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Im bitchy, I moan, I groan.....anyway.



  • maxgirl
    maxgirl Member Posts: 7
    edited January 2009

    "...they pissed me off so bad I got up and got better"  Sorry, kmc, that just cracked me up.  But a big THAT SUX for not getting the caretaking you needed and deserved from your sibs.  Sheesh!

     The parking at GU is also expensive, but the attendants are wonderful.   We had just learned my sister's brain tumor (GBM) was terminal, and another sister was trying to get out of the garage but was crying too hard.  The attendant told her just to take her time and not worry about it.  We got to know him and his co-workers too well.

     By the way, a small group of us are planning a get-together at the Tysons Food Court, Feb. 7 at noon, if anyone is in the area and up for it.

     merry: That really sux to get hit with truncal LE after all this time.  I've got it but it started a few months after treatment ended. 

     KAK -- I don't forget to exercise cuz if I do, I lock up and swell up as a reminder.  Thanks for the links -- every bit of new information helps.  I look forward to your report on the March seminar.  I'm originally from RI (though I didn't grow up there).  Send me a clam cake, OK?

     Fumi -- Tiramisu??   Wait, let me get a fork and I'll dig right in.  My fave dessert!

  • KAK
    KAK Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2009

    Wish, honey!!  Not your kitty, too??!!  Listen, that lump may well be on her thyroid gland.  My vet found a slight one on Chloe's neck & said it was pretty common.  Her thyroid function was still okay in the blood test, altho' she could develop problems in the future, but the problems are usually treatable.  Only thing is, even tho' these thyroid tumors are often B9, they still might have to come off if they start to block the windpipe.  Do you have a decent vet?  They may want to do a blood test to check your kitty's thyroid function.

    Hi, Everyone!  Craw, believe me, this is THE right place to complain all you want!

    Felicia, you've gotten some good advice here about that boy.  You & your H2B & the rest of you ladies are sooo good-hearted to take in kids like this, honestly.  I've always believed in the idea that 'it takes a village'.  Definitely helped me growing up.  I just can't believe some of these clueless parents out there.  And I don't think you are a horrible person to have the concerns you do.  You don't want to get yourself in a sticky legal or financial situation where helping this boy causes more harm than good.  Best of luck to you in sorting this out.

    My IOS today is that I came down with a cold yesterday, constant runny nose & sneezing, then today I'm throwing up.  So, I'm sitting here hoping that I can finally keep something down.  Going back to bed soon!

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited January 2009

    Ut OH~  Not the bug of winter Kathi?  Sorry you are under the weather, it's probably the worry about chloe that bought it on.  I know after that break-in, I came down with a horrible chestcold :( Hope you feel better soon.  You and Chloe.

    Thanks for the thought of the thyroid. I can deal with that.  Treated Betsy (old cocker for about 10 years on levo, then when I was diagnosed, I'm on it now also  Makes me think it's from handling all the levo over the years :(  Oh man, how do you give a cat thryoid meds daily?  OH MY< Oh dear!  Could be interesting...

  • pk0199
    pk0199 Member Posts: 49
    edited January 2009


    Sorry to hear you are not feeling well, hope you get better soon! How is Chloe doing now?

    Only real suckiness here is the weather, getting really sick of the snow and cold! I know, I know, I am from Canada, should be used to it, not!!! We live by the Rocky Mountains and usually get chinooks all the time and warms things up, haven't had a chinook in weeks.

    Wishiwere, sorry to hear about your kitty too! Isn't it amazing how much those little creatures mean to us! Hope your kitty bounces back quick.


  • flyrzfan
    flyrzfan Member Posts: 199
    edited January 2009

    wish...I'm so sorry you have this worry hanging over your head...I will pray for lucy that its her thyroid...please let us know...

    KAK...I'm sorry your under the weather is going allll around!

    Nancy - what am I going to do with you? UPDATE!

    a big that SUX to anyone else who needs it...I think I must go find some dinner. I tried sitting here long enough for it to find me but since THAT hasn't happened....

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited January 2009


    I just read about your fur baby... Gosh, I hope it isn't anything serious.  I just wanted to second what KAK said, about how it may be her thyroid, as that is a very common problem with cats.  If she has been throwing up, that could also be thyroid-related. I agree with KAK, you might want to have Lucy's thyroid function tested.  It is very much like we humans, it is just a blood test.  Your vet may decide  that lump needs to be removed, even though if it is a thyroid nodule, it is most likely b-9! 

    My vet thought she felt a nodule on Spike's thyroid, but at his last check up, back in Oct., she didn't mention it.  I guess that is just something else I'll have to ask about. 

    Good Luck at the vets, with Lucy, dear.  Please keep me posted, and let me know how she's doing!!    I understand why you don't want to go to the vets by yourself.  I took my 1st cat, Axel to the vets, and they did some tests and found out he had cancer.  That was so hard, I swore I would NEVER go by myself to the vets with my babies!!


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited January 2009


    I am sorry you are not feeling well.  I had a sinus infection, and I hope it is finally gone for good, because I was feeling better since Monday, but today I just got one of those horrible headaches! 

    Hope you are feeling better soon, dear! 


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited January 2009

    Dear Wish - you sure don't need this now.  I am a cat lover and know exactly how you feel.  I was beside myself in the hospital after my bilateral mastectomy worried that my sister had not gone home to give the cat his medicine.  It is the main reason I left the hospital - to care for my cat.

    I'm sure your baby will be okay.  I'm glad you have a vet appointment on Monday.  It will relieve your mind.  Hugs to you and your cat.  Let us know what happens please.

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Member Posts: 678
    edited January 2009

    Wish - I have a furbaby with bumps under her chin.  Are you ready for this..... it is feline acne.

    Its a pink bump and she will keep on rubbing it against chairs and table edges until it bursts then I dab a little hydrogen peroxide on it and she is good to go.  I keep a check until it heals itself.

    I hope that your furbaby has nothing more serious than that.  Bandit is 10 and has suffered this affliction since her first heat.  She has been neutered since but still has acne.

    An SOI, a client of my hubby - he works in a Hobby Shop - stopped in a couple of weeks ago and told my hubby about his father who had been battling cancer for last 2 years.  My husband told him about me.  Today he dropped in and handed hubby a box of Lindt truffles (for him) and a get well card for me.  Yes hubby is sharing the truffles.

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited January 2009

    OHMY`  Nothing better than lindt truffles.  Have you tried the dark chocolate ones?  MMMMmm~

    Ladies, thanks for caring, praying and offering suggestions other than the Big C, I'm trying to keep my heart on those other suggestions.  She has excema Dream, so I've been dealing with that over the years.  SHe's on an expensive food b/c of it, seems allergy related.  But this isn't on/in the skin, it seems to be attached to her tachea like.....just makes me ill every time I think about it...

  • junie
    junie Member Posts: 784
    edited January 2009

    Hi, Ladies!   Not sure why I haven't posted here; Lord knows I could relieve some SUX things.   Tonight, scanning through, the "mouse" stories tickled me!   We moved to a very rural area several years ago.   We've had a family of skunks take up residence in the culvert under our driveway; deer; have had hawks fly low over the deck with screeching somethings clutched in their talons; deer; have watched a bobcat chase a rabbit through the back yard; deer; this year, a bear problem; deer;  found a bat on my kitchen counter.....lots of interesting, scary wildlife for a city gal--but, no mice!    What did me in was a gecko!

    I was washing a few things up in the kitchen one night.   Hubby and Lab son were in the computer room.    SOMETHING ran up my arm!  I screamed and flung my arm and it dropped on my bare foot, and I screamed again!   I saw it was a, geckos do not scare me like bats, bobcats, I immediately dropped down on the floor to see where it went...and, I was laughing hysterically because of how frightened I'd been......well, hubby and dog come racing into the kitchen after my second rip-roaring scream and hubby sees me on the floor making these weird noises (I was laughing so hard!) and dog starts barking his head off and hubby grabs phone and is trying to call 911--he thinks I'm having a heart attack and I'm laughing so hard, trying to tell him--NOO, don't call anyone! 

    long story short--I would see the gecko off and on during the next week.  I really wanted to catch it and get it back outside...I finally did, but the silly thing wouldn't get off the deck and go down to the yard, and dog caught it one day--and I cried!    so, kinda funny story with a sucky ending!!!

    huggggsssss to all!!!

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited January 2009

    Hey everybody,

    Feeling really down tonight...not sure why.....

    Happy New Year. Being alone on New Years Eve didn't bother me much. Maybe because I was sick of being with people after my Christmas vacation....yea, that was probably it. But, today...I was allowed to cut out of work early and came home to an empty house on a beautiful Jan 2....with nothing to do and all of the sudden....I felt really alone.

    I went to put on cumfy know......and I thought to myself 'self, don't put on a man's t-shirt to hide your horrible foobs....put on a tiny tank top to go with your cumfy baggy house pants.............................mistake.

    I can't believe how much my life has changed. I'm so freaking sad. I'm fat and mutilated and scared of recurrance.......I just wish so much......

    I miss my friends.....I miss laughing......I miss sex.....I miss so much.......

    I'm distraught that John and Kelly's kid died.....

    I've had too much wine. I'm going to bed.

    I love you girls. I don't know what I'd do without you.

    Sorry for my pity party.

  • AusAla
    AusAla Member Posts: 24
    edited January 2009

    I've been reading but not posting.  Would start out reading with intentions of posting...but too many pages later, my ditsy brain couldn't remember the stuff I wanted to respond I'd say, "I'll post next time".  But I have really been reading.  So much suckiness and so little brain cells to keep up with all of it.


    I hope and pray for reduced suckiness for everyone in 2009.  You'd think having bc would be enough suckage...but nooooooooo, the crap just keeps piling up.

    My New Year's resolution was to NOT make any New Year's resolutions.  Try it, it is liberating.  This time of year brings out the need to reflect and ponder and mull over things.  One of the best things about the past year was meeting bunches of my BCO friends at two different get togethers.  The friends I have made here are more than friends, closer than many family members, and irreplaceable in my opinion.  Thank you from the depths of my soul for being here.  I appreciate you ALL.  Going to try to be better about being active in this thread.  That is not a there's no pressure on me...LOL.

    I love y'all.  I truly do. Wishing the happiest and healthiest 2009 for everyone!

    Big ol' hugs


    PS, Traci, special hugs for you tonight.  I hope you are sleeping peacefully, dreaming sweet dreams, and not waking up with a red wine hangover.  Those SUCK!

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited January 2009

    Junie, the gecko story was too funny!  good thing dh understood through you hystercal laughter as it might have been hard explaining it all the EMT's! :D

    {{{{TRACI}}}}  Feel so bad....I'm sorry I wasn't here to respond to your That SUX day of being down and out. :(  There are those days, when just coming here and B'ing, M'ing and G'ing is the best of therapys'. Accept this heart felt  {{{THAT SUX}}} hug dear friend.

  • sueper13
    sueper13 Member Posts: 360
    edited January 2009


    Calling you.


  • pk0199
    pk0199 Member Posts: 49
    edited January 2009

    Hi All,

    Read here often, don't often post as I consider myself pretty lucky not to have the added burdens some have. This morning however, I will post with my suckiness, I feel like a Mack truck has hit me. My head pounds, can't breathe, sinuses are plugged and ache everywhere. I know I know, just a cold. Everytime something medical is going to happen, (start rads this week) I get sick! When I had my gall bladder out, I thought they were going to cancel my surgery because I had such a bad cold. Normally I am pretty healthy, odd migraine, but like I said when something medical is going to happen , I get a whoozy of a cold! Oh and I am sick to death of this cold weather, it was -27 celcuis again last night! Thanks for letting me vent my mild suckiness.

    Best wishes to all those with more major issues, hope everything goes well.


  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited January 2009

    Hugs pk.  Colds suck and especially when you want your bod in fighting form. 

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited January 2009

    Ah, the dreaded stress and lowering our immunities will do it for sure! :(  Sorry you are suffering while preparing for the rads. Have you tried Alkaseltzer ( I know it's not spelled right..) for sinus?  Works great at relieving the pain and pressure.  Along with a good hot shower/ soak in the tub.  Hope you get over quickly.

  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited January 2009

    WOW! Take 4 days off & have to recharge my battery just for this thread!!!!  WHASUX???????

    Sick furbuddies, LE, se's, moron family members,  $ troubles--it ALL sux!...but..

    God bless you felicia & flyrz for sharing your stories. Dh & have worked in the school district for years, tho I haven't for the last 2  :>{   Again & again I am incredulous over the stories of local families!! I am amazed that some even survive, no less succeed! Felicia--I have a short term answer for your SS issue--IF the 18 yr old is still in school you only have to get a special form from ss & have a school official sign it stating that they are in fact still in HS & the benefits continue til graduation--BUT you have to get the form filed BEFORE the month they turn is my son's 18th bd so I have recent experience with this--hope that helps!

    Welcome all newbies to the thread-(junie--is that YOU????????  HUGS) Vent & whine & let fly! Traci-special hugs...waiting to hear from you.....

    Lots more to tell, but eyes are telling me I will have to wait for another well & stay strong! 

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Member Posts: 678
    edited January 2009

    Hi everyone... hugs to the SUX sufferers, hi 5's to the IOS celebrantees.  Yes I made that word up!

    Saint is right about the 18 yr old boy..... my 19 yr old still receives benefits.... all she has to do is get the forms signed by the registrar.

  • EWB
    EWB Member Posts: 592
    edited January 2009

    Dreamwriter and Saint- question about SS for daughter is getting SS checks because I am on SSdisability.  If I understand you correctly- this can be extended past 18 if she is in school?  Does that also include college?


  • maxgirl
    maxgirl Member Posts: 7
    edited January 2009

    Junie -- Your story was too funny! I think I'll smile every time I get the mental picture of you, on the floor, laughing too hard to talk while chasing the gecko. Thanks for that. You're certainly dealing with a lot of wildlife.  Any deer?  :D

    Traci, sorry to hear you were having such a low night.  I hope daylight made you feel better.

     pk -- That truly sux that you're trying to get your tx fnished, and your body seems to have a mind of its own.  Hope the cold clears soon,

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 183
    edited January 2009

    Hugs to you, Traci. Thinking of you tonight...

    The young man has moved in. No more of a plan than there was the last time I posted. I'm feeling guilty because I'm not happy here at all. But thanks for the SS info re: still being in school at 18. I'll be looking into it asap...

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend, everyone... 

  • mzmiller99
    mzmiller99 Member Posts: 220
    edited January 2009

    pk0199 - good luck with the rads.  Which kind are you having? 

     Hope your cold moves out quickly, along with the frigid cold outside!

  • sueper13
    sueper13 Member Posts: 360
    edited January 2009

    Traci, it was wonderful to meet you today!!  Just writing those words seems surreal....but it was a great day, and thanks!!


  • LisaSDCA
    LisaSDCA Member Posts: 178
    edited January 2009

    Sue got to meet Traci?!?

    In the flesh? And in the fedora?


  • pk0199
    pk0199 Member Posts: 49
    edited January 2009


    Hate to sound dumb here but not sure what you mean by what kind of rads... I am doing 27 treatments if that is what you mean, my rad onc doesn't want to do the Vancouver Protocol not totally sure why, he just said I would have less skin problems.

    Just have to do a plug too, just finished watching the Junior Hockey Game, Canada beat Russia and are now in the finals for Gold/Silver- Go Canada!! (sorry hockey family!!)

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited January 2009

    "SUX sufferers" BAWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! That was soooo  funny!!

    Yes everybody...our darling Sue woke my sorry ass out of bed this morning and MADE me (j/k) meet her at a dog park!!! (She rescued a Greyhound!!!!) and then we had lunch. (Her other dog looks like one of those sled dogs in that sad but happy movie where the guy has to leave his dogs and then finally manages to get back to save them....she has scary but beautiful eyes.)

    It was great!!! I loved meeting you too Sue and look forward to seeing you again soon!!

    Sue made me feel all better. I'm in a great mood tonite even though the Falcons lost. (Not that I'm a huge fan but Sue and I have GA ties...... :-)

    Lisa.....what's fedora???????? I really should read more books.... want to borrow my reading glasses? Wink

    Aus....I'm with you. I made no New Year's resolutions....why set your self up for dissappoint!!!


    I'm watching the San Diego game Lisa! (That and the second showing of Steel Magnolia's on the Oxygen channel!)

    Hugs girls,

    Thanks for being here.


  • PSK07
    PSK07 Member Posts: 91
    edited January 2009

    Tracy (((((hugs))))) - what can I say?  Platitudes don't help. Hope you feel better soon. Get some rest & take care of yourself.

    Felicia - just becase you're having this young man doesn't mean you have to be happy about it. It's an upheaval and a change and the expense - I have teen girls and they could eat and drink 24/7 if I let them. Others know better than I, but get the legalities taken care of - you don't want him getting hurt while he's living with you & then having to deal with it. I was eligible for SS benefits after my dad died in 1980 - I think that they changed it from college to through high school during the Reagan years :(

    Geckos, mice, sick pets, sinus problems. Ugh.

    So minor an IOS it almost doesn't qualify. I have to go back to work on  Monday - been off for 2 weeks for the holidays and the thought of it is making my stomach turn.

  • prayrv
    prayrv Member Posts: 362
    edited January 2009

    Traci & Sue,

    I'm so glad that you two met up.   It was soooo beautiful today outside, didn't it get up in the 80's?.  Wait until tomorrow - cold front coming through.  I think fedora is a type of hat.  I can't watch Steel Magnolia more than once a year - I cry too much and then laugh right out loud at Shirley McClain and Olympia Dukakas (sp).  My dh thinks I'm nuts.  My IOS today is that I feel totally inadequate in all aspects of my life.  I feel I'm not a good mother, wife, daughter, worker, the whole gamut.  I won't get into it, it'll just make me tear up again - and I finally got my tear ducts under control.  Maybe tomorrow when dh won't be hovering over my shoulder looking at my posting.  Take care and Gentle Hugs to all.
