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Im bitchy, I moan, I groan.....anyway.



  • EWB
    EWB Member Posts: 592
    edited October 2009

    Elizabeth...sorry but "my boyfriend here understandably never allowed it" I don't get that one. I agree with Barbe- stay the course.

  • konakat
    konakat Member Posts: 499
    edited October 2009

    Heehee -- EWB -- I was wondering if anyone would catch that!  My ex always wanted to come see me and stay at my place but my current BF said no way.  Pissed me off since he should trust me (we don't live together but he has keys).  But I went along with my BF since he was my BF and the other guy was my ex.

    And I am definitely staying the course.  Kinda excited, but sad, but excited!

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited October 2009

    I hope you have a great adventure.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited October 2009

    Elizabeth ... I think you are awesome taking this adventure, moving your life in the direction you want,and making plans that will make you happy!  Go, girl!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited October 2009

    Elizabeth, don't think for a minute that any of us didn't see that comment! I just took it as part-and-parcel of the package of BF you are now dealing with!

  • konakat
    konakat Member Posts: 499
    edited October 2009

    It's kind of nice now not having to worry about finding a job here, going through all the job boards, rewriting my resume for the umpteenth time -- I can finally relax!!  And, I'm one of those weird people who actually loves moving -- packing, unpacking, redecorating... The first week of Nov I'll be in Ottawa looking for an apartment, seeing my doc about getting set up in the cancer clinic.  I can't wait to see my girlfriends!!!!  I don't want to jinx anything but I might be borderline happy.  ;-)

    And thank-you for all the encouragement!!!  I need it!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited October 2009

    I, too, love moving Elizabeth! It's like a fresh start each time. I have Gypsy feet, apparently.

    Looks like you've made the right decision!

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited October 2009

    I haven't moved in 25 years!!! Isn't that awful? My house was remodeled before we moved in with 3 little kids, we have packed so much CRAP and stuff we don't need, want or use anymore. I have told him that we need to move out, fix, clean, update the place and moved back in. I have so many things that I could sell on e-bay if I would learn how to sell. Since I've been out of work, I have tackled problem spots and filled the recycle container twice and overflowed the trash many times. But I get so tired so quickly and can only tackle small spaces at a time. Plus the overhead stuff is just too hard to reach and I'm not climbing a ladder at home alone. I don't want DH going thru things cause he will trash stuff that isn't trash;  either doesn't care or isn't aware of any value. - Really, what do you do with the blouse your grandmother wore to be wed in, ... in 1909 ?? I know for sure that you don't trash it.

    If I can organize and sell some of this stuff, I could get the laptop I want so badly and then I can sit anywhere I'm comfortable and write all my stories. That sounds like a huge challenge. And a great way to avoid further cleaning frenzies. HAHAHA!


  • EWB
    EWB Member Posts: 592
    edited October 2009

    Elizabeth- what great adventures are ahead for you!

  • Sessna1
    Sessna1 Member Posts: 200
    edited October 2009

    Now, all you people new to this thread, listen up.

    We love men.  Men are great.  Some things that they do drive us crazy.

    Men want to keep things very simple, and then they want you to remind them what the simple things they are supposed to be doing ARE. 

    Either sex can be stubborn.  Stubborn is a sign of a closing mind, advancing age, and refusing to accept wisdom and Truth for what it is.  Any age can be stubborn.  This is why every age must continue to learn, or their good sense starts to go awry.  Er, wonky.  Hmmm, calcified.  Oh, I'll just say it, as bad as a bachelor's half gallon of milk.

    Isabella4 - "frog march?"  I love the visual image.  STOMP.  C'mon, take another step.  Let's go.  STOMP.  Move forward.  Use your legs.  STOMP.  If you'd just get in there I wouldn't have to keep stomping my foot behind your hind quarters and STOMPing at you...  STOMP.  I think you may need the good old U.S. solution for a sloppy DH, money.  No, I mean it.  We have these places like "Molly Maid" that send out cleaning ladies.  You would, of course, have to forewarn the ladies to wear latex gloves for their own good, maybe a  low cost air filter over nose and mouth, and advise them to kill anything they see that moves - and you will tip them handsomely.

    I wonder what his mum did with him and his room?

    flash - you sure have been there.  Whoa.  I dated a guy once with sleep apnea.  I thought, "This is not going well."  I'd go to sleep worrying if he was going to wake up.  Also, he was a windows open person and I am not.  There are some things you should discuss before marrying a person, and some things that you should just accept are deal breakers.

    I think men have to be well trained to do stuff.  The military usually breaks ‘em in good, but not necessarily.  If their mothers treated them like Prince Baby Puddin' Pop up until high school, then the child in them is still waiting for "mom" to take care of it.  Welcome home, dear, what's for dinner "momma?"

    Jane_M - you are not alone.  You have never been alone in the way that you feel.  When people can't be honest with each other, they miss out on knowing that.  When people are ridiculed or shamed for being honest with each other, they stop - and/or learn not to be so honest with anyone.  All the snarky gossiping, rumors, lies, and backbiting in our world does no one any good, especially inside or outside of the church.  That's the problem with a lot of churches, a person either goes there looking for "honesty" and doesn't find enough, or the person that enters is a gossiper himself and stirs things up.  The elders don't step up and take the person aside and say, "Your behavior is not Christ-like, and anyone who gossips with you is not being Christ-like either.  Please pray and talk to God about it.  He's waiting to talk to you.  We don't think you've been listening to Him much.  God bless you, go in peace."

    It is too popular to find out something bad about another (whether it is true or not), and want to hear and see more about it.  Maybe... maybe because "bad behavior" has become more acceptable as the earth ages, we see it as entertainment.  That's not entertainment, ladies.  It's a shame.

    Renee - your mother came down with Polio after you experienced some Polio symptoms, and she had asked that if it be, let it be her and not you?  Wow.  I think that  was  God's Love, Mercy, and Compassion - not all parents get their prayers for their children answered.  Wow.  Don't send my daughter to the cross, I'll go for her.  I'm blown away.

    kmccraw423 - be careful what you wish for.  That non-diseased gene pool may also have a high pain threshold.  By the time they go to see a doctor for pain, it may be too late to do anything about it.  I STILL wish them the best of life and the best of health.

    leftyAKANancy - ha ha ha ha ha!  I gave up my soft drinks for diet soda and then gave up my diet soda for chemicals that may affect my ADIS pupil.  Now, I have soda when I dine out.  That move won't stop obesity.  Prohibition didn't stop alcoholism.   Tax OUR soft drinks?  There will be blood.  Oh, that was a movie title.  Never mind.

    barbe1958, you have creeped me out.  ‘Youth... the other white meat.'  There's an award for that.  There was a lineman who said of his back yard, "If you can catch it, you can pet it."  That made me think, too.

    Sheila - Six months pregnant means you should not work around people with uncontrollable limbs.  She was going to hit a defenseless child. 

    33skidoo  -  You have the right on this post.

    Connie07 - I never said to find a ‘caring physician,' I'm the real sessna1 here.  But to be honest with you, I choose mine by name, location, and prayer.  You find a competent one, and if they are personable, it's icing on whatever pastry you want.  What's with making you show and tell to Interns without asking your permission?  Bad doctor, not enough compassion.  I wanna see a doc's nurse taking notes, I don't want no Intern.  I also want the doc and the nurse to talk to me - do not pretend that I'm not there, I will make it be so if you give me time.  Physicians are people, people.  Don't you forget it.  Wait, what konakat said.  Yeah.  That.

    Sunris - Mammograms SUX - but do them anyway - Diagnoses SUXED - Tests SUXED - Chem SUXED - Loss of Hair SUX - Medicine schedule - SUXED, Deciding who and who not to tell SUX, Waiting for new numbers SUX - killing tumors? ... priceless.

    KAK - thank you.  I marked the page.  Yes, one of your doctors can be a wart on a flea, and the other may be your saving grace.  It is good that doctors are different.  Ah!  Your picture (accepted for an art show) is cool.  First I thought she had a mastectomy, but now, I'm not sure.

    dream - tee hee hee.  I only get degrees from thermometers.

    barbe1958 - Ww must educate the undereducated.  What are we to tell people who think everything pink is "swell" this month?  Any derivative of running from cancer will do.

    "Are you going to be in the run/walk for cancer?"

    "I really don't have time this year.  I have to drive myself to chemotherapy and rads first.  Thank you for asking!"


    "Are you gonna participate in the walk for breast cancer?"

    "Baby, I'm too busy running from breast cancer by myself every day.  If you've got time to talk, I'll tell you about it."

    We'll educate them until they fall into place.

    Yeah, I'll run for the cure.  Now, you show me where it is first.

    I walked in for the cure, but they were forced to admit me to the hospital anyway.

    Fatigue SUX big time.

    Kilometers while walking miles while driving - ha ha ha ha ha!  It's a compromise of the metric system.

    EWB - Amen, Sister.

    Elizabeth/konakat - Your mantra is priceless.  Yes, stay the course.  I guess Beyonce Knowles fans would say, "If he liked it then he should have put a ring on it," and I don't like a ring finger or woman being called an "it."  Hmmm.  Boyfriend was staking out his territory (he has keys), his girl, his relationship.  Okay ladies, aside from the point that we have heard of this boyfriend before, would you want your beau having his ex over for visits and trips?  Then again, the male brain would not like to be shown up by Mr. Past-History.

    Oh, my.  That was a lot of reading.  I must be more punctual.  I did't mean to slight or ignore anyone.  My glaucoma reading in my left eye was 48.  Apparently I was supposed to have terrible headaches and throw up with a reading that high.  Guess my body forgot to do that, huh?  It is back down to 12.  The meds "cured" it.  Still don't know why it did what it did.



  • konakat
    konakat Member Posts: 499
    edited October 2009

    I love your posts Sessna!!!!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited October 2009

    Yikes! When did I say "youth, the other white meat?"

    Also, being stubborn means ONE person is right.....

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited October 2009

    As many of you now know, we lost our Amber last night. When I first heard I was so very sad.  I am now so angry that we have lost yet another of our sisters.  When is the cure coming?  Like AIDS, they have spent billions of dollars and there is NO CURE.  One in 8 women have this disease - what are these researchers waiting for?  Sorry, but I really  had to get that out.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited October 2009

    As many of you now know, we lost our Amber last night. When I first heard I was so very sad.  I am now so angry that we have lost yet another of our sisters.  When is the cure coming?  Like AIDS, they have spent billions of dollars and there is NO CURE.  One in 8 women have this disease - what are these researchers waiting for?  Sorry, but I really  had to get that out.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited October 2009

    As many of you now know, we lost our Amber last night. When I first heard I was so very sad.  I am now so angry that we have lost yet another of our sisters.  When is the cure coming?  Like AIDS, they have spent billions of dollars and there is NO CURE.  One in 8 women have this disease - what are these researchers waiting for?  Sorry, but I really  had to get that out.

  • Sessna1
    Sessna1 Member Posts: 200
    edited October 2009

    barbe1958, I would not misquote a poster that I respect, so that goes for all y'all.

    Sep 28, 2009 08:31 am barbe1958 wrote:

    It is the GROWTH hormones that are causing early puberty in the young. It is bascially ingested and it works on them too.

    Youth....the other white meat.

    konakat - Thank you, and you MUST have a computer in Canada, you are one of our ladies.

    kmccraw423 - I remember that anger.  When two aunts died, my mother, and a great aunt.  I hate the suffering and cruelty of chronic to terminal illness.  I've never shaken my fist at God, but I have thought about punching Satan in the gut.  I hate death.  My prayers are with Amber's family, and for us, too.


  • sueper13
    sueper13 Member Posts: 360
    edited October 2009

    Sessna, I have been reading but not posting for a while....I just have to tell you as I struggle today with processing my own adjustments how good it is to be included in your prayers.

  • konakat
    konakat Member Posts: 499
    edited October 2009

    Sessna -- I will absolutely have my computer in Canada -- I'd go loonie-tunes without you ladies!  Less that 3 weeks and I'll be apartment hunting in Ottawa!!!  And possibly doing the awful job  of telling my Mom I have cancer. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited October 2009

    Gee, I'm funnier than I thought I was. And I thought I was REALLY funny! Laughing

    Youth, the other white meat. heheheheehehehehe

    Now that I see it in context, I do remember making that post.

  • sueper13
    sueper13 Member Posts: 360
    edited October 2009

    Barbe, you are really funny.

  • allalone
    allalone Member Posts: 195
    edited January 2011

    Who came up with the idea of calling BC a "journey"?  With all due respect, a journey for me means going somewhere exciting and coming home, sort of like a long trip, with nothing particularly planned, just getting away for a while, having new and exciting experiences along the way.

    So, to describe the slide from BC diagnosis to hospice and all the misery in between as a "journey" really SUCKS!!!!

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited October 2009

    I agree. At least in the context of Pleasant Journey. Nothing Pleasant about it. It's a struggle. It's more of a competition against not only the cancer cells and treatment SEs but against induced menopause, faster aging and or deterioration of whatever parts of our bodies took the biggest hit from tx. It's a battle in which, hopefully, we maintain the higher ground. Holding our position with the support of the team.

    Thank you for being on the same team. I couldn't get thru another year like the last two unless I had all of you. And I don't think I could have chosen a better team. We have been chosen for each other. (which is really pretty cool, cause ya'll are great!!)

    Now, most of you would normally never see me on the computer at 7:30 in the a.m. I'm not sleeping well. My lumbar spine region is experiencing a herniated disc and it's awfully painful. I can call and set up an injection, but it costs $400 for the copay, they won't extend credit for that either. It's pay up front or no shot. ANd the best part is... it might not work! My neck is painful all the time, had cervical fusion C5-6 done this past January and it's so hard to do things some days. I want to go to work out at the YMCA, but I keep getting sidetracked by life's obstacles. Someone suggested taking a class, so you can be accountable and go. I probably need that.

    SESSNA1 - The hospital where I had treatment is a Teaching Hospital, always clusters of interns following the doc around. I knew this. Students and interns are everywhere and they have to look and see. Since my onc had allowed the rads to get so bad, I felt better showing the newbies what kind of damage they could do and a little dose of the emotional damage as well because I was crying. Still, he didn't have to talk about me like I wasn't there. I have a good PCP now, thank goodness.

    Let's determine a new word instead of JOURNEY.... road of horrors, trip to insane and back again? Disaster? Oh, how bout, Horrible turn of events?

    They pain pills are starting to kick in, so I'm going back to bed. Wake me up if it's a beautiful day?

    Thanks,  ~Connie

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited October 2009

    Rain, rain - go away. Aches and pains today.   I think my ear lobes are the only part that doesn't hurt.   Lady friend told me the other day that I was an inspiration to her.   Not my goal in life.   I did what I did and I do what I do because I am me.   Hugs,   Nancy

  • sueper13
    sueper13 Member Posts: 360
    edited October 2009

    Nancy, I'm glad you are you.  I get "but you are so strong."  What the hell does that mean?!?? Connie, it's a beautiful day in Texas!!Laughing

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited October 2009

    Thanks Sue.   I am what I am - for those who remember Popeye cartoons.   I think being "strong" is highly over rated.   I am NOT giving up, although some days I give IN to my aches, fatigue, lonliness, frustration, and crawl back in bed or plunk in the recliner and vegetate the day away.   But I did that "before", as I live alone, am retired, no pets, no real obligations or places I have to be.   I keep going, some days faster than others, some days VERY slowly...   

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited October 2009

    Hey ladies,

    Thanks!  I am what I am. I remember Popeye. 'cause I eats me spinach'. YUK. Spinach is nasty. It's good in quiche and some party dips. other than that, ick. HAHAHA

    Some days I vege out too. But it's mostly due to pain. Sometimes lonliness and definately a LOT of frustration. I retired but not by choice. Got 2 cats. both calico girls. The new one is a manx (no tail) and full of spunk. The old one is a lap cat and she's 18, showing signs of her age and I'm gonna miss her when she's gone.

    Still have the same dh. been married 34 years. We get along really good most of the time and he's a workout addict. In 2 years he's worked off about 75 pounds. Likes to blame all my aches and pains on me not working out like he does. BLAH blah blah. 

    Getting to spend time with the first grandbaby is the light of my life right now.

    It's raining, it's pouring. The old man is snoring. Went to bed, with a bump on his head, couldn't get up in the morning. 

  • allalone
    allalone Member Posts: 195
    edited January 2011

    Connie07, I like your call to arms "Let's determine a new word instead of JOURNEY.... road of horrors, trip to insane and back again? Disaster? Oh, how bout, Horrible turn of events?

    You also mentioned struggle... some call it a battle, fight, war.

    Any description that doesn't invoke a fun adventure wrapped up in pink ribbons would lower my blood pressure and enable me to face this monster with the clarity it needs.

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited October 2009

    The saying I hate the most... "This is just a bump in the road." Yell

  • Sessna1
    Sessna1 Member Posts: 200
    edited October 2009

    Phrase that makes me cringe:  "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

    Well, if it's got a crack in the fuselage, do you still want to fly in it?

    Engine, engine number nine,

    Comin' down Chicago Line.

    If the train should jump the track,

    Do you want your money back?  Yes or no?


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited October 2009

    MY bumps in the road are gone now!

    Eenie, meenie, miney, moe. Catch a tiger by the toe. If he hollers let him go. Eenie, meenie, miney, moe.