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Im bitchy, I moan, I groan.....anyway.



  • luannh
    luannh Member Posts: 350
    edited September 2008

    Hanna, I have been into ghost stories lately.  Do you ever watch ghost hunters?  It is on Sci Fi channel, it is really cool watching these guys go in these houses getting responses to questions.  If that was me I would have found a tape recorder and ran outside to try and talk to them.  Yeah I'm getting brave in my old age  LOL  I used to be scared to death of that kind of stuff but watching this stuff has put it more in perspective.

  • Hanna
    Hanna Member Posts: 228
    edited December 2011


  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited September 2008
    Surprised IS right?  More like run like a scaredy cat!  I love watching this stuff and reading about it, but not sure I'd want to be IN the story! :D
  • luannh
    luannh Member Posts: 350
    edited September 2008

    Come on, take a tape recorder and talk to them, find out what they want.  Most ghosts don't hurt people.  I know I've lived in a house that had a ghost, actually two.  One like to shut my doors to the rooms in the apartments.  I named her Isabelle and would ask her to stop when I was tired of hearing it and she did.  We lived quite well together.

  • gsg
    gsg Member Posts: 1,700
    edited September 2008

    I just love ghost stuff....this may sound strange, but I also wish I'd have a near death experience.  Not that I want to be that sick or near death, but I'd love to have a glimpse of what's over there and then come back.

  • jerseymaria
    jerseymaria Member Posts: 70
    edited September 2008

    gsg...i've known several people who have died and come back and they totally had no fear of dying anymore.  now my hub was dead for almost 5 minutes but (no joke intended even though i'm  so upset with him) since he's severely memory impaired he doesn't remember anything about it.

  • luannh
    luannh Member Posts: 350
    edited September 2008

    my father was technically dead about 4 years before he died and he talked about a tunnel with a room that had white light and how good it felt.  He wanted to stay but they made him leave and come back.  My mom was very ill and needed open heart surgery.  One year to the day after that surgery and she was healed my father did die.  Very, very strange.

  • luannh
    luannh Member Posts: 350
    edited September 2008

    Ok, then you make it even freakier, I had my first child, my parents first grandchild on the day my father died 10 years later.  That day has alot of significance for me!

  • gsg
    gsg Member Posts: 1,700
    edited September 2008

    LuAnn, That is a very significant day...if you play the lotto, i'd definitely play those numbers

    JerseyMaria:  All the books I've read on near-death experiences, pretty much say the same thing.  The people who get a glimpse do not want to come back.  My husband had one, but he didn't realize he had had one until years after the incident.  His heart stopped and he talked about seeing the heart monitor line go flat and hearing them call the code and he saw nurses and docs running into the room, but that was the last thing he remembered.  Many years later, he was recounting that story to a friend of ours who is a doctor, who said, you should not have been able to see the monitor go flat.  You had to be unconscious by that time and definitely would not have heard them calling the code or seeing people run into the room..therefore, you had an out-of -body experience.  I've always teased him that it must mean he's probably not going to the good me. Innocent

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited September 2008

    I had an out of body experience when I was 28 with spineamenigitis with 105 temp and went into septic shock and had to have a cvp line put in my neck and 2 iv's and my parents were told I would not make it through the night.  I can remember floating above my body watching them thinking why don't they just let me go, this is the most peace and feeling of love I had ever had.  I also had to small children I was raising on my own.  A voice transmitting in my head told me to go back that it was not my time and to keep gaining knowlege and the greatest thing was love.  So I pretty much am not afraid of death anymore but I do dread pain or leaving my loved ones.  If it were not for my aunt I would not be alive.  For some reason I drove to her house instead of my apartment and told her I was so cold and just wanted to lay down.  She immediately took me to the hospital because I could not quit shaking and she said I was so hot it hurt her hand to touch me.  Have always felt I have a purpose on this earth even if it was to raise my kids, help with the grandkids, help the community, maybe even help some of my breast sisters.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 183
    edited September 2008

    Howdy and that sucks to all in need! Just got back from vacation to find four freaking pages of IOS. Sucks!

    Now listen to my crap: my ex - the same sh*thead who is on disability and paying a whoppingg $113 a month in child support - told my son that he is now gainfully employed. Bet you $10 he failed to report it to support collection and, to get the process jump started, I'll have to file a petition, serve his lame ass then go to court three to four times before we actually appear in front of a hearing examiner. UGGH! I soooo hate this stupid process... 

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited September 2008

    One thing I'll never understand is why these guys/women who do not make their child support payments, still get to have the kids with no problems as a result of it. THen the custodial has to PUT out money to get the money when something like this happens. HE/she (the non-custodial) should then have to pay for the court cost and lost time from work as a result!  IT's nutty!  If they had to be responsible, I bet more would pay up.

  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited September 2008

    Hi bitchin babes!

    Hana---cool story----my dh has lots of first (& second) hand haunting stories. I'll see if I can get him to sit down & type a few here----he tells great stories! He grew up in the south near the sites of many battles & one story is about the home of a lifelong friend of his. The house had been an army hospital during the civil war & there were LOTS of stories about things all the family members had experienced. He was there one day when the lights in the room switched on & off a couple of times----well-it WAS the 70's so they thought they were all too high & just watched the wall switch----it actually went up & down on it's own-----maybe there were ALL too high>>>>>>??? LOL 

    Traci---THAT SUX---all of it!!!  some days I have pj days, some days a private pity party & now  some days are just going to be called SUCKY days! HUGS

    Wish--THAT sux! have you asked your doc for a sleeping pill?  I know--just what you want--another drug......but better than sitting here reading all nite!~ & no-- instead of a picture of me skydiving I went out & got a tattoo-NOT like me! A phoenix rising with a pink ribbon in it's beak! It is on my ankle (so not like me LOL) so I can look at it ANY time I need to remind myself to GET UP & get at it AGAIN!! hugs

    Sherri--BALD SUX!!!! BIG time! After I finished tx I used to say to others who were apprehensive about loosing their hair--it's only hair---it will grow back! Then I had to go back on chemo & have been bald for over 14 months--- I do not say that anymore---it sux it sux it sux------but the se's from NOT doing tx SUCK WORSE!!!!!  But sometimes our kids tend to roll with it better than we do......HUGS

    You all be well & stay strong 

    Here is a pic of me my first Easter when I was bald---happyeasteregghead!

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited September 2008

    Hey all,

    My sucks for the day is that ONCE AGAIN my 12 year old son returned home from the weekend with his dad (his wife's family has a beach house, and they go there every weekend in the summer) with another vicious sunburn. Now, it's upsetting enough to see your child sunburned, but this spring, I had to have MOHS surgery and then 20 sessions of radiation to treat a skin cancer that was on my ear, that invaded the nerves (of course, heaven forbid I could ever be in the 98% of the population, I had to be in the "less than 2% that the cancer spreads"), and to make it even more fun, it's just like bc, just have to keep going back to see if I have any symptoms to determine if they got it all or if it's making it's nasty way through the nerves in my ear and off into my throat and eyeball canal or whatever that's called, but I'm sorry, I digress.... I swear to God, if I was diagnosed with diabetes he's start feeding him pixie stix, he's not malicious, just stupid, but the sunburn thing is MAKING ME CRAZY!!!!

    Whoa, a little too much caffeine today, sorry!

    A big "that's sucks" to you all, I'm off to bed, where I will attempt to sleep instead of work myself up into a lather about the whole sunburn thing!

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited September 2008

    Uh....perhaps you need to have the kid see a pcp for this burn, so you can document it.  Good Lord, have they NO brains, allowing him to get sunburned.  It's so proven that skin cancer risk is from getting burned as a child, so why would he take that chance?  Does the kid listen to you? Would he use the spray on sunscreen (that's water proof) that starts out purple and then disappears?  Might be fun for him at least and encourage him to use it? 

    I know with childcare, if the kids got burns (even light ones) we could get written up for it for neglect of our duties!  Seems it's neglect for parents to allow it also, but not sure in your state.  Might want to call Protective services and ask them?  Does he blister from it?

  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited September 2008

    Hmmm---the only out of body experience I ever had was in my 20's when I was given something that proved to be laced with horse tranquilizer! Guess my 70's is showing! LOLOL

    I did actually stop breathing after sx last year. The tunnel of light I saw (that I remember) was on my return--I looked into the faces of 2 terrified nurses yelling my name & there was a bright lite behind them, literally! But I remember NOT wanting to answer them or wake up.........I remember nothing else (& when they called the code poor dh slept thru the whole thing on the couch in my room!) 

    CMB--that SUX big time-----ex not taking very good care of your son!! As the Irish say---he is an ejit ! Is there a mediator that could address it with him---or COULD you teach your son to take sunblock & ask someone to apply it??? THAT JUST SUX!!!!!!!

    Be well & stay strong 

  • badboob67
    badboob67 Member Posts: 236
    edited September 2008

    A hearty, "THAT SUCKS!" to all...

    That ghost story was sure creepy! My dad used to lease office space in what had been the city morgue several years previous. Everyone in the office was convinced that it was haunted--doors would close/open on their own, furniture would be moved, desktops rearranged. They named the ghost "Syd". I spent many summers working there but never did see/hear/feel any weirdness EXCEPT when my dad took me downstairs one time. That was where, when it was the morgue, they would embalm and prepare the bodies. It was the creepiest place. There was still a chute where the bodies would be dropped down and drains in the floor for the blood...ewwwwwwww My dad visited Haiti during that time and brought back a "statue" which turned out to be some sort of voodoo thing. It was two pieces and the top piece balanced on the bottom. Sometimes it would start rocking all on its own--strange.

    I'm sorry I left you all hanging about the knitting & driving accident and the attack of the concrete deer. I'll tell the deer story later. As for the knitting...

    A few years ago, I taught myself how to knit. It sort of became an obsession with me. I took my knitting everywhere and if I wasn't knitting, I was playing with yarn or string--cat's cradle and that sort of thing. Anyway, I had two different schools where I had to wait in a car line to pick up my kids. Many times I would get there a bit early and then sit in the car knitting while waiting. Well, this particular day, I was sitting in the car line and knitting as usual. Periodically, the cars would advance a few feet so I left the car in gear instead of "park" or shutting it off. I was knitting happily away, admiring my work and so very proud of myself. I was looking down at the knitting when I caught a glimpse of the car in front of me moving forward and saw the car behind me was already moving. I threw my knitting needles into one hand and hit the gas. Unfortunately, the wheels were still turned a little bit because I had rounded a corner before stopping to knit. When I hit the gas, the steering wheel whipped back and the needles sort of flew and one of them punctured the tender webbed space between my thumb and forefinger. OUCH! The bad part was that one of the needles fell in my lap...and the other was firmly embedded in my hand! That was the same week I stitched right through the thumb on that hand with my new sewing machine. Fortunately, I had enough knitted swatches in my bag that I could wrap up the wound and stop the bleeding. UGH

    None of my "putz factor" stories is all that interesting, but most are pretty unique. I have managed to drop a hanging basket full of office supplies on my face, nearly knocked myself out bending over to pick up something I dropped and whacking my head on the corner of my dressing table, fell and chipped a tooth after my sock got stuck to the velcro bottom of a swiffer, nearly cut off my toe with a rotary meat slicer, got hit with glass shards when a pane of glass "jumped" out of a window frame for no reason, temporarily lost the fingerprints on my thumb and forefinger after superglueing them together and letting dh practice amateur surgery on them, almost ran myself over pushing my truck that wouldn't start, and walked around for most of my teenage years with a vertical bruise bisecting my face because I kept hitting the corner of a wall I needed to pass getting to my bedroom. There is a very good reason my name is not "Grace"...


  • drcrisc
    drcrisc Member Posts: 134
    edited September 2008

    O.K., you all are starting to creep me out with the ghost stories.  Although, we have always said that "Grandpa" was still hanging around because when my older dd was really little (before 2 y.o.) she would point into a corner of the living room and smile.  She had never met my dad, as he died about 5 months before I was pregnant.  I guess we've had other things happen, too.  Several years in a row, on my birthday, a musical figurine would play for several seconds, and no one touched it.  My dad was a musician and the figurine was from my 16th birthday, so we just always said "Hi dad". 

    Diane - Owowowowow.  My goodness, I'm not sure you should ever hold anything  Can't wait for the deer story.

    Felicia & cmb - Lame-ass dads suck!!  Felicia, when my dh and I first got married, within one month, we were in court because his lame-ass ex was trying to get at my paycheck.  The whole court thing sucks!!  cmb - Sorry for your son.  Those hurt.  Hopefully, he's old enough to take care of himself, since clearly they are not.

    My IOS is still the idea of weekly chemo.  Can't remember if I posted it here (I think so), but just in case...My onc cut my Taxotere into weekly txs at a third strength because my WBCs are too low.  I realize he's afraid of wiping out my entire immune system if he gives my the full strength, but I'm just not on board with that plan yet, especially since it means I'll still be having chemo into the middle of November!  Of course, I don't really have a choice now, do I?  I'll get over it, but I just wanted to whine a bit.  Since I don't wine.  But I do have Irish creme still...maybe that will help.

  • luannh
    luannh Member Posts: 350
    edited September 2008

    Ok, you all have me hung up on ghost stories, when my mom passed, my husband and I traveled to my moms house with our 3 kids at the time.  My husband and I went to the funeral home I was crying when the viewing was over and my 5 year old daughter said "mommy why are you crying"  I told her I was sad to say good bye to grandma.  She said "mommy, she is ok, she is going to sleep in that nice building tonight and tomorrow she will got to heaven".  Now she had no clue of what the funeral arrangements were or anything.  That night while we were sleeping we could hear her talking in her sleep to her grandmother......was really really strange. 

    Than about six weeks later I had felt my moms prescence and the one morning I woke up and felt empty like she was gone.  That same morning my 5 year old came downstairs crying her eyes out.  I asked what was wrong and she said grandma was up on the hill with all the other people and left without waving good bye to her.  When I asked her more questions the people she saw were deceased relatives she had never met in her life.  Very very eeirry!

    Then I have 4 children, my oldest daughter was born on the same day as my father died.  My second child a boy was born on the same date as my mothers death (although he was turning three when she passed), and my next son was born on the same date as both my grandparents passed.  My last child is the only child I have whose birthday is not on a death in my immediate family.  I always get nervous around his birthday!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited September 2008

    Good morning and a big that sucks to everyone that needs one today.  So far Im in a good mode and no IOS to speak of.  Its gonna be sunny and 90 degrees today.  DH is taking me out ot breakfast - IHOP so I can get my sugar fix while on vacation.  I have blueberry pancakes on my mind.  The rest of the day will be swimming in our pool.  Sadly, this will be the last day for me to do this.  We will be closing the pool after today.  This summer sure has gone by fast.

    Both of my parents were born in Italy - so Im a very superstitious person and definitely believe in ghosts.  Im loving all of your stories.  As far as out of body or near death experiences, I did have one when I was a little girl.  I dont remember much about it now, but I still get this very peaceful feeling when I think about it.   Chicago actually has many ghost stories.  The most famous being Resurrection Mary.  Archer ave used to be an Indian trail and they say to this day there are many Indian spirits roaming out there in certain areas. 

    Hanna:  Loved what you said to Tracy and I might add that I feel the same way.  This is indeed my favorite place.  I was sort of a lost soul, just hanging around until Traci started this thread.  Even when I working and just marking my spot lol - I have to come and peak in and at least say hello and always give a big that sucks to anyone who needs it.

    Wish:  All of this talk about fancy coffee is making me want one now.  Usually I drink coffee only in the morning when Im on the computer talking to ya all.  My weakness is canoli's and canoli cake.  They just opened a huge Italian grocery store right down the street and that is where we will be shopping this morning.  I can guarantee I will have canoli something in our basket.  Guess I will have to swim an extra hour cause just the thought of those calories is putting weight on me.

    LuAnn:  Get a recorder and tape the ghost?  Oh you made me laugh.  Sounds like something I would do.

    Patrice:  OK the story about your husband did indeed give me goose bumps.

    Spar:  Another incredible story.  And yes, I do believe you were sent back to us.  Your job on this earth was not finished, but I bet you looked at things alot differently after that experience!

    Felicia:  A big that sucks about your ex!  He sounds like such a jerk and why tell your son all that information anyways?  Im thinking its time for us to bring out our shovels!  He needs a good whacking.

    Saint:  OMG!  Im loving the Easteregghead!  That definitely brought a big smile to my face this morning.  Me?  Im a chicken.  Dont have any tatoos.  Dont even have my ears pierced.  BTW, you would love my DH since he does a big Irish act when playing at the pubs.

    Colleen:  After everything you have been through yourself with skin cancer, you have a right to be a little more than furious that your ex would let your son get sun burned!  Im defintely thinking I need to get my shovel out for him too.  A bug that SUX for you.

    Diane:  Yes Im laughing because my adopted midde name is Grace.  Seems like I have been clumbsy all of my life.  When I kept falling this past Spring and Summer, my DH reminded me there is a reason he calls me Grace! 

    Cristine:  You definitely deserve a big that sucks today.  I have heard that weekly treatments are easier on the body - but hell its still chemo and now you have had to extend your finish date.  A similiar thing happened to me when I was getting chemo.  I was supposed to finish in October but ended up not finishing until December.  When you are finially finished we need to have a big party for you.

    Well - time to start my day.  A big that sucks to everyone that needs one today.  Will try to check back in later. 

    Nicki - aka chemosabi

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited September 2008

    Whoa, I went a little crazy last night, but, it is frustrating! Thanks for the words of advice. My son is 12 (old enough to take some responsiblity himself, but of course he just says, "I did put it on, I was swimming a lot!") and I think it's related to a larger issue (for me) that my son is allowed a lot of freedom when he's there so there isn't necessarily an adult there reminding him to reapply.

    Nicki - I hope you enjoyed your weekend. That's too bad about the construction, don't they know you need your walk!!

    Hanna - greek orzo salad - yum! And yes, I have to say, I don't even feel like too much of a schmo for ranting about the sunburn last night. I have tons of Catholic guilt (the Irish Catholic kind!) about ever complaining, about anything, so this thread is definitely good for me!

    Wish - I am a wimpy Dunkin Donuts french vanilla with lots of cream and sugar girl (coffee ice cream in a cup pretty much) but I know what you mean about a coffee treat as a pick me up - always works for me!

    LuAnn, gsg, maria and all you other ghostbusters - yes, I think it would be interesting, as long as it's a happy friendly caspar like ghost!

    Here's my ghost story - my mom got quite suddenly very ill, like fly home in a middle of a business trip and get my ass home ill, my watch stopped in the middle of the night, it wasn't the exact same time or anything, but she went into a coma from which she never awakened that night. She was still alive, but only because of the life support. Freaked me right out!

    spar - I'm with you, it's not the being dead (except for the leaving my son part), it's the pain that scares me

    Oh Felicia - don't you just want to smack them? I'm sorry for the stress, it's so unnecessary, so juvenile,

    saint - I had a friend who had a pretty tough time as a teenager, got her act together, and is now a fantastic adult, she has a tattoo of a phoenix on her bicep, she went to get a tiny one on her wrist, in the process told the tattoo artist some of her story, and he told her she didn't need a tiny one, she needed a big huge one - she loves it! BTW I just explained to a friend what "eejit" meant this weekend. My grandparents were all off the boat as they say...

    wish - no blisters this time, but had 2 nasty open oozing sores on his shoulders once this summer, just ridiculous! (thinking calming thoughts... :-)          

    Diane - ouch! ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!

    drcris - extending chemo sucks, sorry!

    traci - yes, thanks, and hope things go well as you gear up for your ex's visit

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited September 2008

    Hey girls,

    Saint, I scrolled past what I assume is your'll catch up later.

    I can't read everybody's post cuz I'm finally at work but just wanted to let y'all know my sucky news cuz ..... well, you know why...... and just in case there isn't enough bad news on these boards yet today!!!!!!!!! GAWD.......Cry


    :( I had to put Jimmie down this morning.   On Saturday, he was being real lazy. I was thinking well, he's used to me being at work so I let it go. Then, at dinner time, I roused him and he did eat, played a little and got lazy again. I blew it off.   Sunday morning, he seemed to be better. He ate breakfast and was chewing on me like usual.... I went to Target and blew $25 on a kitty gym for him. I got home and put it together and he did play for awhile and seemed to be fine.   Yesterday, he was being lazy but, ate breakfast and seemed o.k. I got busy doing deep cleaning on the house. About 3....I saw him sitting in the kitchen chair which is weird. I picked him up and was loving on him and when I pulled him back to look at his face, I saw blood on my shirt through the corner of my eye. I looked at his mouth and it was bleeding. Not real bad but, he is a little kitty..... I googled the animal hospital and took him to the emergency because of course, it was a holiday.   The doc there gave me an 'estimate' of $1200.00. Without going into the entire conversation, he basically told me that a regular vet was in fact less however, Jimmie was extremely sick.   I took the risk. He ate very little, kept bleeding just a little....I googled all the vets near my house. The earliest one opens is 7. I set the alarm. Jimmie woke me up crying at 3:43 AM.   Needless to say, the next 3 hours and 15 minutes took forever.   I was at the vets door at 6:25. When they let me in, the doc apologized....they don't do emergency care there.   Kristi helped me find vets so I headed over to one she found in Arlington. 20 minutes away. They don't have donor blood. So, they send me to HCA emergency which is almost to the office. 40 minutes away. I get there and guess what....they don't have a donor cat either. They send me back ..... 45 minutes in the opposite direction from where I came, to the same emergency room I was at yesterday.   New estimate: $2500.00. The new doctor told me that even if they did try, she felt Jimmie was too far gone.   I'm so sad. It's just not fair.

    Love y'all. I promise I'll catch up tonight.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited September 2008

    Oh Traci, I'm so sorry!

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited September 2008

    OH {{{{{TRACI}}}}} Dang it all! What happened? Why was he bleeding?  Poor kitty and poorer you.  Hon, I'm sooooooooooooo sorry!  My gosh, that was quick.  What ever happened, did you find out how he got ill/injured? or what?

    I'm so sorry you had to put him down, poor Jimmy..... I'm sure your getting through your day, but I know it's going to be hard.  Please accept a gentle {hug} for your loss.  Losing a pet when we don't expect it when they are so young has to be so hard, I can't imagine.  I've had to put down a few animals over my lifetime and regret and hate and am broken with each one. It's not something any of us should have to endure.  So hard to understand...

    Dang it all...I'm sorry...

  • prayrv
    prayrv Member Posts: 362
    edited September 2008


    I'm soooo sorry to hear that you lost your kitty.  Our pets are our family and when we lose one, we lose parts of ourselves.  Sending you great big comforting hugs from Hurst.


  • luannh
    luannh Member Posts: 350
    edited September 2008

    Traci, so sorry to hear about your kitty.  Losing a pet is one of the worst!

  • AnnNYC
    AnnNYC Member Posts: 236
    edited September 2008

    Oh, Traci, I am so sorry -- it's terrible when pets are sick, but racing between emergency rooms with a very sick kitten is just extra-horrendous, in my experience.  OMG (bringing back memories of years ago).  Big, big hugs to you.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited September 2008

    Traci:  That whole story is just awful.  Poor kitty.  Its always heartbreaking to lose a pet.  Hugs to you and a big that sucks.

    Nicki - aka chemosabi 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 183
    edited September 2008

    Sorry to hear about Jimmie, Traci! You're right - it isn't fair at all. Sending hugs from across the miles!

  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited September 2008

    Ohhh Traci----I HATE that we have to loose our pet friends! I have been thru it too often & I hope you know you did the right thing for him. If we love them we have to spare them the pain. I am crying for you & for all the pets we have lost. I KNOW how you feel. I think we cried more over our lost pets than for our parents when they died! But then, our parents were not part of our day to day living & those animals were. I am so sorry---hugs