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Im bitchy, I moan, I groan.....anyway.



  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited January 2009

    Max, I've got LE too and it really pi$$es me off.  I know how you feel. 

    Happy New Year everyone.

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited January 2009

    LE for me, too.  I'm having trouble adjusting to the sleeve and gauntlet but I guess I'll get to it.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited January 2009

    I'm having trouble getting a custom fitted sleeve that actually fits.  It's so frustrating.  Meanwhile I wrap as often as I can manage.  Lots worse things here that suck but we all have to deal with our realities.  And sometimes that sucks too.

  • KAK
    KAK Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2009

    Ladies, I'm signing up for a weekend seminar in March that will be going over current treatment for BC & lymphedema by PT's, so if I pick up any good info, I'll be sure to pass it on.  Not everyone knows how to measure for a custom LE sleeve, so it sucks that you have to be having that trouble now, Sharon.  Hope all of you with LE are doing stretches & exercises for your shoulder, chest muscles, too, which really makes a difference.  Thanks to otter for starting the thread here with these links on it.  Here's a few good ones for appropriate exercises:   Click on the various numbered links to the left to see animated exercises

    These are all good for most of us, no matter what kind of surgery we've had.  Let's all try to have a minimally sucky 2009.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited January 2009

    Kathi, thankyou so much for the links.  I can't wait to hear what you learn in March.  What would I do without these boards?  I'm feeling a group hug coming on.  (((((((((((group)))))))))))

  • flyrzfan
    flyrzfan Member Posts: 199
    edited January 2009

    Oh sorry for all the suckyness going one...I tried to catch up but I'm afraid I'm too far behind for now to do it all at once. Have been down and out with the flu this week and this is the first I've felt half alive and well enough to log on...know I'm thinking of you - miss you all and send a big that sux your way if you need it!

  • nowheregirl
    nowheregirl Member Posts: 55
    edited January 2009


    Hello everyone,


    Just a quick fly-by before I get out of the house and visit my parents. Just finished making big Tiramisu and am brining it to eat with them. But thought I'd bring it over here too and share it with everyone here. I highly believe that chocolate and laughter is two best medicines on this planet, right? Oh don't tell me chocolate is not good for BC sort of crap! I refuse to give up on it just because I got this stinky disease.



    Gonna have a quick shower now.

    Here's wishing y'all the very best for the new year! Let's hope 2009 doesn't suck!




  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited January 2009

    Where were you all a week ago?  I'm not sure if it was easier for me to be angry with everyone than face my emotions of my BC or whether they all actually deserved it.  My biggest concern was someone to take care of me when I could not take care of myself.  One of the sisters (who is a physician) slept in my hospital room for 3 nights.  Before you think - how lucky - she works at the hospital and when she wasn't sleeping, she was working.  Once asleep, you cannot wake her!  Another sister who had breast augmentation is comparing her experience to mine.  My third sister was too busy at work to take time off.  Meantime I am wondering how the hell I get up to go to the bathroom.

    Its better now because I can take care of myself.  I am mobile.  It sure would have been nice to have someone else taking care of me though.  It would have been for less than a week.  I'm usually the caretaker.  When is it my turn?  On the other hand, they pissed me off so bad I got up and got better, something I probably would not have done had someone babied me.

    Since no one around here wants to hear me bitch, I have decided to look at this with humor when I can and curl into a shell when it all gets too much.  I wish I could find a breast survivor group in my area to actually meet with one day a week.  I think it would ease some of the anxieties I feel.

    I love this site and God Bless all of you.  You're the bravest women I know.  Together we will get through this.

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited January 2009

    Craw, where are you? Chances are there are girls on here near you that would like to meet up.

    Also, we want to hear you bitch....the more bitchin' we hear, the less our problems seem!!!

    Fumi......what it that?? It looks like molded bread!!!!!

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited January 2009

    Traci - I'm in the Northern Virginia area and may have found a group.  We'll see if it works out.  There should be a ton of groups as the latest statistics say one in nine women will get breast cancer.  If anyone knows of a support group that meets on a regular basis in Northern Virginia, let me know.

     Happy New Year - 2009 will be a great year.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2009

    Can I chime in?  I found the Holidays to be overwhelming and couldn't wait until they were over.  Somehow just lost my Holiday spirit and felt angry the whole time.  I'm also dealing with the fact that even after being 4 years out, I might be dealing with truncal lymphedema now.  Wondering will this ever end? 


  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited January 2009

    kmc, I am in Alexandria,VA.   There is no formal support group that I know of, except at Georgetown Univ Hospital in DC.   Warning, if you have never been there, the parking is LOUSY.   


  • flyrzfan
    flyrzfan Member Posts: 199
    edited January 2009

    kmc - welcome, I just sent you a pm about the groups...check your messages.

    Merry - I'm sorry but I have to say thank you for the chuckle...the irony of your screen name cracked me up once I read your post. I can relate though, and I am sure a lot more of these women can as well>I hope you're feeling better now that the holidays are over with...

    Nancy - use the valet, it beats the heck out of finding a spot and the boys who park are so sweet...

    feeling so much better today...of course, it's Friday :) Hope you all have a great IOS free day!

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited January 2009

    Merryjo, you are cracking me up too!! I'm with you on being glad the holidays are over although I did have a nice time in Colorado.

    Bonnie, who is your new avatar?

    Here is a pic of the side yard of the house I was staying was so pretty.

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited January 2009

    oops the pic didn't work. CRAP!!

  • flyrzfan
    flyrzfan Member Posts: 199
    edited January 2009

    double CRAP....I'm so glad you had a nice time Traci - oh, the pic is my other neice...she's such a cool kid with a really great sense of humor. I love her :)

    off to try and catch up with you all on here...

  • flyrzfan
    flyrzfan Member Posts: 199
    edited January 2009

    LuAnn - glad to read your scans are back and you'll be able to compare...I hope it remains good news.

    KAK - glad Chloe is home and was able to maintain her dignity! I hope she is feeling better and the love vibrations gave her some comfort.

    Felicia - Where do I start? It is true that it sucks for you to be the voice of reason and the one keeping the family from going in the red. And, if your only objection is the finances -then checking into making this kid a ward of the state so you can get help financially with his care is a viable option. Otherwise, my 2 cents worth is this: I was in the same position as this young man in my junior year of high school. I ended up with a family that took me in, but in return I worked nearly full time and paid board. Not because I was asked to, but because I didn't want to be an additional burden on a family who had nothing but love and a couch to offer. They were not well off and I knew my staying would add to the household expenses. It would not be unreasonable for you to sit the H2B and the young man down and agree upfront that he maintain a grade point of X, contribute X amount to household chores, and work part-time and pay X amount towards the added cost of him staying there. From what you say, he's seems to be a kid who wants to do well but is getting a crap of a chance in doing it because his mother sucks. It's people like you and your H2B that keep kids like him (and me) from falling through the cracks and ending up dead/cracked out and homeless. If the young man can't agree to the ground rules, then he's making his own start in life harder than it has to be and that is on him.

    jmho....I hope no matter what happens, it all happens for the best... 

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited January 2009

    Just a quick THAT SUX to the suckiness already rearing its ugly head in 2009 ladies! hope it all turns around for you each.

    My IOS is feline also, and I've been just ill thinking about what to do  Was holding my kitty last night,as she's suddenly this month decided to b/c a lap kitty.  Petting her with one hand while surfing around.  Then, I Felt it.  OMG, I'm just sick.  It's as big as the tumor I had on my breast and how i didn't notice it before now is just nutty!  It's just under her jaw on the neck.  I'm praying for it to be an abscessed tooth, but my heart is having a hard time dealing with this. Emotionally, I can't take her alone to the vets.  It's the same vet that put our 2 sister cockers down at nearly 15 years 3 summers ago.  I have a hard time even going in there :(  So, it will have to be Monday afternoon when dd isn't working.  THIS SUX!  I surely can not afford to do this again!  SH*T!!!!!!!!!!! Life sucks sometimes! :(

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited January 2009

    Wish, that does suck.  I'm not sure if cats are prone to fatty lumps but dogs sure are.  Maybe it's something like that?  My old dog is lumpy and bumpy all over the place.  I wish I were near you.......I'm good at vet stuff.  Hugs.

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited January 2009

    Thanks Sharon.  Yes, both my dogs had those lumpy bumps, and the other cat has had one for years, but this isn't a lump under the skin.  It seems to be attached to her throat on the left side.  Its probably 2 cms long and one wide, hard and not movable.  Just makes me sick to my stomach to think about it.  She's had regurgitation since years ago when she eats fast and then drinks or gets hyper.  But not all the time, once or twice a week she hacks up food and water that is sometimes just a soft version of the hard stuff she ate :(  I'm just shaking from it all  Hate it!

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited January 2009

    Wish, I'm so sorry.  This is a big "that sucks".  I'm really not familiar with cats but I am familiar with that sinking feeling in your stomach.  I wish I could help.

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited January 2009

    Thanks Sharon.  It helps to have somewhere to complain about it.  Dh isn't that into the animals although he likes them, and you know how friends and people who aren't animal friendly feel about it.  Just keep a good thought. I'm praying it's abscess or such, but it's not painful to her and such.  Just mad too, I guess :( 

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited January 2009

    Mini IOS:  I only had 323 spam messages.   Guess I had better update my filters...

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited January 2009

    Yes, I hear you.  I will keep a good thought in my mind for your cat.  I just know the feeling....

    Yes, an abscess would make sense seeing as it came up so abcesses are known to do.

    I know how much our pets mean to us be they cats, dogs, birds, mice whatever.

    Will you call the vet or wait and see for a bit?

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited January 2009

    [[Nancy}} hate those spammers!  THEY do SucK!

    Sharon, I'm waiting on my dd to call about her schedule next week.  Normally on modays she is out at 3, so I'll call and take Lucy in then.  Thanks for the kind words. 

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited January 2009

    Okay, I called and got the last appt of the day, Monday at 5:30pm.

    If it were an infection, she wouldnt be eating and stuff, would she?  Now I'm second guessing my waiting till Moday :(  Man, this whole thing just SUX!

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited January 2009

    Wish, you've done all you can.  If she's eating and peeing and pooping ok........a couple more days likely won't make any difference. Does she react when you press on it?

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited January 2009

    No, she doesn't react at all.  I've not pressed hard on it, but have pressed on it and tried to move it. That's why I'm thinking it's a mass(tumor).  It doesn't move at all. Almost like it's part of her trachea, only on the side.  Like where our thryoid gland would be....:(  Poor kitty...she's a good kitty....the devil cat people call her (her nickname is Lucifer) be/c if there's a will there is a way with her.  She's an indoor cat, who's been found ON the roof, in trees and in the beams of the family room when I was renovating....Kept my mother awake all night one time after she'd gotten into my herbs starters!  Dang kitty, I just love her!

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited January 2009

    Wish, sometimes our worries are worse than reality.  I hope this is the case for you and darling kitty.

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited January 2009

    Thanks sharon, I'm certainly holding on to that thought and trying NOT to think the worse...