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Im bitchy, I moan, I groan.....anyway.



  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited January 2009

    Yes, good luck with your surgery tomorrow. 

  • shari1232
    shari1232 Member Posts: 59
    edited January 2009


    I tried to find out exactly why you were having your ovaries out, saw that you d/c'd tamox, but can't find out exactly why without having to bug you.

    I just had a second trans-vag u/s and the complex ovarian cysts are now 4cm+ on both ovaries.  Not sure what else; await report to go from radiologist to my doc today.

    So, just wondering what your decision path was all about, if you don't mind sharing.

    All the best to you with the surgery tomorrow!!!!!

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited January 2009

    Nancy, glad for your SOI, and that your life is boring for a change...boring can be welcomed after what you've been through with the mice :D

    Saint,yes, they are very useful, bats that is.  I've read they can eat up to 1000-1500 bugs a night or hour...I'm thinking nightly.  That said, the neighbor (86 was our high count at dusk) figures out to 86,000-129,000 skitters a night!  YEAH!  Personally I don't mind I said with mice, as long as they aren't IN MY house! ;D

    Bonnie :(  Sorry you are enduring the ooph sx, but if it's a lap sx, you should do fine with it!  Good Luck and prayers :)  I had one 7cm mature cyst on a right ovary removed at the same time as a gall bladder removal and D&C in 05 summer.  The D&C was worse I think...the again, it's all a bad dream now :D

    Sharon and others...Kitty update....He gave us 3 choices.... Blood tests for thyroid levels which if they were normal, wouldn't tell us anything b/c it could still be a thyroid tumor and not show high levels  Do a bx at $200-300 to check the tissue.  He can possible tell himself from the specimen, but IF he couldn't, then it would go to the lab which is the difference between the 200-300 marks.

    He said the chance of bleeding out and such with thyroid sx is so high, he would NOT do that unill he had another doc present with him to assist.  IF it's a tumor, without the thyroid involvement, he may just remove the mass at that time.  So....we are to decide what to do.  I'm not doing the blood test, but the sx if we can.  Today dh is still home (was supposed to return to work yesterday) and long story short, he's wasn't needed and is waiting for word this morning.  Also after this weekend, contracts are changing and they may not be doing this work, but hopefully something else.  So....Shoot...........just can't decide what to do....she's scheduled for 7:30 am but....I'm thinking we should wait until he finds out if he's going to be laid this weekend :(  CRAP huh?What would you all do?

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited January 2009

    Wish, I sent you a PM.

  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited January 2009

    Hugs wish----it is a hard choice! Trust your gut & that if you go for it the $ will come from somewhere! Prayers for GOOD news on all fronts.

    Nancy--glad to hear your SOI's-it's about time you got a break!

    Bonnie----gentle hugs---prayers for easy procedure & recovery while we await your return.

    I'm sitting here with a slow burn in the pit of my stomach. I get emails from the band teacher/band nazi regularly. He is inflexible & the teachers in the dept fight over the kids & constantly tell them how they can NOT miss a practice for any reason. My dh has gone to the principal (as a parent-not a teacher) seeking a solution. I just got another one:

    There are (5) pep band performances in January. As a reminder, these are required for ALL band students. An unexcused absence will result in a loss of one letter grade. Unexcused absences include having to work, too much homework, vacation, etc. Please plan accordingly. The only excused absence is personal illness (gone from school that day and note from a parent), death in the family, or school related activity such as a game/match/meet/play - not practice or rehearsals.

    So I thought to forward it & my take to dh--I wrote at the top:

    Did the principal see this one?   "You may not be excused for ANY reason! If you die have someone wheel your casket to the gym & we will set you up in the bleachers with your instrument"

    I hit send & saw that I had NOT forwarded it to dh but REPLIED to the band teacher!!!!!!!  Holy french horns Batman!!! I feel like I'm on a sitcom!!! I did send another saying I hope he shared my sick sense of humor & apologized if he doesn't--but #$%^&%*** I can't believe I did it!! I'm such a chemobrain my dh is going to disable my laptop!!!!!  LOLOLOLOLOLOL If you don't hear from me again it will be cuz I have no internet access...or the band nazi dispatched his minions to "blow me away"  HAHAHAHAHAHA

    Be well & stay strong 

  • shari1232
    shari1232 Member Posts: 59
    edited January 2009


    Goooooooooooooooooooooooo, Saint!  Tongue out

  • prayrv
    prayrv Member Posts: 362
    edited January 2009


    OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    I laughed so hard, I almost peed my pants!!   We had a nazi band teacher at our Junior high, but not as bad as that! 



    (I'm still giggling)

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963
    edited January 2009

    Oh saint, I needed a good laugh this morning. That was hilarious!

    Wish.... loved the snow dog. Too cute!

    Miss S

  • pk0199
    pk0199 Member Posts: 49
    edited January 2009


    That was great! Maybe this will bring the band teacher back to reality.


  • sueper13
    sueper13 Member Posts: 360
    edited January 2009


    Read your story to my dh (we had TWO kids in band. all the way thru high school) and we both laughed out loud!!

    (I needed that)


  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited January 2009

    OMGOSH!  I'm sorry saint, but I really needed that belly laugh tonight~ So sorry it happened, but you know what?  Maybe, just maybe it will GET taken to the principle for his response and the band teacher will get straightened out for their ridiculous expectations.

    Ladies, I have to tell you 2 HUGE SOI's today!  1) Lucy's mass seems to have gotten bigger by 50% from yesterday at the vets, so I called him and also to find more information, b/c to be honest, my brain kept pausing when he would say things like bx, sugery, malignant, name it and my brain would halt.... so I missed a lot and called him.  When I metioned the size had increased substantially, he said, OH!  That doesn't sound like thyroid normally, sounds more like an ABCESS!  OMYGOSH!  I was so elated....hopefull and praying he's right!  Still not sure, but I then got the second SOI... I got the phone call about a job I'd been hoping for and it's mine!  YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Only thing, I start at 10 tomorrow and Lucy goes to the clinic at 7:30-8. 

    So, although I'm excited I've got the job to pay for it and the possbiliby that this hopefully is only and abcess, I'll be a nervous ninny at work tomorrow.  Sure hope my boss is an animal lover! :D

    So..................thanks for the advice, hopes, good thoughts and prayers!  Keep them up and I'll report as soon as I can tomorrow after work.

  • flyrzfan
    flyrzfan Member Posts: 199
    edited January 2009 almost created a nightmare for ME! Reading your post I busted out was funny right up to the point where my "colon prep" kicked in and I almost dropped the laptop rushing to the bathroom. It's a shame our "control" isn't what it was in our 20's...ah, but that was classic!

    I'm bored playing the waiting game...I was supposed to be at the Flyers game tonight -instead I'm watching it on TV and somehow, it's just not as fun!

    Wish - I'm saying my prayers for you, dh and chloe...I hope he doesn't get riffed and she doesn't have to have a surgery.

    Shari - I don't mind sharing...heck, we share everything else around her huh? I was found to have Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver disease during a screening for what we thought was a gall bladder issue. The disease is a precursor to chirrosis although, it's unknown what causes it in non-alcoholics. When things settle down from my surgery I'll have to see a gastroenterologist (I totally made that spelling up so if it's wrong, shoot me). Because of that and pain/swelling in that area we decided not to do the Tamoxifen because it's hard on a healthy liver and could be fatal on a non-healthy one. I have no intention of surviving cancer only to go into liver failure! So having my ovaries out will accomplish the same thing as doing Tamoxifen.

    Off to browse the web...thanks for the well wishes you guys...

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited January 2009

    Bonnie?  Have you ever been checked for a blood disorder called hemochromatosis?  I know that that can be something cause cirrhosis in non-alcoholics also.  Just wondering.  A lot of people have it and are undx.  Be thinking of you tomorrow....prayers and good thoughts will be with you :)

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited January 2009

    Bonnie, #1.....I'm not liking the Eagles. GAWD.....the Cowboys CHOKED against them. Cry I was really hoping the Vikings would beat them cuz I was still mad but nooooooooooooooo. They.......may.............just ...... go.......all.......the.......way!!!!!!!!! Yuck. (j/k) Good luck!!

    #2....your spelling comment cracked me up!!!!!!

    Wish, sorry about your, can I relate. I spent almost $600 on my little no avail. sniff sniff....

    Diane, your bat story was FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sue, did you hear from Trish???

    Love you girls. Miss our Nikki.

    Hugs, Traci

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited January 2009

    Wish - you deserve some good news!  Hope it's an easily-treatable, inexpensive abcess and that you have a GREAT first day at work.

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited January 2009

    Thanks, Jane and Traci.  Me too. :D

  • BooBee
    BooBee Member Posts: 288
    edited January 2009

    What happened to Nikki? Does anyone know?

    I about died laughing over the bat story.  Thanks I needed that.


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited January 2009

    I have a daughter IOS today.  15 years ago we adopted a run away who we had already been guardians for 3 years before.  We have always treated Kelly like one of our own.  She was 15 when she came to live with us and came from a rough home life.  It took us a long time to teach her unconditional love and she pushed the limits a lot the first couple of years.  Well, she's grown up ok given the circumstances she's been dealt.  11 years ago she got pregnant out of wedlock, but she and her boyfriend were both 23 years old, so they were somewhat old enough to start a family.  Victoria was born in May and Kelly and Eric got married in August.  Five years later, they got pregnant again with a little girl who lived only 59 days, never came home from the hospital and died in my arms from a rare genetic condition.  Two years ago, they had a little boy who is the apple of his daddy's eye.

    DD told me today that she is leaving her husband and moving in with her high-school sweetheart.  Rumors have been going around all summer that they were having an affair and Kelly swore up and down that they were just old friends.  I think she used me being sick as an excuse to sneak out and see him behind her husband's back.  I think Kelly is making a huge mistake that she will regret the rest of her life and that she is going to screw her two kids up royally, but there is nothing I can do about it.  I know that my parents and my in-laws have not always agreed with my husband and my decisions, and sometimes we made the wrong ones.  I told Kelly that we are not mad at her.  We think she is making a mistake, but we will support her decision and always love her.  One thing that really bothers her is that we have told her that her new friend is not welcome at our house or family functions.  This man knew she was married.  He had no business even looking for a relationship with a married woman.  If a woman did that, she'd be called a homewrecker.  I don't discount my daughter's part in this, either, but I think she may have been more willing to work things out with her husband (who treats her and the kids very well) if she didn't have someone telling her what she wanted to hear but was not hearing from her husband and someone to fall back on.  But I guess that's a mother's opinion and I need to keep my nose out of it and just support her and my grandchildren.

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited January 2009


    Thanks for the update on Chloe.  I hope it is just an absess, and she will be just fine.  I'll be praying for her, that all goes well tomorrow.

    Congratulations on your new job!  I am still just WISHing for a job!! 

    Please send us an update, as soon as you know something.



  • crazydaisy
    crazydaisy Member Posts: 100
    edited January 2009

    Saint.....LMAO!!!! HAAAAHAA...........brilliant! Reminds me of bootcamp sarg that used to roam the halls of our local high school with her walkie talkie none the less waiting to "bust" kids! OMG......TG, she didn't last to another barrack! And she was the Vice P!

    Bonnie......good luck with surgery!

    Wish........really hope kitty  will be okay. I have 2 furry kids and hate to see them get sick.

    WHERE"S NICKI????????? Miss ya girl.

    Please say a little prayer for my sis going for breast biopsy tomorrow. It's too much deja-vu as this time last year it was me.

  • flash
    flash Member Posts: 129
    edited January 2009

    Saint-    Mr. Flash and I were ROTFL.  It was just the perfect laugh we both needed.  If it's any consolation, I've done the same sort of thing to a teacher a few years ago before chemo, so my excuse is.....?

    Wish- I hope it is just an abcess. 

    Hugs to all of you.  Got good news today, bone scan showed no  mets, just degeneration in the spine, YEAHHHHHHH!.  I can deal with becoming decrepit.


  • pk0199
    pk0199 Member Posts: 49
    edited January 2009


    All the best with both Lucy and your new job tomorrow!

    Jane- so sorry to hear about your DD. I hope things work out for the two of you and that this won't cause the two of you to lose each other.


  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited January 2009

    Heeelllloooo! I am back from my Christmas travels, did a speed read, and see there is some good news, some sucky news, some funny stories, and of course the usual hotbed of digusting pests (mice, bats, does someone have a lizard?) Just last night a mouse ran right over my son's foot and down the basement stairs, we were both shrieking.

    Let's see, my brain MRI was clear (did I even mention that little issue?) and I'm at the "close follow-up, another MRI in 3 months" point. Whatever. I'm so sick of being cancer girl.

    A big hug, and that sux to all, I've missed you...

  • PSK07
    PSK07 Member Posts: 91
    edited January 2009

    Loved the band nazi story...many a band director has destroyed a promising future in music by being a jerk.  On a slightly related note - my younger daughter's rant for the day was the orchestra director telling his students that playing at the make-up concert would be optional (snow postponement). My daughters are in wind ensemble and #2 plays french horn in full orch. She has to be there, but the regular members don't have to be...she was not happy.

    Oh, but sending a reply - I remember doing the exact same thing and trying the exact same thing to get out of my snarky response. Hope it works for you Wink

    My IOS - tapering off of Zoloft. I'm down to 25mg and all of a sudden it is hitting me hard. I feel like I'm walking through cotton. I was hoping to start Effexor this week and then Tamoxifen in about 10 days. Now I'm not so sure when.

    IOS#2 - I got a Trojan virus thingy on my work laptop. Was using it at home last night and I made the big mistake of going to Funny or Die to look at a parody of Gov Blasfjfal;jfajf from Illinois, done by Jerry O'Connell. Well, DON'T go there. One entire work day lost. They had to wipe my hard drive. I have to totally recreate my favorites and it looks like there's a problem with the personal folders in my e-mail. These things weren't on my hard drive, so it looks like a few hours on the phone tomorrow.

    Happy to hear of good MRIs and scans. Sucks about DDs and furry buds and livers and bats.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited January 2009

    Good luck today wish.  Lets hope it's a banner one full of (I can't remember which is which SOI or IOS) non-sucky things.

    Jane, sorry to hear about DD. 

  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Member Posts: 765
    edited January 2009

    Saint, that band director sounds like one that my son had. My son and his best friend were the French Horn section in the band, his best friend made all district his freshman year and was first chair all district his sophmore year and made 5th chair all state band that same year. The band director said that their section was the worst section in the band because they didn't practice enough, they would practice together in the evenings and on weekends and they helped each other learn the parts. Because of that comment, my son's friend transferred to another high school with an award winning band program and John dropped band after his sophmore year and focused on Soccer and video-taping the football games.

  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited January 2009

    Wish------LOOK!!! My prediction has half come frue---the money for the kitty is there!! So we can hope the second issue is that it is an easy fix! Congrats on the job!

    Flyerz--You made me LOL & I really need it today.

    Hugs Jane---it sux when you see loved ones do things you know will fail. I have 2 nephews that each had children with girlfriends in the last year & a sister who makes very poor can just see where it's going, but can't do anything & it is a hard thing to let happen. It sux to be powerless!

    I have a major IOS that has SOI threads running thru it. I have sensed something is wrong with dh for weeks & kept asking him what was wrong. This AM it came out. Our clinic sent us to collection!! I will make a long story short--I used to do the bills. I hurt my back 3 years ago & he took over. He has not wanted me to worry about finances, but it is now apparent he is not as good at managing $ as I am. We had an agreed payment plan with the clinic, but he was late with a couple of payments. Even tho he doubled up the next month it seems that if you are late twice it negates the agreement!!! *&^()&^)(* So I called this am........I do NOT have over $6,000 to pay them off & was afraid this could be the beginning of the financial demise we all hear catastrophic disease can rain down on us. I called & got very teary almost immediately after thinking of this for 2 hours, but the woman was really great & understood the situation. She told me she will pull it back from collection, (apparently sent him 2 or 3 notices that he didn't read!!) BUT now I realize he has NOT been paying the triple payments I was making on a loan & he may love me a little too much cuz he has spent $ just to see me smile.....sweet I know--but not smart!!! Things need to change around here..........

    Thanx for letting me vent--it doesn't seem so horrible reading it here & the SOI's: we won't have our credit rating affected, we have a new plan set up, I am going to look into getting my medicare (that I have been paying for!) involved in my care costs, & I have a pretty wonderful dh who does the wrong things for the best reasons! Crisis averted for now.......gotta take my own advise: Have faith & help will come from unexpected places! (easy to give/hard to take!)

    Hugs all-be well & stay strong! I LOVE THIS THREAD!!! 

  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited January 2009

    BTW--thanx for all the support on the band nazi---I had no idea that he was not an anomaly!! I KNEW sport coaches behaved that way---good to know others have had the same problems----

    Lvtwoqlt--Our band teacher has led our kids to MANY awards & won lots of competitions-but MANY kids have quit due to the demands & inflexibility. Our whole education culture is changing to SPECIALIZE even with little kids! I do NOT agree with this philosophy.....while they are still kids they should be allowed to investigate & participate in more than one extra-curricular!!!!!!

    IT SUX 

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited January 2009

    Sheesh Saint.  Like you haven't enough to worry about.

    My biggest suck thing (still can't figure out which sucks and which doesn't OIS or SOI) is I had to cancel a non emerg appt today because the friggin roads are becoming impassable.  Can hardly see the road and it's only about 50 feet away.

    Still good for doggus walking though and that's a non-sucky thing.

    A big hug for those who have way too much suckiness in their lives.  ((((((((((bitchy, moany, groany group))))))))))

  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited January 2009

    IOS is incidence of suckage

    SOI is the opposite but I can't remember what the letters stand for even tho dh & I made it up@!!!! LOL .......DUH