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Im bitchy, I moan, I groan.....anyway.



  • AnnNYC
    AnnNYC Member Posts: 236
    edited August 2008

    Rock: this 2008 fact sheet on genistein (soy phytoestrogen) from breastcancer says "Soy oil and soy sauce contain little to zero genistein."

    Also: "There is no evidence that dietary intake of plant isoflavones is associated with breast cancer risk. There are a limited number of epidemiological studies that have examined the relationship between genistein specifically and breast cancer risk. One 2007 Dutch study found that high plasma levels of genistein were associated with a 32% reduction in breast cancer risk (13). Evidence from epidemiological studies is conflicting for soy and total phytoestrogen intake. Some case- control and cohort studies have found a protective effect and some have not found any effect..."

    So I think you don't need to head over to the Farmer's Market with a firehose -- unless it's on behalf of a Mom (like Sheila) whose kid has soy allergies or anyone else who had asthma attacks from the zucchini bread! (grrrr anyway to mislabeled food!!!)

    Prayers for DebC.

    Sue -- congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!  Hope no nausea, either.

    Jill -- praying for easy answers to your headaches!

    Nicki -- glad to hear your scans were clear and your ankle's healing!

    Take care, all!

  • hollyann
    hollyann Member Posts: 279
    edited August 2008

    lvtwoqlt.......HI!   Would you be willing to post the recipe for the zuchini bread?   I love zuchini

    Rock..Hi!  wouldn't worry about it....I  would just stop buying that bread.......

    DebC...Hope all is well with you today..........

    Hugs to you all!


  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Member Posts: 765
    edited August 2008

    I know this is not a *itc* but at Lucy's request

    Sheila's zucchini bread recipe

    2 c shredded raw peeled zucchini

    3 eggs

    1 3/4 c sugar

    1 c oil

    2 c flour

    1/4 tsp baking powder

    2 tsp baking soda

    2 tsp cinnamon

    1 tsp salt

    2 tsp vanilla

    1 c chopped walnuts (optional)

    1/2 c raisins (optional)

    Put zucchini in strainer and press or squeeze with hands to get excess liquid out. Beat eggs, sugar, and oil together. Add flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon salt vanilla, walnuts, and raisins. Mix together. add drained zucchini. Mix well. pour into 2 large or 3 medium greased and floured loaf pans. bake 1 hour at 350 degrees.

    side note - for those whos gardens are plentiful now but too hot to bake - you can shred the zucchini and put premeasured in quart size freezer bags and freeze until the baking bug hits. Thaw and use as fresh. Will keep frozen for 6-8 months. I also have used 1/2 c oil and 1/2 c unsweetened applesauce for the 1 c oil with good results.


  • SherriM
    SherriM Member Posts: 90
    edited August 2008

    Welcome Nancy!  You're in the right place, and we're all only a mouse-click or two away!

    Rock--I'm sure everything is okay!  I think the fact that you ate it one sitting is actually a good thing--it seems to me that when it comes to the estrogenic effects of soy, the weekly spike (think graph) would have much less (longterm) effect than if you were having a steady high daily diet of it.  Will they let us bring our shovels on the NYC subways (as we make our way to the farmers market)?  I think we've got one of those boy scout foldy ones I could hide in a bag.........

    My "zuchini bread" is folic acid....three years ago I was at conferance, and the cardiology speaker told us that for heart health, everyone should be taking at least 800 mcg Folic Acid a day, which I dutifully began doing.....then two days ago I read an article someone posted over on the Alternative  Medicine thread, which states studies are showing that anything over 400mcg causes exponential growth of cancer!   WTF? 

    Made it through my public appearance this AM fairly unscathed.  I actually think a lot of people didn't recognize me.  One friend (who I really and truly love) did a double take, then busted out laughing, saying her first thought was that a nun had come to the meeting (I wore a white headband and chartreuse scarf), so I was then dubbed the 'eco-nun'.  One acquaintance hadn't heard the news, and wondered politely in a whisper if there was a reason I was 'turbaned'?  I loved that.  The closest thing to an IOS was the lady who asked me if she still needed to be praying for me?  Huh?  Felt like telling her that if it's a bother, please don't bother.  

    Anyway, it was good to get out; got my stagnant creative juices flowing a little, so I'm heading off to my sewing room while I still have a little energy......... 

  • lemonjake
    lemonjake Member Posts: 342
    edited August 2008

    Thanks, folks. You know how there are various stages to grief, e.g., denial, bargaining, anger, acceptance, etc.? I kind of wonder if there are stages to chemo:  Anxiety, Optimism, Impatience . . . and Raging Paranoia. Thank you, Ann, and everyone for the reassurance.   

    (The Farmers Market remains unsoaked.)

  • KPolasek
    KPolasek Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2008


    You wrote:  I won't even get into how Herceptin screwed my heart and now I can't take the miracle drug that is saving everyone else.

    What miracle drug are you talking about?

     Also, I am curious what chemos everyone has had.  I am a triple neg, 2.1 cm, grade 3.

    It is weird to say this but .... I am glad to hear that I am not crazy about the runny nose thing.  I realized it was chemo right away.  I am 5 months since my last chemo and my nose is better.  I, too, used up a lot of trees.

    I hate this disease.  I, too, feel that I have lost me .... always ready to "do" things ... but now I could care less about most things.  I lack motivation to do things ... or to even move at times.

     I hate my ugly curly charcoal sort of color hair and I hate people telling me how cute it is ...  I hate wondering if I have been given the best treatment that is out there.  I hate that I will always be looking over my shoulder for the enemy that could potentially creep in and not be noticed until I am too far gone.  I hate that I hate.  And, that is how I feel.

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963
    edited August 2008

     Wow, I said that? LOL 

    The miracle drug is Herceptin....but since only HER2+ peeps take it, it's obviously not saving everyone else. Perhaps I was imbibing when I said that.

    I had 4 DD A/C, 4DDT + 3 months of Herceptin.

    Miss S

  • dhettish
    dhettish Member Posts: 96
    edited August 2008

    Hi All,

    I just hate, hate, hate what is happening to AlaskaDeb, all alone in the hospital.

    Welcome are in the right place. Sorry your so-called "friends" are being so inconsiderate. Everybody was so thoughtful at first and then they just got bored with my cancer. I wish I could say the same.

    kpolaseck, you and I have almost the same dx except I had 1 positive node out of 23. I took 4 rounds of A/C and 4 of Taxotere. Then my onc said there is nothing else to take because of the TN. She said they were testing some drugs (I did not get the names) but the SE's are horrific. I'm with ya, chick, on the charcoal curly hair. If I hear one more time how cute it looks, I am going to get out my scissors and give them a cute haircut. I got some Extreme Mega Gel and it still won't hold it in place. Little flyaway hairs all over my head. I was making faces in the mirror this morning and I pushed my ears forward and put on a funny grin and I looked just like Watson's avatar. It was hilarious! I am going to get my husband to take a pic and post it.  

    I just called about my pap....within normal limits. Good.

    Well, I went to the PS today for my last fill. WRONG. He said my expanders are 550cc and not 500 like I could have sworn he and the nurse both told me. He said he even likes to expand them to 600cc????WTF. What if they burst? Right now my left frankenboob is so high and huge that I cannot wear anything even remotely tight fitting. Big loose shirts for me and you can still see how freaky it is. Another frigging 6 weeks with this! He is the best in Nashville so I am not questioning him. But geez.....

    Rock, I had not heard about soy and just threw away my bar of Tofu. Is it bad for TN's as well? I think of all the tofu I consumed because I was told it was soooo good for you.


  • lemonjake
    lemonjake Member Posts: 342
    edited August 2008
    Debbie -- I was told that since I am ER+, I should avoid (or limit to 1-2 servings a day? a week?) soy products since there is concern that as a weak plant estrogen, consumption of soy might "feed" the cancer. 
  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited August 2008

    I am a curious one.  I work in a research facility so I tend to think of everything in an experimental design type of way.  When I wear my wig to to work, I seem to get a lot less "Oh, how are you doing today?" questions than if I wear my scarf.  I am thinking of sporting a sandwich board sign that says I'm frickin' sick.  I am sick of everyone asking me that.  I know you all posted about that annoying "greeting" before.  I haven't actually plotted it out statiscally and there are a lot of variables, but THANK GOD IT'S FRIDAY!   Perhaps this belongs on the IOSuck board but now I'm home and slightly amused.  HunkyD

  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited August 2008

    Chemobrain attack...this is the IOSuck board.

  • deborye
    deborye Member Posts: 2,441
    edited August 2008
     What The F***? 
  • SherriM
    SherriM Member Posts: 90
    edited August 2008

    COOL!!! A real live WTF smiley face!!!  I'm in heaven!!

    Debbie--what's TN stand for?  I live in TN, and it certainly feels like a condition sometimes, but something tells me that's not how you're meaning it!  Chemobrain has rendered me helpless in the face of unknown acronyms.....

    Any news yet on DebC?

    A suck-free evening to all! 

  • sueper13
    sueper13 Member Posts: 360
    edited August 2008


  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited August 2008

    Shoot!  First off, has anyone heard from deb or about her tests today yet? I read about the prelims, but nothing since.  Been watching the 'bad boy's who are tearing up our road all day.  Giving them the what for about my trees that better not die! anyway...I hadn't checked the boards till now? Anything?

    MY IOS!  Well, it ended up pretty good as I GOT MY REVENGE for it all!  Those idiot people that can't read or can and don't understand the meaning of 'Road Closed to Thru traffic!'  OMGOSH! It's a sand and dirt pit with 8 foot ditches as they are putting in all kinds of underground stuff and after the guys quit for the day or WEEKEND, these idiot start ram-rodding up and down the road to the casino!  BIG SUV's, spiffy just washed for the weekend cars! 

    SO...You gals will eat this up and it will feel good for you I'm sure!  I took the hose and doused the entire 300 feet in front of the house!  For an hour after the guys quit, I couldn't see across the street.  So I filled holes with mucho water, and watered down the rest!  Now they slow down to go through the puddles and then start up through all the mess (we're 1/2 way through the road), so they have another 1/4 mile of sand/dirt and grime to build up on those nice spiffy, freshly washed car!  I'm grinning ear to ear!

    But....I'm standing there and here comes a tribal cop!  Ut OH!  I also moved some of the cones by my drive out further so they HAD to slow down too, which cuts down on the dust when it dries.  But he kept going...NOT happy I'm sure as his freshly washed cop car in now full of dust wetted down well! :D  Well, I suppose maybe if he'd been ticketing like he was supposed to, these guys would get done sooner and he would have a cleaner car sooner!  :D  Thanks for listening to my rant and rave!  I feel better anyway! :D

  • magsandmattsmom
    magsandmattsmom Member Posts: 43
    edited August 2008

    I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  WAY TO GO!

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited August 2008


    You got those creeps back!  Sorry for all the road demolition you are having to endure.  I hope your trees will be ok.  

    Deb C...  Darn it, I just read that you are in the hospital!!  This sucks!  Hope you are feeling better soon!   Praying for you, and sending HUGS your way!!

    MY IOS... I had to work today, and when I got there, she asked me to stay ALL DAY!!  It is SUCH a long day!!  I didn't get home til 6:00!  But, my dh fixed the car so even though I had to drive the truck to work, I could drive my car home!!  It was the fuel pump, and we fried the battery, trying to get it to start, so he had to replace the battery, too. 

    Hope everyone has a great weekend, free of IOS!!


  • flyrzfan
    flyrzfan Member Posts: 199
    edited August 2008

    Oh, good thought sending DebC flowers, tracy...I hope someone can find out...wouldn't that be wonderful if we could just surround her with flowers since we can't actually hug her...

    and yes...I also agree with Rock's assesment of the situation for Nancy! Rock on Rock!

    Nancy, I will bring cards to chemo on Thursday and look for you now that I know we go to the same place! I'd be happy to play if you're happy to teach! Smile  I am sure you are going to make more than one friend on the Virginia ladies boards...I'm glad you got to vent here today so that I know to bring some cards and some extra snacks. We can have pole races in the hallway too ~ the nurses LOVE when you do that. Oh, and I know where the nurse fridge is, that's where the really good lunches are! You just have to draw the curtain while you eat it lest the nurse you snatched it from walks by. (I highly recommend you leave lunch money in it's place or you could get in a LOT of trouble). Chin up my friend...your Taxol treatments will never be the same...GUH is the place to be on Thursdays!

    Everyone else...I'm so sorry for all the crap going on...I have no IOS...only prayers for you all and DebC that she has a quick stay and a crappy case of meningitis.

  • flyrzfan
    flyrzfan Member Posts: 199
    edited August 2008

    Hey Nancy, ask for Bethany the nurse...she'll point me out to you!

  • flyrzfan
    flyrzfan Member Posts: 199
    edited August 2008 rock.....

    for what it's worth in regards to the soy...if cutting out soy, or sugar, or adding exercise and more broccoli was the answer...we'd have no more breast cancer. People who eat well and don't smoke get it...people who smoke, drink and eat junk get it...everyone in between gets it. sometimes it comes back sometimes it does not. The truth is, they just don't any one thing, in moderation is not harmful (exept for the obvious things like poison, crack and men...sorry, jk about the last one!) and I don't want you wasting a moment of that precious brain space worrying about the minute amount of soy you ingested. Lifes to short and you have too much to offer.

  • drcrisc
    drcrisc Member Posts: 134
    edited August 2008

    Thanks, Nicki, for the update on DebC.  That's my only IOS, everything else is relative.  Still sending positive, positive thoughts to her. 

    Now, off to watch the opening ceremonies of the Olymipics!

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited August 2008

    I have or had a recipe for zucchini bread with crushed pineapple -- will do a search thru my file and post tomorrow if I find it.  I never used soy in any recipe, that I know of...   

    Thanks all for listening to my ranting.  Feeling good tonite and gonna have lunch w/ dil tomorrow.  She is a sweetie and will brighten my day.

     HUGS,  nancy 

  • deborye
    deborye Member Posts: 2,441
    edited August 2008

    Hi All,

    This has nothing to do with BC but I am going to rant.  I am a receptionist for a medical laser firm.  I will answer the phone and the person at the other end will ask for a certain person.  If they are not in their office, it goes into voice mail so they can leave a voice mail.  Do you think they do?  I get the response from them, "YOU SENT ME INTO A VOICEMAIL I WANT A LIVE PERSON"!  Or they will want me to go get them, we have a 20,000 sq ft building I can't leave the phones. What The F***?  Kicking Dirt 

  • lemonjake
    lemonjake Member Posts: 342
    edited August 2008

    Wish -- I applaud you for actually exacting your revenge rather than simply fantasizing about it, like me. My BC-related insomnia is not helped by living on a street in NYC (well, in an apartment building on a street in NYC) that is frequented by this one particular asshole with a huge loud motorcycle and a very small um, sense of neighborhood decorum. He delights in ROARING down this street at 5:30 every morning.  We are talking about 5-10 seconds of window-shattering, deafening, filling-rattling, Armageddon-looming noise.

    Would it be okay if I tied some clothesline to a pole on the south side of the street, and I held the other end on the north side of the street and when he comes whizzing by, I  pull the rope tight? I don't want to see him decapacitated, I just want him to get yanked off his bike and for his bike to go skidding into the intersection where it can be run over by a ConEd truck.

    Also, when the Columbia U students have their annual "Take Back the Night" march which involves an hour or so of near continuous blasting of police whistles combined with high-pitched screeching (there are few things that sound less empowered than college co-eds screeching "take back the night' -- another note or two higher and only dogs would be able to hear them), my wonderful 84-year-old neighbor Pam (whose apartment faces the front) and I have decided to arm ourselves with slingshots and those high-pressure water Uzis and let 'em have it.

    Bonnie -- you are so very right. But I'm still pissed at them for not putting it on the label.

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited August 2008

    Bonnie;   great,  I know a card game similar to gin, called Sore Thumb, because your thumb gets sore holding the cards.   Or we can just talk and talk and talk.    Never did a pole race thru the hall, but hey, why not?   They give me a bag lunch and it is pretty good.   Chicken salad is better than tuna salad, but a meal i do not have to fix is almost heaven.   

     I found the pineapple zucchini (nuts optional) bread recipe and will post it next.  

     HUGS,  Nancy 

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited August 2008

    Pineapple Zucchini (nuts optional) Bread

    3 eggs

    1 cup salad oil

    2 cups sugar ( I have used half and half brown and white sugar )

    2 cups peeled, grated zucchini

    1/2 teaspoon vanilla

    1/2 teaspoon salt

    3 1/2 cup all purpose flour

    2 teaspoons baking soda

    1/2 teaspoon nutmeg

    1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

    1/2 can crushed pineapple, NOT drained

    1 cup chopped nuts (optional)

    >>>>   Beat eggs till lemon color.  Add sugar, oil, zucchini, pineapple and vanilla.  Mix well.

    Add flour, soda and spices.  Stir in chopped nuts.

    Bake in 2 well oiled 9 x 5 x 2 pans at 350 degree for 1 hour or until toothpick comes out clean.

    *** This recipe was given to me years ago from a very sweet old lady whose son was killed in WWII - Betty Drennen.  She has since passed on, but I hope she is looking down and sees that her recipe has been passed to others.   

     This is great with some vanilla ice cream on OR with cream cheese spread on it OR just by itself.   

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited August 2008

    Rock, I'd be ticked too, as I've found soy in nearly all bread and many cereals and so much more! Even my chocolates!  And yes, I thought SOY was one of those that HAD to be listed!  Shame on the 'man' who didn't include it!  And yes, I would pitch a fit...well, no I wouldn't do that, but I would most certainly explain to him that MEN and Women who've had hormone sensitive BC, should be made aware of that ingredient when he uses it!  And I would make sure OTHERs heard you, b/c they maybe these people would be more apt to INCLUDE the right labeling, rather than get involved with ONE person who stands up for us all!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited August 2008

    Finially, I can stop by and read what is happening with everyone.  This has been a pretty busy week for me. 

    Anne: Thanks for that explanation about soy products.  To this day it still confuses me.  Being er/pr negative it confuses me even more.  My husband went to the local grocery store the other day and bought me something to munch on.  It was called "oriental mix" similiar to like a seasoned chex mix.  Anyways it was so good and Im eating these nuts I had never had before - thinking man these are so good.  Realized they were soy nuts - so when I was reading the stuff about soy here this morning, I was picturing myself stuffing my face the other day.  Thanks for the congrats on getting back good results.  To be honest, after I came here and read about how so many women are struggling  it made me feel like my problems are so small.

    Lucy:  Good to see a post from you and looking for a recipe for zucchini bread myself as it is one of my favorites.  Sometimes I used sauteed breaded zucchini as layers for lasagna instead of noodles.  Have you heard anything about Dawn?  I have been so worried about her.

    Sheila:  Cool recipe for the zucchini bread.  Sounds pretty easy.  Im wondering if I can use splenda instead of sugar.  I might just try making it this weekend.

    SherriM:  Glad you got out and it was fun.  Oh my gawd - a big IOS for someone asking if they should be praying for you.  Wish people would just give us a break.

    Rock:  Im liking your theory about stages of chemo.  I do believe its true.

    Wish:  this past spring our roads we closed too.  They put new sewers in, curbs, took down old trees.  It was a mess for weeks.  And dust everywhere.  That definitely deserves a big IOS.

    Harley:   Well it sucks you had to work until 6pm.  The one thing I still have problems with is tiring easily when Im at work.  Glad you got your car back - sucks you burned out the battery.  I think all car problems are sucky.

    Miss:  I had to stop herceptin after 3 months also.  My EF went down to 48.  At the time there were studies from Finland saying 9 rounds might be as good as a year.  So Im counting on that.

    JP:  I got 4 rounds of DD A/C, one round of Taxol and 3 rounds of Taxotere.  12 rounds of herceptin.  At the time I was diagnosed, herceptin had just been approved because the clinical studies showed such fantastic results. That was April 2005.

    Bonnie:  Im laughing picturing you doing pole races and stealing the nurses lunches out of the refrigerator.

    Cristine: I tried watching the opening ceremonies of the Olympics, but immediately fell asleep and missed the whole thing.  Havent heard any more from DebC - still waiting for final path results on spinal fluid sent to Mayo Clinic.  I agree with you, that is my big IOS for the day.  I wish we all lived closer to Alaska to be with Deb.

    Deborye:  You deserve a big that sucks.  I worked as a receptionist for a doctor while going through school.  I must admit, it was the hardest job I ever had.

    LuAnne:  Didnt you ahve some tests done recently?  Im hoping they all came out ok.  I have to agree, its sad that even others in our shoes dont always get it and make ridiculous statements like chemo is a piece of cake.. 

    Sue:  How in the world did I miss celebrating your last chemo.  Its a wonderful feeling.  Now you just need to get through the last bout of side effects.  Im dancing for you. 

     happy20dance.gif happy dance image by jalbarron

    Felicia:  I have missed so many posts.  So am I understanding right?  You got your self a motorcycle?  Thats pretty cool.

    Nancy:  I wanted to give you a big ol welcome. 

    Traci:  I too am so upset about DebC.  Just feeling listless about the whole thing and praying for meningitis.

    OK - looks like I have caught up as much as I can.  Im sending out a big that sucks to all of you with IOS today.


  • sueper13
    sueper13 Member Posts: 360
    edited August 2008


    Thanks for the dance.


    Thanks for showing me your beautiful face again.  I needed that. 

    I will catch up with everyone's IOSs later today, I feel very good this morning, (still get a 1/2 dose of steroids today) so my wonderful Aunt and I are going to the library, Bed Bath & Beyond, and (if energy holds up) a store called Chico's which I think she will love and she has never been to.

    It sucks big time that Deb C is playing the scary waiting game AGAIN.  Prayers and thoughts are with you, Deb.  It would be great if we knew what hospital so we could send flowers.  

    Love all you guys.. it feels so good knowing that even though I will feel bad again for the next week and a half, I don't have to get chemo again.  I can't wait for everybody to feel this feeling.

    Feeling really, really good. (Feel honor-bound to tell you that part of this feeling is also that we just doubled the pain meds for the neulasta/taxotere pain which is pretty bad already)...



  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited August 2008

    Shoot sue!  Sorry you had to up your pain meds.  I hear so many say how hard that tx is, I'm rather glad I escaped it!

    Deb is home now, it's on the original post.  Still no definitives, other than it's not bacterial or viral :(

    Here's the thread: