Marsha's play in Ocala.  You will be in for a real treat! Hope your sunburn is much better today! Nice to meet you!

    Liz,hi-I will walk along the water's edge with you and jump the waves! I loved that as a child and digging for sand dollars. The sand dollars are not as easy to find-but,when you do,like anything else real-what a find!

    Nicki-snow sounds cold and not as much fun as the beach,to me. We have 60's here today and lots of sun. It is beautiful.

    Iodine,how are you? I think the earrings sound beautiful and your trip with your daughter,too. Hope it is great!

    mb,hi! How goes it in NY? How are those beautiful grandchildren? Hope things go well and all your recipes always sound awesome.  

    OK--know that I have skipped some of you and not intentional. HI to all and hello from sunny NC! It is a beautiful day and warm...what more could a beachite like me want???


  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2008

    Hi girls, just a quick check in - I hate when work interferes with play! 

    Nicki, that's why we have multiple TVs in our house - I let him think he is in charge of the remote.

    Jas, I don't pay too much attention to Idol until it gets down to the people I can actually remember - so that means the 12 finalists.

    Char, I hope it's warm on the beach today because I sure am tired of cold mornings here.

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited February 2008


    Saw you just posted! Some of these pics remind me of your trip to Hawaii of those lovely beach scenes and neat refreshments! Hope your day goes well!


  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2008

    Took me a bit to make it down to the beach today.  Been busy working of all things. 

    Iris-wonderful post as always.  You have a memory like a steel trap.  I do well to remember my own name most days.  Lil bunny foo foo was always a favorite of mine also.

    MB-loved the video. 

    Deb -27 is cold but I know you know that.  I hope there is lots of snow to go with that cold cause if you are going to be that cold you need to be able to have the snow to play in.

    Nicki-I wouldnt get along well with your DH and the TV thing.  both of you live there and I am sure he watches things that you dont like. 

    Charlene-nice picture-I love looking for things on the beach.

    Iodine-I bet those pieces of glass are very pretty.  Very unique also.

    Margaret-don't work too hard.

    Nessie-congrats on the new haircut and luckily you got home before the weather caught up with you. 

    Jaz-now you will have me singing that song all day long.

    Susan-hopefully the switch will be a good thing for you bones. 

    Faith-how exciting to be able to go see Marsha in the play.  I hope it works out.

    Marsha-just remember I knew you when,,lol.

    JoeyAnn-white russians are very healthy for you so drink up.  I dont prefer fruity drinks either so we can make us a big batch of white russians and enjoy them.

    Jan-nice picture.  Makes me want to be there.

    Well thats about all the ol' brain can recall for right now.  Speading my towel and plopping down to enjoy the sun.


  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2008

    I'm at work, with the beach on my mind.  I'll check back tonight when I get home.

    Char, from one PA girl to another........I'd rather be at the beach, lol!  Although the sun is out today and it's fairly warm.