The Next Person Game



  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    True ~ tubing in the natural spring this Sunday.

    Spar ~  I have to try that iced coffee sounds awesome!

    True ~  Attached to the board as well as the beautiful woman that make my day a little brighter.Wink

    The nex person is getting evening showers ?  We are...

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    Luv, that sounds so fun.

    I think it is going to rain here it is clouding up

    the next person will have a picnic or family outing to go to this weekend

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    False, no family outings planned for the weekend, but I am invited for sushi on Sunday night, if I'm well.

    I finally got myself to the doctor and he said it was not strep, which is good. I did get an antibiotic and cough syrup and stopped and got jello to eat. I did have tea with honey, too. I also have cough drops!

    To be honest, cough drops and throat lozenges are hurting my mouth. Anyway, I am feeling a little better and taking it easy. I'm hoping I make it to work tomorrow. Thanks for all the loving care and suggestions. You guys are the breastest!

    The next person has a Precious Moments figurine.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    false, don't have any but they are beautiful

    Hope you are all better tomorrow MsS

    the next person decided it was too hot to cook tonight so everyone for theirselves (i did)

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    Hope you are feeing better, Miss S!

    My dh made shrimp scampi for dinner tonight... it was an after chemo special, all during my tx!  I would have it a few days after my tx, and after those steroids, I was SO HUNGRY!! 

    the next person likes to go on cruises... I do!

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631


    that was a good deed by your dh

    the next person donates cans of food when the postman picks it up in the yearly food drive

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    True/False ~  I donate canned goods to our church food pantry ( girls collect them for school )

    Miss S ~  Hope the cough syrup works well

    Harley ~  Its nice to hear from you again!!!!!!...your dh sounds like quite the chef! yum!

    True ~ luv cruises...just went on one and had a fabulous time

    The next person has went to the candlelight parties...I am on Friday the 13th no less Surprised

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    false, i don't know what a candlelight party is, what is it?

    the next person is thinking it is time for a haircut

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    True to meeting people from so far...such a beautiful thing!

    The next person will be attending a school play...I 5 year old nephew's play tomorrow night.

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    Sorry I haven't been on for a few days - I did pop in yesterday but had to pop back off.

    Marg's surgery was yesterday and everyone kept in touch with me throughout the day (she is in CO, I am in IN).  She did well - talking after surgery but will be kept in ICU until they are sure clots won't be an issue.  It IS malignant but is grade I / stage I.  Don't know what the next step is, I would imagine chemo and rads....has anyone known of anyone who had a cancerous tumor in the brain who didn't go thru tx?

    Hope you are feeling better Miss S - I had the same thing this past spring and it was allergies - never had that before but since chemo I'm a regular science project here.

    Spar - no haircut is just barely covering the scalp but everyone thinks it's cute...yeah, right.  What will be fun is to see how short I can keep it as it grows out - I've gotten used to the idea of not blowing it dry everyday.

    Miss S - nobody has as many precious moments as my friend Maryjane and I mean NOBODY......i have to ask her if she has ever counted them all.

    Yeah to meeting breast friends...I plan on trying to hook up with LUV when I go to St. Pete this fall.

    False to attending school plays but they are always fun.

    The next person is going to get to play something today - I'm playing golf after work..

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234

    True: I am going to "play" in traffic today as I need to go on the dreaded DC beltway !!!

    The next person is left handed ( I am)

  • takingcare
    takingcare Member Posts: 1,257

    False, I'm a righty.

    Guggerty -  Still praying for Marge and hoping, hoping, hoping for NED to move in quickly.  I also don't know the protocol for treatment, but I would imagine chemo and rads play a big role.  Warm thoughts, my friend... for you and your friend! ((hug))

    MissS - Wow, how did I miss this thread for a few days??  I'm so sorry you've been under the weather and am glad you are on the mend.  Wish I were closer.  I'd make you homemade chicken soup!

    True to meeting a BC sister.  Met Ter and her DH last year.  I'd love to have a group meeting sometime.  That would be amazing!!

    True to playing today...I'm going to "play" in our pool.  Anyone rememeber water ballet? 

    True to having a Precious Moments figurine.  I also started a collection for my DD that spans her growing up years thru mommy-hood.  They tell a beautiful story.

    False to river tubing....but how coooool is that???   Have fun LUV.

    False to the hair cut.  I can finally make a mini-ponytail and I'm keepin' it!   I was going to cut it before Hawaii, but nope...changed my mind.

    The next person takes time every day to smell the roses.  Go to fullsize image

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    true, i do take time to appreciate each day and smell the roses

    the next person has been badly sunburned before

  • irishdreama
    irishdreama Member Posts: 538

    Oh Yes-it was a bad one-out of work for 2 weeks, and could only wear my ex-roomate's (a 185 lb guy) t-shirts. I actually turned black after blistering!

    The next person is going to a Relay for life soon-I'm going tonight in Wells, Maine

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    false, not sure when the next relay for life is here

    the next person will go out to dinner tonight (not me, cooking chicken, potatoes, and green beans)

  • sue_blue
    sue_blue Member Posts: 152

    false, cooking for us and a neighbor just recently diagnosed with cancer

    The next person likes to ride motorcycles

  • catbert4209
    catbert4209 Member Posts: 122

    Sue--Nope, scared to death of motorcycles!  Although after facing breast cancer, I'm not sure why I'm scared of anything anymore!

    Spar--we had dinner brought in by a member of my wonderful church choir!  They have been super!  My exchange surgery was on Wednesday, so they've been helping me through the weekend!

    Guggerty, Marg is in my prayers and is on the prayer list at church.  Please let us know how she is doing!

    Miss S--so glad it was not strep throat!!!  Hope you are feeling much better tonight!

    The next person loves to watch British mysteries on TV!  (I'm addicted!) 

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    It has been years since i have been on a motorcycle but i use to like it.  Have been thinking about them more and more with gas prices so high.

    The next person likes to watch What not to wear on friday nights

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    Oh, I have to catch up ...first and foremost

    Guggerty ~  I am pleased to hear Marg. surgery was a success and a stage SIL has a glioma brain tumor w/in the brain stem they performed radiation 9 different angels until it cut off all blood supply leading to that tumor and yes she had to endure chemo ( never lost her curly hair ...baffled all of us ) Advastin I guess is what helped her most.  My prayers continue w/ her and my SIL.  Keep us posted on her progress.

    Candelite party is a party where they sell candles/candle holders we had fun...had a few margaritas and the company donates to BC so thats always a good thingWink

    TC ~ awwww great pic...true smelling all the flowers is nice! All the magnolias are blooming around the neighborhood it fills the air

    YES, I look forward into meeting Guggerty in the fall too!!Smile

    True ~  Have watched the show..its amazing some of the transformations!

    The next person has burnt popcorn only to FILL the house with that God awful smell....My DH did ... Yell 

  • takingcare
    takingcare Member Posts: 1,257

    Grrr...I just responded to this and it disappeared into thin air! 

    True, to the burnt popcorn...just not at the moment.  DH is notorious for doing that, however he is peacefully konked out on the sofa after a few cervesa's out by the pool this afternoon.  Ahhh, Friday's are so great!

    Gee, Luv....we wanna come to a candlelight party and have margaritas toooo!  Maybe you can incorporate one into our bc sister bus adventure (another thread of which you all are welcome to hop on board  - it's such a crack up and great fun!)

    Magnolias...ahhh, now that's a lovely fragrance.  My late sweet MIL had a rather large magnolia bush growing just outside her kitchen window and the scent was awesome!

    False...for the moment on a walk for life, but we are hoping to make a family event of the Susan G. Koman walk later this summer.  It will be a first for me and I am really looking forward to it!

    False also on motorcycles.  I've ridden (as a passenger) in the past, but lost a very dear, young friend (27) a few years back and have no desire to get anywhere near a bike now.

    True to British TV.  Not sure about mysteries, but many of the big American hits were first British hits.  I love Chef Ramsey, American Idol and Trading Spaces, all of which originated as British programs.  I'll have to check out the mysteries too, for the Brit's have great wit!

    The next person played tetherball in school.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    true, i loved tetherball

    the next person played dodgeball in school (my grandkids are into this now)

    I hate the smell of burnt popcorn, one place i used to work one of the pharmacist put the bag of popcorn in the microwave and cooked it long enough it caught on fire and he threw it out the front door.  The whole place stunk for days.

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    True, I played dodgeball. Fond memories, there. :)

    I'd like to think it was true on stopping to smell the roses every day, but I'm sure I rush through many days without doing that! Bad ME!

    I haven't attended a school play in a few years, but I absolutely love them! I used to be in them back in the wagonwheel days. I hope someone invites me to one soon.

    I never played tetherball, but a friend of mine climbed to the top of a tetherball pole and fell off and BROKE her BACK when she was about 15. Two boys helped her walk home and her father came out yelling because boys had their arms around her. LOL Of course, he didn't realize she had a broken back!

    I never burn popcorn anymore since I got a microwave with a popcorn button. I kinda like burnt popcorn if it's not TOO burnt. ;)

    I would love to meet some of my breast friends from! Let's take a cruise or something! I'm so there!!!

    Thanks again for the prayers and well wishes. I am now officially on the mend. Antibiotics are wonderful! I made it all the way through work last night, too.

    The next person used to have an 8 track tape player.

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    True, to an 8 track tape friend and I even installed one in my car when I was 17...we installed it under the seat!

    True, to out to eat,burnt popcorn(yuk),smelling the "roses"

    False to tetherball,motorcycles (I am scared of them),british mysteries,"what not to wear",to sunburn (I have tough Italian skin and I never burn)

    Luv, we have Candlelite parties here in NJ too. I had one a couple of years ago. Guggerty, I am praying for Marge. Miss S glad you are feeling better. Sue I am praying for your friend.

    The next person will be sitting on a beach tomorrow enjoying a beautiful day...I will.

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    I remember the 8 dad had the Neil Diamond blaring in our old convertible! LOL 

    True to tether ball

    Have fun at the beach tomorrow Candie!  Don't forget the sunblock!

    False ~ but we are going tubing in a natural I should bring the sunblock myself.

    The next person has paperwork in the house ALL the time...I swear I go through it and it multiplies!

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    true to too much paperwork, whether it is bill, medical or insurance, junk mail etc.  way too much.

    Have fun tubing luv, (what town is it in?  would it be a good vacation spot?)

    The next person will visit with their dad tomorrow for fathers day

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    Photograph of tubers crowding a spring-run river

    LUV, is this it?  does it have alligators or anything scary??

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    False ~ on visting my dad...Foot in mouth

    Spar ~  Yes, thats it...not a "vacation spot" but just somewhere to get some R&R w/ the girls and Daddy.  Water is a natural spring 78 degrees ( burrrrr ) and they do have alligator postings...I have yet to see one the water is deep.  Its past Crystal River a place called KP hole.  Takes about 4 hours to go down...we should get some sun.

    The next person racks their brain for Fathers Day gifts...they can be so hard to get for!

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    true, on racking my brains for fathers day gifts, my dad is not alive but my father in law is in his mid 80's.  He likes wine and lemon pies so we may get that

    Be safe Luv, have fun maybe you'll see a mantee, i looked it up on the internet it has all kinds of cool water life.  Hate alligators though

    the next person is so ready for a mini vacation trip

  • catbert4209
    catbert4209 Member Posts: 122

    spar---That's me!!!  I would love to go somewhere a little cooler for the weekend!  Hot and humid and surgical recovery do not mix!!  The only problem is I don't think I'm supposed to fly yet.  Sigh!!!

    Father's Day is easy at our house--just give my hubby some books!  Nothing like living with an avid reader!

    LUV, that tubing spot looks great and cool!  Probably enough people and noise to keep alligators away!  What about Great White Sharks???   Enjoy!

    The next person plans to buy a really great cocktail dress this Fall! 

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    false, where would i wear a cocktail dress when i mostly garden and read and travel

    The next person has a colorful house