Im bitchy, I moan, I groan.....anyway.



  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Posts: 567
    edited March 2008

    It's awesome how everybody still has a sense of humor! Debbie "(make that led)" LOL!!! You go girl. do I know how you feel about wanting to feel normal. Deep sigh...... freaks me out that you have kids. Cool Don't know!!.....I bet they are FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hugs girl!!

    I gotta go to my mom's. (Really) Be back later!


  • badboob67
    badboob67 Posts: 236
    edited March 2008

    LOL Traci!  That's ok....freaks me out too. And, yep, they're a barrel of laughs!

  • beergirl
    beergirl Posts: 83
    edited March 2008

    I just love you girls. Today I went to pre-op registration at hospital.  When I got home, my deaf, schizophrenic bipolar son has decided he is having same problems he had that landed him in psych hospital 20 years ago. That happened again 19 years ago.  I told him it is ok if he decided to be sick.  I cannot take care of him now.  Little background - he lives alone in his own apartment but meds dropped his bp, he fell, broke ankle, surgery, dh died 12 hours later.  My son got out of the hospital the day before the funeral. Honest to God, if I didn't live this life, i would swear it was all a lie. Thanks for starting this thread Traci. I think I'll have a beer now.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 77
    edited March 2008

    dhettish said: "None of my clothes fit so I live in sweats. I have not been able to exercise regulary since October though I have really tried. I cannot raise my arms above my head because they are so tight. Then when flossing a front crown popped off on a Friday night, so now I have a missing front tooth! Can I look any worse"

    and she said, "I was talking about reconstruction and get the story about the woman who began hers in 2006 and has been through 13 surgeries, an open hole that did not close for 6 weeks. Sheesh people do I look like I want more bad news? I want to ask, "have you had that mole on your face looked at? My friend had one and lost her nose to cancer"

    That sucks!  But now I have to go get a papertowel and wipe the tea off the monitor!!!!!!!!!

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2008

    "youlooklikeyouneedabeergirl", damn GF you need more than a beer.  I hope your life turns around and can sit back and enjoy that beer. 

    Great thread, Traci.  I love your all senses of humor.  This past summer I could've totally added to this, don't want to jinx things and talk about them now. 

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2008

    OK....I'll chime in....

    Cancer sucks

    Mets sucks

    Starting chemo again sucks

    breaking into tears at the drop of a fricking hat sucks

    trying to be brave sucks

    being afraid sucks

    most of all statistics SUCK!  I refuse to pay any fricking attention to ANY more stats!

    Oh, and how about the "pity face" that so many people make when they hear my cancer is back.  I swear they are not happy until I cry.

    Whew...that felt good :)  I think I have prayed and cussed in about equal measure in the last couple of weeks.....I certainly hope that God has a sense of humor....

    Thanks for a great thread

    Deb C

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2008

    F*^$ CANCER!!  I will never give you that pity face ever, DEB.  Only the "you're f-ing beautiful" and "you can do this, girl" faces!!!  

    How about a "take a breath" face?  I bet that you haven't exhaled for awhile.  Would a beer help just for a moment??  Sending a nice cold one right now..

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2008

    A toast to all of us my friend :)  I'll take that beer....maybe 2 :)


    Deb C

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Posts: 539
    edited March 2008

    Here Ya go Deb, and I will be back later!!

    Got a lot to Bish about!!

    Puppy (I love this place)

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2008

    OK...someone else better grab a cold one or I'm going to be doing my first chemo tomorrow with a virtual hang-over!

  • Watson
    Watson Posts: 70
    edited March 2008

    Alaska Deb,

    I will drink all those beers for you so you can be sober for chemo.  The things I will do for my friends.


  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Posts: 189
    edited March 2008


    You crack  me up!!!!!!


  • lewisfamily503
    lewisfamily503 Posts: 101
    edited March 2008

    This is SUCH a great thread! Traci---you crack me up! I love how you prefaced this thread with the comment that you are not mocking that "other thread." It is obvious you have a great sense of humor and I think that is a giant asset against this war on breast cancer. Laugh and enjoy life--that's my motto!


  • PSK07
    PSK07 Posts: 91
    edited March 2008

    Oh, I need this.

    BC diagnosis. Some of the first words out of my internist's mouth: throw away the oral contraceptives. Fourteen years of normal cycles gone justlikethat.

    Cycles from hell. Cramps. Headaches. PMS like nobody's business. Referral to gynocologist, first word: adenomyosis. SEs - never ending periods, never ending pain. And it will only get worse. The joys of carrying an extra set of clothes in the car. No hormones allowed, thank you BC. Eh, sex is overrated anyway.

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Posts: 567
    edited March 2008

    Nobody ever told me not to go to chemo with a buzz....

    Beergirl...that really sucks. nailed it on the cancer sucks list! got a wine bucket too??'s Watson's new avatar, it crackes everybody up! I love it!

    Pam....I've got two words for you girl....HOT FLASH. lol! You are right about sex though....or at least that's what I tell myself! I really don't remember, I've only had it twice in over a year!

    Hope y'all have a decent day.

    Hugs and thanks for the mornin' laugh.


    ps Oh mom asked me what exactly triple negative means last night. That sucked!

  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Posts: 765
    edited March 2008

    I'm gonna add my bitchiness to this thread. Last December when I was scheduled for my nipple surgery I got a call from the hospital billing dept saying that I had not met my deductible for the year and would be responsible to pay $575 up front before they did my surgery. I very politely stated that they were mistaken, I had my bilat surgery in June to the tune of $77,000 bill just from that hospital and I had met not only my deductible but my out of pocket maximum for the year and I was not going to pay them a single dime. The lady on the phone seemed a bit confused and said that she would speak to her supervisor about the mix-up. I told her that she better. Her supervisor called me back 5 minutes later and appoligized for the inconvient phone call.

    THEN- The day of surgery, I go in to sign the paperwork about the surgery and the lady in Same-Day Surgery starts into the same thing that I will have to pay $575 that day prior to the surgery. I stopped her in her tracks with the complete list of things I had done at her facility, Sterotactic biopsy in April, bilat surgery (3 day hospital stay) June, Exchange surgery in November. Not to mention all the doctor bills for each procedure. And the fact that I had that particular discussion two days prior with the billing dept and at that time she appoligized for the problem. I wanted the admitting person to call billing and make sure that I was correct. She did not call billing but I watched her shred up the statement in my file that said I needed to pay up front.

    I'm glad that I have not had any procedures done in the hospital since then.


  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Posts: 539
    edited March 2008

    Tracie, here we go!!

    think I got us covered for the boozCool

  • badboob67
    badboob67 Posts: 236
    edited March 2008 me a headache. My husband asked me about medical marijuana last night though! LOL!

    Today I'm going to bitch-by-proxy for my girlfriend. She and her family have been living in a house owned by the church she attends. The church is now expanding and the house needs to be torn down (something the girfriend and family knew up front, so not really complaining about that). She and her family found another house and have been slowly moving possessions from old house to new. They were planning to finish up when her school-aged children are on spring break.

    So, girlfriend gets a call from the church asking if it's ok for a couple of people to come over and pull out cabinetry and other woodwork from the old house. No problem--it's going to be torn down anyway. Here's the part that sucks:  the people who were coming to get the woodwork decided my girlfriend's possesions that were all boxed up and waiting to be moved were fair game! They rifled through her belongings and took whatever struck their fancy! THAT SUCKS!!!!! 

  • sirsmom
    sirsmom Posts: 6
    edited March 2008

    Hope you all don't mind a newbie jumping in. I'm back at work now and spend most of my day smiling at people and telling them I'm doing fine. In truth, no as a matter of fact, I don't love my hair, I was happy with the stuff I had before chemo. Everytime I began to believe things are finally going well, I get a new symptom, injury side effect. I was so clumsy from the joint pain from tamoxifen I managed to get a major steam burn, requiring wound care, on my wrist. That has healed and now my affected breast, side and rib area are all swollen and sore (seeing my oncologist today). I really am trying to be positive but a car breakdown and a  flat tire over the course of 2 weeks has put me over the edge. I am now officially sweating both the large and small stuff.

  • AnnNYC
    AnnNYC Posts: 236
    edited March 2008

    Diane -- that's HORRIBLE!  Are these people going to bring things back, or is the church going to reimburse your friend?  SUCKS!!!!!

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Posts: 539
    edited March 2008

    for medical use only, if you live in california shareWink

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Bet "the comunity" will join us nowSurprised


  • Unknown
    edited March 2008

    Puppy, I was going to be asking if anyone had heard from you since your surgery and caught your name on the new posts.  Yay!  You're back!  Up to the old tricks, too, thank God.

    I'd bitch about something but who the hell cares?  Wink


  • badboob67
    badboob67 Posts: 236
    edited March 2008

    When I talked to my friend earlier this week, she said that they have told the church, but she is just going to "let it go".  AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • dhettish
    dhettish Posts: 96
    edited March 2008

    Hi Ladies,

    Just feeling the effects of the Taxotere today. Thank goodness, this will hopefully be the last time.

    Shirley, dog ear, so that's what I call that funny flap where they took the lymph nodes. Great name! lol.

    badboob, sorry about all your retail terrors. That really sucks with CC. My husband hates them. Yesterday, I was grocery shopping and buying the stuff on sale and I had coupons. I get up to the register and somehow I have dropped my coupons. I just about cried. I finally found them after I paid (they wee $1 off coupons). Last week, I left my wallet at the store. It takes me so long to walk and load the car, and they did not even bother to try and catch me. They did not even call me. I realized it after about 15 minutes when I went to get something out of my purse. They said they could not find my number. Hello!!!!! My checkbook and business cards are in my wallet. So another 30 mile roundtrip into town to pick up my wallet. I cried all the way. 

    I have chemo brain big time. I got my newletter from MD Anderson and they have verified and documented that chemo brain is an actual problem. Like how long has chemo been around and they are just figuring this out???


  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Posts: 539
    edited March 2008

    Thanks Tina,xoxoxo!

    OK I have a tantrum to throw!!!!!

    tomorrow I have Biopsys on my throat and thyroid!

    if the doctore would have done something a year or so ago

    I would not be in this shape! now I have a huge goiter,

    and many nodules will be having surgery but they want to find out

    suspicious(sp) lumps!

    need Invasive Brain surgery, papers are already written and

    Neurosurgeon want it done ASAP!!! Bt he said e have to find out about the other first!!!!!

    I told them many times how drained and exausted i am!

    so they figured i was crazy and gave me at least 5 antidepresents

    because none seem to work!


    WOW, Ifeel better now! but still scared to death!

    sorry for everyones problems!


  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Posts: 567
    edited March 2008

    LOL Puppy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ps.......Your crap SUCKS...............

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Posts: 567
    edited March 2008

    lol.... I just saw this....

    "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Bet "the comunity" will join us nowSurprised"

  • Barb1953
    Barb1953 Posts: 258
    edited March 2008

    I LOVE this thread---I'm really sorry to hear about all your problems, but I have to admit you all have a great sense of humor, and make me feel like all my crap is just poop !!!!!

  • Mary-Lou
    Mary-Lou Posts: 630
    edited March 2008

    I love this thread! I have been fed up for so long waiting for this nightmare to be over. Not happening.

    I feel very bad for my husband, he is so wonderful....and understands what I have been through.

    Sometimes I fight and fuss just to have that outlet. I don't go much either if I don't have to. Just hate everything and everybody. Even my part time job gets to me.

    This is a wonderful thread........

    lifes a bitch

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Posts: 402
    edited March 2008

    Just got off the phone with Puppy.  We were both worried that she missed her call from the doctor so she said she was going to call.  Then she started crying.  So, as my usual style, I told her a joke to make her laugh and boy, oh boy, did she!  She said I must post this for all of ehr friends so this is being cut and pasted in a couple places!

    Abie and Becky, an older couple, retire to Florida.  He is 95 and she is 90 and they are living in a penthouse overlooking the ocean.

    One day, Becky tells him she is going out to shop and will be back in a couple hours.

    She returns home early, and finds him in bed with a 30 year old chippie.  She is incensed.  She drags him through the apartment and hangs him over the balcony by his wrists.

    He looks up at her and says, "Becky, Becky, if you drop me now, I'll die!"

    She tells him, "At your age, if you can f***, you can fly!!"

    Guess I'm in for it too now for posting this but hope you all get as much of a belly laugh as Puppy did.  As for me, I am taking a Xanax and having a nap!   And whoever wants to buy Avon, PM me and I will send you some samples!  Just passing along my Avon website is help enough!