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Im bitchy, I moan, I groan.....anyway.



  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2008

    OK.....a big that SUCKS too all!  I don't know what I owuld do if I didn't have this thread to bitch....

    First of all, it was 31 degrees out this morning.  OK, I know I live in Alaska, but is it too much to ask for a LITTLE warm weather?

    Here is the main bitc of the day....I know people care, but if ONE more person asks me how my cancer is doing i am going to spit!  They ask like it is prize rosebush i'm taking care of.....

    Deb C

    Who is a grump today

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited May 2008

    I'll have to respond later to all.

    Can we name this thread "I bitch, I moan, I groan, I CRY" thread?

    I woke up to a horrible sucky day.  My dd called me.  She said, Mom, I think Hyde (their big adopted dog they've had for almost a year) scared Misty to death.  OMG, my heart jumped out of my chest. 

    Misty's been her cat for over 14 years.  Since the dog has come Misty has been staying upstairs except to venture down once in a while and run back up.  She was a needy cat.  She purred, kneaded and sucked on a blanket.  Well, my dd heard Hyde doing "something."  She thought he was just playing not knowing Misty was downstairs.  Then she decided to check.  Misty was "forzen" in the living room while Hyde looked like he wanted to play.  Anyway, she took Misty upstairs and stayed with her.  She said she knew something was wrong when she picked her up because Misty just leaned on her.  Misty couldn't stand up.  My dd said Misty slept on her chest and then curled up in between  her legs.  She later wanted to get down (by now she could walk).  DD was trying to sleep, but still listening out for Misty.  She said she hear her doing something with her nails...said she thought maybe Misty was trying to "find a place."  When dd woke up Misty was under the bed with her tail sticking out.  DD asked DH to get Misty..that she thought something was wrong.  Misty was dead.  I'm crying!! DAMMIT!  Why do we have to be so in love with our pets..and she's not my pet!?  Even when someone on the board loses a pet I cry!  WTH is wrong with me!?

    Anyway, I talked to her this afternoon (she's organizing a Relay for Life in Charlotte), and my other dd said perhaps something had already happened to Misty before Hyde scared her.  I thought about that too, because I had a cat that came downstairs that used to stay upstairs..I was so happy to see her come down...then knew why..she got lost...was blind and deaf...must have had a stroke.  Also, Misty had a heart problem.  I'm wondering if Misty had a stroke.  DD said she would sort of try to take a deep breath and meow, but couldn't meow.

    One of my friends called me last night.  Her son is a Sheriff's deputy.  He was called out for domestic violence.  He had the guy who was beating up his wife pinned down on the floor.  The stupid WIFE let in the pitbull ON PURPOSE.  The dog grabbed my friend's son's leg and wouldn't let go.  He had to shoot the dog.  I haven't heard the full story yet, but the dog had been in "doggy court" yesterday because of biting someone else and has been known to bite before.

    Why do people make their dogs mean!?  The stupid woman caused her dog to die! 


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited May 2008

    OH Shirley, I am so sorry to hear about  Misty!  Yes, our pets are a very special part of the family!  Even if she wasn't YOUR cat, you have seen Misty for years, whenever you visit your dd.  OH gosh, I am SO SORRY!!

    She'll be waiting at the Rainbow Bridge, and when your dd passes away many many years from now, they will cross the Bridge together.


  • carlin
    carlin Member Posts: 35
    edited May 2008


             Is there really a Rainbow Bridge, and will my 2 dogs from my childhood be there God I hope so.

     Thanks Harley somehow that gives me some peace.


  • danix5
    danix5 Member Posts: 141
    edited May 2008


    I have not been here in forever!  Oh my there are some serious bitches going on!  Keep bitching girls!

    Shirley- Thank you for sharing that story of the little four year old.  Cancer sucks but to mess with children, it is just not right!

    I do have a bitch I have total hyster with oopher on Tuesday the 20th, and now I have to take my Mom in on Monday to a different hospital to have cardiac cath done she has blockage in her arteries.  So she is totally stressing about me and about her and I feel like sh*t, because I will not really be able to help except Monday because I can not Mentally put off this surgery for me so I am still going on tuesday.  It was already canceled once. 

    I also developed another damn infection in right boob, 4 weeks after implant exchange dr feels the knot at the end of incision was too large and it irritated the area and pus and all was coming out!!!

    So now I am back on keflex 1000mg a day, and dr said wow you have had 6 antibiotic treatments with keflex and Levaquin in the last 8 months I hope you do not develop resistance and get an infection with this next surgery.  Way to cheer me up, buddy!

    This will be my 6th surgery since Nov 07.  I am sooooooo sick of surgery!  I do count my blessings everyday for the "good diagnosis" , but man this sucks.....

    I chose to do total hyster instead of tamox, but now I am saying WTH, I am sick of laying down and really sick of dr appts.  Oh well minor bitch compared to some!!!!

    Love you girls,  I probably will not have a lot of time to check this site before I go into surgical hell!!!  so hope all is well and everyone's bitches are resolved by the time I get back!

    Cancer the Sh*t that keeps on giving!!!!!


  • sueper13
    sueper13 Member Posts: 360
    edited May 2008


    Sorry you are a grump today.  Here is a joke to make you smile:

    Did you hear about the agnostic, dyslexic insomniac? 

    He lies awake at night and wonders if there really is a dog.

    Hope you get to smiling again soon, and can you even grow roses in Alaska?Wink

    Shirley, so sorry about Misty.  We have a wonderful cat named Miss Muffin who we are besotted with.  She is incredibly funny. 

    Dani, I didn't know you could choose total hyster instead of Tamoxifen--I am considering hyster anyway  as I read Tamox increases your risk of uterine cancer .  I will definitely ask my onc the next time I see her.

    Otter, I was already off to meet the Neulasta truck when you posted on the chemo thread (quite loudly, little lady) asking where everyone was.  Sorry to hear you are having chemo hangover.  I am having it too.  My son's fabulous girlfriend has come to be with me when my dh has to go fly on Saturday. I love her so much, they have been together since she was 16 and he was 15, and that was almost 8 years ago.  They live together in Austin, and although I wish they would get married, I have told them I will always want to be a part of their lives, no matter whether I approve or not.    `   

    My bitch today is still the difficulty typing-wrong words, transposed letters, I wanted the word reputation and what came out was resolution.  Just weird, and I have always made my living by having a sharp brain, so it's anxiety-producing.....but wait, I have a med for anxiety!!!  EUREKA!!!

    Love you ladies!


  • sam408
    sam408 Member Posts: 474
    edited May 2008

    Nearing the end of a not so sucky day, but wanted to wish a big That Sucks to everyone.

    Deb - People who ask stupid questions suck. I hear Alaska's a beautiful place, but I don't know how you take the cold. It was 51 in Indiana this morning and I was freezing. Of course the fact that it won't quit raining doesn't help any.

    Shirley - That sucks about your daughter's cat. Hope she and you are feeling a little better.

    Dani - Dang girl, hope this is the last of it for you. I'm so sick of surgeries and I've only had 4 in the last year, got a couple more to go hopefully before the end of this year. Hope everything goes well for you and your Mom. Take care of yourself. BTW, that comment from the doctor could earn him a bitch slap.

    Sue - I know it's frustrating to you and it sucks, but we don't care if you can spell or not. . .keep unloading the suckiness when necessary

    I think there were some other things on the previous page I wanted to respond to but can't go back now to read them.

    Got a good report from the PS today. She says I'm doing remarkable for 6 weeks out. . .wish I felt that way, but I don't have anything to compare it to so I'll take her word for it.

  • kes
    kes Member Posts: 41
    edited May 2008

    Shirley,  Sorry to hear about DD's cat Misty. That is sooo sad.


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited May 2008


    There most definitely IS a place where our pets go when they pass away, and we WILL see them again!  I know that GOD put us in charge of these creatures, and HE won't allow us to be separated from the ones we love forever, even our furry little pets!

    The  "Rainbow Bridge" is a poem by an Unknown Author, but it gives me great comfort.

    Hugs to all who have lost their furry 4 legged companions!


  • iodine
    iodine Member Posts: 869
    edited May 2008

    Oh, sexually transmitted disease--ROTFLMAO--------------------THANK YOU, THANK YOU.

  • lemonjake
    lemonjake Member Posts: 342
    edited May 2008

    Dani -- That does suck about your mom and the timing of her surgery and the stress of the situation. I really hope that your weekend holds some serious pre-surgery pampering.

    I just got off the phone with my mom. My dad is in the hospital with severe case of potassium poisoning (the result of him using salt substitute).  (Plus, Mom in her understated way let on that she feels badly about passing on "her" cancer to me.  And that she is the one who switched Dad to salt substitute.  My strong, wonderful Mom.  This is breaking my heart.)

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963
    edited May 2008

    Oh goodness, rockthebald! So shocking to hear about your dad. My cardiologist told me to go on a low sodium diet, so I immediately went out and bought salt substitute. I was using it for a couple of months, at least, before it somehow came up in a converstaion with the cardiologist and he told me to stop using it immediately, as he had to carefully regulate my potassium intake.

    Perhaps these doctors might think to actually TELL people not to use that when they take them off salt!! Your poor dad!! I hope he does okay and improves quickly. Sorry about all you and your mom are going through, as well.  Try to have a good weekend!

    Miss S

  • sueper13
    sueper13 Member Posts: 360
    edited May 2008

    Good early morning (moaning) all,

    CANCER SUCKS!!! CHEMO SUCKS!!!  My big sister sucks!!  I know I'm supposed to tell you all your stuff sucks before I whine about my crap.  Sorry for breaking the rules, and a big THAT SUCKS!!! to all of you.

    My big sister still sucks!! Her personality has always been, anything that happens to you or you even hear about happening, she has already been through or has a close friend that has been through it, and my big sister knows way more about it that you do, especially if you're "the baby" (I'm almost 50) like me!!!  So, I got bc, had surgery and am having chemo.  None of these things have ever happened to her, but of course, she has a close friend who's been through it.  And every time we talk, it's very negative--yes, my friend had surgery she had many complications, I remember this and this and that...... I have always just smiled internally and blown off most of her opinions, but it's harder now, ya know?  So I was talking to her about chemo and she asked which round I was on, when I told her the 2nd she said, "You won't have any complications until the third" and I (finally) answered, "Then again, I may not have any complications at all.  I am really trying to just focus on the light and believe that all will be well."  She agreed immediately but I know it will be the same thng the next time we talk.  I try to be extra kind to her because her dh has a rare blood disorder (hemachromatosis--his body can't process iron correctly) and she is raising her 15-year-old granddaughter that she has had since 18 months and I really do love her and look up to her, I could really use her help and just listening ear right now but she is just so negative!!!

    Thanks for listening to me bitch......


  • LorenaB
    LorenaB Member Posts: 91
    edited May 2008

    Dani - best of luck with your surgery, and sorry about your mom.  There is only so much we can do for others while we are in the middle of all this.

    DebC - Your prized rosebush comment made me laugh.  I hope it's warmer in Alaska today!

    Shirley - what a sad story about Misty, I'm so sorry!

    Sue - that sucks about your sister, know-it-alls drive me crazy.  BTW, your joke about the insomniac etc. is one of my favorites.  In fact, it's one of the only jokes I can remember without messing it up.  (Chemo brain isn't even my excuse, I've always been like that.)

    Rockthebald - sorry about your dad.

    And to everyone with rotten doctor/health insurance stories, a big THAT SUCKS!

    My bitch for this morning is about my boyfriend.  He's a very sweet guy but has no capacity to express what he is feeling (not to stereotype, but he's an engineer AND he's Asian -- a pretty good combo for being clueless about emotions).  So I have no idea what he is feeling or thinking about me, about anything.  For the last few months, I've been the one who calls him, suggests things to do, asks for help -- and I don't know if it's because 1) he doesn't know what I am able to do, physically and emotionally so he just doesn't suggest anything; 2) he's decided that our relationship is going nowhere but he's too nice to dump a woman with cancer; or 3) he's preoccupied with work and his kids and none of this has anything to do with me.  He never invites me to anything that involves his friends or family so I'm leaning towards #2, but it could very well be in my (bald and feeling-sorry-for-myself) head.  I don't know whether to ask him or just leave it alone because it's better to have him in my life than not at this point. 

    My other bitch today is hemorrhoids -- I wish they would go away already.  Ouch.

    I hope everyone's weekend is as un-sucky as possible.

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited May 2008

    lorena,  I wish our guys would just COMMUNICATE with us, and tell us what's bugging them!!  If they don't talk to us, we are left to just guess about what is bothering them!!  That 'silent treatment' stuff is SO childish!  Why don't they just grow up and let us know what is happening!!  Sorry, but that kind of stuff really pisses me off!

    Sue, it really sucks that our family sometimes can't be there for us, in the way that we need them to be.  I know that now... When I was dx'd last year, they came down after my bi-lateral mast., and stayed with me for a few days.  But, it was like they were on vacation.  True, they DID clean the bathroom, do the laundry, cook, and clean up after meals.  But, they were really just hanging out and taking a break from their 'real life'.  When I decided to get chemo, they just disappeared from  my life, and didn't even call or send a card.  That really hurt me! 

    Oh well... I just wanted you to know that I understand how our family isn't always a good source of support.  That is why we come here!!

    Ok... now my bitch!  I started this new job, part time, at a little shop in town.  It is very expensive, so I never shop there.  The owner insists that you wear the clothes that they sell, and she gives employees a 30% discount, but even with the discount, I can't afford the freakin' clothes!! 

    I hope everyone has a less sucky day today! 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2008

    Shirley:  Im crying as I read your post.  What an awful day you had, my heart is aching.  I was gonna post a picture of the rainbow bridge, but the picture made me cry too.

    Dani:  It sucks and its just not fair.  You shouldnt have to be worrying about your mom, right when you scheduled for surgery on Tuesday.

    Sue:  Hoping that anxiety pill helped and that your able to think clearer today.

    Rock:  You would think is this day and age, they would educate patients regarding stuff like this.  Lots of Potassium in salt substitutes is what I hear. 

    Lorena:  Sounds like a typical man who is unable to say what he is feeling.

    Harley:  I would love to have new clothing, but would hate it if my boss made me buy some when I dont have the money.  Hope the styles in that store are cute ones.

    My bitch today is not bc related.  I was watching the news and heard about this lady who has been indicted for cyberbully a young teenage girl.  She became so upset she committed suicide.  I hope the woman that did this gets 20 years or more.  Can you imagine this? 


  • sam408
    sam408 Member Posts: 474
    edited May 2008

    Nicki - I saw that story on the news yesterday, couldn't believe it. They said the woman knew that the girl was prone to depression and did this to her anyway. Hope she doesn't get away with it, what a sicko!

  • carlin
    carlin Member Posts: 35
    edited May 2008


              Thanks for the poem. Needed it. So many things suck don't know how to even begin.

               Most of all it sucks waiting for genetic testing results. Why did I do this .

    It sucks my dh is out of work again.

    It sucks that I have to come here for some kind of release

    It sucks that all of you have so much on your plates .

    It sucks that I'm f***k it  . It just sucks

  • Hanna
    Hanna Member Posts: 228
    edited May 2008

    Shirley, I'm so, so sorry about Misty.  Words can't begin to soothe the pain when we have lost a beloved animal.  They trust us and love us and we love and trust them too.  The heartbreaking part is that their lives are so short compared to most humans, but our love for them becomes so deep and lasts so long.  When the animal is a very special one, the love we feel for them is as strong as any we experience.  I am so sorry you are feeling grief and pain now.

    I also believe we will be reunited with our animals loves one day.


  • snowyday
    snowyday Member Posts: 121
    edited May 2008

    Shirley I'm so sorry about Misty, fitchik just lost her cat  to a heart disease I'm sorry, I love cats and worry all the time over mine just can't believe this has happened twice this week.

    Rockthebald your sister is an airhead and sorry about your dad.

    When I was diagnosed, my sister told me my mother said she "wished I was dead and how much would this cost her". Still hurts even though I've forgiven her, she was, well is weird at times.  And I've made a point of not accepting a penny from her and she's

     really rich. My mom is borderline personality, scary stuff.

    Harley buy something in black and use scarves to change it around crickey that's ridiculous 30%  must be one hell of an expensive place. I hope you get commission on sales most quality places do that plus the wage.  And how are you coping with nipple waiting,so sorry.

    Sue I have two male friends with hemachromatosis it's easy to manage they just take out blood when iron levels get crazy at least thats what I've been told. So don't put up with her shit. Man.

    Nicki I saw the same thing on the news and on the Today show they had a segment about a women that helped her bully the girl how sickening, but the one good thing is that finally cyber bullying can be prosecuted now, I like that.

    Carlin, I'm sorry your dh is out of work that is so hard.  Does he have a truck there is a guy who makes a ton of money doing small jobs with his truck and even makes people get help for big moves cause he's a small guy.  When I use him he get 20 buckolas for about a ten minute drive and he doesn't do the work, but it's so handy to be able to access someone with a truck and get this his card says "Guy with Truck". Hilarious.

    Well I had to OD on my peg lite didn't BM for a week and was in major pain and really bitchy, tired and sick.  But it finally worked thank the lord I can't wait now for them to scope me and cut it out if there is a really bad section, I'm sick of this I really am afraid to eat again, I got over that for a bit and then boom plugged up again. Shitty and I mean the pun.  I should have gone to hospital but I'm going to Red Lake in two weeks and nothing is going to stop me. I need it so bad.  Well by for now everyone have a good weekend.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited May 2008

    Shirley, just wanted to say sorry about Misty, and sorry to DD too.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited May 2008

    You girls are so sweet.  Thank you for your condolences.  I will definitely miss Misty when we go back in June.  But the grandchildren certainly keep me/us busy.

    As far as the little guy with Wil's cancer...I'll have to keep an eye on his mom's site.  My dd usually keeps me updated.  He's been through so much for such a little kid.  No child should have to endure this kind of pain.

    Deb, HAHA to the rosebush analogy of bc.  How is your cancer doing?  Just fine, thank you.  I thought most people ask, how ARE YOU doing?  Yes, they do care.  I think they just don't know what to say.  So, dear Deb, you'll have to keep your cool (should be easy in Alaska!).

    Harley, thanks again for reminding us about the "Rainbow Bridge." 

    Yes, Carlin, there's really a bridge.  And when we cross over our pets will know who we are.  I choose to believe they're having a great time...playing and having no pain.  Okay, so here I start crying again.  And it does suck BIG time that you dh lost his job.  My dd's husband lost his after Christmas.  He's been contracting.  He's had some good interviews..hoping something will happen.  Then, the company she works for is doing poorly.  She didn't know whether or not or job was secure..she's the HR manager.  Well, a friend of hers got her foot in the door at a very large company..AND SHE WAS JUST OFFERED A JOB!  Carlin, it's gonna happen for your dh too.

    Wow, Dani, you can't get a break!  Yes, you must go through your surgery and GET IT OVER WITH.  I know your mom understands.  I hope you're eating yogurt while on all those antibiotics (listen to me..I probably wouldn't take my own advice..but I'm trying to eat some everyday...we'll see how long that'll last).  You take care of YOU!  You will be of no help to anyone if you don't take care of yourself. 

    Sue, the joke was hilarious.  Thanks for the laugh!  My dd and her bf started dating when they were 16.  It was about 9 years before they married.  When they moved to D.C. they lived together..never lived together until then for financial purposes.  However, they spent weekends together.  They have been happily married now for 10 years.  They are wonderful together.  I'm sure your ds and his gf will one day get married.  Boy, do I ever know about transposing letters.  Actually, it's worse than that..I can't think of the word I want to use.  Or, I can't remember how to spell it.  I don't have a big sister...three older brothers.  I tell them what to expect!!! LOL

    I forgot.  I'm laughing with you Dotti, about the sexually transmitted disease.  That was a good'un!

    Wow, Rockthebald, I didn't know salt subs could cause one's potassium to go up.  Thanks for telling us.  The last time, which has been years ago, I tried a salt sub it was yucky!

    Darn, Lorena, that sucks!  Men!  I'm so sorry he isn't communicating.  I don't know what to tell you.  You'll have to go with your heart.  As far as the hemorrhoids, my dh has/had them bad.  The gastro doc told him to use fiber.  He was eating those fiber bars.  It really, really helped him.  He wasn't having pain, but was bleeding.  The fiber did something to stop that.  And he has NO problem with bathroom "habits."  Twice a day!

    Daggone, Harley, that's so unfair.  She should give you more than a measly 30% discount.  At least it should be 50%.  You get a job to make money, not to throw it away.  Of course, it's always fun to buy clothes (if you're skinny like YOU!).

    Nicki, Dr. Phil, sometime back, had this story on one of his shows.  I wonder what will happen to that "mom."  What an example she is!  Why would she stoop to such immaturity.  I cannot believe it!  Of course then I think about the mother in Texas (years ago) that wanted a cheerleader killed so her dd would make it.  People are crazy!

    Pearl, that must have really hurt when your mom said that.  How horrible!  And I hope the docs find some shitty intestines they can remove so your shitty bowels will work properly.  Not being able to go to the bathroom is horrible.  I know how miserable I am when I'm not working properly, and mine isn't as bad as yours.  You have a nice time at the lake and then come back and have your shitty problem taken care of.  I hope I don't get kicked off here.  I used "shitty" several times.  Is there a limit to how many times one can use a "bad" word in one post?  Surprised


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited May 2008

    Deb, that is terrible, how people just say the stupidest things!  How is the cancer??  Oh, it's doing just freakin' WONDERFUL!! 

    Nicki- thanks!  I agree, that I shouldn't have to buy these clothes!  But, I DO like to shop, and some of the clothes are cute, but I hate to be forced into buying them.  It's not fair! 

    Shirley, thanks for saying that about me... I have gained weight, mostly in the stomach, so maybe I can use a slightly bigger size.

    Yes I believe that our pets are playing, running and just having fun, waiting for us.  When we die, we will meet them, and then we'll cross over together.  I love my first cat, Axel, and I miss him so much.  Whenever I think about it, I feel at peace, knowing I'll see him again. 

    Oh, Snowy, I am so sorry for all the shitty problems you have been having!  I hope that they can take out whatever is causing the problem, and put you back together, so you can start to feel normal again.  That really sucks!  Thanks for the advice about choosing pieces, to put together outfits.  I love to shop for clothes, but the problem is, that I have alot of nice clothes now, since I just went and bought some new clothes in my new bigger size, and now I am pissed because I can't even wear them!

    I have been waiting OVER A YEAR, to get this freakin' nipple moved from my leg (groin area), back to my breasts, where it belongs.  Now, I told my boss that I needed to be off Thursday, because of a minor surgery...  I even explained it some, you know, some people just don't want to hear something like this...TMI!  She was very sympathetic about the bc, and said not to worry, she wouldn't schedule me for Thurs.  Then, today, when I went to check my hours, she had put me on for Friday... She asked me if it would be a problem for me to stand all day after my procedure.  I said that standing isn't the issue, but I'll probably be kind of 'sore'.  She just kind of looked at me, and then she said, "well, I HAVE to have you here on Friday."  So I guess what I'll do is ask if it's possible that I could maybe come in later, maybe work just from 12:00 to 6:00.

    I guess I've run out of things to gripe about... let me think about it for a minute, and I'll come up with something else!

    Hope everyone has a less sucky day tomorrow!!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited May 2008

    Harley is NOT fat.  Not even in the stomach!  You'll have to show your nipple to your boss.  Then perhaps she'll let you go home because of the sore leg and sore boobs.  Tongue out


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited May 2008

    Shirley, you are too funny!  Maybe I will have to show her, so she will 'get it'.  

    But, you know, when I take off my clothes, I have a line around my stomach, from where the clothes rub... and if I stand sideways, I look like a mal-nourished Ethiopian. 


  • lemonjake
    lemonjake Member Posts: 342
    edited May 2008

    In honor of the suckiness of some of our weekends, I offer the following (*cough*) poem:

    Our insides get stopped up/Except when they run

    Well-intended friends say stupid s**t like/ "Getting all that attention must be kinda fun!"

    Our pets die/ Loved ones deny, hover, become divas or pout.

    Our surgeries are delayed/ Our patience gives out

    We can't sleep/ Or we sleep all the time

    Our bosses view time off/ Like it's some kind of crime 

    Low WBC and neutrophils/ Intimacy issues

    Insurance woes, skin disorders/ (Please pass the tissues)

    Yet somehow we manage/ Despite fear and pain

    To support one another/ Time and again 

    As we hang on to this thread/ (Which is more like a strap)

    Shout it with me, women: CANCER SUCKS. LISTEN TO MY CRAP.


    Shirley: I threw that "shit" in there just for you. : ) 

    PS Dad is not out of the woods yet, but IS responding well to the detox. I spoke to him this morning and "accused" my hates attention father of trying to steal my spotlight. Dad, I might add, has NONE of the conditions listed on the box of salt subst (e.g., heart disease, kidney problems).  Very scary.

  • AnnNYC
    AnnNYC Member Posts: 236
    edited May 2008


    GREAT poem ("strap" makes me think of subway straphangers...)

    So scary about your Dad, hoping he continues to improve.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited May 2008

    Harley, I've seen you in person.  Of course, with your clothes on. LOL  You look great!

    Rockthebald, yep, you threw in shit, but you didn't spell it out!  Now, that was shitty!  LOL  And, hope your dad improves really soon.  My MIL had the opposite...too little potassium..then another time...too little sodium...hospitalized both times.  Her symptoms were not knowing what the heck was going on..sleeping..and she had a stupid doctor!  Loved the poem!


  • jdash
    jdash Member Posts: 54
    edited May 2008

    i CANNOT believe your boss understood the situation with the bc and the "minor" surgery and still was soooo insistent about you coming in the next day ! boy is that compassion!!

    i  think that SUCKS  dont push yourself if you dont feel up to it

    you have to take care of yourself sometimes and not the job

    i just found out i have to make a trip this week to get my daughter from school since she dosent have a car which means i will have to take a day off! and then she said we have to make 2 trips ! i would rent her a car but do you have to have car insurance to rent a car or just a license and be over 21

    this SUCKS!  and i have a appt with my oncol monday

    i thought i saw a lymph node on my neck that seemed swollen so i called him in panic mode but i was on antibiotic for a throat infection so i am praying thats all it was and it is gone now  cant see it

    so thats more time i have to take off of work  ugh  always stressing

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited May 2008

    Shirley, you mean, you can't see my HUGE swollen belly, underneath  my clothes?!  Yep, it is just HUGE!

    rockthebald, I like that poem, too!  It describes this thread to a tee!

    jdash -

    Yes, she said that she NEEDS me to be there on Friday!  Well, I guess I will see how it goes. 

    I hope that your lymph node is ok.  You know, if you had a throat infection, it is likely that your lymph nodes were swollen.  That is what they do, they fight infection.  I think you'll be just fine...  I'll be thinking about you, on Monday, and hope all is well.  Please post and let us know, ok?
