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Im bitchy, I moan, I groan.....anyway.



  • drcrisc
    drcrisc Member Posts: 134
    edited June 2008

    Diane - I just want to remind you that you are now "Foob Woman" and should assault her with you armpit foobs!!  (Sorry, from another thread, but I couldn't resist).  And I, as Shovelgirl, will be right beside you ready to bonk her on silly pink head!!  If we end up in the clink, don't worry, I know people.  If we don't end up in the clink, we'll go up and help Viv out.

    Traci - First, all that sucks!  But I don't get the insurance thing either...if it was private pay and they cover the geographical area you now live in, what gives?  Can you ask to talk to a supervisor?  My insurance was giving me fits about something and as soon as I filed a formal grievance, they gave me what I wanted.  And it's not private pay.  But if the grievance doesn't work, you know where the army is...

  • flyrzfan
    flyrzfan Member Posts: 199
    edited June 2008

    man...and I thought philly girls were tough!

    Diane, I don't think you are in want of back up when you smack Dolly down!

    Deb - I have the gold card sitting here waiting for you to get out of your appointment. Let me know when you are ready, retail therapy is my favorite :)

    Tracy - glad to have back, but dang that sucks! I'm with Christine (again?) on the formal grievance. Sounds like a load of crap to me as well...I'll say my prayers you get in touch with the right compassionate intelligent eager to help person to take care of this -fast! In the mean time...I'm more concerned you moved to a dry county. WTF ??? That's the one thing I would have check up on!! Tongue out

    Harley44 - glad your still around the boards - how's things in your neck of the woods? Are your storm clouds going away? I hope so gf...I missed your sense of humor while you were taking a break!

    I go for round 2 tomorrow so if it kicks my butt like round one did I won't may not see you all until next week - I hope everyone has a low IOS time in the mean time...

    Welcome back traci - hope everything works out and you get to slow down and settle in.

    Take care all  ~ Bonnie

  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Member Posts: 765
    edited June 2008

    My bitch for today doesn't sound that bad considering it isn't cancer related. I got home from work yesterday evening to a smell of hot wires. I checked out everything I could think of and could not pinpoint the smell. When I fed my dog, I wondered why the rug under her dish was wet (she doesn't spill her water normally) but it was more water than should have been in her bowl. Then I noticed that the 'table top' water heater next to her bowl had water dripping from the front edge. I first went to the breaker box and figured out which breakers went to the water heater and cut the power. Then I went to the water cut off valve and cut the water to the house except the cold water to the kitchen sink (that cut off was put in about 7 yrs ago when we had pipes burst under the house). My water heater has officially died. The handy-man that has done other repairs for me said he should be able to get to it this afternoon. I spent the evening mopping dripping water off the floor, then figured that if I turned on the bathtub hot water faucet, the water would drain from the tank in a slow drizzle. When I did that the water stopped dripping from the heater. I had to heat water up on the stove last night to wash my dishes and my hair.

    Sheila S

  • otter
    otter Member Posts: 757
    edited June 2008

    So there is some suckage going on today, after all...

    We are still on alert for Viv; and Diane will let us know if her complaint to Dolly's supervisor doesn't result in immediate re-programming; and we'll send sweet, cool refreshments up Deb C's way depending on the report she gives us from her onco visit...

    But I have to go with Traci's insurance fiasco as the biggest shock.  What is it about insurance companies that gives them the right to screw with us that way?  Oh, yeah, I remember--capitalism.  A free-market economy.  If the consumer isn't satisfied, he/she can just shop around for a better deal.

    I would be furious, but that would be after I finished throwing up.  As mentioned already, I would work my way up the food chain within Aetna, trying to find someone with a heartbeat.  Then, and maybe simultaneously, I would contact an insurance commissioner and plead my case.  I might also begin shopping around for an attorney.  Yeah, I hate lawyers too; but you know what?  When you are really, really in a pinch, it's amazing what an attorney and a decent retainer check can accomplish.  This might be just the situation calling for such extreme measures.

    In the meantime, I don't have a Vesper scooter, but I do have a full-size John Deere tractor with a front-end loader.  Think that might come in handy?


  • badboob67
    badboob67 Member Posts: 236
    edited June 2008

    Bring on the John Deere--the loader can hold the extra shovels and pitch forks and maybe one or two of us.

    Nothing runs like a Deere...or a pissed off, hairless, lopsided, nauseated, steroid raging bc patient!

    No IOS to report yet today but then I have yet to get my fanny out of bed to face the world.


  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited June 2008

    {{{HUGS}}} to you each. I was going to come on and b*tch and moan, but you ladies and your troubles trumped me by a mile!  I'm so danged sorry all you are going through!  I'll be character witnesses for any of you, any day, any time and anywhere! S#cks sometimes! 

    Wishing you each a little better today than yesterday and better tomorrow than today! :D

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited June 2008

    Not sure where to post this.  But this seems like the best spot.

    So I was diagnosed with a PFO 2 weeks before my BLM. (which is a hole in my heart)  Treatment for it is Plavix (a Blood thinner) Until Surgery & then they will close it & I would be on Plavix for 3-6 months after surgery.  I started Plavix the day I left the Hospital for my Mastectomy.

    10 days ago nearly 3 weeks after my surgery I started feeling like crap. I called my PCP  & she saw me the next day.  Ran tests did a CT scan because of an Elevated D-dimer.  Chest xray to look for Pnemonia.  Called Cardios Nurse too & she said those were not SE of Plavix.

     I have no energy.  I can barely lift my hand to feed myself.  I Have RLS syndrom all over my body at night.  I have Joint pain in my Knees & elbows.  I am nauseated. Diarrhea, Dizzy, Chills, headaches,  insomnia...The list goes on.

    So I finally decided yesterday its the Plavix & I am not going to take it anymore.  My dh called my Cardios nurse today (Im chicken when it comes to making calls  Embarassed)  & she said those were all symptoms of BC.   Well thanks Lady for the confidence.

    She crabilly told him to call my Onco- which he did & her nurse said that is the 3rd complaint/problem she has had with that nurse this week!   

    My Oncos Nurse  said she had the Physcians desk reference open & that those all all SE  of PLAVIX!  Of course she doesnt recommend that I just stop taking the medicine without taking/seeing the cardio.

    But I have decided I cant live each day on the couch.  And I will take Aspirin which Drs sometimes perscribe for PFOs.  He actually thinks I am on Aspirin along with Plavix...But he never even told me what kind or how much to take- so how could I be taking it!  (I do know it is 325mg a day)

    I dont know how to go about finding a new Cardio.  What should I say- "Well I need a Cardio that will agree to treat me with aspirin alone"...(Not sure what would be ok or used after surgery)

    So I just needed to share this with someone (since my friends are all gone)  Im scared, Im miserable.


  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited June 2008

    Geepers Pam, I don't know.....yes you need those meds, so you don't get a blood clot, right?  And yes, you need a more thorough cardio WITH a nurse who knows when to include the cardio when SHE is diagnosing someone!  Gosh, didn't know nurses had pharmacy degrees too, but...  Please do find a cardio you can feel confident in calling when you have these problems.  BC is enough to deal with, then add the cardio problems and a nurse from the nut house and you'll be over the bend with it all!  Try to keep up the fluid and take the aspirin at the least and get into to see someone else! :) 

    Funny...I was just off the phone with a nurse and was going to complain and again, I'm uplifted as how trite my problem is, when I read of someone else's!  hang in there!

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited June 2008

    Thanks wishiwere!  I know my problems are trite compared to so many.  But I am ready to go off the deep end.   My dh is getting tired of me & hes a great guy- But he doesnt know what to do to help me feel better.  

    He did ask my Oncos nurse if I was labeled as a Trouble maker (not sure how that came up- I think it was in discussing the Cardiod B%^$# Nurse) but my Middle Name is Elaine (Seinfield episode for those who watched that)  She said no- Im not labled as a Whiner- LOL


  • otter
    otter Member Posts: 757
    edited June 2008

    Yeah, wish, I know what you mean.  I will tack my bitch on at the end of this, because it also involves a minor run-in with someone at my onco's office.

    Deja, your situation really sucks.  (That's OK to say on this thread.)  You need a 2nd opinion from a different cardio.  I don't remember if we went through this before when we were discussing your PFO, but there are LOTS of cardios in southern MN.  Not all good ones, but there must be one who will listen to you (and whose nurse isn't, well, ... what I'm thinking can't be said in polite company).  All you need to do is tell the new cardio that you cannot tolerate Plavix and you need an alternative approach.  Maybe just aspirin, maybe something else?  Since you would like to fire this cardio anyway, you'll need to be looking for someone else to patch your hole.

    It sounds like your onco and your PCP are on the ball--could you plead with them to help you find someone else?  I did that when I needed to ditch my first onco and find one who would talk to me.  It was complicated, 'cause I didn't want to change cancer centers and they told me it was "against policy" to switch oncos within the onco section.  But after hearing my complaint, they set me up with a really great onco in that same dept.

    OK, my complaint is really, really trivial.  My onco told me to get a DEXA bone density scan for a baseline because I'm starting on Arimidex later this month.  She said I could have my PCP schedule it to be done here at home, or I could have the onco receptionist schedule it to be done at the Osteoporosis Clinic that's part of the university hospital/cancer center where I'm being treated.  I chose Plan B and called the onco receptionist yesterday.  The "scheduling person" took my info and said she'd call me right back with a date and time.  That was at 9 a.m. and she never called back.

    So I tried again today--called and talked to the receptionist at 9 a.m.  She switched me to the "scheduling person," who said she hadn't called back because she needed a nurse to tell her what the "indication" was for the DEXA scan.  I'm thinking, you mean like the fact that I'm 5 years into menopause and I'm about to embark on a 5-year journey with Arimidex?  Oh, and it's been a full day, but you haven't run across a nurse (or my onco) yet?

    She said she would talk to a nurse, make the appt., and call me back "within an hour."  That would have been by 10 a.m.

    My computer just told me "It's 2:30", and the scheduling person has not called back.  Funny thing is, about 2 hours ago I called the Radiology Dept. to confirm my appt. for my follow-up mammogram in August.  The Rad appt. secretary said, "You know, you have a DEXA bone scan scheduled for July 3--would you like those appts. coordinated?"  Whoa, Nellie!

    So now I'm kind of hanging back, wondering if that twit of a scheduling secretary in the onco's office is going to call me and let me know when my DEXA appt is.  I guess I don't really need her at this point.  I just wish people who really don't want to do their jobs would get out of the way and let other people have them.  Like I said, minor suckiness.  I guess I must be doing pretty well.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited June 2008

    Man, there's some REALLY sucky things going on.

    Count me in on clobbering Dolly.  How insensitive.

    Deb, I hope you get good, no, GREAT, reports from your onc. 

    Traci, daggone!  You really do have a sucky problem.  I'm trying to think about what's been said about insurance crossing state lines.  Like, I couldn't buy Aetna in Maryland because I live in N.C......don't really know.  I think that's one thing one of the candidates is talking about...being able to buy across state lines..competitive.  Perhaps getting in touch with the Insurance Commissioner would help. 

    Pam, you ARE going through crap.  You cannot believe what some nurses tell you.  Have you called the pharmacist?  I wonder if he could give you an alternative until you see a new cardio.  I hate it when docs don't get on the phone and talk to us.

    Otter, sounds like to me you need to talk to that scheduling person again and tell here, gee thanks for letting me know I have an appointment on the 3rd!  Why are some people so inept!? 

    I know I've missed a bunch of people.  I need to get a bath and get dressed.  DD and sil is coming over tonight. 



  • lemonjake
    lemonjake Member Posts: 342
    edited June 2008

    Chemo happened not long ago so in lieu of a post, I have written a poem. 

    Dear "Professionals" 

    Don't refuse to research options

    Because you're too lazy.

    Don't reduce me to a number. 

    Or treat me like I'm crazy.

    Don't pass me around like I'm a hockey puck

    People who cannot or will not do their jobs,

    Absof**kinglutely and profoundly SUCK.

    My crap-pette (not full-fledged crap): Positive BRCA2. Notified my 1,472 first cousins and my sibs (all who have been overwhelmingly wonderful -- is that even statistically possible?). Ovaries out in September along with some lymph nodes. And watched a vein blow up today like it had swallowed a marble. Fascinating in a "what the --??" kinda way.

  • jembs
    jembs Member Posts: 161
    edited June 2008

    Hi ladies - I am soooo glad I found this thread.  I found that on other ones I wouldn't join in because everything was so positive that I cried and cried. I felt so alone.  Almost 3 years into this evil show and I can't move on.  My life has changed, I am forever changed - how can you not be with the slash/slash/poison/burn/poison treatment? 

    Today what I hate the most are the cliches - "living with cancer" - it is like there is a huge tumor hanging over me. Has anyone ever heard of anyone 'living with heart disease or diabetes or parkinsons? "New Normal" is another one, I want to scream TRY NEW NORMAL sometime. How about "it is only hair"?

    Have to sign off... Thanks for the honesty.

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited June 2008


    Welcome!  Sorry you had to join our group, but this is a wonderful group of women, and you will find the warmth, sympathy and support you need to get through this bc ordeal!

    Yes, I know... everyone tells me, that I'll adjust to the NEW NORMAL... well, I liked my old NORMAL, and I don't like this one...

    Hope everyone has a less sucky day tomorrow...


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited June 2008


    Good to hear from you again!!  I was missing you so bad!! 

    Sorry to hear about your insurance problem... HOW can they do that to you?  I mean, you moved, for crying out loud, so you need the insurance to cover you in TX now...  GRRRR....  Oh this is just so stupid!!  IT SUCKS!!

    Hang in there! 


  • Miss_Lolli
    Miss_Lolli Member Posts: 72
    edited June 2008

    Oh girls....THAT ALL SUCKS!

    And no you're not too sensitive, Dolly is an insensitive dimwit.

    Hey wishiwere...the nice thing about bitchin' on this thread, it doesn't matter if yours are bigger or smaller than the previous ones.

    Remember the OP... acknowledge other's suckiness and then spew your own. No judgements no guilt. lol This is a wonderful venting place.

    Traci...I'm extra sorry about your chit. I hope you find a solution.

    Rock, your poem is GENIUS...absoloutely perfect!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2008

    OK...I know this is the bitchin' thread, but DAMN I had a great day!  For the first time in recorded history my Onc had NOTHING bad to say.  In fact, she said I was doing excellent...THREE TIMES!

    Not only that, we were in such a good mood we went shopping anyway.  DH and I bought a TV for our bedroom, we've never had one in there before; a new vacuum cleaner; A new mountain bike for my oldest DD, and 2 really cool outdoor lounge chairs for my mom and dad.  The car was full!

    Sorry for all the suckage that is going on elsewhere, but thought you might like to share my very NON sucky day.

    Deb C

  • AnnNYC
    AnnNYC Member Posts: 236
    edited June 2008

    Yay, Deb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • LisaSDCA
    LisaSDCA Member Posts: 178
    edited June 2008

    YAY Deb on a day of non-suckage. You were due. While shopping is cool and all, I have to go with the thrill of the oncologist not having anything but good stuff to say. Cool

    RTBald - bummer about the BRCA test. Glad you have had the impossible dream of positive reactions from relations. I'm BRCA-1, but on that side were no females for generations so it had been 'silent'. I've been doing some genealogic research to see if there are cousins twice removed I should warn, but then wondering how they'd greet such news...

    My suckage: the man who had been courting me for 30+ yrs (yes, since I was a teenager!) and then bailed when chemo started - called me this evening. I had known it would come, just didn't know when. As expected, it was full of "I'm not man enough for you, I'll never forgive myself" etc. I flat out told him that this had become self-evident months ago. He actually told me that as he was retiring at the end of this month, it only gave him two weeks left to marry me. Of course this was met with stunned silence. "To get you on my medical benefits," he said. Ah, yes. Fully paid, no underwriting, guaranteed full coverage. Almost tempting.

    No thanks.

    I didn't mention to him that his fancy mountain bike that's been in my garage, untouched for over a year, is going on craigslist this week. I need some extra cash because my little Pug bitch (who I have been waiting 2+years for) arrives at the airport tomorrow at 10AM!Cool 

    Dude has so lost his chance. But, oh, he still loves me so. he's been praying for my health every day. He's never stopped loving me, he just couldn't handle 'it'.

    Gee, I told him, sorry my cancer was so tough on him.

  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited June 2008

    Way to go Deb...always happy to hear good news!  By the way, we booked our Alaska cruise...May 2009!!

  • drcrisc
    drcrisc Member Posts: 134
    edited June 2008

    Diane - I shared your story today with some colleagues at lunch and they were stunned by the insensitivity.  So you are clearly not being overly sensitive.

    otter - what is it with people/professionals who don't call back?  I had that earlier this week, too.  And it has not been my docs - they do call, even unexpectedly sometimes.

    Pam - You could find a new doc, or you could tell him about her ineptness and "practicing medicine without a license" attempt.  The sucky part is, you shouldn't have to!!

    Lisa - Ugh.  How convenient for him...NOT!  Go get your little puppy and give her a big snuggle!

    Rock - Love the poem!!

    DebC - A big YAY for you!!

    My suckage:  I had a day at work today that makes tomorrow's chemo day look pretty darn good!  And I actually said that during a meeting. 

  • Miss_Lolli
    Miss_Lolli Member Posts: 72
    edited June 2008

    YAY DEB! Knowing that she never sugar-coats things and raving about how GOOD you're doing? That is soooo totally non-sucky!Cool

    Cristine and Lisa....SFTS (sorry for the suckage).

    Here's wishing you minimal se's for chemo tomorrow, and Lisa, I can only say I admire your strength. Good for you!

  • lemonjake
    lemonjake Member Posts: 342
    edited June 2008

    Deb - Yes. Your news is the Anti-suck. Vacuum your heart out, m'dear!

    (Hey LisaSDCA:  Your little pug bitch is a dog not a term of endearment for a person, right?  I plead today's infusion for my confusion.  Jeez, I'm dense! And what IS with people who blather on about how hard OUR cancer is on THEM.  Fine, think it, feel it and even say it -- but not to me, babe, not to me.)

    Drcris: I know that feeling. Kind of a "you know your job/day is bad when . . . 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2008

    logo2.jpg Cancer Really Sucks Logo image by 5678kma

    A big hello to everyone.  When Im back to work - seems like I dont get to post or even read much.  Im so far behind and will try to catch up on everyones suckiness.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2008

    OK - great, right when Im ready to post to you all, the computer site is acting up.  Cant edit my post.  Its moving way too slow.

    Diane:  I wanted to tell you that I think it is awful what that breast cancer navigator did do you.  The whole concept of that position is to be supportive and help people in all stages of bc get the support and move through the system alot easier.  I think you should definitely report her.  Not just to your onc but to the hospitals CEO.  That women needs to be working elsewhere.  Im so upset she did that to you.  I say we start another bonfire and throw her in it.

    Lisa:  I have a few choice words I would like to say about that pathetic man.  But I cant write them here.  Sorry you have to go through this - sucks big time.

    Traci:  I think you need to look into this insurance thing a little bit more.  Like someone else said, I do believe its law - that as long as you have not had a break in coverage, insurance companies cannot get you for pre-existing conditions.  Another example on how those of us with breast cancer are being discriminated against and I say its about time we protest.  A big that sucks to you.

    Ok - now that I have spent most of my time trying to post, its time to take a shower and hit the road.  Yesterday was a goofy day for me.  I was in a huge hospital parking lot.  Put my keys in my briefcase.  Stepped out of the car to put my lab coat on and you guess it.  Door closed behind me.  There I was locked out!!   Thank goodness for security.

    Anyways, when I get home - my husband says life is always an adventure with you.  You must be more careful.  Mind you this is the man who just left my laptop in a Walmart shopping cart.  Well - I told him life is an adventure with me, a fun adventure and if I were him I would be looking at new laptops for me instead of telling me to be more careful.  Men - they will make you crazy.

    A big hey and that sucks to all of you I missed.

    PS:  I started a happy birthday thread for PinkRibbonAmy.  If ya have a chance send some well wishes her way.  Her life sucks big time right now cause her house had a fire and she lost alot of things.


  • sam408
    sam408 Member Posts: 474
    edited June 2008

    Traci - So good to have you back. Aetna sucks. I didn't realize insurance was state specific and wouldn't have given it a thought either. Don't let them do this to you. I'm on my level 2 appeal with Aetna not paying for my rad treatments last year and I will see a lawyer next if they don't pay. We can't let them get away with this crap. Hope you're able to find Handsome Hank and get that vodka lemonade. Sounds good, I might have to try one myself. . .

    Lisa - Sucks you're having to put up with that sorry man. Even though the ins coverage would be tempting, he's already proven he can't do the "for better or worse, in sickness and health" part.

    Deb - Yay on the good report from the onc. You're due girl. Glad the retail therapy ended up being just fun instead of therapy.

    Huneb - Welcome, we're here to listen to any and all venting. Jump in anytime you feel the need.

    Pam - Hope you're able to find a new cardio. That all sucks.

    Otter - I agree with Shirley, let her know you got the information even though she never called you back. That sucks.

    Rock - Love the poem. Postive test results suck. Glad your family is supportive.

    Viv - Still no answers? Sucks

    Nicki - Men, what can I say. . .

    My IOS is small in comparison to what so many of you have going on. I was so proud of myself on Tues because I actually got off my butt and walked a mile outside. Well, the feel good didn't last as my ab swelled up, hurt and my ab muscles spasmed for the rest of the day and a lot of yesterday. I think it was because my street has a lot of hills and walking up and down them pulled the muscles more than I realized. Think maybe I should stick to the treadmill and walk on a level surface for a while until my ab is more healed.

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited June 2008


    YAY!!  That is WONDERFUL NEWS!  Thanks for sharing it... you made my day!!


    I agree with MissLolli, you don't have to have a REALLY BIG BITCH, to post on this thread...  I have been complaining about every little thing, some are very trivial, and since having had bc, everyone tells me to just get over it... but I know I can come here, and vent whenever I feel like it!!  It really helps, sometimes.  It also helps to read these posts, and I agree with you, sometimes, when I see what others are dealing with, then I realize how VERY TRIVIAL some of my gripes really are, so I don't post as much here, either.

    I don't think I'm making much sense these days...

    hope everyone has a very NON sucky day!!


  • sueper13
    sueper13 Member Posts: 360
    edited June 2008

    Deb-GREAT news!!!  You were due for it!! Congratulations on the new purchases, too!

    Nicki-glad to see you back.  I saw the stuff on the Amy thread.  Glad you started the birthday one.

    Otter-I would let her know in the most sarcastic, frostiest way I could think of that you have the info she should have already given you. You know, use that "magnolia" voice..

    Sheila-sorry about your abs.  Take it easy.  You said I was your impetus, but I should have specified--I'm walking 1.5 miles, it takes me about 30 minutes, and my last surgery was April 2--but it was nowhere near as major a surgery as yours. Yard work is great!!  Stay off those hills!!

    Viv-I'm tellin' ya, you are being way more patient with that doctor than I would be.  Waiting sucks.

    Pam--hope you can find a new doc..

    Lisa-great judgment on the man who couldn't handle it.  Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior.  Enjoy the pug baby and post a picture, please!!

    Rock-great poem.  You can wax poetic any time you like, I love it!  Hope your post-chemo fog is starting to lift.  It's a feeling like no other, eh? 

    My suckiness is relatively minor.  I had an appointment for genetic testing later today, but my doctor sicked out!! Had to reschedule for Tuesday.  Also, still have the sniffles, although the sore throat and chest tightness are gone.  Having the sniffles when you have no nose hair sucks.  You have absolutely no control.  As you all know, I hate having absolutely no control. ;)

    Hope there is very little to no suckiness out there for the rest of today!!



  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited June 2008


    Good for you... throwing that good for nothing man out to the curb!!  After something as traumatic as a bc dx, we have to 'clean house', and get rid of anyone who is not being helpful, supportive, or positive for us.  That is just extra 'dead weight', and we need to let go of it!  He couldn't 'handle it'... pleeese!     Congratulations on the new pug puppy!!!  Yes, please post a pic, when you get one!!


    Hope you are feeling better soon!! 



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 183
    edited June 2008

    Traci, glad you're back. Sucks about your insurance. Aetna sucks big time...

    And a hearty That SUCKS! to everyone else - except Deb. I'm lovin' your good news, chica!!