Im bitchy, I moan, I groan.....anyway.



  • Unknown
    edited May 2008

    I don't have any complaints really but Traci, I'm loving your 'roommate' episodes.  After college and sharing a room with 3 other women in dorm life, it was my life's goal to never have to share space with a roommate again. 

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Posts: 567
    edited March 2008

    Tell me about it!

    I seperated from my husband in 2001. Until 5 months after my cancer dx...I lived aloned. And, loved it!!

    I decided to de-stress my life and changed jobs and subsequently, my income. I've had my house for sale for over a year because with my new job, I just can't afford it so....I got a roommate.

    I wish I had my old job back.

    : - ) Traci

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 460
    edited March 2008

    that sucks!!!   Can you get a new roomate or are you stuck with her?

    Yes, it does .. it feels way longer than one year!  What a rollercoaster of emotions!  


     If it weren't for laughter I don't know what I'd do ...  Thanks for starting this awesome thread! 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2008

    Well!  My beatch for the day is that I dont have one!   Im feeling better and over this cold - thank goodness. 

    Traci:  I would go crazy with a roommate.  Especially one whose friend smokes yucky cigars.

    e149e6c9.gif smiley new years black hat image by OldieLoxx


  • dhettish
    dhettish Posts: 96
    edited March 2008

    Hi Ladies,

    Traci, you are right. Roomates just suck. I had 3 in college and never again. Don't care if I have to live in a efficiecy and eat tuna. One of my roomates brought home a dog and left it on the upstairs porch for 2 days. There must have been 15 piles of poop in those 2 days. Could not even enjoy the porch. And her boyfriend decided that I was not living my life right and proceeded to lecture me for coming in late all the time!!!!

    Luckily, haven't had to do that and am now married. Still have to deal with my husband's messes. He really has been good about this, but he has not cooked one meal, cleaned the house, or did anything since I was dx. Unless you count take out the trash, empty the dishwasher, and clean the litterbox. He just does not know how to clean or cook.  He can bring home a pizza.

    I bathed the dogs today and cleaned their bedding by myself! 2 40 lbs dogs into the tub! And out! He kept complaining about his back so I just never bothered to ask.


  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Posts: 567
    edited March 2008

    Hey ladies,

    I'm lovin' the smiley's! It's good to smile after several days of sadness!

    My note really had some influence on my roomie. She's been spending a whole lot of time at the pigs house! Woo Hoo!

    Debbie....what are we going to do with that husband of yours!? You want us to start sending him anonymous notes??? ; - )

    Nikki, glad your cold is better and it doesn't suck that you have nothing to bitch about!

    Later ladies, I have to catch up on some sleep tonight. Just gotta check on a couple more sisters!

    C ya,


  • carolsd
    carolsd Posts: 17
    edited March 2008

    Ok, everyone has their sucky moments and I totally honor that! Sisterhood!

    Here are my "sucky" things: I hate where I live but I have to live here because of joint custody and court order. My family is all over 1000 miles away. My kids hardly know their extended family.

    I have horrible allergies!! OMG today was like the first really sucky allergy day this year. I can pretty much write off last 1/2 of March, all of April, and most of May. I never had allergies until I lived here, so that sucks. And nothing works. I've tried every prescription and OTC medicine known to man. So I suffer.

    My arthritis is becoming resistant to treatment. I was receiving IV Remicade every other month and it was working, until it suddenly stopped working last fall. Now I have to have a shot every 2 weeks of Humira, and the co-pay is over $200 a month (I only earn $28K a year and have 2 kids and a mortgage). My worry is: what happens when *this* one stops working??

    No one appreciates me at work! (awwww) I know that sounds like whining, but sheesh. We threw a baby shower for my boss this weekend. She earns more than 3X the rest of us (plus multi $$ bonus) and can afford anything (and this is her 3rd baby) but no, we still had to fork it over. I feel incredibly catty for saying all that but this is the place to do it, right?

    I will deny every saying any of this should it come down to any kind of legality...

  • gsg
    gsg Posts: 1,700
    edited March 2008

    carol:  this is exactly the place to do it.  it seems like the more people earn, the more free stuff they get, which can be really aggravating for the rest of us.  sorry about your arthritis...that's a huge co-pay.

    my bitch for today is our drainfields for our septic system are failing and i really can't afford to have them redone.  we put in a new system 18 years's supposed to last at least 50 years...not that there's that kind of guarantee, but that's how long they last for everybody else in the world.........except us.  and we have faithfully had the tank pumped every year and are careful about what goes down the kitchen drains, etc.  aaaargh.

    also, my husband was real irritating this morning before he left for work.  i won't go into all the details...just take my word for it.   i wanted to clobber him.

  • dhettish
    dhettish Posts: 96
    edited March 2008

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Trying to get going this morning. I cannot wait until I can wake up not feeling like crap.

    Carolsd, nothing worked for me for allergies until flonase. Now it is generic, thank goodness. My first job, my big boss told me that employees should never buy presents for the boss who makes more money than the employees. He was very adamant about this. I have always tried to follow it, but you hate to stick out like a sore thumb when everybody is contributing.

    Love your tag line, gsg. People keep telling me "you told me that". Chemo Brain. How long after can I use this excuse?

    Last night we went to a Celebration of Life dinner for a friend who died from throat cancer. Of course, I walk in bitching about all the SE and no taste. Everybody who got up to speak said how he never complained and always thought of others even when he was in his last days. I could have crawled out under the door. So.....I am not a saint.


  • gsg
    gsg Posts: 1,700
    edited March 2008

    Debbie:  Thank you for my first laugh of the day re your complaining at the dinner.  I completely understand!  I still bitch about my tingling toes, weight gain, etc, a year and a half postchemo.  i'm going to hold off on being saintly until right before the end.

    for the record, you can play the chemobrain card for the next 10 years...that's my plan anyway. Innocent

  • badboob67
    badboob67 Posts: 236
    edited March 2008

    After the horrible week last week with so many sisters lost, I was looking forward to the weekend and new week hoping things would take a turn for the better.  I was sitting at the computer Saturday evening and my husband called me over to him. He was standing at the bird cage. We have finches that used to belong to my husband's grandma. Two of them were given to us, along with a nest full of eggs (!!!) after she passed. My husband and his grandma were very close and the birds were something that helped him feel better. I approached the cage to find my husband pointing to the "daddy" finch, lying on the bottom dead. There didn't seem to be any signs of illness or injury, so it was probably just old age. Still, we were all upset to lose one of our perky little buddies. The daddy finch's mate (and mother to the four babies) has been moping and looking unwell since then. I'm almost afraid to go near the cage now. :-(

  • AnnNYC
    AnnNYC Posts: 236
    edited March 2008

    Oh, Diane -- that's rough.  Poor finches.  I'm sorry. :-(

  • carlin
    carlin Posts: 35
    edited March 2008

    Thank God,,

                   I thought I was the only one . Tried to tell people that after cancer dx I became someone else!!!!!!!!!! Hey I use to like me was proud of me now things are soooo different .  See things different   thought after surgery then chemo  if  I just got through it I could put it behind me.  Took arimidex--joint pain so bad droping things trouble walking ---so  just stopped --- thought it will get better---  now have too due genetic testing  and guess what not going to ---- I want me back !!!!!!!!!!!!!! can't anyone hear me!!!!!!!!!!!  I want to feel ok in the morning --- I want to go to sleep and really sleep and not have to use medication to have that happen--- channel surfing all night is a drag... Walked off my job the other month  couldn't take it any more---- So just walked out--- now what --- thiss person I've become not sure if I want to be her.  I thought tthings would get better with time. But time only seems to be getting on my nerves like everything and everyone else. Sorry ladies --being a drag-- but this is the reality of my life. And the next person that tells me I'll get pass this-- and be positive--- I'll let them be me for a day and then will have and open and honest discussion.thank s  for listening.  TERRY 


  • beth1225
    beth1225 Posts: 402
    edited March 2008

    My only bitch for the day is that Fills Suck!  But it is a fun day and I get to wear green no matter what!  So for all of us having a case of the flu ug, people tha bug us, SO's and DH's who have bugs up their a**, lift a mug of the mother's milk for all Irishmen, a froth on the top Guiness!  Like I told some others, pour in ginger ale and nobody will know the difference, tell 'em its Harp (another good Irish brew).

    BTW, Terry, Nicki and I both have DH's who leave the TV on all night and it does come in handy when the aches and pains wake you up!  I kind of look at my reality as a new one, but more like what I would experience on the Twilight Zone!  And we will always be here to listen!


  • carlin
    carlin Posts: 35
    edited March 2008


              thanks forgot about today being the daay for the Irish so enjoy the day and have a beer for me.. I'm trying to smile terry 

  • carolsd
    carolsd Posts: 17
    edited March 2008

    Well I'm feeling a little bit sheepish about ranting about the baby shower. I mean, it's not like she threw it for herself. One of my co-workers got us together and said "we need to throw a baby shower!" and everyone jumped on the bandwagon "yeah!" We invited several of her friends and none of them could make it. I thought that was odd. Anyway, I still think it was ridiculous but we maybe did a good thing.

    I always feel guilty after I complain about something. There are worse things in the world than anything I've complained about. Yet, just because we've had BC, does that mean we're automatically held to a saintly standard? If so, I'm a sorry excuse for a saint.

    It's a scary world these days.

  • otter
    otter Posts: 757
    edited March 2008


    OK normally I'm pretty upbeat, but today I lost the whole day because of a conversation with my onco's nurse.  This won't sound like a big deal to you old-timers, but for those of us still negotiating the BC minefield for the first time, it's beyond nerve-wracking.

    I had a mast/SNB 6 wks ago (Feb. 5) for IDC (see sig. line below).  I've been waiting ever since then for results of Oncotype DX testing, to see if I'll need chemo.  My onco's nurse claimed she requested the samples from the path lab on Feb. 18, got them on March 3, and put them in the mail to Genomic Health that same day.  Never mind how screwy that timeline is.  It's water under the bridge by now.

    When I called her today to find out if she had the Oncotype results yet, she said, oh yeah, she was out all last week and on Wednesday a FAX arrived from Genomic Health.  It seems the slides she sent on March 3 contained "insufficient sample" and they couldn't run the Oncotype test.  The nurse who was serving back-up for her last week didn't follow up on the FAX.  So sorry.

    I ranted and raved and called the patient ombudsman and tried to switch to a different onco, all to no avail (too long a story to tell here).  Five hours later, the nurse called back--she had somehow gotten the path lab to cut new samples, and she was on her way to pick them up so they could go out FedEx this afternoon.

    So, I ask:  Are THESE samples from my 1.8 cm IDC that was removed at mastectomy on Feb. 5, or are these from the core biopsy on Jan. 14 that resulted in "insufficient sample"?  Gee, she said, I don't know.

    I've finally climbed down off the ceiling, with a lot of help from women on these BCO boards.  I still haven't decided what to do.

    Being 6 weeks out from my surgery and 9 weeks out from my original diagnosis, I'm getting a little nervous.  Seems like I should be renewing the assault on this thing, in case it sent little mets before it got yanked out last month.  The medical literature says if you wait longer than 12 weeks to start chemo, mets are much more likely to have occurred already.

    Does that qualify for entry into your bitchy, moan, & groan file?


  • Diana63
    Diana63 Posts: 57
    edited March 2008

    Otter you defiantly qualify, that is terrible that they left you hanging so long, and then found out they screwed up big time. I cant blame you for being angry, I would have hit the roof if this happened to me. I hope tomorrow is better for you ((((Otter))))

  • LisaSDCA
    LisaSDCA Posts: 178
    edited March 2008

    carolsd - now stop that right now! No feeling sheepish or guilty here! You had perfectly valid reasons to bitch and moan. I agreed wholeheartedly with your small rant.

    otter - I know I replied to you in another thread, but girl - I think you have the bitch, moan, & groan of the week! Isn't it odd how the first sample took nearly a feaking MONTH to get mailed off to GH but today she managed to get hold of something to send (sufficient or not, we have yet to discover) within five hours! GRRRR!

    Being six weeks out from surgery, I think you'e still got a little wiggle room, but certainly no more room for that kind of ineptitude! Hope you've got some ativan or something to help you sleep. I keep picturing you slugging Mr I'm-so-grand-Oncologist just like that clip posted on the last page. Did you see that? I mean, c'mon - you're supposed to have a team working for you?!? Someone sure missed the snap here.

    There, see I ranted for you! Wink


  • carlin
    carlin Posts: 35
    edited March 2008


              you need to get your dr. on the phone and let it fly .  The nurse is treating you like one of the many... If you let him have it you will not only have your sample done but it will be done right. When they screw up in medicine you go directly to the doc. Make sure that he knows about your calls and make sure you know names of who you talked to.  Don't lose your temper write down what you are going to say and let him know that he will be responsible for any screw up in HIS office by HIS staff that's why they PAY HIM THE BIG BUCKS....... Don't let this go another day without getting some answers to all your questions.  Wish I could help more  TERRY  

  • badboob67
    badboob67 Posts: 236
    edited March 2008

    alright, NOBODY gets to feel guilty for bitching. There were plenty of things to bitch about before cancer and they surely haven't gone away just because a doctor has said, "It's cancer". Wouldn't it be great if we got some kind of "get out of jail free" card that insulated us against daily aggravations when we are going through a "big" difficulty like cancer?  I know I'd LOVE to have one!

    It seems to me that most of the rants are about other peoples' insensitivity or incompetence. Otter, I am especially angry about what you're being put through. Good grief! We trust these people with our lives and they can't do something so basic as use the CORRECT sample?

    If anybody finds an effective idiot repellant, please post it here. It sounds like we could all use some!


  • Unknown
    edited May 2008

    Otter, you definitely have a right to be upset.  You should be back on or starting chemo by this time.  I think that nurse should be fired.  I do know that they keep enough tissue from surgeries, biopsies, etc., for future use.  I had some of my samples sent to an IBC registry to help in a research study. 

    I don't understand why you can't change oncologists unless you are in a country with a different type of health system than the USA.  I'm in the USA and I would have switched.

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Posts: 567
    edited March 2008

    That's why I love this thread. Just got back from my GP she freaked so bad about my armpit that she called my onc right then and there on her cell and he scheduled a PET (full body....head too) scan for tomorrow. Lovely.

    But, I get here and all y'alls crap makes me feel better!!!!

    I'll write more later. Gotta pretend like I'm concentrating on work for a few hours.

    Hope y'alls day isn't toooooooo crappy.

    Hugs, Traci

    ps Debbie---every time I look at gsg's tagline (I didn't know it was called that...) I laugh. There are a bunch of good taglines!

  • AnnNYC
    AnnNYC Posts: 236
    edited March 2008

    Traci -- waiting will suck but I'm keeping my fingers crossed everything will turn out fine.



  • snowyday
    snowyday Posts: 121
    edited March 2008

    HI Ladies:  Today I start my Phosphates Solution, actually in one hour and 15 minutes, and I'm am so not looking forward to it.  And I took your advice and cancelled the liver ultrasound until the 3rd of April.  I'm so afraid of the colonoscopy because of it getting stuck and the Dr. not sending me to a specialist afterwards. My sister is here and doing her best to keep me calm.  And ravdeb, I forgot again about the left arm so I'm going to write no needles/b.p. etc right on it. 

    Traci, I hope they fiquire out whats going on with your armpit I'm relieved that your getting a pet scan they are the best.  I am thinking about you.  Also your roomate is she trying to piss you off enough that you kick her out and she has to move in with her bf, and his cigars.  I feel bad about the dog, I'd be calling ASPCA and telling them it's not being looked after that your trying but ill and the owner is ignoring it.  What will happen to the dog once your not there to help it?  Well wish me luck I take my yuck stuff soon and should put on a pedometer to see how many miles I use while having the trots.

    I"m scared shitless. I've told my sis that they have to listen to me if it gets stuck STOP it they already have seen narrowing of the bowel and I know it's worse (I'm not going to give detail gross.) Everyone have a good day and sorry if I'm not answering everyone I just wish you all well, and will hopefully be normal by Thurs. Aft,. Oh yeah, get this, I have one cat with the shits, sis thinks esp cat and Emmie my other cat has the pukes, so thats got me upset, if they are like that tomorrow to the vet they go.  I'm scared for them they are my babies.  I'm babbling and whining without the wine. (Boring)  Bye all

    Big hugs Pearl

  • casinogirl
    casinogirl Posts: 476
    edited March 2008

    Mental Barf - I love it!

    Charlene - I can TOTALLY related to the weight gain after the ooph.  None of my clothes fit either.  For me, the surgery was the easy part it's afterwards that really SUCKS.

    As far as the hair thing goes...I too got tons of compliments on my short "haircut".  Tons of compliments even from total strangers.  One day a woman said "your hair is so cute - who does it"?  I told her "Oklahoma Oncology" and she looked at me like she didn't understand.  I know that wasn't very nice of me....

    I'll be bitchin' as long as I have the breath to do so.  However, sometimes when somebody asks me how I'm doing, I tell them I'm f***ing fabulous!

    Traci - this is a great thread!  I'm still hoping we can meet next month, even though I SUCK at geography Surprised

    I have more mental barfing to do, but need to work for now. 


  • otter
    otter Posts: 757
    edited March 2008


    Here.  I'm handing you the baton for the "bitchy, moan, & groan" relay.  I've not had a colonoscopy, but I did have the same prep for a different abdominal procedure a few years ago.  I hated it.

    That reminds me.  Last fall when I asked my PCP for a referral to a good breast center to investigate this darn lump (now in a jar of formalin), he pointed out that it was time for a colonoscopy.

    Can I let you do it, and say I did?


  • carolsd
    carolsd Posts: 17
    edited March 2008

    Otter, that's awful what you've had to endure. Sometimes I think medical professionals forget why they're there (not all of them, just some). It's inexcusable to be so careless with someone's treatment plan in your hands.

    This is a MUCH smaller deal, but I recently got so mad at my rheumatologist's staff I could have screamed. I have to take an injection every 2 weeks for my arthritis. It's delivered Fed ex from a specialty pharmaceutical company. I was having trouble getting the shipment scheduled and I called the dr's office to try to get some help (if I don't take it on schedule my symptoms flare). They said "Doctor's out of town this week, but if you come into the office we'll give you a sample to tide you over." Ok, great. Sounds perfect. I asked if I needed to make an appt or tell them what time I would be coming in. She said "we're here all day" so I said I'd be in around 12:30. So I showed up right on schedule at 12:30, only to be told that the whole office was out to lunch. The clerk said "if you could hang around until about 1:30 they'll be back..." Well hell!!! #Q@#%@^!!* I have a job too! I can't just "hang around" and wait when I cleared that time with them the day before! GRRRRRRR!

    It's a much smaller thing than your oncotype test but it's just another example of how so non-customer-service-friendly some of these folks are.

    I hope you get your results soon!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2008

    I love this thread...holding your hand Traci and praying all will be well.

    I'm only here to bitch about my achey stinkin bones.  I hate the Tamox but I know that the Arimedex was worse.  Three more years of feeling like this sucks.

    I also hate the "7 months pregnant belly" and my ever expanding ass!  I never weighted more than 110...well...I'm wayyyy over that now.  I don't eat any more than I ever did and I am exercising constantly...nothing is working...grrrrr. 

    Ok...I'm done...

    sending hugs to all the bitchy, moaning, groaning ladies...unless you have the flu LOL...


  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Posts: 567
    edited March 2008

    "your hair is so cute - who does it"?  I told her "Oklahoma Oncology" " LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh man.....y'all are funny!

    Carol....I would have soooooooooooooo been sick the week of the shower!!

    o.k. We've got: Septic probs, arthritis, 2 kids & no $$, a bitch w/ no taste (lol!) dead birds, colonoscopies (((((Pearl))))) (I heard that doesn't suck that bad. You'll have to tell us if that was a flat out lie!), girls walking out on the job (Woo Hoo!! You go girl!!) and.... expanding bellies and asses! Who's got the f*ing baton?????

    Otter,  I couldn't help but smile at your bc mine field analogy. (sp?) How true. Listen to Carlin.....get your doc on the phone and "let it fly". The girl that bitches the loudest gets takin' care of first!!!

    And as far as the 'guilt' for bitchin'.....that's why we started this thread!! The only rules of the thread are: don't say "it'll all be o.k." or "everything happens for a reason" or any of that crap and....if what somebody is bitchin' about upsets you, you are not allowed to comment!

    & groan all you want!!