The Next Person Game



  • takingcare
    takingcare Member Posts: 1,257

    False to a colorful house.  It's nice, but pretty basic...a nice rustic beige with white trim.  

    Luv - Your day of play on the water looks soooo inviting!  We have a wild dolphin swim booked for Hawaii and I was really excited until a friend of ours said that the tour is great unless there are pilot whales nearby, as the sharks tend to follow them.  Great!  Now I've got that in the back of my mind instead of embracing this once-in-a-lifetime experience.  Has anyone else ever done this in open waters????

    Not sure on the cocktail dress for fall, but I did purchase a nice summer dress for Hawaii in a few weeks. 

    False to spending the day with dad (he has passed), but will celebrate DH for his amazing roll in my DD life as a step dad.  Sometimes they work twice as hard, with little or no credit for a very long time, so it is truly a blessing when these men step up and help raise a blessed child.  Bless all Dad's that deserve the title of a true "Father".  May they reap 10-fold what they sow.

    True to paperwork.  I can't seem to escape it!  Coming from an accounting/HR background, I thought it was just in a small way, I'm relieved to know that I'm not alone. lol

    Hope everyone had a beautiful day today and for those of you with great dad's...enjoy that special bond tomorrow too!

    Yay!  MissS is feeling better!  I just knew the power of prayer and the bond of sisterhood would get her back on her feet! 

    The next person is a sucker for movies with animals.   (I watch them all and just love them).  We've got all of the Airbuddy movies for our grandson who is coming tomorrow and spending the week!  They are so cute!

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234

    False to sitting with Dad. His ashes were buried at sea in 1996, per his wishes. He was one of the original crew on the Battleship Alabama during WWII and although he was not a career military man, it left a lasting impression on him. My/our son also will not be visiting with his Dad, whose ashes are in Arlington National Cemetery.

    True to paperwork. Before I moved 2 yrs ago I wore out 3 shredders cleaning out 36 years of accumulated papers. And I think when (or IF) I win the lottery, I will hire a personal secretary.

    False to an 8 track player. False to dedgeball and tetherball. and True on the popcorn. I even half melted the popcorn pot once. I put way too much oil in it, and as it heated up, the pot warped. This was long ago, in the wagon train days, before microwaves.

    The Next Person has won a jackpot at bingo. I won 3 games tonight - but not the jackpot, but won 3 jackpots in a row when I first moved here. Each paid $ 1000, so I got some dandy new furniture for my apartment.

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    False, I've never won a bingo jackpot, but I've won a few bucks and a longaberger basket! My friend has won several bingo jackpots and she won two in a row! I only play when she drags me (since she lives out of state, this isn't very often!)

    My house is somewhat colorful. I have the kitchen painted in sunflowers and birdhouses. The living room has blue furniture. My house is very casual, like me.

    I wish a Happy Father's Day to all who will be celebrating. My father has passed and my dh has left, so I'm totally off the hook.

    The next person has a fax machine at home.

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    To all my "breast friends" ......My friend Marg is HOME.  Brain surgery on Thursday and home on Saturday....she sounds wonderful.  The tumor is malignant BUT surgeon feels it is so low grade that tx will be low grade but they have to wait for path report and the neuro-oncologist will make the decision.  She asked me to thank you for your prayers and good wishes.  We both are firm believers in the power of prayers and when you are prayed for in churches from Catholic to Baptist to Jewish Synagogues, well how much better can it get? 

    True, I do have a fax machine at home - I need to use it for work but it also comes in handy for other things I need to fax.  It's a HP Four In One so it's also a printer, copy machine and scanner.  I love it.

    Miss S - I'm with you....I don't go to bingo unless someone drags me.  I have no idea how some of those people can play 15-25 cards at one time, I have a hard enough time doing 3-4.

    TC - Aren't you just so excited about Hawaii!!!!!  I think your dolphin swim sounds wonderful - that's right up my alley.  What island are you staying on?

    When we built this house in '04, I decided we'd use some color and we did - kitchen/dining walls are red, great room dark beige, one bedroom/bath teal and the other mauve.  This was after 30 years of off white walls in our old house so it was quite a change and we are really enjoying it.

    The next person will be enjoying spending the day with "dad" in whatever form that is.....neither dh or I have a dad anymore but there is one elderly uncle left so he's it.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    true, will be spending time with father-in law.

    the dolphin swim does sound wonderful

    gug, your house sounds really pretty, mine is pretty colorful too.

    the next person will do some baking today

  • takingcare
    takingcare Member Posts: 1,257

    False to baking Spar...but if you bring the baked goods, we'll grill the steaks and have one heck of a feast!

    Guggerty - Wonderful news for Marge.  It is so much better to (when possible) to recover at home! Wishing for the best possible outcome on the pathology report. You are so right when it comes to the power of prayer!  Regardless of our various denominations, "God" hears and responds to the hearts! 

    True to being excited about Hawaii.  Gugg, we are staying in Kona on the Big Island as that is where our friend timeshare is.  We've got the Dolphin Swim one day and a Hummer Off-Road Adventure thru the backside of the island taking us through the Rainforests on the next.  It is our first trip ever to Hawaii, so I'm sure we'll be in awe the whole week.  Wish you all could come too!!!

    The next person has done extensive traveling.  (Not us, but maybe someday...for now, Hawaii will be the longest distance traveled).

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    TC, can i have a beer?

    we have traveled alot but mainly in the US except for Bahamas and Mexico.  I want to go to Hawaii too.  I am going to shrink myself and hide in your suitcase.

    the next person sometimes just makes homemade dips and chips for a meal

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    True, especially on a hot summer night.

    My parents spent the weekend at one of my sisters' houses about 1 1/2 hours away. DH and I went down and suprised Dad as they were going out for breakfast.  DH and I had planned on spending the day at the beach after that but it rained down there.Frown

    So DH and I headed home (took us 3 hours with all the traffic) and did some shopping for things for his mom's surprise 70th bday party next Sunday. Then we went out for dinner at a lil place in town that had my fav band playing there. They play all classic rock. So I didn;t have to cook a thing today..Happy Father's Day to

    I would love to get to Hawaii one day.

    The next person is going to bed early tonight...I am...had a long day today.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    false on going to bed early, i have the granddaughter and i have trouble getting her to go to sleep here.

    Candie, sounds like you had an enjoyable day

    the next person can sew, make tops and dresses

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    Gugg, glad to hear that Marge is back home!  Yes, prayer is a very powerful tool!  GOD listens, and HE answers our prayers!

    TC, have fun in Hawaii!  I have never been there, but it sounds like a real blast!

    Yes, I have a fax machine, and it really DOES come in handy!

    Yes, I DID bake today... I made those Cheerios muffins and we made some rolls to go with dinner.  It started in our bread machine, but wouldn't you know it, the power went out for a split second, while the dough was 'rising', so it screwed up the  entire cycle, so we just let the dough rise, then we shaped it into rolls, and then we baked it in the oven. 

    no to chips and dip, but we have had some light meals, especially when we don't feel like cooking.

    No to going to bed early, but since my boss called me, and asked me to work tomorrow afternoon, I probably won't go to bed TOO late, either.

    No, I can't sew, I can only do basic stuff, like hems and sewing buttons on, that kind of thing.  I didn't get the 'sewing' gene.  My Mom was a great seamstress, and two of my sisters got the gene, but I didn't.  I'm all thumbs.

    The next person had a thunderstorm today.  We did... twice, and it rained pretty hard the first time, but it blew over the second time.

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    Gugg~  I am pleased as well to hear about Marg...I know my SIL had sever headaches prior she said, she said it was nice to finally get some relief.... God listens indeed!

    Okay,  we didn't go tubing today!  We postponed it as my brother pulled his back and we really want to have the nieces a few weekends out we are going!  BUT we did go to a private beach and spent all day there island went to dinner at a nice restaurant at the marina it was wonderful Fathers Day for Daddy ...and me! and Candie..Wink

    I will let ya know about the  tubing once we sharks...they like salt water...alligators are enough to handle! LOL

    Harley ~  Bake some bread for me too...we used to have a bread machine but it seemed to take too long...but oh, how I luv the smell of fresh bread throughout the house!!!

    I luv making my own salsa w/ chips

    I can't sew at all...

    True ~  We did have thunderstorms but it seemed to go all around us not ON us...perfect day.

    The next person has family recipes passed down from generations

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234

    True, I have travelled extensively. Even rode an elephant up a small mountain in India in 120 degree heat. The smells do travel upwards... hee hee !!!

    False to the baking. I didnt even get dressed today. Felt like being a lazy bones, but got laundry done and bills paid.

    False on going to bed early... obviously...

    True and False on sewing. I had 9 reconstructive surgeries on my wrist, so the fine finishing work is out for me. But I used to make pant suits, skirts, slacks, and toddler play suits and overalls when our son was little.

    False on a thunderstorm today. We had one last night.

    The next person speaks a foreign language.

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    False ~ I wish ...but my girls are learning Spanish

    I only know how to say Dos Margaritas por favor and thats all the Spanish I need  LOL LOL...

    I have traveled extensively as well..the furthest would be Brazil

    but I would luv to go to Hawaii as brother is planning on retiring there. (lives in Colorado)

    lefty ~ Wow an elephant in India no less!

    Hmmm colors of house...beige-yellowish walls/cinnamon hardwood floors/lots of Autumn color accents.

    NP went to old drive in movie theaters ..

    (We use to have popped popcorn in a big brown grocery bag w/ soda and sat on the roof of the car)

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    true on the old drive in movie theater, they were the best.  loved them

    The next person likes to go to sock hops with the old music and old dances ( i do when someone has one)

  • julz4
    julz4 Member Posts: 1,373

    true - The other night my hubby & I watched children of the corn again at home. But I can remember watching it at a drive inn w/ boyfriend now hubby, that was 24 some yrs ago. Any way all I can say is that I don't remember much of the movie or I didn't see much of the movie then! LOL! Wink We went in a nice plush van!

     True - My Hubby is a D.J. & plays all summer at a camp ground we did a fifties theme 2 weeks ago & the campground also had an elvis impersonator there.

    Next person Loves all kinds of music. Pop, Jazz, Country, Musicals, Old & New! True!

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    False, I do not like jazz or opera. I am very partial to classic rock. I will listen to other music if I am at a party of course. But on my own...I am a rocker.

    The next person likes to dance at parties/weddings...I do!

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    True!! I had such a wonderful time at the last wedding reception I attended! it was a Kurdish wedding and those guys sure know how to have a good time.

    No one has sock hops around here or I might just go! I have been in the past.

    The next person thinks all phone solicitors should start looking for a new job immediately!

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    true, i have my name on the do not call list and if any solicitor does call i tell them to put me on their do not call list.

    the next person enjoys fishing but does not like to put on the worms

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    Lefty, I rode a camel in Egypt!  It was fun, but very hot that day!

    No to sock hops... I don't dance, my dh told me that ALOT of people look silly when they are dancing, and now I feel very self conscious! 

    Miss S.-  I agree, solicitors are...well, annoying!  I am also on the Do Not Call list, but it doesn't seem to help much...  and whenever I ask them to take me OFF their soliciting list, they tell me that they CAN'T, because they are just working from their home, and they are working off an OLD list, and I need to call someone else to have them take me off the list...  WTH?  THEY are the ones who callled ME!!!  GRRR....

    No, I don't fish... 

    The next person enjoys a walk on the beach.

  • irishdreama
    irishdreama Member Posts: 538

    I do love  to walk on the beach, especially at night or in the Fall or Winter when it's cool. Fortunately, living in Maine, and only about 10 miles from the beach, it's easily done!

    The next person likes to picnic

  • angie27
    angie27 Member Posts: 179

    Yes, but dont have to much time to do so

    next person loves to sit by the fire or the fireplace (romantic)

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    true, i do like to picnic we use to have huge family picnics but now everyone is so busy and the number of us has dwindled so we don't do it very often.

    Harley, was egypt a vacation you took?  Would love to hear about it

    Lefty, was riding the elephant in India where you took your vacation??

    The next person has some exotic visits that they will share with us

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    True... I love cookouts, but my family is far away, so I don't see them or even hear from them these days... 


    My dh and I went on a Meditteranean cruise, over Sept. 11th!Surprised  We thought we were NEVER going to get back home!  We also took my MIL and FIL, and that was quite a responsibility, trying to get them home safely!  

    We flew from NY to Turkey, where we boarded the ship.  Let's see... we went to Cyprus (sp?), Egypt, Greece, Naples, the French Riviera, and then we disembarked in Barcelona, Spain, where we got on a plane to Portugal.  From Portugal, we flew back to NY!  While in Egypt, we did the excursion, for an entire day, we went to see the pyramids, and we rode a camel in the desert, and we had lunch that was catered in a tropical oasis area.  But, they served... pigeon!!  On the way to the city, the guide on our bus told us that they have these big bird houses, that they build, and they hang spices in there, so the pigeons go in, but they never go out.  They kill them and eat them!  The camel ride was fun!  I got the guide to agree to let me ride behind my dh on the same camel.  At first he said that only ONE person to a camel, but I am kind of small, so he let us ride together.  I would NEVER have gone if I couldn't ride with my dh...  too scared to ride by myself!!

    We were in Greece, on Sept. 11th!  We went shopping and had a little lunch there in Athens.  Then we got back on the ship.  The captain said "after the attacks on NY and Washington, DC, your safety is our main priority."  We thought... WTH?  We were just laying by the pool, relaxing.  So when we went back to the room to get dressed for dinner, we watched CNN over and over and over... showing the planes, as they hit the Twin Towers... it was SO surreal! 

    anyway, sorry for such a long post...

    The next person has an interesting job.

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    Harley ~

    Sounds like an awesome adventure and a life time experience! 

    What did you like best....Greece/Egypt/Naples or the French Riviera ? 

    I  know when we went to Brazil ( very gorgeous but poverty stricken ) they eat anything and everything...half the time I had no clue WHAT I was eating...and no it didn't taste like chicken!

    Ox neck was the most disgusting...fatty grisly ugghhhh!

    But the beaches were beautiful, money goes far and the christ was spectacularChrist the Redeemer, Corcovado

    Rio de Janiero Brazil Christ the ...   Christ Redeemer Statue, Brazil: The ...

    I honestly don't know if I would recommend going though...too much poverty...I remember when they were cleaning up the streets for Princess Diana's visit back in the early 90's.

    True ~  I luv my job but it doesn't pay....(stay home mom) BUT after the summer I have to find a part-time due to rising costs of fuel/tuition/and yes medical bills!!!!!

    True on dh STILL from this day pulls a Jerry Seinfeld and says....

    "Oh, I am busy at the moment but could I have YOUR home phone number and I will call you back ?" ...."Oh you don't want me calling you at HOME....well neither do I !" Wink

    I used to be on a DoNotCall list as well...but I guess its good for only so many years and now it must have expired cause I sure am getting the calls again!

    Okay, next persons adventure.....

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234

    False to the job. I am retired and none of my jobs were all that interesting, except working the fitting room was a thrill and a half... NOT, lol.

    The trip to India was part business and part vacation. My son and I joined DH after he was done with his business dealings and we went to the Taj Majal and there are just no words to describe the beauty. They make you take off your shoes and put on these socks, so the marble floor is polished by you walking over it. Besides the elephant ride, we saw one snake charmer with 3 baskets of cobras... pretty freeky, but I did take a photo.

    I have been to Greece, and to the village where my inlaws were born, Portugal, Spain, England, France, Italy, Switzerland - which I think is the most beautiful country and soooooo clean, and Mexico. Does Bermuda count as a country? Never been to Hawaii, and not sure I want to travel all that way to have to wear # 55 sun screen and sit in the shade... And traveling also is not all that enjoyable.

    The first Christmas after my husband died, I flew up to Boston to see my son. We went to see the Blue Man group and it was fantastic. Front row seats and we had plastic rain coats on to keep from getting doused with all the paint and cereal and other things they spew out during the performance.

    Another excellent performance is Cirque de Soleil. I sat with my mouth open at the acrobatics and precision. On my want to see list is Andre Reiu, and he usually comes to the USA to Baltimore, so that is not too far from me and I would drive over, and after the performance stay overnight to avoid driving back late at night.

    Besides overseas, many trips in the USA have been great. The southwest USA is beautiful in a different way than mountains and oceans and beaches. I went to high school in Phoenix and have a fondness for the desert landscape. The Grand Canyon, Taos and Carlsbad, New Mexico, for example.

    Luv, you didn't put a "next person", so here is mine:

    The Next Person has been skinny dipping.

  • catbert4209
    catbert4209 Member Posts: 122

    My favorite adventure was going to Whistler, BC!  What a gorgeous place!  Our hotel was at the bottom of the ski hill, but since the visit was in early October, there was no snow.  We did get to see lovely Fall leaves and lots and lots of black bears!!!!  I also rode a Zip line--an amazing feat for someone scared of heights like me!!!

    Speaking of which, the next person has a phobia (other than fear of breast cancer!!)


  • angie27
    angie27 Member Posts: 179

    yes, I have the fear of mice or rats

    next person is very handy

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    True, I am a handy dandy person

    I have a terrible fear of thunder/lightning storms. I cannot drive in them, I pull over but has to be somewhere I can go inside. Oh, and I have to take a xanax...

    The next person has a wedding to go to in the next few months...I do, a coworker...I love weddings.

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    Wow!  Everyone has had such exciting vacations! 

    I also flew military space available, to Europe, and dh and I got a Eurail pass and took the train.  We went on two separate trips, and we went to Germany, Austria, Italy (Venice and Florence), Geneva, Switzerland, and we spent the night in Paris.  We also went to Berlin, after the wall came down.  We entered through this gate, that said "Verboten"...  we knew what that meant, but we went anyway.  Then my dh took a tire iron, and he chipped off a piece of the Wall!! 

    Yes, I skinny dipped... once, in my crazy youth!

    oh, and NONE of my jobs has been very interesting!

    The next person likes to play board games.  I do, but my dh doesn't like games...

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    Wow, everyone has traveled so much more than me.  Makes me want to leave tomorrow and travel the world.

    I skinny dipped once in my youth also (are we dumb or brave or what?)

    My jobs have pretty interesting, 13 years working with mental and physical challenged kids and 12 years of working with the state prison systems.  Neither job got boring but I did get burned out on all the woes, illnesses, and sadness

    I don't much like to play board games anymore, use to when my kids were little, on a rainy day we would play monoply all afternoon

    The next person has few regrets over how they have lived their lives.  (I do have regrets and makes me sad at the mistakes i made in my youth)