The Next Person Game



  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    True ~ If you count me volunteering for my girls school

    Harley ~  You certainly are "popular" many still miss youKiss

    True ~ I still have 4 friends from high school I see or talk to on a reg. basis...they are part of me and my family.

    Yes, its not a feeling like your "shy" cuz THAT is NOT me...its just like Harley said, now and then you feel like your watching them happen.

    Spar  ~ I missed...why are you sunburned and water logged again?

    The next person luvs black and white photos....(I do)

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    Luv-  I am still here, but just reading and not posting as much, kind of like I'm 'watching', but not participating, just standing on the sidelines, like you said...

    Yes, I love black & white photos, especially mine, from my childhood... that is ALL we had, I think they just came out with those 'instant' cameras where the color photos develop before your eyes!  I guess that makes me old!!!

    The next person ...  ate chinese food for dinner... I did and I think I am still hungry!!

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    Luv, i have been camping at the lake, swimming, fishing, with the grandkids.  Fun but tiring

    Harley, you are so popular here, we love you.

    I love black and white photos also, i have some really good ones of snow covered land and trees where i grew up.

    false on chinese food, we grilled out chicken and had a salad.

    The next person is going to bake something tonight (I am fixing to bake a cake)

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    False, I didn't bake. I have a sink full of dirty dishes waiting for me, though.

    Harley, you are so popular here. My lips always smile when I think of you. :-)

    Grilled chicken and salad sounds so good. So does Chinese! Mmmm. I'm getting hungry!

    I like black and white pictures that have one little part of color in them. Like a little girl carrying a red rose. Or this:

    The next person is not looking forward to work tomorrow.

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    False, I don't mind going to work...I like my job, just wish I coulod work 4 days instead of 5.

    Harley, you are popular here, and that's all that counts!!

    The next person is still having very HOT weather...we are.

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    True ~ HOT weather and humid indeed. 

    MissS ~ YES, that is my ultimate fav too....I have a couple of pics of my girls..and they are my favorite! Art

    Spar ~ That sounds like so much fun..memories for both you and your GK to always remember! Good for you! 

    CAKE...what cake are you baking??!!

    The next person luvs chicken salad (Oh, I do...sometimes I make a salad w/grapes pineapple and almonds w/it!

  • catbert4209
    catbert4209 Member Posts: 122

    Gug--Your friend, Marg, is on my prayer chain at church, and is in my prayers!

    Luv, I love a good chicken salad!  There is a wonderful chicken salad made with curry, grapes, walnuts and a bit of mayo!  Now I'm going to be craving that, so will have to get the ingredients out!!!  Luckily that is something COOL to make--91 degrees in Houston today!

    Spice cake with cream cheese frosting also sounds good, but baking is beyond me in this weather!!! 

    The next person will go swimming in the ocean this summer!


  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    Cat ~ YUM...and the spice cake sounds will have to send the recipe!  Now I want chicken salad!

    True ~  Yes, on the ocean...we have "connections" since we live in Fla.  LOL....Caladesi is a few min away and it was recently voted #1 in Florida! So pretty.

    The next person luvs Baked Brie w/ fruit (I can eat it for dinner!)

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    Gug ~

    Your friend, Marg will be in my prayers tonight! 


  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    Thank you so much for the prayers for Marg.....I will let everyone know the outcome - I told her how my "breast" friends are praying for her, she is so touched. 

    The Blues Fest was a rain out.....we packed all of our stuff, got down to the park, spread out out blankets under a nice tree, listened to one set when the black clouds moved in (wasn't supposed to rain until late afternoon - this was 12:30) and we (8 of us) huddled under a copse of trees while it poured until they started making announcements over the loud speakers to seek shelter in the underground train stations and garages.  We had our lunch and cocktails in the train station and caught a 2pm train back home - we still had fun but.........

    Luv : thanks for the picture it's wonderful........we have very close friends who live in St. Pete...we're down there every fall for a long weekend visit.

    Miss S - great photo's

    True to brie - I do love it and baked with fruit sounds soooo yummy.

    The next person is going to tackle some much needed chores today - I played so much all weekend and now must meet and destroy the "dirty" work.

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    gug ~  Sorry for your "rain-out" ...its good to try at least in good company.

    We are 1/2 hour from St.Pete...we will have to meet for lunch in the fall next time!!?

    Yes, keep us posted w/ Marg.

    True ~ I ALWAYS have chores to tackle.

    The next person has ran into a "Hollywood actor/actress or someone popular in the media unexpectedly"

    ....hmmmm I have only seen Hulk Hogans son, Nick at Sand he is doing time./our weather man, at a BAR! LOL./Ch.10 John Wilson at Sams...thats all I can think of..

  • julz4
    julz4 Member Posts: 1,373

    Yes, Martin Sheen came to our church for services many times when he was doing a movie in our town. Didn't get to talk to him though.

    The next person likes to sing karaoke! I've just got up the guts to do it recently. 

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    Hey thats cool JulZ ! My dh family is from PA...Pittsburgh...ah the "burrrrg" fans are so loyal. 

    Good for you on the karaoke...its fun I play it w/ my girls on PS2 so fun! 

    The next person has errands to run...I do!

  • irishdreama
    irishdreama Member Posts: 538

    I do-today's my daughter's 10th birthday, so I need to pick up a cake after work

    The next person is a chocoholic

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    True - and I usually always have an errand to run but these days I'm really trying to coordinate all errands.

    I ran into (and talked for a while to) Peter Falk - years ago, he was in town shooting a movie and I bumped into him on a street - I thought I knew him from the old neighborhood.......he smiled.  He was actually wearing a raincoat and his hair was disheveled - if anyone remembers his series, Columbo, he was dressed exactly in character - and see I knew I knew him just couldn't remember from where ----Lordy, and this was when I was in my 30's!.

    Yes, Luv - we'll have to meet for lunch or at least a cocktail!  Maybe we can meet in a karoake bar  Famous 1

    The next person HAS tackled a few household chores and now just wants a nap.....zzzzzzzzzzzzz 

  • julz4
    julz4 Member Posts: 1,373

    Hi LUV!  No errands, but I did stop at the grocery store, after I went to youngest sons boat race at the  Y. It's an end of the school yr. fun event for 3erd grade. The students make there own boats out of recycled plastic bottles & stuff & race them in the pool at the Y.

    The next person is going to bed during the day!

    ......Worked last night. It's been 22 hours since I last slept.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzGood Night!

    GUG ~ Yes, I made dinner. I took to long thinking & posted past you, But we Have the same thought!zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    I am a chocolaholic.  I too try to do all erands in one driving now that gas is so expensive.

     false to bed in the day except for a little nap

    Luv, the cake was called a 1234soda cake, 1 cup butter, 2 cups sugar, 3 cups flour, 4 eggs, and 1 cup sprite.  It is like a moist pound cake, really good with berries or fruits.

    The next person has been through the museums in Washington DC

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    Luv, is baked brie, just putting the cheese in the oven?

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    Gug ~ YES, drinks/karaoke/dinner ...whatever sounds like a plan!

    Peter Faulk hughThat is HILARIOUS you thought an old neighbor LOL...he does look like someone around the neighborhood than "Hollywood style"

    Irishdreama ~ Happy Birthday to your daughter!!!  Double digits!BEST WISHES for her!

    CHOCOHOLIC that I am...oh its such a terrible addiction too! I am getting a lot steps! One day at a time....LOL

    JulZ ~ Hey girl!...I have a dd in 3rd grade too...thats sounds

    so fun and a clever recycling idea!

    Hope you all caught a few zzzzzzzzzzz's

    False ~ just got home...

    False on Washington but my dd really wants to go...perhaps soon

    Spar~ (My BW babe,  LOL )That cake sounds easy and GOOD! Thank you!

    Yes, Brie...some wrap it in a crescent and bake it I like to micro until soft then I place in pan w/ butter and sear it add sliced almonds on top and slice baguette bread and have it with apples and grapes! Yummm!  (crescent tends to get a little greasy)

    The next person had braces ( I think EVERY child has them now )

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    I am going to try the cake it would be delish w/ berries and whip cream!   How long do I bake it and what degree ?

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    I will have to try the brie

    false to braces but both my kids had them

    the next person has at least 3 tv's in their house

  • catbert4209
    catbert4209 Member Posts: 122

    I am ashamed to say we do have three TVs--but only one of them is hooked up to cable.  The others serve as a Wii station and movie-video game TV.

    Baked brie and chocolate--there goes my diet!!!!

    When I've  baked brie, I wrap it in several sheets of thin pastry dough, brush the entire thing with a little butter and bake at 375 for about 12 minutes.  Usually the brie is at room temp before I start this.  I love it served with whole wheat crackers.

    Another treat is to cover softened cream cheese with jalapeno jelly--again the wheat crackers are wonderful with this!

    The next person loves to entertain. 

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    One is about to get hers off and the other right on! ugghhh....

    True ~ I luv to entertain especially b4 the bc...Undecided

    False ~  2 TV's -

    Cat ~ YES, the cream cheese and pepper jelly from Harry&David is AWESOME!!! I am going to have some now!

    Next person likes hats...I do!

    funny pictures. wiff earmuffs

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    True, oh , I love hats...that's why it wasn't a prob for me to wear them during chemo. Even got myself some cute ones at the time.

    Cake recipe sounds good...what to do...just mix all together and bake for how long?

    Praying for Marge.

    4 tv's in my house

    True to braces

    Would love to visit Washington...only there once..when I was a girl scout ...many years ago.

    The next person takes calcium with vitamin D everyday.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    False, i do have a bottle of calcium but just have trouble taking it

    Candie, you mix the butter and sugar until it is fluffy, then add in one egg at a time, then fold in the flour by hand, then add the sprite. Bake at 350 for 35 to 40 minutes

    The next person has been scuba diving

  • irishdreama
    irishdreama Member Posts: 538

    No, never, but my dad went para-sailing when he was 70 years old!

    The next person has a dog that's like a child to them

  • angie27
    angie27 Member Posts: 179

    Correct, his name is Lucky, he is a miniature poodle

    Next person has a cat

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    False - don't have any cats at the present time tho I've certainly had some great ones.  

    Spar:  I had trouble with calcium pills but I can do the Viactiv Chews with no issues.  I am also taking Vit D everyday to help all the calcium I take in get absorbed. 

    Candie:  Thanks for the prayers....all are appreciated.  I know not everyone believes but I've seen the power of prayer and it can be awesome.

    Bumped up workout at the gym and started new eating style - no big meals after late lunch.  I'll have to close my eyes when you gals talk about those wonderful cakes and baked bries and jelly beans. 

    The next person has bought a canvas shopping bag and is doing her part to stop using plastic or paper bags.

  • takingcare
    takingcare Member Posts: 1,257

    True, for small "quicky" trips.  I'd need about 15-20 for mass groceries...sounds like the weight I must loose.  Guess I'll do both one bag/pound at a time!

    Guggerty - I'll also say an extra prayer for your dear friend Marge. May her tumor be benign, benign, benign!

    Once again I am much too far behind to catch up.  Now, that too sounds like trying to follow My3 and Luv's fastwalks! lol   I'm a huffin' and a puffin",  but by george I'll get there!

    I just had some major dental work done yesterday (Ouch!)  and after 2 extractions and several hours of debriding, I feel and look like MissS's silly pup! Missing teeth and swollen cheeks aside, I'm still giggling at the photo...or is it the mirror?? lol 

    Still holding "safe" thoughts and sending heartfelt prayers to all my breast friends in the midwest and abroad suffering from these unforgiving storms.

    The next person has conversations with their pets.

  • julz4
    julz4 Member Posts: 1,373

    True, Just got 2 puppies around Christmas. Abby is a dachshund w/a little Jack russell, I call her little miss attitude. The other is Minnie a Yorke jack russell mix she is the sensitive one such a sweetie. They are there for a cuddle when you need it. Some how they seem to know!

    The next person is really short (not a midget). I'm 4 ft. 9in.~ My boys think it's COOL that There MOM could play in Little People games!