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Im bitchy, I moan, I groan.....anyway.



  • jerseymaria
    jerseymaria Member Posts: 70
    edited September 2008

    one slightly damaged husband for sale.  no make that highly damaged.  i know, i know...he doesn't have his wits about him BUT last night he put my pasta dish on the floor with some remaining pasta i did not eat and a piece of hot italian sausage so the dog could clean the plate.  well there is nothing that disgusts me more and i have never in my life allowed a dog to eat out of people stuff.  i won't even use a spoon for her dogfood, just a disposable one. aside from the fact that i don't give her table food.  ok so we're cleaning back up pulling dead flowers yada yada.  dog comes out and goes to her spot and has diarhhea (just like mommy with xeloda and tykerb).  ok she's in the yard, good, then she vomits on the patio (which he will have to clean up as the hose is broken).  i come inside to check and of course she also vomited on fam room carpeting. guess who's cleaning that.   moral of this story.  dogs digestive systems cannot tolerate very hot spicy italian food like i make.

    rock, my suggestion is "xeloda, crapola".  not only rhymes but includes one of the major se's.


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited September 2008

    Pinky, just to say good luck for tomorrow.

    I know how you're feeling about your daughters, my son did this to me. I was so upset that he could actually be so unconcerned about something that was so life changing for me that it has taken me about 5 years to come to terms with it.

    It took my DS just 3 months after my bilat to be on the 'phone asking to borrow cash, as if nothing had happened, but to this day I have never said yes to his many requests for cash since. The whole thing put a barrier between us.

    Anyway, just be lucky....and don't forget the the laxatives, anaesthetics cause big problems !!


  • jerseymaria
    jerseymaria Member Posts: 70
    edited September 2008

    pink, first of all, good luck tomorrow.  will you have anyone to come help you when you come home.  you will definitely need some  help afterwards.  it's not a small surgery.  i didn't have recon. but still could barely get around and needed help getting in and out of bed.  i just don't get these kids sometimes.

  • sueper13
    sueper13 Member Posts: 360
    edited September 2008

    Pinky, I am so sorry your daughters are disappointing you like this.  It's just wrong. We'll be here for you.  Post as soon as you can after your surgery, ok? I'm sure you'll have questions that will come up that someone here can answer.

    Harley, tests and having to wait SUCK!   Hope that doc can figure it out and get it right!

    Diane, I buzzed my hair on day 13 because day 14 I was returning to work and didn't want to deal with it at work, so can't answer your question.  Sorry.  How are you doing?  Wishing for few to no side effects for you--you deserve it.

    Colleen, your Irish upbringing--that made me laugh. I have 3 tats and you can't even notice them (pinhead sized) except why do they have to be blue?!?!?!?!?

    Rock-to paraphrase the suggestions so far: 

    "Xeloda is a load-a

    Crap-ola, is Xeloda."

    And mine:

    "They made me take Xeloda

    Cause I had a positive lymph node-a."

    Pretty sad, I know.

    My IOS: I'm training my replacement and it is taking me 5 times as long to do my work, because I am teaching him to do it as I (we) are getting it done--very frustrating.  My SOI:  He's my replacement!  Which means I can retire when he is trained--probably January, but I may stay until April as we are paying out-of-state tuition this year for my youngest son, Sam....we'll just see how I feel (Don't anybody piss me off once I am eligible to retire!!!)

    Hope everyone has a great evening.



  • SherriM
    SherriM Member Posts: 90
    edited September 2008

    Pinky--it just gets SUCKIER!!  I'm so sorry....will someone be there to be with you tomorrow and the coming few days?  Can't stand the thought of you going home alone!   Will be praying for you.  Be sure to stop back in as soon as your up to it and let us know how you're doing.

    Diane--I'm so glad you're feeling un-crappy with the taxol, but sorry about your pending hair loss.  One nice thing--your head will be a tad smaller without hair...I bought a couple of hats prior to my hair loss and now can't wear them cause they come down too far and make my ears stick out.

    Rock, you cracked me up about looking for your tat's.  I'll be starting rads in a couple of weeks, and rumor has it the Center I'll be going to uses sharpie markers.  Not sure how I feel about that--I kind of like the idea of the precision of tat's.........

    LuAnn--how you doing?  

    Cris--how'd your brother's surgery go?

    That SUCKS to all in need!


  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited September 2008

    Pinky?  Just a quickie to say, if nothing else, if you won't have someone there with you, make sure you have a pad of paper to keep track of your pain  meds, b/c they seem to be easy to mess up when you are on them. Write it down each time.  Funny how it makes you forgetful, of the pain and time too!

    Also, more importantly, GET the script filled before you go in for surgery, so you have them when home with you when you get home!  Take care, get a good nights sleep and know you'll be in our prayers tomorrow!

  • prayrv
    prayrv Member Posts: 362
    edited September 2008


    I didn't have chemo so I can't blame my lack of chocolate craving on that.  I've been  on tamoxifen for almost a year now and just don't crave chocolate anymore.  I heard that Hershey's changed their chocolate recipe for some of their products, but that's not why (haven't wanted any) - no earthly clue.  And Halloween's just around the corner, what's a Mom going through her child's bag to do?????  That just sucks!   

    Gentle Hugs,


  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited September 2008

    Well.............. :D  That mother might want to share it with her bestest friend who has no children to check said bags for?  :)

    So sorry!  I've already been buying bags of reeces cups to devour! :D

  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited September 2008


    Holy smokes--caught up on 5 pages & crs I wanted to say@!!!!  But I will hit a few points:

    If you post pix be sure the SIZE is smaller than 6__ X 4__====all you have to do is change the first numbers in the boxes......that will keep the page from expanding.

    Dream----the money is pennies from heaven--it has been stormy! LEARN to accept the love from others that comes in all forms----$ being most difficult~! HUGS & can't wait to see ya in Vegas!

    Rock--you make me LMAO!!! Holy crap--wish we could all meet in a back room somewhere & talk & laugh as long as we wanted.....

    Diane--you make me LOL even when what you are telling is sad.  After my initail dx & tx was done I USED to say to others, "it's only hair, it will grow back" ,,after being bald for 16 months I have become OH SO empathetic--it JUST SUX!!!! I HATE it & I know in my gut I will be bald again before I'm done! The 3 month chemo break & new hair seem like a cruel tease, but I did get a trim today--so I guess that is an soi for me!

    Harley--I had a mammo after my implant sx---be sure to demand a GOOD tech---mine got her supervisor so we could be sure I didn't POP! Or ask about Ultra sound instead?

    Some asked why the docs couldn't be more thorough about listing se's---it's cuz they DON"T KNOW IT ALL!!!!!!  We need to remember that medicine is NOT a science----It is an art!! What they don't know FAR outweighs what they do! Any GOOD doc admits that first! Besides---I usually get se's that are unique to me & not even listed--but I KNOW my body & I KNOW they are se's!!! Usually prove to be right when I stop whatever drug is causing them!

    Wish---can you try a different AI?? I don't know what you have done so far, but I have had little or no se's on tamox, femara, aromasin & faslodex.

    Maria & Sue---you continue to make me howl---I always admire strong women who keep a sense of humor. I am glad to find this thread & the ppl here!

    Colleen----EUREEKA! ---- I AM IRISH, TOO!!! That expalins everything!!!! sure & ya should know havin the answer has made me smile.........! 

    Pinky--hugs & lots of prayers for you as you take the steps we all dread! Wish the world was smaller so we could all show up to keep you company---sorry about your girls, maybe they are so overwhelmed with sadness for their mom's plight & fear for their own future.....big hugs

    My 15 yr old told us last week she was thinking about when/if she should ever have prophylatic mastectomies!!!! GOD that was an IOS!!!!!  But today it is an SOI-my braca tests came back NEGATIVE--so I got to tell her that & take some worry & pain from her wee mind. She said she was afraid to hug me when I told her cuz it seemed selfish------my girl.......

    ANYONE who needs/wants/would like a phone call: just pm your number & I'll get to ya as long as you are in the US Canada or Mexico! 

    HUGS & prayers & a THAT SUX to all who need it---be well & stay strong! 

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited September 2008


    Oh, I can't believe that your drs. never called you back to let you know whether they will take you on as a patient.  That truly sucks!  It sucks that Arimidex is the cause of your se's!!  I wish there was a different AI that may have less ses' for you... maybe Femara or Aromasin... have you considered one of those?


    Saint is right... they CAN do mammos on implants, but they have to be TRULY skilled and I'm not sure if they know what they are doing, so I don't want to take the chance that I'll get a ruptured implant, and then have to go thru the reconstruction all over again!


    Good that you will be able to retire soon!! 


    I am worried that there won't be anyone who knows how to do a mammo. of an implant correctly, and they'll burst it!!  I will call my surgeon tomorrow to see if he knows WHO to ask for, for the mammo., or if he won't re-consider and order an ultrasound, like he told me he was going to do.

    Well, I better get going... I am suddenly feeling VERY HOT!!  I wonder if it could be those melon balls I had before dinner?? 

    Thanks for caring...  You are all such a great bunch of women!!


  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Member Posts: 678
    edited September 2008

    Had to put down one of my cats today.  Very sad.  I guess i finally have an IOS

  • luannh
    luannh Member Posts: 350
    edited September 2008

    Dream that is awful, so sorry about your cat

    wish call that onc office and tell them you need an appt ASAP and get off arimidex and try aromasin or femara!  I hate to say it but all my back problems started with arimidex, onc says I'm full of it blaming arimidex but I disagree.  I developed mild RA and lupus when I finally discontinued it and went ot another drug.  My back got really bad also, so you may be one of those people like me that just can't take it!

    Pink I am so sorry to hear your daughters won't be there tomorrow.  I would be feeling as bad as you are now if my kids would do that to me.  I hope you have someone there because that is mentally something you should have someone there with you.

    Harley, I would get an ultrasound and not a mammo because I would be to afraid of POP GOES THE BOOBIE!

    Diane, I know of quite a few people that grow hair on taxol.  I know they initially lost it and then it grew back so maybe you will be lucky and won't loose it.

    Felicia DON'T shave facial hair, it grows back very rough and makes it stand out like on a mans face.  My daughter has alot of facial hair, she is working with a endrocronologist (I know I spelled that wrong, but a blood doctor). Something is wrong hormonally causing this hair to grow.  Anyway, she is now getting it waxed, at first she went once a week and now she is up to once a month and it lookds so much nicer.

    I hope I remembered everyone!

    As for me I went to the surgeon today and he doesn't think my catheter is broken and the swelling is because the pain pump is moving.  He increased the meds to try and stop the pain and put me in a binder that doesn't allow me to move from below my boobs to my pelvis.  Talk about uncomfortable.  I will do what it takes to heal this thing though!  He is afraid if he has to go in and work on this pump again I am going to be very susceptable to infection because of such frequent surgeries.  Oh well, guess I will not move my body for awhile....

  • AusAla
    AusAla Member Posts: 24
    edited September 2008

    OK, I have figured out I can't miss a day on here.....I missed so much suckiness!!!!

    It is late and I can't possibly address everyone's IOS.  Just a HUGE "THAT SUCKS!!!!!"

    Pinky, I will keep you in my prayers for your surgery.  I just don't understand our grown children sometimes.  I do hope you have someone who can be there for you.

    Dream, so sorry about your furry baby.  They are our furry children and these children give us unconditional love.  Hugs, sweetie, till I can give you a real one in Vegas.

    Diane, losing the hair SUCKS.  I feel for you, I really do.  Wish I could be there to hold your hand when the first clump falls into the soup pot!

    Lu, I loved hearing your 'happy' voice after you talked to your son yesterday.

    And to everyone else....hugs, love and wishes for less and less suckiness everyday.

    Headed for Biloxi for several days for some 'practice' for Vegas.

    I will try to stay caught up when I'm not staring at a slot machine......LOL

    Peace out, sweet peeps!

    Bethie (aus) 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited September 2008

    Popping in and marking my spot.  So far its an SOI day. 

    LuAnn:  I was glad to see a post from you cause I was worried about you.  Having to wear a binder sucks, but Im hoping that does the trick. 

    Dreamer:  Im so sorry to hear about your furbaby.  No words can make it better - so Im sending a big that sux your way. 

    Hi to everyone else.  Gotta run and hit the showers.


  • flyrzfan
    flyrzfan Member Posts: 199
    edited September 2008

    just popping on to say hi while the coffee is brewing...not caught up all the way but enough to say a big that sux to everyone having se's, kids being selfish, losing pets...sending prayers you all have an IOS free day!

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited September 2008

    Hugs to all and may today be better than yesterday.   My chemo brain can't remember all the IOS - so here's a big THAT SUCKS.   

    This last tx has wiped me out - so very tired, but my son reminded me that I have cut way back on coca cola - my favorite drink - and I may need the caffeine more than I realized.  Hugs and Blessngs,  Nancy

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited September 2008

    Morning and a big that sucks to all.

    Saint, cracking up at the Irish accent. I was in 1st or 2nd grade before I realized that "girl" doesn't rhyme with "squirrel" (my mom's parents, and all their relatives, came here as adults, so the accents were "set"!) I was the only one of my roommates who could understand what everyone was saying when we went to see The Commitments in college. And now I'm singing, "chain, chain, chain..., chain of fools..."

    Dreamer - sorry to hear about your cat, losing a pet is tough

    Nicki - yes, we Irish don't need to shrink the whale, we just put it right next to the elephant and continue about our business, "what elephant?" LOL

    LuAnn - glad to hear there is some progress, but the binder sounds mighty uncomfortable, stay on top of it, I'm sure your doc has a valid point, but it sucks that you're in pain

    Sue - I know, and the blue REALLY stands out on my whitey white skin (my sister used to refer to me as "shark bait" when we were kids, nice huh?) Oh well, they are small...

    Pinky - I'm sorry to hear that, and I agree it sucks, is there someone else that can go with you?

    Traci - how are you? what's new and exciting?

    OK, sorry I'm leaving lots out I know, but Warren is home sick from school today, and I'm feeling pressured to make sure he has a clear path from the bedroom to the bathroom if you know what I mean... blech!

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited September 2008

    Diane, my scalp felt like it had a bit of a sunburn just before my hair fell out.  Chin hairs, darnit if I can remember if they remained or not.  But seems to me they did abandon ship too.  Still had to shave legs though.  Frown  Losing my nasal hair and the hair on "the lower deck" Embarassed surprised the crap out of me.

    Hugs to all.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited September 2008

    Diane (I forgot!)

    I absolutely could tell when my hair was going to start falling out. I had very long hair (well past my shoulders) and one night driving to my son's baseball game with the windows open (not like it's imbedded in my memory or anything!) I noticed long strands of hair flying around the car. When I ran my hands through my hair to put a ponytail holder in, about 10-15 strands came out. Well beyond what normally falls out every day, but not in any way enough to be noticeable to anyone else. At that point I cut it really short, like a pixie. When it started to fall out in earnest, my scalp also hurt. I didn't shave it until then. This was all on AC though, not taxol. I know of many women who's hair started to grow back when they started their taxol after their 4 ACs. I of course was not one of them, LOL, but I feel like I was in the minority on every level with the taxol.

    So that's as specific (and wordy!) as I can be about it, but I really do think you'll know, and you'll have time to shave your head if you need to before serving up the hair soup. And your post was hilarious, despite the content. My ex-husband has a giant head, and my son inherited it. He used to fall over ALL THE TIME when he was a toddler, because his darn head was so big (the fact that he generally had his hands down his diaper did nothing to help his balance, or break his fall for that matter!) He has grown into it nicely, but I have many a funny story, like when I had him in the stroller at about 5 months old, and strolled into Gap for Kids, and the helpful lady pointed me to the Baby Gap next door, and I had to explain that none of the hats in Baby Gap would fit on my child's giant, not to mention perfectly round noggin. Of when the pediatrician got this weird look on her face, re-measured his head, and then said, "huh!", because his head percentile was off the chart! Ahhhh, the memories....

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited September 2008

    LuAnn, It's good to hear no surgery, although a binder does sound rather restricting....perhaps you were doing to much before and need to remember you would be in pain without it and slow down women!  Do you lift the grandchild while taking care of them?  Maybe that's putting undo pressure on the thing? :( SO sorry, but glad it's fixed the problems at least!  Take care lady!

    Dreamer, so sorry about your little kitty.  Another furbaby to cuddle with my 2 cockers up there.  They absolutely love cats and thought they were they were theirs only.  And the kitties we have cuddled them on cold nights or when the A/c was on b/c of my warm flushes back then. I like to think they are cuddling all those who join them till they are settled in chasing butterflys, gold fish swatting and so forth! 

    Ladies in need of it!  A BIG THAT SUX!

    Those not...YEAH!  Glad you're having SOI's rather than the IOS's!

    Too much to do before the snow flies and so little time.  Hate that thought! 

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited September 2008

    Ah, memories of hair:  mine was gone about 15 days after my first dose dense A/C. (a great 4th of July present) --  clumps fell out but I had already had it cut shorter than my usual short cut.   My sister buzzed the final bits off with my electric shaver.  Once upon a time I had very thick, naturally curly hair.  The lower region has been bare for a couple of weeks, about 4 eyelashes still there and a half dozen eye brow hairs are remaining.  Leg and pit hairs went awol around 4th of July.  At least I dont have to shave when I wear short pants.  I am on week 7 of 12 of taxol and herceptin and can see a bit of fuzz around my ears.  If you have a large head, try REI - a sporting goods store - they have Buffs head covers with no seams.  Walmart has some very cheap baseball caps - $ 2 where I am - with adjustable velcro tabs.   But, I live alone, been a widow for over 5 years, so my head is bare nekked when I am home and I can get a shower and out the door in 15 minutes with no hair to fix...   May I add that the hair loss was the worst part for me and still is.  The alien in the mirror reminds me every day that it is gonna be a while before I can begin to use the word "normal" again.     HUGS,  Nancy

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited September 2008

    Hi ya'll,

    I haven't had a chance to read any of your posts yet, but just wanted to ... (as Nicki says) mark my spot!  IT SUX!


    So sorry about your loss!  I posted a link to a website on the BEACH thread, and it is the poem, the Rainbow Bridge.  It is a beautiful poem and it comforts me, when I think about my cat who I lost 6 years ago, Halloween week, his name was Axel.  He had cancer, and it was so sad.  But, our pets go to the Rainbow Bridge to wait for us when they die.  They are feeling better, and they are playing.  But they miss us, and when we die, we will meet them at the Rainbow Bridge, and we will cross over the Bridge together into Eternity!

    I am crying now, so I better go.



  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited September 2008

    {{nancy}}  You're like me, I loved being able to get in the shower and out the door in 10 minutes!  Heck I was ready before dh and he's fast!  But then, no hair dryer needed was a great time buster!  Revel in that and will be back in the hair-doing chore...not too soon though :)

    Harley...don't cry, my girls are keeping you wee one purrfect company!  They love kitties, and I have no doubt, they have many who nap with them now! :D

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963
    edited September 2008

    Dreamer, I am so sorry about your kitty. Here is a link to the Rainbow Bridge poem Harley mentioned.  It made me feel a little better when my dog died. Big hugs!

    Bethie, have fun gambling.... throw in a quarter for me.  Cool

    Pinky, I wish your daughters were not being so thoughtless. I'm sure they have no concept of how much you need them to be there to support you. I hope they change their minds and get to the hospital to be with you. I am definitely thinking of you and praying for you today as you go through surgery.

    I'm also thinking of DebC and hoping things are moving along toward getting her straightened out. Grrrrrrrrr on all that crapola.

    Diane, with Adriamycin and Cytoxan the hair usually falls out around the 14th -17th day, I think. I'm not sure if that is the same with Taxol. If yours is still tightly in there, you probably have at least several more days. You do usually notice more hairs coming out than usual before it starts falling out big time.

    LuAnn, hooray for no surgery, but sure hope this is fixed once and for all!! Enough all ready!

    Love to all,

    Miss S

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited September 2008

    Man, you guys are funny!!!

    Dreamer, I'm sorry about your cat.....see my little Jimmie in my avatar? He got some freak blood disease and I had to put him down after only having him for a little over a month....poor little was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sad.

    I can't remember who to give credit to for giving me this website:

    Some girl started that website a long time ago as a tribute to the animal she lost. Get ready to's so sweet what she's done but, there are so many pretty furbaby's on there that people lost......hugs girl.

    Everybody else, I promise I will get caught up on all the posts tomorrow. I love y'all & I'm sorry you are going through crap that sucks. Frown It amazes me how you all can keep humor in your crap are all too funny. Have y'all noticed that? Almost all the posts have something funny inspite of the crap??

    See y'all tomorrow.

    Hugs, Traci

    ps Sue, I thought this was funny!

    "They made me take Xeloda

    Cause I had a positive lymph node-a."

  • dhettish
    dhettish Member Posts: 96
    edited September 2008

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Finally got through catching up so I am a little late...what the hell.

    Traci...WTF $400 for a rabbit? My computer is doing the same...slowing down...we tried changing batteries but no luck. Diane, I will talk to my hubby about the fan because my does get very hot...always has. I am now typing on our main computer in dh's office which is filled with junk.

    Saint...I volunteered at our local humane society until I had my mast. We have so many dogs and they let them roam freely so they jump all over you and get into fights. My husband asked me to quit because he is afraid of me getting lympadema...His grandmother had it. Also, I went by and after petting all the kittens I was told they all had ringworm. Great, right before my surgery.

    Speaking of surgery. I had my implants put in yesterday. They feel great but they sure look small even with all the bandages. Really anxious about taking off the bandages on Wednesday. No in too much pain, but I just used my hand to adjust myself on this crappy comp chair and felt the pull of the stitches....ouch!

    Nicki....You are a friend, gal. I always enjoy reading your posts. No one has ever offended me (I think) on these lists.

    Luan...glad you son is coming home! Did I hear you complaining about weight loss? Shame on you! I did loose 4 lbs but I now have a house full of snacks for after my surg. Milanos, crunch & mnch, gummy bears, name it.

    Wish....I am glad your tests came out ok. I swear, I think the taxotere gave me arthritis and fibromyalgia. I hurt all over. The pains meds had been masking the pain and when I went off them....whooooo boy did I hurt. new favorite word is MF. I was getting a massage a couple of weeks ago and when I rolled over, it hurt. After I got on my back....the therapist said..."Well I think you just used about every cuss word I know". I rarely cuss in public...not anymore.

    Diane...not sleeping, fatique, hunger...remember it all too well. After chemo, I got a lot of white thin hair on my jaw line. It was not too visiable due to the fineness and color but it was long. Alaska Deb told me what it was but I can't remember. I finally shaved my face and it has not come back. I lost all hair except the hair on my arms. It has not been 6 1/2 months after my last tx. My hair is doing well.....had to color it because it came back an ugly grey. I barely have eyelashes and eyebrows though....that sucks......No upper lip hair yet...good...Legs are just as hairy as ever....little underarm hair...good.

    Harley, I am with you on Saturday work. I had to work 2 sats in a row to be off for my surgery.

    Dream...I am so sorry about your kitty. That really sucks.....I have 3 aging cats. One has gone blind and one has throid problems and the other has really bad arthritis. I have spent so much money at the vet only to find out there is nothing they can do for any of them.

    Pinky....Hope your surgery is going well. Remember, we are here for you. Can't wait to hear from you. I had a double mast and did very well, with little pain except a raw skin pain that was made better by wearing an exercise bra.

    Jersey....I can never invite you to my house. We have 2 dogs and 11 cats. They are our plate scrapers. They go in the dishwasher and anyway....they say a dog's mouth is much more cleaner than a human mouth. I read somewhere that if you put an abcess tooth is dog saliva, the infection will clear up. I have several friends who just freak out when they know I sleep with my cats. All of us have different thresholds of gross. My is pretty wide open.

    Well, no issues of suckiness today and wishing you all the same. I just can't do much for the next 3 days and I am already going stir crazy and I have not even been home 24 hours yet! I may try some beading and working on home made Christmas presents. Or maybe I'll just veg out in front of the TV. No showers until Friday and then they say not to get my chest wet? WTF. How do you take a shower without getting your chest wet? I guess I'll have to wait until Monday night before I take a shower since I don't see the doc until then. Not to worry, I have lots of 

    Take care all you wonderful women.


  • SherriM
    SherriM Member Posts: 90
    edited September 2008

    LuAnn--glad you didn't have to have more surgery, and hope the binder works wonders, just sorry you have to be 'bound'.  That SUCKS, too!!

    Dream, I'm so sorry about your cat....THAT SUCKS! 

    Harley's Rainbow Bridge is cool, and brings me much comfort when I think of my furr-babies that have 'crossed over' and are waiting...I have to tell you this story.

    Quite a while back we had a young horse--my youngest dd and I bought him when he was 6 mos old.  He was black and beautiful, and large, strapping and healthy and his name was Valiant.  He lived on my mom and dad's farm.  One day, while my mom and dad watched and cheered them on, he and his pasture mate ran a race round and round the pasture.  Suddenly Valiant stopped, put his head down and seemed to be gasping for air, then toppled over. He was dead by the time my mom and dad got to him. He was only 1 1/2 years old.  The vet said he must have had a congenital heart defect. 

    A couple of months later, my sister called to tell me she'd had a dream about me....that I had died, and that in her dream I came riding up to her on Valiant, and was happy and laughing and telling her, "See?  Everything is fine...."  Now, years later, I'm still amazed that she actually told me she had a dream that I'd died (tactful, she's not).  But, after recovering from that shock, I came to believe that it really was a message 'from the other side', and I will ride him someday!!  May sound silly to some, but I believe it with all my heart.  He's waiting for me on the bridge!  And he's gorgeous.

    And come to think of it, he loved cats!

    Anyway, thanks Harley for the Rainbow Bridge!

    Wishing all a SOI day!


  • badboob67
    badboob67 Member Posts: 236
    edited September 2008

    Thanks everyone for all the hair tips! Last check, it was all still firmly attached. Now I'm going to be worried the TAXOL isn't working if it doesn't make my hair fall out! (I know that's not a true indicator, but paranoia and cancer go together like peanut butter and jelly...)

    Dreamer, so sorry about your cat. My fur/feather/fin babies are so important to me; they always seem to "understand" when others don't. Losing one is so hard.

    Luann, I understand the surgeon's point about more surgery...I just don't understand why the pain pump is floating around if he put it in right to begin with? I think too many doctors feel like auto mechanics and forget what they do to us really impacts a HUMAN BEING. I think that a lot of them would be much more diligent and compassionate if they had to go through any one of the horrid tx we have.

    Pinky, I am so sorry about your daughters. I don't have any words of wisdom to help. Please know that WE have you on our minds and in our hearts!

    Harley, I'm having awful mental images of an implant popped by a mammo! Eeeeeek!

    "THAT SUCKS!" to everyone. Now my rotten crap:

    Oldest ds (senior in high school) was at a birthday party Saturday when word came in that one of his friend's fathers had been killed. He was working on his dad's camper when the dad started it up and ran over him without having seen him lying underneath. How awful for the whole family! DS went to the visitation yesterday evening. He avoided me when he got home--didn't even say, "Hi, mom." DH told me that ds said to him, "Dad, I've seen my future..." Lovely. 


  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited September 2008

    oh {{{{Diane}}}}  I'm sure it crushed you.  But I had one thought when I was reading that last paragraph, that thank you Lord, your dh and ds have such a great relationship, that ds felt he could express those thoughts.  So many times children can't, even as young adults, b/c their friends can't understand and their parents are closed mouths.  Good for your ds that he can express his feelings.  Sorry though that it hurt, and I can only imagine how it did. :(

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited September 2008

    I was just typing a LONG post, trying to respond to everyone's suckiness, when... POOF!  It disappeared into thin air!! 

    Sorry, but I can't start all over again!  Instead, I'll just say a HUGE "IT SUCKS"  to all!!!

    I have an update on my mammogram -  u/s.  I called my surgeon's office and Carol, the nurse, told me that my dr. told her that he's only seen ONE patient who had their implant rupture from a mammo.  Well, even ONE is bad!!  But, I told her that my insurance co. is questioning the orders, since I told my case manager that I was getting an u/s, and now she won't approve the mammo.  Anyway, now it is gonna be one of those days when I'm on the phone, or waiting for a phone call from my dr.  She did call back, though, to say that my dr. told her that he meant to order an u/s, but the hospital goofed, and scheduled a mammo...   She further stated that she would go ahead and schedule the u/s and call me back. Later, she called, and  I didn't get to the phone in time, and she left a message...  they are going to schedule the u/s for TOMORROW afternoon, when I am supposed to be at work...  So I called her back, and asked her to please try to re-schedule the u/s...  She said that she will do it, but I should try to call back later, since they are kinda busy...

    So, GOOD NEWS!  Looks like I won't have to smash my 'foob' in a mammo. machine!   Thanks for all the kind words of advice, you guys are the best!!

