Im bitchy, I moan, I groan.....anyway.



  • Mary-Lou
    Mary-Lou Posts: 630
    edited March 2008

    Beth, that was to funny! rofl

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Posts: 567
    edited March 2008

    Cancer is my Bitch" My new fave t-shirt!

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Posts: 402
    edited March 2008

    Mary Lou, thanks for telling me how to change my avatar on Myspace.  It worked!  Now I look a lot more like I do now, minus the lopsided floobs.  Back then I had the original set.  I will have to get a more current picture but this one we look the best in.

    I have lots more jokes girls and will probably post them on the Let's Have Fun thread. 

    Later fellow that TMI??

  • dhettish
    dhettish Posts: 96
    edited March 2008

    Maryl, my motto is "Chemo is a bitch and then your live".

    Puppy, I am so sorry for all your trials and tribulations. You have certainly been through a lot and still have far to go. My prayers are definitely with you. Glad you still have your sense of humor.  

    I have to laugh at all the alcohol posts and pix. I guess I am the only recovering alcoholic. I would reach for a chocolate bar but Taxotere took away my taste. Now that sucks. Especially since everybody has been giving me this wonderful homemade chocolate and European chocolate. I don't eat the American stuff. Only Cadbury's made in England, and Merci from Germany. Lindt chocolate is good but some of their products are now made in America and the taste is not as good. God....I want a chocolate bar that I can taste. Bananas are about the only thing I can taste now.

    And to top it off, now I am reading that sugar raises your insulin levels and can make cancer cells grow faster. Don't take my chocolate away from me!  

    Chocolate lots of it

     mmmmmmmmm. I dream on. Debbie


  • jansdaughter
    jansdaughter Posts: 6
    edited March 2008

    Hey Tracy.  How can I stay away and miss all this.  You keep me laughing.  You are so funny.    Dianne

  • kimmie0371
    kimmie0371 Posts: 1
    edited March 2008

    Traci-i can relate to it all-i have lost almost all of my hair I used to have hair  down do my a** and now it is really short and still falling out as the days go by due to the rapid chemo treatments that I have been taking-I can also relate to alot of other things and I am just as mad at the world as you are along with alot of other people-not to mention my new husband of a little over a month in which we have been apart for 15 years and finally found one another again and got married-he says he ahs enough faith for the both of us because Ii sure dont have any right now-I have now seen my sister in which I have not seen in over 3 years due to my bc and i guess she can now say that she has been here for me but she was not in 2000  when I battled it the first time and beat it i know how you feel and I wish all the best of luck and hope you have faith and family around to support you because you are going to need and oh by the way just walk the dog the exercise is good for you sometimes and whatever you do dont kill your roomate-the little puppy that keeps following you around just make sure that it is not out of pitty because women like us dont like that we have inner strength and dont want nor need the pitty from anyone kimmie0371

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Posts: 402
    edited March 2008
    I just RSVP'd to a "friend's" wedding.  This afternoon was the topper of them all so far!  I have pretty much just started the fills on the left side.  Like I may have said, I am "high and tight" on the expander side and one hung low on the implant-not-reconstructed side.  She asked me to be a bridesmaid.  I told her I do not know where I will be in my course of the fills and can't even begin to see what kind of dress would work.  She drags me to the David's Bridal and shows me the bridesmaid gown.  Then drags out the fitter who looked at my chest and asked if she was serious?  Was it not obvious to her that this woman is going through recon and might be too upset to be going through fittings and the expense?  I walked out crying and called my dil and she picked me up and drove me home.  I don't want her pity but just a touch of understanding might be helpful!
  • Hanna
    Hanna Posts: 228
    edited March 2008

    That REALLY sucks!  Man, get that frame Traci made of that woman punching out the other broad and replace her face with the fitter's or that "friend". 

    Good grief what the jack---es of this world will say. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2008

    Heres my whine for the day!  Ever since chemo, my immune system has been depressed.  So it seems like have been getting colds every six weeks.  Finially got to the point where I havent been sick since fall.  My office mate comes into work sick,day before yesterday.  Told her she should be home instead of spreading her germs - yep - you got.  Today Im home, sick in bed!  I so tired of getting colds.

  • Diana63
    Diana63 Posts: 57
    edited March 2008

    Beth, that was just uncalled for, I seen a voodoo doll on another thread we will get one for you to poke pins in. I can see why you were upset, some people are so insensitive & stupid. (((Beth)))

    Traci, I love the tshirt Wink and this thread, I have been laughing all the way through it.

    As for the beer and weed, all I have to say is.......

    "Here For The Party"

    Well I'm an eight ball shooting double fisted drinking son of a gun
    I wear My jeans a little tight
    Just to watch the little boys come undone
    Im here for the beer and the ball busting band
    Gonna get a little crazy just because I can

    You know im here for the party
    And i aint leavin til they throw me out
    Gonna have a little fun gonna get me some
    You know im here, im here for the party

    I may not be a ten but the boys say i clean up good
    And if i gave em half a chance for some rowsy romance you know they would
    Ive been waiting all week just to have a good time
    So bring on them cowboys and their pick up lines

    Dont want no purple hooter shooter just some jack on the rocks
    Dont mind me if i start that trashy talk

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Posts: 1,352
    edited March 2008

    Ooooo, are we having a whine of the day ?!?!

    My whine today is as follows.

    I was having an 'at home day' today, ya know, hair colour, face pack, nice long soak, toenails painted. DH was away for the day, so no-one to scare!  Would ya know I had 9 people banging on my door, cars were in and out of my yard on and off all the day. Some of them  tried to 'phone me from their cars, some started 'phoning when they got back home, it was just mayhem here.

    Of course I wasn't going out to answer any of them, I was hiding behind my plants TRYING to get on with my girly things, but the noise from the doorbells, oh yes, they tried both doors, the 'phones, and the dogs racket from inside the house, and my guard dogs outside, (which, of course, I managed to forget to let loose, they would have kept everyone in their cars !!!) drove me to open a bottle of wine tonightWink

    So its wine for my whine tonight !!


  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Posts: 567
    edited March 2008

    Hey girls just wanted to say goodnite.

    Also, that I left my roommate a note last night while I went to my mom's that said "Hey Laura, I fed the animals but did not clean up the disaster that is our kitchen. I am in a hurry and tired of cleaning up after the "Steve" parties. The floor is disgusting with cigar ashes."

    Be home after 11:00. p.s. Jackson (dog) will need to go out right away cuz I left at 5:30.

    The kitchen was SPOTLESS when I got home and, she's barely talked to me since. Gone to her pigs house tonight. YEA!!!!

    Hugs, Traci

  • Mary-Lou
    Mary-Lou Posts: 630
    edited March 2008

    Beth- What the hell were they thinking?


  • Diana63
    Diana63 Posts: 57
    edited March 2008

    Traci, if your roommate had any self respect, she would have came to you and apologized and tried to make it up to you. Maybe she will have more sleep overs at his place and give you some peace.

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Posts: 567
    edited March 2008

    Maryl, that cartoon is a riot!!! I'm gonna put it on my fax cover sheet!!! Tongue out

    Amen Diana!!

    Mornin' ladies. Hope y'alls day isn't too crappy!


  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Posts: 567
    edited March 2008

    So much for the day not being crappy.

    I am so upset about Erin. WTF???????????????????????

    This has GOT to stop. Somebody please explain this to me!!! I am so pissed off. I'm so sad.'s just brutal.

    If one more person tells me to "think positive" I am going to abso-f*ing-lutely LOSE IT!!!!!!!!!!!

     o.k. I'm done.

    Rest in peace sweet Erin.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 460
    edited March 2008

    Today is my one year cancerversary of my dx.  I thought this would be a good place to bitch about it.  I don't feel like it now, I'm just so sad about Erin.  Peace be with her and her family.

  • tlc
    tlc Posts: 1
    edited March 2008

    Well that Sucks!....... Listen to my crap!  I am Tracy also, with a y.  I just discovered this site, in part because I am struggling with the anger and emotion that I am experiencing now that I have completed my treatment.  I was diagnosed almost a year ago, had successful surgery, chemo and radiation.  I had about as good an experience as you can have with this whole BC thing, with lots of love and great support from family, friends and coworkers.  My problems have come since I returned to work full time.  I should be happy and grateful, but I only seem to be sad, angry and very short tempered.  I am 51, and was just missing my first few periods when I received the BC diagnosis with routine mammogram.  I have been taking Tamoxifen since the end of November when I finished radiation.  I thought I was handling things pretty well, (if I do say so myself) until a couple of weeks ago when my husband asked why I was crying so much.  I have always been an emotional girl, but now things are out of control.  I have all of these FEELINGS....and everyone around me is acting like all is back to normal.....except that I have this CUTE! (Ech!!!) short curly hair style.  Add to that fact that my husband, who was so good and supportive and totally there for me during the whole process is suddenly experiencing mid-life crisis AND a hard time adjusting to our "new normal".  He is pulling away and wanting more "me" time, and I am just feeling alone and rejected.  I know that this is a stage, but why didn't anyone write about this part in the many articles and books that I read at the beginning?  I'm still scared, sad, angry and anxious.  It would be worse, but it still sucks!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2008

    Im saddened to learn about Erin.  We have lost too many sisters recently to this blasted disease.

    Traci: I liked the note you left your roommate. 

    Im home sick - again, my gift from chemo.  I have no resistance to any cold bugs.  Seems like I get one every six weeks and I have another one today.  Thank you bc!

    Missing out on the beginning of a St. Patricks 4 days party.  Here I sit laying in bed and dont even want a glass of wine!


  • Bren-2007
    Bren-2007 Posts: 842
    edited March 2008

    Yea ... that's my new normal ... watching beautiful young women die, leaving babies, husbands and loved ones grieving.  I hardly knew anybody who died before I got cancer a year ago.

    And having to pop vicodin just so I can do the one thing I love ... gardening ... just to take the edge off the pain.

    That's my bitch for the day.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 344
    edited March 2008

    tlc, I just wanted to let you know you're not being ignored.  News is in that we have lost another woman, Erin, to this horrid disease.  Welcome.

    Your story is not unknown.  Many women go through this.  However, have you asked your doctor to give you something for depression.  Sounds like you are a bit depressed.  Many women find it helpful, and you do not have to use them FOREVER.  This has been a life changing experience for you and others.  But it happened to YOU, not others.  There is no way anyone will know or understand how you feel emotionally.  They just can't.

    Take care of yourself.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 77
    edited March 2008

    Traci, good for you for leaving that note to the roomie!

  • snowyday
    snowyday Posts: 121
    edited March 2008

    gsg, thank you for reminding me to do that I'm having my endoscopy and colonoscopy on Wed, I would have forgotten completely. Holy shit excuse the pun. Stupid thing is they have booked my liver ultrasound for the same morning, I'm wondering how I'm going to keep the drink in they give you to light up my liver and keep the stuff in. I swear sometimes I wonder if anyone has brains out there.  Picture this, I drink the stuff that makes you freeze then I'm on the table having to run off ten times, think it will work, not. pearl

  • dhettish
    dhettish Posts: 96
    edited March 2008

    Good Morning Ladies,

    I am sorry to hear about Erin and Kathy though I did not get to know them. So sad.....

    TLC, sorry to hear about your troubles. I just finished my chemo on Tuesday and now everyone seems to think I am all better. Hello..........I still have the SE to go through which I am told will take 3-6 months. Then I have reconstruction to debate about and worry about (I had a dble mast) And now, we play the waiting game to see if my cancer metastizises. At least with chemo, I felt like I was doing something. Now, it is just scary. I come to these boards because these women identify unlike my good friends w/o cancer who pat me on the head and say "you're fine. It will be alright." I feel like they are ignoring my feelings. 

    You are not alone in your feelings. My emotions are all over the board depending on the time of day, what is happening, what the weather is, what I name it. I am not a cryer but I have cried for days at a time. Hang in there. You're right.....It sucks.


  • gsg
    gsg Posts: 1,700
    edited March 2008
    snowyday:  holy moly.  is it possible to reschedule one of the tests? 
  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Posts: 567
    edited March 2008

    Hey ladies,

    Tracy, welcome to the bitchy thread. It's posts like your that make me o.k. with the fact that I don't have a DH. Are you well-to-do? Let him go buy a Corvette so he'll snap out of it. Or, you could go back a couple of pages and bitch slap him like that girl did to the other girl in the video!! Everything else you said is totally familiar 'cept...I didn't have radiation and no Tamoxifen for me. (trip neg).

    Nicki, you poor thing. Ask your dr(s) about Vit C. Can you take that while on chemo? Probably not....deep sigh. Go to home depot and get some of those painting masks!!! I like you poem.

    Angel, it doesn't feel like it's been a year to feels like it's been 3 years. Do you feel that way??

    My roommate hasn't left one dirty dish in the sink since!! lol!

    Pearl, I'm glad I'm not you! That sucks!! Your forgetting reminds me of gsg's sig! lol!

    Still sad about Erin and Kathy. Just found out about Kathy....thanks to Debbie's post! Deep sigh.

    Bgirl, I love gardening too although, I haven't done it in a year. I just noticed yesterday....that the rubber tree plant that I planted last time I about 4 ft tall now! I must have walked by it 365 times...EVERYTHING SUCKS!

    C y'all later.


    ps I hope somebody bitches some more fast so I can feel better!! Smile

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2008

    Hmmm moaning and groaning!

    Its times like today, I just dont know what to do or what to say.  I have been around for 3 years and in that amount of time I have gotten to know many.  Its always so sad and overwhelming when we lose one.  But two so close together. 

    Traci:  Im 2 years post chemo - my immune system has never recovered.  But I say poppycock to my cold, when I read about what others are having to go through. 

    Debbie:  You hand in there.  If I recall, my hardest time emotionally was right after I finished chemo.  My emotions were everywhere.

    Pearl:  Scopes up both ends?  Yikes!  I would change the liver scan, dont know how in the world you will manage all that.  Big hugs to you.

    Bgirl:  hugs

    tlc:  Im looking for that same book.  No one ever told me what it would be like after treatment. 

    My beatch today is I have lost my voice.  So I cant yell at my husband even when I want to.


  • Bren-2007
    Bren-2007 Posts: 842
    edited March 2008

    Hey Nickster,

    I'll yell at him for you!!

    love ya,


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2008
  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Posts: 567
    edited March 2008

    OMG.................LOVE THE SMILEY!!!!!!

    LOVE IT! Gonna totally copy it!! Wink Your funny!!!