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  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2008

    Yes, I had so much to do this morning it took me a while to get to the beach.  And I found my friend waiting.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2008
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2008

    Nice pictures Susan,,I like them! 


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 460
    edited February 2008

    Just a quick pop in to get some warmth and smell the ocean air.  I had a parent/teacher conference this afternoon for Audrey. She got all A+'s on her report card and her teacher called her a phenomenal kid!  I'm just very proud of her and wanted to share.

    Susan, love the pics.  The sun is my friend too!

    Margaret, I too am tired of when it's cold here in the mornings, would much rather be at a warm beach any day!

    Okay, no more time as dinner is ready!  Back later beach buds.

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited February 2008

    Hi everyone!

    Ames,you are so right! Susan,you are so right that it is abt friends! You could never be invisible! I think you are one of the most creative people I have ever met! I love all those nifty designs and the way you included me along with so many friends as stars(last year,was it?) Now,imagine that we are on the beautiful beach that Janny posted with all those friendly stars shining overhead! 

    Angel/charlene,congratulations to Audrey and to you! Phenomenal is sure a nice word to hear abt your child! You must have felt like you were on Cloud 9 after such a great meeting. 

    Beachy NC today-- warm and sunny;we are lucky. Thinking of all of those who had weather-related troubles and thoughts are with them.


  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2008

    Tee Hee, Susan!!!!

    Home from work and heading for the beach!!!  JoeyAnn, I will take that fruity drink back, thank ya very much!!!  Throw a little rum in it and life is good!!!

    Amy, how are those lilttle kids tonight?  All is well I trust?


  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2008

    Charlene, that is a wonderful story about Audrey.  Hope she always gets such positive attention.

    I'm loving the little baby goat pictures and nice ocean picture janny.  Aren't we lucky to live someplace so wonderful.

    went out and drank my dinner tonight.  had a headach today and just couldn't shake it until my third glass of wine.  I"m pretty much a lightweight.  2 glasses is usually my limit.

    going to bed early.  hugs


  • JoeyAnn
    JoeyAnn Member Posts: 4
    edited February 2008

    Why, oh why, do I run myself ragged just before I go on vacation?!  Still trying to finish up all those little last minute things.

    Congrats to Charlene and Audrey -- You should both be very proud.

    Susan -- Gotta love a woman who cures a headache with 3 glasses of wine!

    Dottie -- I loved your description of your earrings, "broken pieces of glass bottles and such smoothed to odd shapes and angles."  Sort of how I feel about myself some days when I look in the mirror.  I hope that my odd shapes and angles, bald head, etc., take on the polished beauty of your earrings someday!

    Sorry, but I'm not very good at addressing each and every one yet. Please know that I'm reading and thinking good thoughts for all.  Hope you can close your eyes and relax at the beach tonight.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2008

    hi Joey Ann, I see you are fairly new around here.  Are you finished with treatment??  take care.

  • Barb1953
    Barb1953 Member Posts: 258
    edited February 2008

    Hello Beach Bums !!!! Thought I'd join you. The beach sure sounds good right about now---I'm sitting here freezing !! Guess I'll stay here on the beach and warm up.

    Charlene, you must be so proud of Audrey, sounds like she's doing great in school.

    JoeyAnn, I love your comment about Dotties earrings !! They sound beautiful, and I'm sure you are too !!!

    Don't want to leave anyone out, so Hello, and HUGS to all !!!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2008

    Oh what a Beach of a life it is!  Wink  I'm so out of the loop that I'm heading to the beach right my towel and my xanax...............and I'll be the first one there in the morning!!

    Sweet Dreams..


  • Unknown
    edited July 2008

    Oh Barb and Neesie -- I'm so happy to see you ladies.  Pick you a nice spot in the sun.  I know I sure could use some sun right now.  I'm freezing my tushie off.

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2008

    Iris, I'm going to Hawaii again later this year so I'll post some more of those pics for you, ok?

    Ames, how are the kidlets doing?

    Susan, thanks for the sunshine this morning, although I have to tell you that no rain is expected for at least a week!!  I'll have to keep your headache cure in mind.

    Char, what a great comment to hearfrom a teacher - phenomenal - that's awesome!

    Joey Ann, where in Hawaii are you going to celebrate?

    Janny, I'm a rum girl too - especially Malibu Ru....yum.  Try a Malibu Bay Breeze if you haven't.

    Barb, there's always room for one more on the beach.

    Neesie, lay out a towel for me tomorrow will you?  We went on vacation with another couple and every day someone had to take a turn getting up early and going to put beach towels out on the chairs to reserve them for the day.

    Jas, I just turned the heater up :-(

  • JoeyAnn
    JoeyAnn Member Posts: 4
    edited February 2008

    Finally finished, packed, and ready (I think).  We'll be staying in Maui.  We've been to the same place before, but we truly love it and always seem to really relax.  Hopefully, I'll get at least one good beach pic to post.

    Susan -- Yes, I read often, but don't post much.  I was diagnosed last February, bi-lateral in April, chemo finished in October, rads just finished in January '08.  It's been a long year.

    I live in Missouri, so the warm weather will be a nice change (although we've had just about every kind of weather there is here in the last week).

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 460
    edited February 2008


    Well just spent the evening being overloaded with two episodes of American Idol in one night. It's nice when they're taped because you can fast forward and get through all the crap quicker. I was impressed with the rocker nurse though. Her Joplin was a bit over the top but she seems real and was better on the second tune she did, which my foggy brain can't remember right now!

    Margo: I'm glad this part of Idol is over ... I like the next part and the final 24 much better. Rum is good. You're going to Hawaii .. Again?!?! WOW!

    Ames: I'll share that batch of White Russians with you and JoeyAnn. Yum! Black Russians are pretty good too.

    Janny: When I was out today the cold air was making my eyes tear up! I hate that! 41 days until spring and counting!!! Oh, that pic you posted is refreshing!

    Susan: I'm on my second glass of wine. I hope your headache is better now! 

    JoeyAnn: It's not so important that you address each and everyone. What's most important is that we hear from you! Wow, another MO girl! Whereabouts are you there? Some of my best friends live in Missouri! Enjoy Maui. Will be thinking of you!

    Barb: It's Really nice to see you here. Lay out your towel and slather on the sunscreen! 

    Neesie: When things are crazy where better to go then the beach? Nowhere in my opinion! I sometimes wish I was so out of the loop! LOL

    Thank you all about Audrey. I am so very proud of her. She works very hard and deserves all the accolades she gets. I was concerned when I was dx'd in March how it might affect her with school with me being away so much with all my surgeries and having so many different caregivers here helping out. She never missed a beat though. She amazes me in many ways.

  • Unknown
    edited July 2008

    Good morning Beach Friends!  Woohoo, its FRIDAY!  Here's a little Jimmy Buffett and Alan Jackson for you to get your day started.

    Surprise song of the day!

  • Unknown
    edited July 2008
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2008

    Kinda spooky spending the night on the beach all alone!  I've got alot of towels laying around saving the good spots for all....................just like on a cruise ship or resort!!

    I've got to visit a couple clients today that I cancelled yesterday cuz of the weather..................they still haven't plowed our road, but I believe the schools are open so I guess if the busses can plow through so can I!!



  • Unknown
    edited July 2008

    Good morning Miss Neesie.  Please be careful on those roads.  I just don't know how you yankees live up there with all that snow and ice. 

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2008

    you weren't alone neesie.  we were all here.  i made a new avitar for you.  i'l send it to you later.  OLO

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2008

    Thanks for saving me a good spot, Neesie.  We did that on vacation too.  We would get up at the crack of dawn to reserve our chairs, lol!

    JoeyAnn, have a great vacation in Hawaii.  We've never been.  I doubt that I could sit on a plane that long!

    Jas, thanks for the song of the day!!

    Barb, welcome to the beach! 

    Margo, I've had a Malibu Bay Breeze.  It's one of my favorites too!

    Charlene, I am also counting the days.

    Susan, very inspirational!  Thanks!

    I have a ton of things to do today, so I'll check in later! 

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2008

    Good morning beach bums, especially nessie who hung out on the beach all night with all the drunks,,lol.

    Jaz-good song,,thats the way to get a friday going.

    Susan-hair of the dog huh?  I have been known to do that a few times myself and you know by that first drink you take if its what you need to be doing.  Normally it is,,lol.  I'm enjoying your pics.

    Many people asked about the kidlets so I will fill you all in.  They are both doing well.  Mommie is being a good mom and when you go in and pick up the two lil boys they just look into your eyes.  Reminds me of that childrens book, Are you my mommie?  I tell ya, nothing cuter than a baby goat even if they are stinking boys.  They have totally different builds.  One is stocky and the other is lanky.  The stocky one was experimenting with eating a piece of hay yesterday and it was cute to watch. 

    Iris-we had nice weather yesterday also and I do believe we will have a nice weekend.  Its always nice when the weather is nice for the weekends. 

    Charlene-I suppose we will share our white russians but we better make a bigger batch if 3 of us are drinking them.

    Joeyann-have fun on your vacation and I do think we all do the run around like crazy before you leave.  Its just natural.  dont worry about addressing everyone.  Just claim chemo brain and all is good.

    Barb-nice seeing you on the beach. 

    Jan-nice pic-We have jet skis but our water sure doesnt look like that.  I bet you cant wait for spring to hit the roads on your bike!  Nothing like the free spirit of letting the wind hit your face.

    Margaret-You had some nice Hawaii pics the last time you went.  Thats one place I have never been.  I've been to other places like Bahamas, St. Johns, St. Thomas, Cancun but never to Hawaii. 

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday.  I will be leaving work early for my weekly chemo, oh I am so excited. 


  • Mizsissy
    Mizsissy Member Posts: 72
    edited February 2008

    Good mornin beach bums!!!  Sure could use a little warmth up here in Michigan, the snow is about a foot deep and the sky is kind of an ashen gray. At least I don't have to worry about yard work.   Haven't seen too many beaches since I married a redhead with sensitive skin...childhood's best memories are goin down to the Outer Banks... 

    I actually went skiing alone yesterday...we'd just had a fresh few inches and everybody else was at work...and I got warm very fast.  Lost the sweater and gloves after the first hill...

    Charlene...nice idea for a thread

    Jasmine...great music & images..

    Jill...what happened to you?   

    Happy Surfin!!!


  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited February 2008

    Good morning all!  Here's a pic from our Jamaica trip in Dec.  I've saved you all a beach chair!

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited February 2008

    Swim-up pool bar!  Drinks are on me!

  • Unknown
    edited July 2008

    Susan -- I love the picture.  What beautiful thoughts.

    Biker -- Have a good day.

    Amy -- I can't wait to see more pictures of the baby goats. Have you given them names yet?  I love your animal pictures.

    Iris -- its so nice to see you back on the boards.

    Miz -- I could use some warm too and I don't live that far north.  I've never been snow skiing but have always wanted to try it.  Maybe I wouldn't mind snow so much if there was something fun to do like that when it snows here but we don't get enough and it doesn't stay long enough to do that.

    Marsha -- great pictures.  That beach is gorgeous.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2008

    Well Shoot Howdy. I heard a rumor that all my friends had gone to the beach. Decided to shove the snow boots and parka in the back of the closet, grab the bikini and join you all for a bit. Somebody pass me some sunscreen please.

    Hi to one and all. It's grand to see you.

  • Mizsissy
    Mizsissy Member Posts: 72
    edited February 2008

    Here's something very sweet to brighten your day...especially if you like cats.  Someone on another part of this forum sent this to me, but I don't think you've seen it here..Two sure you watch them in sequence

    1. Cat Tete a Tete

    2. Translation of above 


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 460
    edited February 2008


    I just love sleeping in when I'm at the beach. It's such a leisurely place with no pressures. I see it's another serene day here with lots of my beach bum friends hanging out! Very cool. Let's go surfing!

    Jas: Can't go wrong with that great song

    Neesie: Thanks for fighting off the drunks and saving my spot! Be careful out there. Come back and warm up at the beach when you're home!

    Susan: How very nice to wish those beautiful things to your friends

    Janny: Get ready, in a couple days it's going down in the low teens at night. Glad we can come here and warm up!

    Amy: A bigger batch of White Russians sounds good to me! Glad to hear the kidlets are doing well. More pictures please? They are so cute to look at. Good luck with your chemo today, will be thinking of you.

    Miz: You definitely need the beach to get away from all that snow! Bummer about DH being a redhead! OLO Love the Outer Banks, I've only been there once but I will definitely get back there someday. I wondered about Jill too. She was so nice and I really thought she'd fit in really well here.

    Marsha: That picture is just amazing .. and a rainbow to boot! Love the swim up pool bar. I'll have a mai tai! You look great Marsha!

    Iris: I agree with Jas. It's really nice seeing you back here.

    SHIRLEY!!!!!: Howdy girlfriend! Wow, I've missed you here! So glad you joined us. I think you'll love it here!

    Miz: I'll be back to check out those videos's taken me all day just to get this post done! lol

    Liz:  Where are you hon?

  • Unknown
    edited July 2008

    Sherloc!  How nice to see you.  I hope things are going well for you.  Did you ever get rid of the bats in your house?

    Miz -- thanks for the new avatar pic.  I'll work on getting that uploaded.  Its beautiful.

    Ugh!  Just got off another looooong conference call.  There should be a law against boring conference calls on Mondays and Fridays.