The Next Person Game



  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    If that is "NED" yummy!  LOL

    All joking aside congrats to you both!!  2 years for TC and a year for MissS ...may there be many many many many more!  Go celebrate...and save some NED for me!


  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    I prefer comedies...everytime I watch a horror I think I hear something after its over ! LOL

    BUT I did JUST watch Misery ! THAT was such a good one!!!

    (seen before)

    The next person luvs yogurt pretzels ...

  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291

    Hey...can I have NED...I am all alone!! haha

    I will help Luv out...since she is speachless...

    The next person is going on a date tonight.

    Not meCry

  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291

    True...I like yogurt pretzels...

    I will do a repeat...

    the next person is going on a date tonight...

  • catbert4209
    catbert4209 Member Posts: 122

    Hey, NED is my hubby!!!!

     (I mean it--his name really is Ned, and I think he's a hunk!!!!)

    I love yogurt pretzels--one of my favorite snacks!

    No date tonight, but I will get a foot rub from NED!!!

    The next person will get a massage tomorrow!


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    cat,  I'm glad that your dh is supportive of your decision to quit that job that is dragging you down!  My dh isn't supportive.  He said it was ok if I quit, to find something I would rather do, but right now, I can't think of anything else to do...

    No I am not dating... I am married.

    The next person is not happy with any of the choices for president this time around.

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    Wow, we're dancing with Cat's hubby! No wonder she likes to keep an eye on us! Tell us.... How much does he have to work out to keep that washboard stomach?? What a hunka hunka burning love! We'll share NED, my3girls, but you can't hog him all th yourself!! :-)

    I'm skipping the next person this round... I'm trying to avoid politics, I heard it was fattening.

  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291

    OH..MissS I can share..haha..

    Harley, just because you are married, doesn't mean you can't have a date!! haha..with hubby!

    I will take a stab at the next person....

    Let's say...I am not thrilled with the

    The next person is enjoying a nice quiet evening at home.

    I could hear a pin drop...just me and my 4lb wonder...Oliver (my avatar)

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    Awwww give Oliver (hugs)


    I JUST returned from my 2 mile by the was sprinkling outside I luv the smell of rain!  How about the next person ?

    Cat you LUCKY girl RRARE!

  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291

    True...I do love that smell!

    Luv...Ollie got your hug!!

    Good for you on your 2 mile!!!

    The next person loves to read the paper and enjoy a hot cup of coffee on Saturday morning.

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880


    True ~ luv my 2 cups in the morning and read!

    Oh, my this site is taking too long...I am going to bed! LOL

    The next person likes to munch after dinner ?....oh I HAVE to stop that BAD habbit!

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    True, I like a good snack after dinner.

    I agree withthis site moving too slowly lately.

    The next person is expecting extremely high temperatures this weekend...will will be in the high 90's!!

  • takingcare
    takingcare Member Posts: 1,257

    Wow! Candie, I think you've got me beat.  It should be high 80's here in California.  I can smell summer, it is just about here!

    True to snacks after dinner, including yogurt pretzels!

    True to the sight being slow...I thought it was our signal!

    True to coffee and the morning paper.  That is "my time" and I love it.

    Okay, aside from Cat's Ned (he's off limits girls), shirtless NED is for us all...Cat included.  (No Evidence Disease)  NED is not a one-woman kind of guy.  He shares and wants to spend equal time with us all, so yes,'ve got a date afterall.  I must say, Oliver is not a bad second. He's a cutie and in a league all his own.  Luv...that goes for your pup too!

    Luv ~  What can I say?  You're killin' me girl.  I got to 1 3/4 on the treadmill today, but I was totally spent after 30 minutes!  By the time I get to 2 miles, you'll be at 3!  Ah...but like I said, NED is not a one woman kind of guy, so in his eyes, we're equal!  lol

    MissS~  I agree.  This election is full of fat, and I have no idea where it will lead.  In all my voting years, I've never been as conflicted as I am now.  Maybe NED can direct us. lol

    Harley, what can we do to bring that giggle back to your smile?  You are such a bright spot...don't let this down spell get to you. Look, NED is asking you for the first dance!  Hang in there girl!  It's tough...but you're tougher!

    The next person enjoys a huge salad with all of the trimmings!  Yummy, I'm getting hungry again and it's after 11:00  pm! 

  • phillydee
    phillydee Member Posts: 3

    False.  It's 3:30 am and I can't sleep.

    The next person likes to garden

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    Harley ~ TC is will get the first dance w/ NED and you will feel like your dancing on air!~ ((HUGS))

    TRUE ~  I luv salads...I actually crave them all kinds!

    TC ~ That is awesome 1 3/4 miles!!!...were you walking ?  I fast walk I don't run..not too comfy on my expanderUndecided

    my3 is runs 3 miles a day...for about 12 years!!!!!!!!!!!  My3GirlsCustom Smiley 

    My computer is working a lot faster today How about the next person ?

  • angie27
    angie27 Member Posts: 179

    computer is good

    Spar2, yes I can crochet anything, be glad to help if you have any questions:

    Next person will stay in the cool today (Iam) 95 degrees here

  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291

    True...I am air conditioning.

    hot here too...about 90 w/out humidity!

    The next person has air in their home.

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    True, I have central ac in my little house. Thank goodness. I certainly can't take the heat these days.

    I managed to catch something going around at work and now I'm sick. Blech. Just a cold/sinus type thing, but I was sick enough to call off work yesterday which is something I never do! Feel a bit better today. First time I've been sick this year, so I guess it was my turn.

    This site is loading faster for me today, too.

    The next person won't be able to resist smiling at this picture.

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    Miss S-  hope you are feeling better soon!! 

    Luv and TC- Thanks for the encouraging message!  I DO hope that NED will dance with us forever!

    Yes, I have A/C, and I couldn't live without it!

    Yes, I did smile at the pic!  Thanks!

    The next person went to the beach today.  I went with a friend, and it wasn't too hot there, because the breeze helped to cool things off a bit.  

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    False to the beach today, tho I would have loved to do that. I washed windows and put up clean curtains in my bedroom...before the heavy heat set in.

    False, to central air..wish I did.

    True to smiling at the pic.

    The next person had a lite dinner tonight...too hot to cook.

  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291

    False....actually no dinner tonight.  I had some popcorn and beer by a fire with a friend..who needed me.

    The next person will go to church tomorrow.

  • catbert4209
    catbert4209 Member Posts: 122

    True--and sing in the choir!!  Part of my "therapy" was to re-join choir after a number of years away.  Sure has been worth it!!

    Did not want to cook tonight because I melted on my 3-miler!  Way too hot in Houston!  Am now sitting in the cool house and drinking a cool glass of water!

    And, yes, I couldn't stop smiling at the crazy picture, Miss!

    The next person has survived raising teenagers!!!  (There are days I'm not sure.)


  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    False - never had any teenagers to raise but have been a good sounding board for my many friends AND their teenagers.  My sympathies to all who have to go thru those teen years.

    NED is pretty darned gorgeous but then so is Miss S's guy! 

    TC:  Keep dancing with him and don't forget to share NED with all of us too......

    Yesterday, we had tornado warnings all afternoon, some bad storms blew thru the Chicagoland area....we were playing cards at a friends and watched those nasty clouds pass by.  It is pretty interesting to watch the formations...we'd see clouds gather and start to come down but none touched all the way down.  Tornado's are not real common to this area, I know many of you live thru a constant threat of them (plus other serious weather-related events) and it's not "interesting" but scary to watch the formations.

    We're heading out to the Blues Fest this morning with forecasts of "chance of rain"......none of us will melt in the rain but we might melt in the heat and humidity...ugh.

    Cat:  I'm skipping church this morning but will rejoice in the beauty of music today.

    LUV - what part of FL are you in?

    The next person will offer up a prayer for my dearest friend, Marg, who was diagnosed with a brain tumor this past week - surgery next Thursday, they don't know yet if it's malignant -

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    My3girls,  You are a great friend, to go and be with your friend... 

    Cat- It is HOT here in NC, too!  No teenagers here.


    Have fun at the Blues Fest today, and I hope you don't get caught in the rain!  Sure, I'll be praying for Marg, that she'll get through her surgery easily, and that she gets a b-9 report!! 

    the next person is relaxing inside, in the A/C today, because it's too HOT to go outside!

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    Half true, I'll spend most of the day inside, but I will be going to visit my DM.

    I survived raising two teenagers... alone even.

    So gugg, who is my guy? That dog? Yes, he is handsome indeed. LOL Have a great time at the fest! I said a prayer for your friend. My cousin had a benign brain tumor and still had to undergo some scary surgery a few years ago.

    Very hot here in Virginia - calling for 98 today.

    The next person loves her breast friends here and treasures them always. I do. :-)

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126


    I know TWO people who have had benign tumors removed, from behind the ear, and pressing on the brain, and one who had a brain tumor, and I think it was benign also, but she has a plate in her head, and she loves to go to the airport with the note from her surgeon, in case the metal detectors go off...

    Miss S.-

    yes I love my breast friends here, too!  They are giving me such great support, in this difficult time.

    The next person loves to plant flowers in their garden!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011


    The next person loves to wake up early in the morning.

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    True ~ The breast friends are the only who can identify.  I cherish them.

    Sometimes true ~ On the depends how good I slept

    gug ~  I live right outside Clearwater...Palm Harbor area.

    MissS....yes the smiley pup is cute but if your scroll further up you will see the six pack LOL

    Cat ~  Good for you on singing a song of dd is in the choir at school (Catholic) and used to be for the church.

    I will probably go to the teen mass a late start this am we were at a Graduation Party last night. 

    I had a great time...but doesn't it seem at times your  watching rather than being a part of it ??? I guess kind of like a out of body/mind your there but your not ?....That will be my confusing question for the next person ?

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    I am sunburned, water logged, and tired but I am back.

    true, on sometimes not feeling a part, not so much now as when i was younger.  also when i went through the 4 months of chemo, felt that way a lot.

    Love to grow flowers,  I cherish breast friends also.

    The next person keeps in touch with their friends from high school

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    Yes, I also have lately been feeling like I am just outside of things, watching them happen, but not participating in the activities.

    I have lost touch with all my high school friends... didn't have very many, I was not very popular.

    The next person volunteers for a good cause.  I am thinking about volunteering, if I am allowed...