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Im bitchy, I moan, I groan.....anyway.



  • luannh
    luannh Member Posts: 350
    edited September 2008

    Ok, Traci, I accept your challenge!  Plus it will give me something to play with.  Anyone that has a gently used wig or scarf they would like to send PM me for my address.  Any kind of name you all would like for this site that I can post them on?  Posting them is easy, as well as mailing.  my biggest question would be how do we decide who to send them to?  Do they have to be from bco?  If so, would the mods allow us a space on this site to do it?  Or do we just take peoples word for it and go with the honor system.  Normally honor system works a majority of the time but you always get one bad apple!

    On a bad note I think my pain pump is leaking!  I woke up to go potty, typical middle of the night issue and my left abdomen it swollen very large and is hard to the touch.  I said earlier about my pain and legs feeling weird.  Now I am wondering if my pain pump broke and is leaking.....I hope not because that will mean emergency surgery  :(  I will be calling the surgeon as soon as his office opens in the am.  How much you wanna bet they will send me to the ER.  I will just cry if they do that!!!!

  • gsg
    gsg Member Posts: 1,700
    edited September 2008

    Bliss:  Welcome!  Someone on here told me what IOS means and I've forgotten.  I have NO memory left.  I hope whoever told me what it means doesn't have a "policy" of only saying it once.  LOL.

    cmb:  That was one ruuuude narcissistic b*tch.   If you could work up the nerve, in the future try to refer to her as "old what's her face," even though you now know her name.  It's bound to irritate her.Laughing

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited September 2008

    {{{{{{LuAnn}}}}}}} Dang it all anyway!  I hope it's something, just moving it around in there can help, but honey, call ASAP if you're swelling up and its hard.  Sounds not good at all.  Just what you need.  A leaky pain pump. Goodness, doesn't that stuff (pain med) work and make you numb inside I wonder?  Surely keepign a prayer and good thoughts that it's minor repair and not an invasive procedure. And why would they tell you to go to the ER when they are open today?  The surgeons I mean?

    IOS (Issues of Suckage) or there abouts .....Unless you interpose the letters Like I do often, then it's Other Issues that Suck! :D

    Ladies in tx, I'm so sorry you are enduring so many SE's with this stuff.  Darn, I hope things look up today for you all!

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited September 2008

    Hi... I've been working alot so I didn't get a chance to read all ya'll's posts, but I just want to say THAT SUX!!!   lol

    Traci, I feel for you, girl!  It hurts so bad when we lose our pets! 

    We are still waiting for Hannah to arrive, and I hear she is headed straight for Myrtle Beach!  YIKES!!!   I don't live too far from there!!

    Well, I gotta go... I'm working 12:00 to 6:00 today, but will try to cut out a little early, if it's slow at the store, like yesterday, it was so slow.... 


  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited September 2008

    LuAnn - yikes, that sounds scary, and they had d@mn well better not send you to the ER unless that's where they tell you they will meet you just in case!

    I'm behind schedule and trying to get everything done by 3pm because I'm going to Jimmy Buffet tonight (not that is one thing that doesn't suck!)

    A hearty that sucks to all..

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited September 2008

    CMB?  You Going to WHAT? to Jimmy Buffet tonight? :D  Sounds intriqueing! :D

    Or is that a buffet called 'Jimmys'? :D

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited September 2008

    WaSux everybody?!!!, (I freaking LUV that!!!!!!!!!! I'm totally stealing it!!!!) Cool

    LuAnn, were you posting at 3:00 am???????????????????????????

    Please post again fast cuz I'm worried about you. What did the doc say? You know, that could be really cool. I was thinking just a thread on the bco board but a whole website....that could end up being a very profitable, non-profit!!

    Gotta get to work!

    Hugs, Traci

    ps Who is Jimmy Buffet?

    Edited to say: pss Why is the page so big??

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited September 2008

    Page is wide b/c 3 pics came up next to one another rather than under one another. Next page it will return :)

  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited September 2008


    Traci--steal it! my mom always said,"imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" (she DID do some things right!! LOLOLOL) 

    MY bad---apparently I messed up the page even tho it posted the pix vertically on MY screen--SUX--sorry! Just proves that a mac IS superior & pc's suck! LOLOLOL Really--sorry sorry sorry- I hate wide screen reading! A big that sux! I'M SORRY

    Welcome Biss & wb harley!

    drc & luAnn------ THAT really sux--let us know how things go---meanwhile I will keep you in my prayer.

    Jimmy Buffet!!! Holy crap---most fun concerts I have ever been too! even in the pouring rain!! LOLOL Enjoy, Parrothead!!

    My personal IOS would take too long to post--suffice it to say: I LOVE my sisters, but they don't particularly like each other & I have been dealing with on-going conflict with 3 of them too long! I HATE that we never were taught how to be sisters!!!!! We love each other, but don't know how to BE with each other!!  SUX SUX SUX that it makes me so sad when I do NOT need this kind of diversion or emotional stress......

    Add to this that I hate like poison that I can't work at the job I loved anymore & HATE that everyone went back to school & I'm left here alone! Isn't it funny that I ALWAYS thought being a stay at home mom would be the ultimate prize-now I wish for anything else! "Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you go til it's gone....?"

    Hugs to all of you. Be well & stay strong  This pic is for cmb in preparation for the concert! This is my little tyrant!

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited September 2008

    lol worries on making the page big. Cool

    Sorry about your sisters. I have three sisters too and while the love we have for each other is HUGE I wouldn't want to live with any of them! :)

  • badboob67
    badboob67 Member Posts: 236
    edited September 2008

    Only have a sec...son #3 is STILL sick, although might be a *little* better since he hasn't puked in several hours....

    Anyway, a wig/scarf/hat exchange is a great idea....I was actually going to ask y'all where I could distribute some scarves. I bought some over the weekend that are sort of like "dew rags" (the ones bikers wear) but much more feminine. They look like a tied bandana but have elastic in the back instead of ties so you can just pop them on instead of tying.  I took one apart to see how it's made and will be making some for myself.  Bandanas are soooo cheap, I would love to be able to share with others. I also have several knitted chemo caps that I make almost obsessively. I have a huge stash of yarn and fabrics & a project would surely be good for me.  I am planning on creating a picture tutorial for making the bandanas, so I could post that on my wikispace or on whatever website you want to use for the exchange. I'm in...will PM you later, Luann!

    Sorry everyone for your I.O.S. (incidents of suction). A big "THAT SUCKS" to you. Will be back later...


  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited September 2008


    My sister deal--that's what sux! I actually moved away from home at 19 to get away from the dysfunction. Lived 1000 miles from everyone for about 30 years & we got on pretty well! So well that when my folks died (we cried, but not as much as for the pets! LOL)  2 of my 5 siblings moved to be near me!!!! YIKES! what a mistake......I feel like I have a great understanding of it all, but I can NOT fix it for any of them & it is making me weary----thanx for the empathy.

    Wig/hat/scarf exchange is such a great idea! I would hope we could post a thread here on this site! My name suggestion would be "Flip Your the next sista"

    For those who are in need of head coverings:  Did you know about the site that sends chemo patients a box of assorted hats for free? I will look up the name & post it if anyone wants it.

    For all who need it--- THAT SUX!  Be well & stay strong.

  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited September 2008

    The site is just enter some info at that site & you or the person you enter get a box full of hats chosen according to some of the questions answered. I received one & sent one to a local child-it is really a great site (& right here in Wisconsin! yeah) There are tons of hits on google if you just type in "free hats for cancer patients" but this is the one I had personal experience with.

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited September 2008

    I got a box from Heavenly Hats. They sent me 5 hats. It was very, very nice.

    "Flip Your Wig" that's pretty good!

    Saint, there is a "furry buddy" thread on here somewhere. You need to find it and post a bigger pic of your dog. Is that a dog???? Wink

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited September 2008

    Can anybody tell I don't feel like working today? My boss is out of town and it is sooooooooooo nice outside. I have the doors open. It's such a nice change.

    I'm worried about LuAnn.......

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited September 2008

    Diane, I'm sorry about your son. Do you remember when we first met and I said "It freaks me out a little that you have kids..." and you said "It freaks me out too!"

    LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited September 2008

    OMG! Saint, I just saw the third pic!!! Now that's funny!!!

    The second one just made me jealous!!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 183
    edited September 2008

    Luann, hoping all is well with you. Diane, hoping your young ones are feeling a bit better and the bug has run its course. Welcome, Bliss!

    Saint, ROTFLMAO about the Mac vs PC thing. I teach at a  local college and they use Windoze machines - and it is absolute hell. Machines won't print and shut down with an "illegal error" mesage at the drop of a hat. As the proud owner of 7 macs (home, business and laptops), I found this just for you:


    Editd to add: Steve Jobs is the CEO and co-founder of Apple 

  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited September 2008

    Meet Alphie, my chemopal---in this pic he was 4 months old.

    I will need to take some curent pix--finding the boards has been good for me cuz it has made me want to get out the camera again & I am learning so much more about loading & editing & such. We all need some kind of outlet/stimulation--I like art of any kind--so new pix of my DOG (lol) will be forthcoming!

  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited September 2008

    LOLOL THANX Felicai---love it!!!!!

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited September 2008

    OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When is this page going to go away?????????? LOL.

    Look at that doggie! OMG!!! He is all ears! How freaking cute! Just the opposite of my little floppy eared Jimmie...sniff, sniff Cry

  • enjoylife
    enjoylife Member Posts: 187
    edited September 2008

    I have finished my chemo and now I am going to start my rad. I am still dealing with the effects of chemo last week but now I find myself afraid they will do a test and send me back to chemo it was the lonelist thing I ever did  and I hate feeling like I have a bale of hay in my mouth for days and days and cant taste anyuthing and I fnd myself asking why and there are so many mean very mean people out there smoking doing drugs hello why I hope this fear will end and at least let me live a good life does anyone else ever feel this way? Also if one more person tells me my wig looks great I just want my hair back too its kind of like the gas prices doesnt take long to go up but to get them to come back down takes for ever I look in the mirror ever day then I feel guilty because of my self pity can anyone else relate to this???

    Thanks for listening to my whining as my sons tell me ha


  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited September 2008

    Yes, Maura. I have felt how you feel. EXACTLY how you feel. I'm so sorry you are going through this girl. (((((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  • Hanna
    Hanna Member Posts: 228
    edited December 2011


  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Member Posts: 765
    edited September 2008

    Hanna, the first post on this page has 3 pictures that posted side by side instead of vertically and it caused the page to do the wierd thing. That makes this page s**k.


  • luannh
    luannh Member Posts: 350
    edited September 2008

    I figured I better make a quick post because I did stat this at 3 am last night.  I called the pain clinic that works with my pain pump 8 am this morning.  I really didn't want to deal with an ER that knows nothing of my pump.  By this morning my abdomen has swollen to the size of a cantelope on the left side only, gosh do i look cute.....NOT!!!  I was at the hospital most of the day getting xrays, blood work, all kinds of stuff and they could not figure out what is wrong.  They can see the pump on an xray but the swelling is so bad that you cannot find the pump with the computerized equipment to see if it is ok.  They tried calling my surgeon with no luck and finally sent me home.  Well I was pretty worked up and took some xanax and just woke up.  Still no call from the surgeon so I called the main number to his office and escalated the call above his nurse who picks and chooses who she will call back.  Now she calls me to say she is waiting on the surgeon to get out of the office with a patient to talk to him about this but he will probalby want me at the ER!  NO FRICKKIN WAY!!!!  I spent the whole day at the dang hospital and they couldn't be bothered to answer the doctors and nurses messages.  I refuse to go to the ER to sit like  a log for hours and the staff will be doing nothing but calling the surgeon for his advice anyway!!!!  OMG!!!!  I think I'm losing it, time for more xanax!!!!!

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited September 2008

    Oh LuAnn...that sucks....I'm glad to see you posting though. I was real worried about you.

    You know, if it gets that bad, take an ambulance to the ER. When you come in on an Ambulance, you go right waiting....or, at least, no waiting in the waiting room.....

    ((((((((((Hugs girl)))))))))) I'm so sorry.

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited September 2008

    lol Hannah....

    Finally!!!!!!! New page!!!!!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited September 2008

    Stopping by to say hello.  Another good day for me - a vacation free of IOS's!  Wow, you all have been chatty.  Lots of posts since I was on here last.  I looked at the date of my last post which was on 9/3 and for one moment I became confused as to what day it is.  Actually had to go to my calendar to find out it is September 4th! 

    Colleen: Ha you made me laugh. Im gonna start using "I have a policy."

    Felicia:  Hi to you.

    Diane:  What can I say - that is major suckage.  What in the world has happened to people using common sense.  Its a sad day when we have to beg for a sick childs homework!  Going through treatment is bad enough.  Trying to get wigs, bras, cope with all the side effects and loss sucks big time.  Then having to deal with raising children and taking care of a sick child?  It overwhelms me just thinking about it.  "Pink Ribboned bedeveled shovel?"  OMG you made me laugh.

    LuAnn:  I had lots I wanted to say to you, but then I just read your last post.  I sure hope you get to see someone very soon.  Wish you get get an emergency appointment with you doctor.  My experiences in ER since having breast cancer have not been good.  So a big "that sux" and hoping that xanax worked.

    Traci:  Having a dog that always takes one shoe - I cracked up at your story.  My dog is so goofy.  He likes to steal things, but he is so obvious about it.  He has declared one of our spare bedrooms to be his den - and thats where he goes.  What cracks me up is that I will go "Mister what did you steal.  Show Nick what you stole."  And the goofy dog brings in and shows me what he stole.  Well almost everything.  He wasnt able to show me the whole ham he stole off the counter while we were eating dinner.  He ate the whole darn thing.

    Sue:  Wow the RADS came along quickly.  Wasnt it yesterday we were celebrating you finishing your chemo? I hope you had a chance to talk to them today about your skin and they are able to give you some recommendations to help you get through this.  Having fair, sensitive skin combined with RADS deserves a big that sucks!  We are having the effects of Gustav here today but in a very strange way.  Its been a steady rain fall, the grass, trees, and whats left of my flowers are loving it.  Its a peaceful rain.  I look up at the skies and think about all the damage this same storm caused when it hit land.  OK - so with RADS you are now in the count down?  After today 2 done and how many more to go?

    Dani:  You look too young to have a 21 y/o son.  That was a nice story.  Amazing how time flies.  Its so good to hear from you.  Spending 2 weeks at the beach sounds wonderful.  Getting 2 childrens set up for college sounds busy, hard, and emotional.  Chemo knocked out my immune system for 3 years, although I didnt have the infections your getting - I got bronchitis and pneumonia almost every 6 weeks.  I think it sucks you had to postpone your surgery until January and a bigger that sucks about another infection.

    Bliss: Having dry eyes sucks and hoping to get a solution to that soon.

    Saint:  WaSux really cracked me up.  Its been so long, I forgot about how witty you can be with your words.  I laughed at your picture too.  I actually bent over and looked at myself in the mirror and was greatful that despite being so fat - I looked like the smallest in the bunch.  As far as vacation itineray!  Well if one actually gets up to look at their butt to see how big it looks then one must be bored!  I have already forgotten the stress of working.

    Cristine:  After my first Taxol, I almost quit chemo.  Having to do chemo weekly deserves a big that sux.  My chemo was bi-weekly, so at least I had a chance to recover.  Hope you have a chance to talk to your onc about this - at least get you some medications to help you with the side effects.

    Patrice, Wish, and Harley:  Hi to you.  Trying to get through the big page quicklySmile 

    Colleen:  Jimmy Buffet tonight?  That sounds like fun.  No IOS there, just a good time. 

    Saint:  A big that sux.  I found this for you.

    Hanna:  Hi to you too.  Once again you made me laugh.  My computer doesnt work that way either.

    Hello to anyone I missed.  A big that sux to all who need one.  Whoo hoo, its dinner time. 



  • sueper13
    sueper13 Member Posts: 360
    edited September 2008

    Wow, have we been chatty on the bitch thread today!!!! I read yesterday, but didn't post (I think) and come home from work today to find three pages!!!!

    Nicki-2 down, 27 to go--because, on the first day, the machine malfunctioned and they weren't able to treat one of the three fields (axillary lymph nodes, supraclavicular lymph nodes, mastectomy scar) so I will do that last treatment just on the mast scar. So, technically, 2 down, 26 1/3 to go.  And the skin is worse today, feels tight and sore lika sunburn and is warm to the touch.  One of the techs suggested today that I might be having a reaction to the steroid cream....but I don't think that would make the skin warm to the touch.  I'm supposed to see the nurse tomorrow if it's not better.  We had the remains of Gustav yesterday--soft rain, and slightly gusty winds. I remember thinking the same thing, how small it was then and how much damage and how scary it was on the coast.

    Dani!!! You're back!! I was wondering about you and hoping you were doing something fun.  Sorry you had to postpone your nips...and another infection?  Give you a break already! 

    Bliss-welcome and rant/bitch/ramble away, that's what we're all here for. 

    LuAnn--hope you get that resolved TODAY!  

    Maura---YES, I have felt exactly how you are feeling--and felt so sad and not been able to express exaactly why, and cried just from the chemo, and been a grumpy asshole and really jumpy, nervous, and you name it, I felt it through chemo. All the way through chemo I said "I wouldn't wish this on anybody, but I sure would prefer to be one of the spectaors to this instead of the patient."  It is lonely, as you said--kind of like being in labor, where everyone is there waitng for the happy event and they are all carefree and meanwhile you are suffering like never before....Chemo and bc suck!

    Cristine, I am so sorry that you are having trouble with the Taxol.  All I can say is TAKE THE DRUGS and sleep as much as you can.  I knwo your kids are still small, I can't imagine doing chemo with kids still in the are STRONG.

    Traci--It's so good to have you posting regularly again!

    I have to go to WalMart for 100% aloe vera gel...and doggie you all!


    P.S.  Here's the little dog, in her favorite place: