The Next Person Game



  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    I am 5'2", everyone tells me thats short

    I do talk to all my pets even the duck

    I have several cats.  Have not bought a canvas grocery bag yet but do a lot of green things and also recycle the plastic bags

    The next person collects sea glass

  • catbert4209
    catbert4209 Member Posts: 122

    Nope, but I do collect glass sea creatures!  DH gave me a seahorse before my bilateral!

    I talk to the cat next door, and to the dogs across the street.  I also talk to my plants, but they don't answer back!  

    I'm 5'4", so not short, although my grandmother was 4'11"--her favorite phrase was "power has no correlation to height!"

    The next person is starting a new hobby this summer. 

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    I recycle the plastic bags, we use them for taking stuff to outings, but I also use them as "poop bags", after I scoop the cat litter, I put it in these plastic bags, and then twice a week, the bags go in the trash!   

    yes, I have TWO cats, and they are just wonderful!  They got me through chemo!  Now they are back to being 'aloof', but during chemo, Thor would sleep with me at night, and even Spike, too.  

    takingcare, of course I have conversations with my pets!  They are the only ones who listen sometimes!

    I'm short...I'm 5'2"...  no to sea glass, what is that? 

    No new hobbies, well, I did start making beaded jewelry... I took a class at Michaels, and I bought some supplies to get started, but I haven't really made anything yet, except for the projects I made during my class.

    The next person is going to have to switch pain relievers.  I will, because the IBuprofin makes me break out in HUGE BRUISES all over my legs!  What can I take that won't do this, but will be an excellent pain reliever??  I have tried Advil but it doesn't help with pain...must be a placebo.  The same with Tylenol. .  any ideas?

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    false on switching pain relievers.  Harley, what about naproxen? It works good. Sea glass is glass that has been in the ocean so long that the sand has smoothed it all out.  Comes in all colors and I do collect it.

    I do have new hobbies, sewing and latch hooking rugs.

    Next person has got the next coming weekend already planned

  • omo
    omo Member Posts: 72


    The next person is gorgeous

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    Spar2,  what is the brand name of Naproxen?  There are SO many, I get them all mixed up.  I don't like the idea of taking Aleve, since you can't take any more pain meds. ALL day... the pain would come back, but I wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

    no plans this weekend.

    False... it has been 8 months since chemo was over, and my hair is STILL just TWO inches long!  It sticks out all over, so I kind of look like Bozo.  It is too short to even try to style it, or pull it back off my forehead, so I just look all disheveled, all the time!

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    Harley ~  You many not 'feel' it but you are!

    Lets see...I am 5'4

    JulZ ~My puppy is called 'Minnie' as well...due to her large ears and size...she is a very good listener! LOL...

    TC ~ oh, you poor thing...and having that 'image' of the dog was too funny!!

    Gug ~  Okay, we'll try to refrain from the FATTENING stuff...besides TC is puffin to keep up...LOL...I walked yesterday..but not a fast one my legs hurt.

    The next person has healthy ideas on munchies...

    1 -Chocolate graham cracker

    spoon Jet Puff marshmallow cream

    a little Hershey's syrup

    place in freezer

    ( 1 Weight Watcher point!!!)

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    The aleve and naproxen is all basically the same.  Will the dr. order you something better for pain? such as tramadol?

    I do have some healthy ideas on munchies but prefer the fattening unhealthy snacks like snickers, ice cream, cake.  No wonder i am fat.  One healthy snack is to peel a banana, dip it in strawberry preserves, then crunched nuts and freeze it.

    the next person has had botox or lip enhancement done.

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    False, no enhancements done here

    Spar, I like that healthy snack. Let's see, I have a banana,blackberry preserves and some nuts...yummy...gonna make it when I get home from work and have it for my night time snack..thanks.

    The next person has been feeling down lately...I have.

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    True ~ Me too!...I cried last night

    False on lip enhancement or anything besides an expander...I don't know if this turtle shell will cooperate after rads......

    Yes, Spar that desert does sound good! 

    I JUST had fattening desert...Oreo cakesters...they are a soft oreo cookie w/ icing ( like cookie company...costs WAY less ) they are soooo good!

    I will have to go for my 2 mile walk today!!!!

    Candie ~  I hope your feeling better!!!!!!!!!!!

    The next person has eaten so much junk today (BESIDES GUG)Yell

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    false, no junk today (so far)

    Luv, check out our pictures on another story part 2

    I am feeling kind of down too, don't really know why.

    the next person has gained over 20 lbs this past year ( i have)

  • julz4
    julz4 Member Posts: 1,373

    False ~ I have stayed the same. Now don't hate me but when your 4 ft. nothin & your 30 lbs. over....Well I see the family doc tomorrow for cholesterol recheck I go every 4 months for the past 5 yrs.Yell!

    ~ Yes to feeling weepy 

    ~ No to any body enhancement

    ~ No to any junk food good or other wise. Heck I haven't eaten much at all today. I had to sleep today!

    The next person works night shift. I do & like it. Not many bosses around don't have to put up with too much sh*!.....LOL! I'm a cna! 

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    false, no night work, use to and hated it.  Never felt rested.

    The next person likes to make up their own recipes.

  • LoriFL
    LoriFL Member Posts: 587

    true- and sometimes they come out terrible!

    The next person is having bad weather right now.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    It is hot and sunny here right now

    the next person takes medicine for high bloodpressure

  • LoriFL
    LoriFL Member Posts: 587

    not me, thankfully!

    the next person dyes their hair

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    false, use to frost it but after chemo my hair came back already frosted and stayed that way

    the next person still has both of their parents living

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    True to dying my hair

    True to taking blood pressure meds

    True to having nice weather,making up my own recipes, and gaining weight.


    The next person has acid reflux and/or hiatal hernia...I do (both) from the chemo.

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    Spar ~ Thanks for the heads up! LOL...too funny!  WHAT am I anyway!???? LOL

    OH, my now I just went out to dinner...this day is just getting fatter by the minute ! ugghh

    Candie ~ tomorrow is another day...I pray a good one for us by day! 

    False ~ I don't have AF/or hernia....That just plain sucks Candie!

    True ~ On both parents living.

    JulZ ~ False on working...but I have to find a job - I have too many medical bills!!! PLUS Gas is going to stay $ 4.00 for a YEAR ! ...end result everything goes up!

    No high blood pressure...but give it time! LOL

    The next person is going out for a walk even though its late!

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    false on walk though i need to, i did trim tree branches and haul them off today, does that count as exercise?

    the next person is going to start a new healthier diet tomorrow

  • julz4
    julz4 Member Posts: 1,373

    Sure - after I see the family doc tomorrow! I'll cheat!Tongue out!LOL! I try to eat healthy now due to heart issues, but one can always improve!

    False ~ Luv, can't go for a walk, came home a little while ago to a baby skunk walking around our yard!Surprised! Had to quietly take dogs out front door. The skunk went under the deck that goes around the back of house to our back door! I hope I can walk out to my car to go to work tonight,w/out being sprayed!Yell!LOL!

    Spar ~ True to blood pressure meds x2.  False to parents living. I lost mom when I was 26 & my dad when I was 33. I'm an orphan!FrownIt's times like these that I wish they were here to help me through the tough stuff!

    Candie ~ I have both, thanks to person who invented the purple pill I don't feel it! I got mine from being fat! 

    false ~ to the dye!

    The next person is a grandparent or is becoming one soon! I amSmile!

  • takingcare
    takingcare Member Posts: 1,257

    Edit...I knew that was coming! lol   True, a very, very blessed Nana (grandma) of a six year old Godsend! 

    Well, true sort of to the healthier diet.  Since my dental work Monday, I think I've lost a that's healthier right???? lol

    I ditto everything Luv said except for the living parents...only my mom, but want to add a group (((((HUG)))))).  I think we've all had a rough week and just need to unwind and regroup! 

    Yes Spar!  Yard work more than accounts for excercise.  You most likely burned more calories than all of us put together!  Good for you!

    Let's all have some of Luv's 1 point Weight Watchers Chocolate Graham Cracker Puff and indulge for a moment!

    Harley, you can talk to me and my beloved 4-legged "listeners" anytime! 

    The next person cries at graduations.  I do, and I don't even have a graduate this year!

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    False, but I think I cry at everything else.

    I have beeen sick since last Thursday! It started with a sore throat thingie... all upper respiratory. I called off work Friday, slept Saturday and felt lots better on Sunday. By Monday night at work, I was sick again. I ended up leaving early tonight and I'm getting myself to the doctor in the morning. I think I have strep throat. My throat is so swollen I can barely swallow and it feels like someone is dragging razor blades across it. YUCK! I need antibiotics!

    The next person likes disco!

  • irishdreama
    irishdreama Member Posts: 538

    I like some of it, I like almost any music at all!

    The next person is sitting in an office, and wishing she could get out to enjoy the weather!

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    true, i like to watch disco dancing

    I get teary eyed at graduation

    The next person has met in person some of the people they talk to on  ( i haven't, but would love to)

  • LoriFL
    LoriFL Member Posts: 587

    Yes, we had a Florida get together 2 yrs ago and I met some ladies. It was fun!

    No, I cry at everything but graduations!

    No, I am on SSDI so no work for me.

    No, I am too young (in heart too) to become a grandma

    Yes, I like some disco

    The next person likes to swim. 

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    true, i do like to swim but prefer floating around on an inner tube

    the next person will work in their flower or veg garden today

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    Miss S ~ OUCH !  That sounds so painful...maybe you ought to gargle w/ salt water and drink some hot tea w/ honey!  You poor thing...get some antibiotics.

    False on meeting someone YET...have a few lined up in the future and it would be awesome!

    True ~  I get teary eyed at any ceremony!

    Disco is fun...still luv the music brings back memories especially of my brother and his white suite w/ those brick shoes...I think he was 6' 5 with them! LOL

    False on the gardening...I only have an orange and lemon tree

    I am going on tube near Crystal river...haven't done that in years a lazy spring takes about 4 hours...this Sunday!

    The next person luvs iced coffee ? 

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    true, i love sonics iced coffee with whipped cream and carmel drizzeled all over.

    Miss S how about sucking on some hall's they are so strong they kind of numb up your throat

    the next person can get attached to people they have not met simply by talking to them on line.  I do, have gotten attached to several here.

  • catbert4209
    catbert4209 Member Posts: 122

    I'm addicted to iced coffee, especially in the summers in Houston!

    Miss S, go to the doctor and get  something for your throat!!  Strep throat is nothing to fool around with!!!!  OK--that is my mothering comment for the day!

    Spar--very true.  I have become attached to so many wonderful women on this board!

    The next person will go tubing on a river this summer!
