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Hair Hair Hair - Another question



  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited September 2009

    Trish I am 17 weeks out from my last TCH and I am still on Herceptin.  I had blonde hair prior to my BC experience and now it's a mousey brown.  I need to take a picture that looks better but it's hard to get my DH to take a decent picture.  I stopped wearing at hat at 12 weeks out but you could still see my scalp but I didn't care at that point I was just done with all the missing hair stuff.  I would go into my onc.'s office and show them about my hair growth EVERYTIME and they would just laugh at me. 

  • Rachel_BC
    Rachel_BC Member Posts: 679
    edited September 2009

    trish darling... give me the name of the hospital and the city and  state and the name of the nurse, here or in PM... I will take care of the rest.


    I hope its close by so I can go there in person.  Look for headline in the local newspaper.

  • chelev
    chelev Member Posts: 417
    edited September 2009

    Love it, Rachel!!!

  • revricki
    revricki Member Posts: 51
    edited September 2009

    Yesterday I had my hair shaved off and it felt great. I feel as if I took a big step forward in this slooow process. I wore the wig all day yesterday and then took it off before my kids went to sleep and let them touch my head. I thought it would scare them to see me without hair but it didn't at all. Kids can handle some things better than most adults. I slept better last night b/c the anxiety of losing my hair was gone! Today I skipped the wig and wore a halo with a bandana..very cute look. 

  • gcpommom
    gcpommom Member Posts: 60
    edited September 2009

    Hi gals.. I haven't posted here in a bit, so thought I'd post a pic of my hair, now 15 wks PFC.  It seems to get thicker, but not much longer, most of it looks to be about 3/4 inches now, some is longer, some is shorter.  It appears that it may start curling.  when I was younger, right up until the last 5 years or so, I had pin straight, thick hair.  Once it started graying, it started I may just be seeing that wave, I hope.

    for those of you trying to avoid the Gerber baby thing, the way I deal with it is this:  when it is wet, comb it all straight forward, pressing it down to your head.  After it dries a bit (not totally), add some gel and move it where you want it.  I also use John Frita's Sheer Blonde hair pomade (sp)?, it adds some blonde shimmer to it (but it's sticky stuff)

    You all look wonderful, by the way, and I can't wait for my hair to grow longer.....I go back to work subbing this week, and am nervous about how the students will react to my hair.  But I really have no desire to stick a wig on my head again, I'm past that!

    One more thing to add, I found the easiest way to post a pic is after you upload it to photobucket, click on the pic (so it comes up full size), then right click on that pic, copy and paste right into your message on

    hair91609.jpg picture by gcpommom40

  • josephmullencolor
    josephmullencolor Member Posts: 17
    edited September 2009

    @ ccbaby: I work with two lines, Swatzcholf and Eugne Perma. I am not sure whiich I will use. I would love to find out more about these "Eco colors" Who makes them?

  • josephmullencolor
    josephmullencolor Member Posts: 17
    edited September 2009

    Hi ccbaby! Thanks!! I use selections from three different lines, Swartcholf (sp?), Eugene Perma, and Redken Shades. Not sure what I will use on chelev yet. Where can I find more information about "Eco colors"?

  • gcpommom
    gcpommom Member Posts: 60
    edited September 2009

     My niece Christina, pictured below, is a contestant in Miss Michigan this Friday. TOMORROW < THURSDAY> Please help us by going to the link below and voting for CHRISTINA BESH for most photogenic, as it also helps her in the general contest...she is studying to be a Cardiologist and is entering to win a scholarship. Please pass along or post to your profile - your help would be greatly appreciated!!!! The vote is tomorrow Sept 17 THURSDAY ONLY.  Thank you so much!

    trina.jpg picture by gcpommom40Source:

  • Janet22664
    Janet22664 Member Posts: 18
    edited September 2009

    gcpommom:  That's a lot of hair for only 15 weeks out!  You look great!  It's encouraging to me as I finished chemo last week.  I swear, I look at my head as if it's going to start growing any minute.  EmbarassedAny suggestions to get the process moving?  By the way, I love your little saying at the bottom of your postings about friends...

    I was wondering if anyone used any type of follicle (sp?) booster products like Ladies Rogaine?  Any other products out there that work? 


  • chelev
    chelev Member Posts: 417
    edited September 2009

    gcpommom - I echo Janet's thoughts - wow, lots of hair for 15 weeks pfc!!  You are doing great!!

    Janet - I did use follicle booster up until about a month ago, and then started using women's rogaine on my thin spot on top and I think they helped, along with taking 5,000 mg of Biotin daily, plus another supplement for hair/skin/nails that has other minerals in addition to biotin.  Daily scalp massage too!

    Joseph, my sister is a hairsytlist who I am just starting to speak to again - for those of you on the boards with me a long time, you know what I went through with her - found out she had withdrawn from me because she couldn't deal with my cancer so soon after our dad's sudden passing and she was terrified she'd lose me.  We're making up a lot of lost time now!!  Anyhoo, she recommended for my hair Schwartzkopf.  "O" series with 20 volume, depending on the color.  4-0, 30 grams, unless you have a 4-5 or a 5-5, which will give me a rich brown.  10 grams of that.  Don't go equal parts, because some of the gray or clear colored hair can turn up "hot".  40 minutes at 20 volume.  If you use 4-0-0, it will make it too matte. 

    Oh, and I'm getting my weird, wispy hairs trimmed today by her - I saw her last night, we've been talking and she's got a lot of catching up to do, a lot of grief to let go of and a lot of family to bring back into her life - but she is going to trim me up so I don't look like Kramer from Seinfeld or some kind of bushwoman when I get to NY next week.  First haircut since March!!!!!!!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2009

    Chelev, I remember your posts about your sisters. That is wonderful that the two of you are connecting again, and able to work through things.I am so happy for you, as you must be as well.

    gcpommom, your hair does look thick, and looks GOOD too. You do appear as though it is starting to curl! Only time will tell for that, as it gets longer. Congrats on your daughter, I hope she wins. You must be so proud.


  • Janet22664
    Janet22664 Member Posts: 18
    edited September 2009


      Thanks for the tips.  What follicle booster did you use before Rogaine?  By the way,,,you look great!  I can only imagine what a knock out you'll be after your makeover.  Have a great time in the city and make sure you post a new pic as soon as you return!   We'll be waiting. 


  • chelev
    chelev Member Posts: 417
    edited September 2009

    Thanks, Janet!!  I used Nioxin follicle booster and their scalp treatment, twice daily.  I also use Mane & Tail shampoo & conditioner, alternated with my usual hair color treatment products.  I will feel much better once I get color on this mop - I am way more gray than normal, thanks to Mr. Chemo. 

  • chelev
    chelev Member Posts: 417
    edited September 2009

    I have finally found my entry for the LGFB contest.  Here is my essay:

    Surviving Breast Cancer Has Made Me Feel Strong and Beautiful! by Michele Vongerichten

    Michele Vongerichten 4When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I went to the doctor's office alone.  My husband offered to go, but he had to work. "It's nothing, don't worry about it," confident that my biopsy results would be fine.  The moment my doctor turned around and said he had bad news for me was surreal.  I am a take charge, go-getter person and I vowed to fight this disease and beat it.  I drove to my husband's job and didn't have to say a word - he could see it in my eyes.  Determined to be strong, I was still terrified - it was a word I never expected to hear regarding my own health and mortality.  There is no history of cancer in my family.  My job is marketing manager for a high end boat manufacturer.  I am in the public eye, working with customers and dealers, and my appearance is important to me - I was worried how I would look during treatments, worrying that I would have those around me focusing on me, the cancer patient, instead of the messages I was conveying about our business. 

    When the decision was made to get chemo as an aggressive, preventative measure, I immediately signed up for the Look Good...Feel Better program, as well as stopping by the local cancer association's Wig Closet.  My Look Good...Feel Better  program was shortly after my first chemo session, after I had cut my long brown, beautifully thick hair into a short cut that I wouldn't get attached to, because it was going to fall off.  Cutting my hair was a devasting day - it was the day we decided to go with chemo, and the same day I stopped to look at wigs.  I cried while trying on wigs, feeling suddenly really like a cancer patient and not just as a surgical patient healing.  It hit home for me - I have CANCER and I will be undergoing treatment that will not only affect my body and mind, but my hair will fall out and I will look like a freak. I cried harder while getting my hair cut off, and my husband cried with me, knowing that it was as if a part of me was already gone.  The surgery was easy.  This was devasting.  Starting chemo the next week, I was determined to get through it with as much mental and physical strength as I could - I would and could do it!  The side effects hit me very hard and shook my confidence to the core.  I wasn't sure I wanted to continue with the chemo, but decided that the first one was the worst, and I would keep going. 

    When I attended the Look Good...Feel Better workshop, I went with excitement about something just for us women to help build our self esteem.  Boy, did I need it!  With the short ugly hair and the looming knowledge that I would soon be bald, I wanted to learn as much as I could about keeping up my appearance and spirits.  Although the youngest in the class at 46, I felt a kindred spirit in the women who were there with me.  The bag of makeup and products were amazing - the level of quality in what we were playing with and trying on was not what I was expecting and it was so much fun to learn the tips and tricks that would help us.  I returned home feeling like I could stay beautiful, and that I was not alone!  I could do this!  Fifteen days after chemo, we shaved my head.  It was not as traumatic as cutting it, because I knew I was beating the cancer.  I began wearing wigs I had purchased to work and out for errands - and it was a fun game at work of "which look would I have today?" because I had gotten wigs in varying shades of the beautiful brown my hair had been, and lengths from the below shoulders I started with to fun shags, a bob and a short style I knew I'd be wearing when my hair returned.  My eyelashes and eyebrows were still there, so I felt and looked normal. 

    I have gone through the hell of chemo, gotten through the weeks of radiation and am growing my hair, eyebrows and eyelashes slowly in.  As I look at myself and the transformations my physical body has made, and the scars across my chest - these are my battle scars.  They are proof I have been to war with breast cancer and armed with the tools and information that I have received from Look Good...Feel Better, the help from the American Cancer Society, my family and friends, and my own inner strength - I have found that it is my courage and strong will to live that has proven to light the fire in my core - and that radiates to my smile and my determination.  I am a survivor, I am a beautiful woman and I will be here on this earth a long time.

  • Bold
    Bold Member Posts: 306
    edited September 2009

    You go girl!!! Chelev congrats on you beautiful articulation. Enjoy every minute of it!!!!

  • trishK_
    trishK_ Member Posts: 68
    edited September 2009

    CHELEV- your story is so similar to my experiance it is crazy! You took the words out of my head! thank you for sharing! You are a stong and gorgeous woman. I am just a few months behind you and am inspired by you!

    Wonderful essay!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2009

    Very very nice Chele. Even brought tears to my eyes as I took myself back when I was going through all that. Thank you for sharing.

    Hugs, Lori

  • Blake1960
    Blake1960 Member Posts: 48
    edited September 2009

    Hi Ladies! Been reading all the posts, but have not posted in a while.

    Chelev: Your essay brought tears to my eyes. Have a great time in NYC!

    Here is my most recent pic.... 20 weeks PFC!

  • chelev
    chelev Member Posts: 417
    edited September 2009

    Wow, Blake - your hair looks amazing!!!  Great color and it is styling up nice!

    I had my first PFC haircut - I was nervous because who wants in their right mind to cut the stuff that we've been begging grow?  But, it does look better all evened out - my weird sideburns are now wispy and textured and the Kramer hair is off the top, so now I can try to fluff it up some and have it look like a style, not an experiment.  Ready for color now!!!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2009

    Kathleen......wooooo hoooooo, sophisticated lady! Your avitar pic is kind of small, but I think you look better now! Beautiful!

  • Blake1960
    Blake1960 Member Posts: 48
    edited September 2009

    Thanks girls! It is so good to have hair! For all of you waiting and it seems to be taking forever....Just Believe... IT WILL GROW! Smile

    Chelev your hair looks great! I am sure you are so excited for your makeover! And Lori... wow... you have a ton of hair! Awesome!

    I had one trim in July and my first PFC cut was about three weeks ago. Seems that the curl you all have on top, I did not get. Mine grows straight up! It is crazy!

  • nancypat
    nancypat Member Posts: 239
    edited September 2009

    Hi ladies! 

     I too am nearly 15 weeks out and my hair is getting thicker every day.  For weeks I thought I was only going to have the sparse, sticking straight up, rug rat hair.  After 4 weeks more began coming in and I was heartbroken to see the many bald spots on my scalp.  I don't know if this had an effect,  but I have to think using Pantene Beautiful Lengths shampoo made the difference.  My sister suggested it because  that is what she uses for her naturally thin long curly hair.  I noticed, when I arrived in December that her hair looked better that it ever had.

    A portion of the proceeds from every bottle goes to their program of creating real hair wigs for women who are fighting cancer.

    I began using it and massaging my scalp, a technique learned from my late father who was the first male cosmetologist in North Carolina.  The trick is to be vigorous but only use the pads of your fingertips.  My hair began coming in fast and furious.  I have absolutely no bald spots.  Not even the one I had before bc from my under active thyroid.  I am so happy!  If my hair never grew any more, I would be satisfied.  My avatar is from last week and it is thicker still.  So I can't say for sure, but using the shampoo certainly didn't hurt.  I also used Scalpicin on my itchy follicle rejuvenating head.  I don't think that hurt either.  I don't use it now but will continue using the Pantene shampoo. 

    Congratulations chevlev.  I agree with your essay.  I didn't cry until my hair fell out and I had lost a breast.  My hair was my identity.  I am wishing you the very best of luck in NY.  Happy heads to all of the rest of you.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2009

    I wish I didn't have the curl, it is really really hard to work with and VERY frizzy. I have only had 2 tiny trims, but may have to get another one before the wedding. I like the top shorter, and my goal is to get back to the hair I have in my avitar. I know that is a long way out, but I am on my way. Have 1 yr under my belt PFC!


  • JudyNaomi
    JudyNaomi Member Posts: 209
    edited September 2009

    Chelev - what an amazing piece! It is like reading my own story, as I am sure it is for others.

    Onwards and upwards for all of us! Have a great time in NY!

    Hope everyone is doing ok : )

    Judy x

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited September 2009

    Joseph....You can learn more about it at   Like I said before, I have not used their color line yet, but would like to try it because it is suppose to be less toxic.

    Chelev...It is so good that you got your hair cut because the ends of our hair still have the chemo in it and that needs to be cut off.  Thank you for sharing your story with us.  It hits so close to home.

  • chelev
    chelev Member Posts: 417
    edited September 2009

    Christy - yes, I was anxious about getting it cut, but it does feel and look better with just that smidge of ends off - all of that nasty duck fuzz hair is now gone and it looks more like I'm just doing a very short style instead of wild woman.

    I'm glad everyone liked my story - I do feel we are all going through so much of the same thing, similar feelings and ups and downs, and that's what compelled me to write it - to hopefully help someone else.

  • Janet22664
    Janet22664 Member Posts: 18
    edited September 2009


      Great essay...Great picture...Great inspiration!  Thanks


  • KorynH
    KorynH Member Posts: 84
    edited September 2009

    I am enjoying reading all of these posts about hair. It has by far been the hardest part of my whole breast cancer experience, even harder than losing a breast, oddly enough. Maybe because I have been covering up my breasts since I was 12 years old.  But for many our hair defines us and who we are to the rest of the world.  I made a short video about this experience which you can see HERE and there are pictures in it of the day I said goodbye to my hair, and my teenaged son who shaved his head first so I wouldn't be so scared.  I look at the updated photos of you all and say to myself "I will get there!" So thanks for posting those and I know that all of us have hair that grows at varied rates, but still, I can dream?! LOL!  Here is my latest hair, now 3 1/2 months post chemo.  I am still doing Herceptin infusions but I don't think that affects hair growth. As you can see from my avatar photo taken last November, 2 weeks after my mastectomy but before chemo, I had pretty long hair. Now it is the wet and wild look ..Ha ha! I have about 7 wigs and still get lots of compliments when I wear them, usually from people who have no idea they are a wig and want to know where I get my highlights done! The best wigs I have came from and are Toni Brattin wigs. They cost under $100 and are fabulous....I never wore my $500 wig...I hated it. Go figure? Luckily insurance paid for that one and I then learned my lesson - you don't have to spend a lot.  I love Blake1960's photo! I just trimmed the side burns hopes I can look just as good as the rest of you all! ~ Koryn

  • Blake1960
    Blake1960 Member Posts: 48
    edited September 2009

    korynH: Your hair looks great! You are not far off from where I am. My avatar was two weeks after my first chemo in January. My hair was much longer prior to that picture and I had just gotten it cut short in order to handle the hair loss better. Two weeks later, it started falling out. I too was on TCH and now Herceptin through Jan. 2011. Thanks for the compliment on my recent pic. I had my new hair bleached and then toned. I figured what the heck!

    I hope everyone has a great weekend! Here's to Happy Hair growth! Smile

  • JudyNaomi
    JudyNaomi Member Posts: 209
    edited September 2009

    Korynh and blake1960 - both your photos are fabulous!

    Wishing everyone a great weekend!

    Judy xxx