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Im bitchy, I moan, I groan.....anyway.



  • EWB
    EWB Member Posts: 592
    edited May 2009

    hugs Saint

  • Sessna1
    Sessna1 Member Posts: 200
    edited May 2009

    saint and I have a mutual admiration society going here.  When we say "steroids," you say, "SUCK," ready?  Steroids .... "SUCK"   Steroids ...  "SUCK"  (You are good at this!)  Steroids... "SUCK!"

    Now, I am not kidding about that universal health care program.  Unfortunately, just like driving, having health coverage is not a right - it never has been, not even for children.  Providing health care is good for the population in general because it helps the general population stay healthier - that's the only reason the government is involved.  Follow the money trail...  

    I have a friend who really wants a universal health care plan to work, she is about 12 years older than I am.  I just can't figure out a way to make one work, given European and Canadian plans that have MAJOR shortcomings, like assigning many procedures as "electives, not necessary," and making you wait months to see a doctor.  And, if you are elderly and already ill, they figure you are going to die sooner anyway - no healthcare for you.  That ISN'T working. 

    This has been a follow-up public service announcement.  Remember to sit up and shut down when necessary.


  • lovinmomma
    lovinmomma Member Posts: 105
    edited May 2009

    Saint that is so great!  What a blessing!

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Member Posts: 678
    edited June 2009

    Ok I have to jump in here.  I was diagnosed Dec 20, 2005.  Follow the time line:

    November 30, 2005   Felt lump

    Dec 1, 2005    Doc appt.

    Dec 17, 2005  Mammogram

    Dec 20, 2005  Diagnosed

    Dec 21, 2005  US

    Dec 27, 2005  Meeting with Surgeon

    Dec 30, 2005  Meeting with Oncologist

    Jan  11, 2006 Surgery

    Jan 12, 2006  Bone Scan / US

    Jan 13, 2006  Home with Nursing Care (Daily)

    Jan 26, 2006  Breathing Problems - ER - CT Scan - Dx Stage 4

    Jan 27, 2006  Meeting with Oncologist in Clinic

    Jan 30, 2006  Meeting with Oncology Nurses

    Feb 1, 2006   First Chemotherapy FEC

    June 1, 2006  First Taxotere....

    Jan ......2007  Dx Stable

    I do not feel that I had to wait for anything and I was stage 4.

    After that I had the flu, pneumonia, pleural effusions (with pleurodesis and thoradesis)

    collapsed lung.  And recently, delirium January 2009 and May 2009.  At no time did the health system in Ontario make me wait for anything.  If anything they were so efficient, I barely had time to take everything in.....

  • Sessna1
    Sessna1 Member Posts: 200
    edited June 2009

    dreamwriter... you have left me floored.

    On May 13-19, 2009, I was in the hospital with pneumonia.  My onco thinks it's cancer related. (mets)

    I think it's because he and his nurse ignored me for cycles 2 and 3 when I TOLD them I was having trouble breathing.  It got worse every day, and there was an odd pain in my chest and back that really hurt.  Another nurse said they should have done a chest x-ray and ekg on me.  My ekg upon admission (Emergency) to the hospital on the 13th was okay, it was my chest x-ray that showed I had pneumonia.

    I have an appointment with a pulmonologist this week.  In the hospital, the pulmonologist on staff said that my lungs are so cloudy that he can't tell what is going on in there.  They have to clear out the pneumonia and then do a high resolution CT scan to see what's there.

    I read your outline and just shook my head.  Hey, don't tell anyone, because I'm not telling any of my family or friends, but I'm Stage IV myself.  I took off my Stage II on the boards in my closing because I felt it wasn't right to not tell people the truth.

    You did not get pneumonia till you were through with your chemo?  You can Private Message me if you like.  I'm on an oxygen machine now, 2 liters of air per minute.  I get better daily.

    I am in the process of having a consultation done with The City of Hope in Duarte, CA.

    Wow.  What a journey, trial, set of events you have triumphed in.  I salute you.  Better than that.  God be with you, dear lady.  I will keep you in my prayers.


  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Member Posts: 678
    edited June 2009

    Like I said, I was too busy following from one thing to another to really take it in.  Please let me know how your consultation goes.  I am not on oxygen.... I can walk, talk and breathe on my own.  But I am limited in the amount of that.  Swimming is the most exercise I get.  I even swim with only one boob.....!

  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited June 2009

    Dream is special-----I think she has God's ear (or eye as the case may be).......I pray he keeps her baffling her medical team for years & years & more BCO get togerhers------WHAT A ROOMMATE!!


  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited June 2009

    HUGS (((((((( dream and sessna )))))))))))). Prayers are lifted up.   

  • navygirl
    navygirl Member Posts: 369
    edited June 2009

    Grrrrr...Nancy, let me at 'em...I'll whack them over the head with my shovel! Who the frig denies chemo? Of all the things to pitch a fit over...this would be one! Let me know if you need me to type letters or make phone calls -I'll say I'm your daughter and how DARE they???!!!!!

    Dream - sessna and Sait, you all crack me up!

    I have a minor IOS to gripe about - and ask about...MENOPAUSE...all of a sudden in the past 10 days the hot flashes are coming fast and furious (normal one minute, dripping sweat the next) and I am just so cranky! My gf pointed it out over the weekend and she's right...I catch myself constantly thinking (or saying) you everyone about everything.

    1. Is this normal ? 2. Will this go away as my system levels out? Holy mackerel I hope so!!

    Hugs to all and let's enjoy the week!

  • navygirl
    navygirl Member Posts: 369
    edited June 2009

    PS> SOI - I get my port out this week!!!! YAY for me!

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited June 2009

    Hey Bonnie:   congrats on getting the port out.  I look forward to that, but gotta wait till at least September.  And I hate to tell ya, but the hot flashes probably will continue for a long time.  But, us "suthern gals" do not sweat, we "glissen"...   Thanks for the offer to kick butt with the insurance company, but I think I have exhausted all appeals.   That fine print in the original contract... grrrr.   

    THAT SUCKS as needed.   Hugs for all. 

  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited June 2009

    The hot flashes tended to lessen for me over months....they DO return every dadgum time my tx changes tho! But that shouldn't affect YOU!

    AKA--ever consider contacting the pharm companies after the fact to see if they have any compassion? Just a thought--depending on the drugs you had you may be an anecdotal success story for them! 

    Starting my first rads today. MY favorite church holiday was yesterday--Pentecost! Could fairly feel the space thrum with Presence. Feel very strongly that this is going to be a banner week for many here.....

    Be well & stay strong 

  • prayrv
    prayrv Member Posts: 362
    edited June 2009

    Saint, kick some cancer butt!!!!!!!!!

    I was under the impression that we southern girls "glowed".  LOL

    Thinking of Watson, sending positive thoughts.

    Gentle hugs for all,


  • EWB
    EWB Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2009

    Hugs to everyone! Not too sucky here other than joints and muscles REALLY achy, sore etc. Thought it would be better after the bad weather, today is beautiful, clear sunny perfect day etc but I'm not feeling better. I guess that does suck  Cry I have got to figure a way around this, so not fun.

    SOI is that ds is now home for summer and sort of unpacked, sort of....kinda...not really when you get down to it.  Guess thats this weeks project.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited June 2009

    Uh oh, what did I miss about Watson?????

  • prayrv
    prayrv Member Posts: 362
    edited June 2009


    here's a link to the thread that Watson started.

    She's having surgery today.  I can't explain real well, so the link to the thread is best!



  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Member Posts: 678
    edited June 2009

    If your insurance wont cover it, what about other funds.  Have you asked your oncologist? There may be mercy funds etc.....

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited June 2009

    Trish, you link didn't work for me so I searched her name and found the post. So scary!!! She is officially in my prayers.

  • prayrv
    prayrv Member Posts: 362
    edited June 2009

    I tried!!!!

    I'm not sure if it because they (BCO) changed the website or if I'm just link challenged.


  • badboob67
    badboob67 Member Posts: 236
    edited June 2009

    You can check out my wikispace (the link is in my signature line) for some other sources that might be able to help pay for chemo. I can't believe you're having to go through this crap!

    Ok, I have lots of IOSs, but I'm too replete of the "oomph" to type them. I did want to crow about a tremendous SOI about my son. He's graduating high school this year. He's always been an awesome student and extremely self-motivated. Ever since kindergarten, though, his efforts have not seemed to be recognized by teachers/admin when it came time for awards, etc. He just got used to the fact that no one but his parents and family seemed to give a hoot about how hard he was working. I know he got tired of hearing me tell him how wonderful I know he is even if other people didn't recognize it!

    Anyway, he had his final band concert last week that was followed up with an awards ceremony. They had given out most of the awards and his name hadn't been called. His dad was starting to get REALLY angry!! (I wasn't able to go or probably would have been cussing). Well, lo and behold, the kid gets the Sousa award which is a HUGE deal! I am so very proud of him!!!  WOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Josh!!! It feels so good to know that his teacher seems to think he's a pretty great kid, too. :o)

    ((((HUGS))) and "THAT SUCKS!" to all who need it


  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited June 2009

    Woke this morning with usual aches and pains.  Took a shower and left leg had this lump and when rubbed HURT like heck- just below the back of my knee. Googled "blood clot" and decided to go to ER via taxi.   Long story short:   Ultrasound showed Superficial thrombophlebitis or small blood clot.  Treatment:  elevate, take one 325 mg aspirin a day, wear support hose.   It could and should get better on its own, not a deep vein clot.   Of course everything I get tends to have long names.  I should be grateful I don't simply have the flu...

  • EWB
    EWB Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2009

    Diane- woohoo!!!! I have son very similar, truely understand. That is really awesome. Hugs all around. sorry for lumps but really glad you found it and had it looked at so quickly! Here's to a quick resolution to the whole thing!!

  • Sessna1
    Sessna1 Member Posts: 200
    edited June 2009

    I'm 47.9 years old, and I could swear that something was flashing me BEFORE I started chemo.  Mind you, my mother died of cancer at 55.  I'm praying to God for some of Dad and Mom's genes to help me live as long as possible.

    My head gets hot - like I could melt and ice cube on it.  I don't sleep through the night.  I am irritable.  Then again, I'll bet all those could happen with chemo.  Sometimes I think that the treatment and waiting for tests puts us on overload, and other side effects pop out.

    Mark my words - they will find that stress exacerbates cancer!  You'll see.  Genetics, stress, environment.  I'm not a doctor, but I've watched actors play doctors on TV.  (small smile there for those who remember that commercial - ALL MY CHILDREN FANS - Cliff of Cliff and Nina?  That guy.)  Seriously, stress MUST go.  This darn recession is not helping us be calm and cool.

    Now that would be a cool group, like the motocycle guys who protect veteran's funerals - women who go to insurance companies who deny cancer treatment and protest loudly until the news media and some hungry lawyers show up!  THAT would embarrass them!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2009

    reat Big THAT SUCKS! to one and all. Haven't been around for a couple of weeks. Once again got distracted by shiney things so I'm only going back 3 pages.

    My IOS....I've been done with tamox for a couple of weeks now and every joint in my body is screaming in pain. I can't sit in one place for more than 5 minutes, I have to change position or get up and move around a bit. I know it's because my body is finally feeling the full effect of no estrogen but holy cow. Somebody could have warned me. I have to do ROM exercizes before I get out of bed in the morning just to be able to get up and walk down the stairs. O well, life sucks sometimes and thats that. Hoping once my bod adjusts to no tamox it will get better.

    First on the list of prayers, just read about Watson. Praying hard for an A+ for the neuro tests tomorrow.

    Nancy, WooHoo HURRAH!!!! and YIPPEE TOO!!

    Elaine got good news as well! YEAH!!!! HURRAH!!!! and WOOHOO!!!!!

    Traci, clear scans & sex! Not sure what Sex is but do understand clear scans so double WooHoo!

    Dream is pettin coonies???

    Sessna, thats quite the delema (sp). I had a similar situation with my pulmonologist. When I was dx with emphesema my pulmonolgist rx'd an inhaler with steroids. I said "I can't take that I have osteoporosis and steroids are bad for my bones." He said, "you won't need your bones if your not breathing". He made his point, I took the damn steroids. Tho I did it with attitude! I say stand your ground till your doc can give you a convincing argument to change your mind.

    Trish, a septated cyst is one that has compartments (for lack of a better word picture). Why the hell the can't just say sectioned or whatever is beyond me. I had a septated cyst before the medical terrorists stole my estrogen. I have pictures of it from my surgery. It is VERY COOL!!!....My husband would beg to differ. If the darn thing didn't have to go to the pathologist
    it would be in a jar on my desk. Along with my tumors, gallbladder, and appendix.

    How was your vacation Diane? I took a very long vacation and came back to find the house had been remodeled. It was quite the jolt. I don't do change well.

    Saint.....STEP AWAY FROM THE CUPCAKES!!!!! Wish I would take my own advice.
    YEAH!!!!! for graduating Son!!! as well as friends and unexpected blessings!
    Praying for Rads with no side effects and complete pain relief.

    Dream, WOW thats quite the timeline. All I remember is my dx date. Tomorrow is the 5 year anninversary of hearing the crappiest words in any language.

    YEAH!!! Navy for no more ports. And may you never see another one ever again. Lets all have a rousing cheer for  NO MORE HOT FLASHES!!!!!! Hate the suckers. I take Donnatal for them. It is usually rx'd for Irritabel Bowel Syndrome but for me it's my little white wonder pill.
    Did I mention I have a son in the Navy. He is a Nuke on the Enterprise.

    Diane, YEAH!!!!! again for graduating Son!!! 

    And for graduating teens all over the country. May your futures be bright and your paths have only enough s-curves to keep life interesting.

    Whelp, had bunches more to say but my eyelids are begging to be shut for the night.
    Peace to all.

  • navygirl
    navygirl Member Posts: 369
    edited June 2009

    Hey Sherloc - Thanks for summig everything up for me :)

    Diane - I hope your son appreciates a mom and dad who notice and are proud of him..often we don't until -well...this age in life! Way to go JOSH!

    Nancy - THANK GOD you don't ignore things!

    Saint - I have to agree, cupcakes. They cure what ail you, I had two this morning and my menopaus-anality is already calmer. :)

    I have a TON (did I say a TON) of work and then I am working on main campus later this evening...we're hosting a barbecue for the familys at the "Ronald McDonald" house...I hope it doesnt rain!

    Big HUGS...a special prayer for Watson...and a THAT SUX to those who need it!

  • Sessna1
    Sessna1 Member Posts: 200
    edited June 2009

    I want to subscribe to the sherloc news report, I'll take it weekly, monthly, bimonthly, quarterly - where do I sign up?

    Thank you for the vote of confidence on steroids sucking badly!  Also, your doc did trump you on that.  Alive with steroids or good bones and not so alive.  IF I get a trump line like that, I'll take some steroids, but not all.

    You are going through a lot!  I don't like change behind my back, either.  Want to backhand it into tomorrow and say, "Cut that out!"  Gobsmack that behind the back worker.  oh... unless it is a loved one.  Then, just admonish him.

    Cupcakes are a miracle food! 

    Love in Christ,


  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited June 2009

    Hey, A BIG THAT SUCKS to all who need it. I couldn't agree more on the pink thing. Purple suits me just fine.

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Member Posts: 678
    edited June 2009

    I had an IOS (Inverse of Suckiness) - I got a phone call from Sessna1 and she is a very loving and wonderful person.  My IOS is a new friend on the boards and on the phones.

  • KAK
    KAK Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2009

    Hey, gang!   How are you all?  I'm very happy for all the Suckage Otherwise Inverted and sorry to hear about all the continuing suckage!

    I hit the wall, as they say, a few weeks ago.  I was soooo tired, I was hanging on by my thumbs waiting for the vacation, which thank god is this week!!  Ahhhhhh, I feel much better.  Have been making art, causing trouble, feeling good.  I'm getting a tattoo tomorrow, accompanied by a sister I met here on the forum, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with radiation or cancer!!!   It's a circular celtic knot, which I've wanted to get for a long time.  I'll post pix when it's done.  I'm really annoyed that my first tattoo was for radiation, so I just couldn't let those tats be my only ones.

    And guess what?  The tattoo ain't pink!!!  It's purple!!!!  So there!  See, Connie?  Great minds think alike.


  • Sessna1
    Sessna1 Member Posts: 200
    edited June 2009

    I spoke with the lovely dreamwriter on the phone and I think her life should be a movie lesson because she is a fighter.  There is an old soul song that says, "Only the strong survive."  To a degree, that is correct - however, it is the strong fighters who learn wisdom, patience, knowledge, and compassion - those who make friends.  Those are the ones who thrive.

    How marvelous these boards are to allow me to speak with that dear lady in many ways.