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Im bitchy, I moan, I groan.....anyway.



  • ktym
    ktym Member Posts: 673
    edited July 2009

    Barbe, so sorry to hear that.  I really hope you don't need it put back in and the pain from the ureter calms down

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Member Posts: 678
    edited July 2009

    I have Mickie.  And he is behaving himself over here.

    KAK, your blog is truly an expression of your sassy self.  I could almost hear you saying those things to me.  I felt that you were honest enough to be yourself.  What a treat, from one writer to another.  Your photos, coloured or otherwise are a delight in creativity.  I loved the valentine one.  Took some staging for that one, huh?

    Barbe I am sorry about your pain.  I found that curling around a pillow helped.  But thats just me.

    Thanks to KAK and Barbe for making me feel special.

  • Mary22
    Mary22 Member Posts: 428
    edited July 2009

    I hope you get some relief from the pain, Barbe. Sorry you had to sit in ER for 12 hours.

    Take care of yourself, and find a comfortable position, if possible!! 

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited July 2009

    Gosh Barbe........maybe you  should go back to ER to bitch, moan and groan.  You should not be dealing with this on your own............and sitting in the ER room for 12 hours post op?  Would you care to take some whining lessons from me?  I hope things are sorted out by now.

    Gentle hugs.

  • BooBee
    BooBee Member Posts: 288
    edited July 2009

    Congratulations KAK.  You blog was one of the first ones I read when originally joined the group.  I love the blog and the Tshirt. 

    Barbe.  Get better soon.

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited July 2009

    Barbe, how are things today?   Prayers that it a much better day for you.  Hugs for all.   Nancy

  • EWB
    EWB Member Posts: 592
    edited July 2009

    Barbe- yuck Yell these things should just not happen.....hope you are feeling better today.

    Sharon- I get the feeling Barbe can whine like nobodys business, if she needed to! That would be interesting though...whining lesson. Every Tuesday after school?

    Hoping everyone is good today

  • LisaSDCA
    LisaSDCA Member Posts: 178
    edited July 2009

    Barbe ~ I hope you get some relief from your pain, right quick. This has been going on long enough! And I know your  income is impacted for every hour you spend in the ER, undergoing medical procedures that have to just be redone, laid out by pain (or pain meds), etc. It must be incredibly frustrating. I feel for you!



  • thenewme
    thenewme Member Posts: 174
    edited July 2009

    Ohmigosh there's some major suckage here! I LOVE this thread - the humor, camraderie and inspiration are awesome!

    Oh Barbe I hope you've gotten some relief for your pain!!! I've been thinking about you and your upcoming onco visit (FINALLY- thank goodness!!!).

    Big THAT SUX for everyone that needs it! My suckage today is the swollen glands in my throat that antibiotics for 10 days doesn't seem to have helped. ugh.

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited July 2009

    I've been having a "full" "heavy" pain on my mast side for about a week and it's getting worse.  The full/heaviness is in the axillary region.  The pain is actually on the side.  There is no discernable swelling.  Any thoughts?

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Member Posts: 678
    edited July 2009

    Jane M. - does it feel more like you have a problem with your breathing.;  Sounds like an early indication of a pleural effusion.  However, there is no MD after my name.

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited July 2009

    WOW On the shirt!!! Thanks so much, Kathi, for including me!!!  I feel special too.

    Glad to see Saint back and BIG THAT SUX for all the surgeries and flubs by the medicals. One told me that the #1 cause of death in the USA is MEDICAL ERROR. .. !

    I went to a new chiropractor who's into whole body wellness, and his pitch, what he says he can do... he explained so much that it really seems to make sense. DOES ANYONE REALLY GET BETTER??? Going to a chiropractor, I mean??? If he told you your neck was 10 degrees off of the natural curve and that he can straighten out all the pieces of my damaged spine and line me up. Does it really work?  Reinforcements needed. I went to the NeuroSurgeon and hes going to do an MRI of my entire spine this Thursday. Thank GOD, he's going to look at the whole back of me and then maybe I can get some relief.

    It's so good to read what all of you write. It makes me feel not so alone and really, really welcome to come in here and bitch and moan.

    I was not kidding, way back in June when I wrote about Mr. EarLobes, remember ? the boyfriend of dd#1? ... with the gapping holes in his four inch dangling earlobes???  (If not, my 29 year old dd found a new bf, 35, who is not only tattoo-ed all over his body, including right down the middle of his face, but has stretched his earlobes to the size of, well, a beer can can fit in them!!!! ) BUT... he's good to her. So far. And he's 'really nice' as she says. She's not been calling or coming over here cause she's spending all her time with him and her father, my dh, told her not to bring the weird-o over here. So she spends the nights, most all weekends and any other free time with him where he lives - AT HIS MOMMIE and DADDY'S HOUSE.. ARRGH. Why can't she see that this is not a good plan???  Dear Lord, Please help my dd see the hole she's digging.

    The other side, is that this same dd lives with her grandmother. Yes, that's right. My first born is living with my MOTHER. She's 80. Called today and want's me and my sister to come talk to her about placing her in an assisted living facility as she's seriously high maintenance and there is no one coming to her house to wait on her .. in other words, my mom thinks she's the queen of the south and should be catered to at all times. And... she's not very nice about it. Demanding is a better word. Commanding is even be better. Add a razor sharp tongue and you get the idea.  I used to bow down to her commands, but not any more. She had bc 7 yrs ago, and when I was dx, she really, honestly, said, "Been there, done that". And that was the end of her comfort and support. She treats me as if I never had it.  .. but, OMG, don't EVER forget that she did.

    No, I cannot make this stuff up. I do, however, understand where comedians get their schticks and maybe I'll put all this down in a book, or launch a new career in stand-up comedy. I could do that.. I could use a high paying new career, does anyone know where to apply?


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited July 2009

    Dream, I've been short of breath for over a month!  I keep telling myself that it's - a pulled muscle, lymphedema (although I've had lymphedema before and my arm and hand were swollen), a pinched nerve, allergies??? I haven't done anything super strenuous and it's been getting progressively worse.  At first, I only noticed it if I laid on that side.  Now it's constant and I noticed today that I'm resistant to moving that arm.  I'm sure that if I could just forget about it, it would go away.

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited July 2009

    Would it feel like this if the nerves were regenerating or growing back?

  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited July 2009

    Hi all,  It has been avery long time since I have visited this site.  What I am really sad about is the following:  Betsy, my friend had a BM on wednseday this week.  Todd qnother friend had surgery on Monday this week, along with Scott and Cheryl, they all are doing well recovering and could yuse your prayers.  Another friend from my Gilda's Wellness Group passed away last week and I am asking for your prayers.  This has been a tough week for me.

    Thaks for all of your prayers.


  • Mary22
    Mary22 Member Posts: 428
    edited July 2009

    Kathi Cool shirt and awesome blog.

    Jane I would talk to your rads onc. I had pain in the same area of rad only on my back not my front. It started end of May beginning of june. I had a bad asthma attack, then needed antibiotics for sinus infection. Dr listened to my lungs all seemed good. I had my check up w/ med onc, she said the pain was normal, it would take to heal. Finally I had c/u with rads onc and he sent me for bone scan and chest ct. I went today. Will keep you posted as to reults.

    I am tired now from test, but have heartburn from dinner, so I will take some tums and off to bed.

  • MBCR
    MBCR Member Posts: 51
    edited July 2009

    KAK:  I do homecare PT too!

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Member Posts: 678
    edited July 2009

    Jane I really think you need a doctor.  Possibly a ct scan.  Your questions are telling me you have breathing problems, maybe lymphedema of the chest (puffieness), some pain can be lymphedema too but Id lay my money on pleural effusion.  This is the space just outside the lungs.

  • BooBee
    BooBee Member Posts: 288
    edited July 2009

    Jane....I had pleural effusion during radiation and it usually hurt when I bent over.  I'm also joining the rest of you with the breathing problems.  Chest x-ray showed no problems so no problems so I see a polminoligest (sp?) in a month.  I remember taking the call from the Dr during my walk by the river, regarding the results of the x-ray, and all I could think of is this call could be the difference between stage 2 and stage 4.  This one call.  I hate cancer.

  • BooBee
    BooBee Member Posts: 288
    edited July 2009

    On the not so sucky side....Our Relay for Life was held this past weekend and it was incredibly moving.  To see the small children caring that banner just barley big enough to see over the top and the track surrounded by thousands of applauding supporters just tore at my heart strings.  Several Oregon football players joined me on the track and we made it on the evening news.  I just sobbed like a baby.  The players helped or team raise more than $900.00 signing autographs for donations in less than two hours.  

    Number 83 is my daughters boyfriend.

    Relay" mce_src="" alt="" border="" hspace="" vspace="" width="" height="" align="" />

  • navygirl
    navygirl Member Posts: 369
    edited July 2009

    WOW so much suckage...I'm sorry ladies...for all the woes and losses and issues. the shirt...a great tribute to the blog and your friends...Thanks. Moose...come on back anytime...sounds like you needed a prayers are with you and your friends...I hope the recovery is swift and complete...Renee...I can only imagine how moving that was...Jane, I'm sure if you ignore it - it will eventually go away! NOT. All we can do is guess and pray that when the Dr. checks you out (hint, hint) it's nothing that requires more than antibiotics and rest. Shout outs to Lisa and Traci...good to see you ladies, I hope life continues to improve for you both. Hugs and prayers to everyone...time to work!

  • EWB
    EWB Member Posts: 592
    edited July 2009

    Moose- so sorry for all the stuff going on, gentle hugs and prayers coming your way. Prayers for quick, uneventful healing and prayers for all those who knew and loved your friend.

    Renee- how moving! No 32 is a cutie and obviously very caring.

    Jane- please have this checked out- a month is a long time...

    Connie- families are a funny thing (not funny haha but funny, well you know). I know dh is not a fan of earlobe guy, but maybe if you have him over more, at least you'll know how things are going w/dd (who knows, maybe earlobe guy isn't so bad, just colorful?) However it all goes- hang in there girl, we're here when you need.

    MBCR- I'm in NJ, any chance you can stop by for a massage? Oh... and there's this pain in my shoulder....and this ache in my hip and I'm not sure what this is in my wrist.......Wink

    Hugs to everyone!

  • cmharris59
    cmharris59 Member Posts: 111
    edited July 2009

    Gee, I went thru my posts and realized that it has been a year since I posted in here.  SO MUCH SUCKAGE! I also have not even visited the site in almost that long. It has been so depressing to see members that used to give me support are either no longer with us or banned from the site. I know a lot of you are still here but the loss of even one is one too many.  THAT SUX!

    I can usually rant for paragraphs about what ails me these days, but today, I just feel depressed that I can still rant over my problems when so many have worse issues and are so much more encouraged than I am. I wish that I had the grace under pressure that they exhibit. AND I hate that I feel so much envy for women that seem to breeze through the treatments with fewer problems than I had. 

     I came in to rant about family and chronic indifference, the pain from neuropathy, and the fears over my upcoming recon surgery, but now I just feel speechless....

    I hope everyone feels better today and have fewer Incidents of Suckage. 


  • EWB
    EWB Member Posts: 592
    edited July 2009

    I know this will be TMI...... but my soi is that I think I have finally found the right combo of stuff to deal with/correct the pain med induced constipation....I really hope this continues to work cause it has not been fun.

  • Mary22
    Mary22 Member Posts: 428
    edited July 2009

    Have a nice day ladies.

    The sun is shining so it is a good day.

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Member Posts: 678
    edited July 2009

    Come on CMHarris.  Someone has to tell it like it is.  And you have an eloquence to your writing.  You should be piecing them together for a book.  You talk about real life.

    Sometimes people mistake avoidance for grace.  Perhaps we too are jealous but dont express it so we are considered to be handling the situation gracefully.  But we whine and cry too.  We are human.  And I cant even begin to be considered graceful.  I tell it like it is.  Im in pretty good shape.  I walk and talk on my own.  I breathe without assistance.  I just cant do long hikes etc.  I still volunteer with the Girl Guides but I dont camp.  Doc wont give me permission.  Doesnt want me outside of medical assistance.

    We win, we lose.  We deal.  And for that we should all have a round of applause.

  • EWB
    EWB Member Posts: 592
    edited July 2009

    well said Dream! No one breezes thru, everyone has issues, good and bad days, se's of some kind-- we see what others let us see.

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited July 2009

    Renee - What a handsome young man your daughter is dating.

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited July 2009

    P.S. I have my 6 month check with my med onc on 8/10 (it doesn't seem like 6 months since my last chemo).

  • MBCR
    MBCR Member Posts: 51
    edited July 2009

    Renee S:  KUDOS to you & your relay of life. #83:  what a handsome young man!  Keep your chin up!