Hair Hair Hair - Another question
So my hair officially measures in at 3 the back. The top is barely two inches but my stylist colored it (warm chocolate brown) and trimmed it to shape it. I think I am done with the wig!!
I didn't think I would be but after being able to style it a couple of days in a row and having a nice shade and some shine to my lid i think I am ready to ditch the wig. I am sure I have many bad hair days ahead of me but at least I have hair.
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CONGRADS Diane, you are on your way0
Congrats Diane, hope you have many, many bad AND good hair days!
Joan888: Is your hair color what it was before? Mine looked like it was coming back dark, but the longer it gets, the more gray it looks (and by long, I'm talking millimeters; I'm only 4 weeks pfc and just barely have a little hair on the sides). Your coverage is great. I can't wait to get something on top.
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LadyinBama.... not even sure what my natural hair color was as I had colored it for so long, but I think this may be WHY I colored it. This color is yucky. I am hoping that it changes to something prettier as it grows longer so I won't have to color it anymore.... just hoping.0
Hey LadyM~ I vote "no wig" I think if you are even questioning "wig" or "wigless" you are ready to ditch it. I went "wigless" first on Oct. 6 at my son's urging. He is 17 and said I looked better without it. I do have to say that I went on a flight that weekend and sat next to a really goodlooking guy who started a conversation with me. The talk rolled around eventually to cancer and I explained my situation and said, "hence the 'haircut'" and he actually said, "Well, I don't usually talk to people on the plane but your hair style is what made me talk to you. I thought you looked really 'chic' and thought you must really have something going on." LOL he was dead serious... anyways I think that sometimes we worry too much because our lack of hair makes us self-conscious because it is not natural for us but MANY people have said to me that "a lot of women pay a lot of money for a great cut like that...." Now that it is growing out a little more I feel like I am in an "awkward stage" but I have no choice but to go with it, so I am trying to make the best of it!
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Okay, here is my attempt to post a pic. This is 2-3 weeks after chemo (had to judge the time by the other pics in my phone). I dyed it dark brown but it faded. My hair is about twice as long as this pic. I'm coloring it tomorrow night, if my DH and I have the energy to do it.
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Joan888, You have nice coverage.
Kittycat, love picture. I am 13 weeks out and have this amount of hair now.
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kittycat: For some reason I immediately though of Mia Farrow back in the day when she had that cute pixie cut. You can rock that look really well!
arubajan05: I know what you mean! I am so selfconsious about my kinky, frizzy "do" but I gert more complements on my hair now then I ever did before and it sticks straight out all over the place! lol! Just goes to show ya!
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WOW! There seems to be a trend of these younger guys liking women with really short hair! The only person outside my family that I've let see my hair was the dog groomer. It was about like that last photo of yours, kittycat. I was mumbling around about cancer and apologizing and he said, "Oh, no! Some of the sexiest women out there have shaved heads or super-short hair. It's considered a sexy look now!" Hmmmm? What to do, what to do? They seem to like it! Interesting dilemma - I like younger guys, they like shorter hair....
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Sugar - Keep us posted about the Conair thing. I almost bought one the other day!
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kittycat... wow, that is only 2-3 weeks PFC? I am so impressed. Yours looks twice as long as mine at 18 weeks and pretty color! I will definitely be shopping for some color before I go totally wigless. Wondering if the Femara is slowing things down for me.0
heartnsoul: My DH wants me to keep it this short!!?? Too much work for me, but he loves it.
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arubajan - Did you get his phone number? lol.
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I am 4 weeks pfc (final infusion) and still no new sprouts that i can tell. I never lost all of it i still have these long strands all along my hairline. I call it my tales of the crypt look. I ahve been seeing a lot of celebrities with very short haircuts in the magazines and cutting them out. I hope it is still in style in time for me to have some hair and ditch my hats and wig.
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MBJ - I'm not surprised he likes it - it looks very cute on you! But I agree with you, I always thought short hair was more work, too. Weird the guys are liking the short hair - when you said Mia Farrow back in the late 60s, that reminded me of Twiggy, too. I guess when mine gets long enough I will punk it up with some gel and hair spray, add some earrings and actually play around with eye shadow again. I'll gauge the "male feedback", but regardless of what they say, I still want it long again.
Joan - I just started tamoxifen and I'm hoping that won't slow mine down either! Or, yikes, thin it! Yours looks great!
DiDel - your hair sounds like it's ready for the grand unveiling!
kittycat - it looks like yours will be shoulder-length in a few months!
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I actually wouldn't mind my curls if the hair were longer. Long, curly hair looks sexy and wild, but I don't like short, curly hair (on myself).
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Kittycat - that is 2-3 weeks PFC?! I am at 5 weeks and, although I have a nice amount of stubble coming in, it is not even remotely close to that. Your hair must have been growing back during chemo? What are you doing to make it grow so fast?
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Tamoxifen didn't thin my hair at all, but Aromasin has certainly. I have very long, curly hair now (all now due to perm/color) and BF loves it. I'll keep the perm (it's lasting a year now, it's worth it). Will see how Aromasin affects it long-term though
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Heartnsoul: As you can see in my avatar--I now wear lots, and lots of eyemakeup, lol!
Fearlessone: Short curly hair on me just looks like an old lady mike brady perm
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I was on dose dense AC for the first part of my chemo and then weekly Taxol for 12 weeks. My hair started to grow in around week 6 of the Taxol (which was late September). So, this pic was taken about 8 weeks after it started growing back. I'm not super human! LOL! It has grown about double that length since then. Now it is super curly in the front. When I color my hair, I'll take pics. It is so ugly right now with the faded color and gray. I just don't have the energy to color it tonight. Maybe tomorrow???
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I love how I have a dog hair stuck to my own hair in the pic! LOL!!!
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Kittycat - Glad you clarified that. I was sitting here thinking "damn, how did she do that?!" At the rate I am going right now (which seems good and is more than I expected at this point), I may be close to what you had in the same time frame. That would be thrilling!
And LOL at the dog hair. I noticed an out of place hair but just thought it was one of those chemo strands. I have tons of them because I never shaved my head.
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I am still watching the pot boil on my head. 4 weeks PFC. I know it takes time. I started using the nioxin. My onco does not suggest a shampoo that helps, or biotin because she did not see it help any of her patients and it is not FDA approved. But I hear many of you think it helps.
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I'm 15 weeks pfc. I will say that it seems to be "happening" now, real hair. No where near what I'd like (a Jane Seaburg, compliments of my husband's googling), but it looks more like a choice than collateral damage. I get compliments a lot in public. So, for those of you who think it'll never happen: I waited nearly four months for my show to really get on the road! Tamoxifen does not seem to be slowing growth, for which I'm ever so grateful.
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I am thinking that this will be my goal for April 2011.
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Oooh Joan888, I hope so for me too, but I am not going to be done with chemo till Jan 31 so may not make it... Can't wait to get started, I have lots of white hairs that are growing in randomly right now, but nothing like a full head of hair. In fact so sparse that if that is all the white I have when it grows back I will be thrilled!
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joan i would take it. Right now I just want all the scalp to be covered
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DiDel - you'll have to post a picture of your chocolate hair color. I need to get brave and have mine colored. Just like others I have the squirrel color.
Saw the endocrinologist the other day and he and the assistant liked the color - said it was a salt and pepper. I didn't ask for the complement. Must be me but I just don't see it. R they just being nice????? Must be insecurity but I always tend to think people are just trying to encourage me. Or it's vanity.
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Joan, nice goal. I hope I can make it, too.
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ok i am taking a survey
what kind of shampoo or scalp treatment do you think works?
do you think biotin works?
my doctor says she sees no difference in her patients if they use anything to make their hair grow or not.