Hair Hair Hair - Another question
Hi ladies, this Tuesday will be 2 weeks PFC for me. I bought some biotin supplements and am curious how much I need to be taking? I see some of you think it has made a difference while others not so much. I just am soo stinking excited to have my hair back that like you all I want it yesterday : ) The thoughts of wearing a wig this summer has me sweating already.
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Kasey I take 5mg Biotin daily with food but my multivitamin also has 30mcg.0
Can any of you tell me how many days between the moment of your final chemo infusion, and the moment you detected the first new hairs growing on your head, so I can get some sort of statistical distribution of the time it takes (I don't care how unscientific this may be)? It might help me stop obsessing. Thanks for any info!
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i starting getting "growth" on my head in the form of peach fuzz 2 weeks before my last weekly taxol. ( i split my dose dense schedule from 4 bi weekly to 8 weekly). i had my last one march 22. I now have dark soft fuzz going on, and had armpit hair growing like normal, and actually had to shave my legs too! i also take 2500 mcg of biotin daily. my multivitamin also has an additional 30mcg.
i have a question for you ladies, i take a woman's multi vitamin with additional d3 in it. i heard b vitamins are great for energy, so i also bought a "balanced b-100 complex" heard this was good for hair too.... it has like 5,000 % if b6, 1600% of b12 and 5800% of thiamin, among a few others. is this safe? anyone else taking something similar?
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Chrissy i had my first real noticeable sprouts at 4 weeks PFC and full yet very short coverage at 16 weeks.0
Chrissy I might have started growth before chemo ended to but it was in the back and a bit on the sides. I really didn't start paying attention till maybe about 4 weeks. It was still pretty sad looking IMO. I also think my hair growth might be on the faster side. It always grew fast in the past. You can see on the bottom of this page (from this tread) my hair growth 10 weeks post chemo. Nothing to brag about. I still look pretty bald. I take biotin and use women's minoxidil on the top once daily.
hdangelbaby You can overdue supplements. They also can interact with some of the meds you are taking. I would default to asking one of your MDs. Be sure to let them know you want to take them as long as they don't interfere with any of your medications in spite of the "no proof" retort.
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My hair started to grow about 4 weeks into my Taxol (TH) treatment. It's very white and it starts to show in front of my ears when I have the wig on.
Can't wait to go topless either, but it will be a while...
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InTwoPlaces: I have the same problem...white/gray 'sideburns' showing through when I wear my wig. The hairdresser told me today that using double face wig or garment tape on the 'tabs' of the wig would help this. I haven't tried it yet, so can't back her up.
Hopeful: My hair is also much thicker in the back and sides. The front looks very much like a man's right now--kind of thin and shorter. I am 8 weeks PFC.
Lago, or anyone who might know: May be a dumb question, but is Biotin a vitamin B?
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My husband needed me to take a picture for his blog of him and his friend working on a car. I came out topless no makeup and glasses. I figure i feel like crap no need to spruce up. But it felt very odd. The only sprucing i did was to put on a shirt that covers my surgcial bra straps. They are very high in the front and it's really hot today in KC.
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Allison, that's a really cute style. My bangs are not as long as hers either. I wonder if I could style mine like that. This hair has a mind of its own. I will give it a try though.
Chrissy, I first saw stubble around 5 weeks PFC. My head though was super itchy before that, so watch for the itch! You'll know it is the hair on its way.0 -
Allison i like that style too. The color is fun on her looks hip with her olive skin and brown eyes. I was debating on going blonde but i think i mihght look too washed out. Plus the maintenance would be a pain. I am salt and pepper but more pepper than salt. I am almost at 18 weeks PFC. Still recoveirng from TE surgery and a bad cold. But as soon as I am feeling better I think i will go get my hair colored. My first fill is April 20th I hope to do it before that.
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Nancy- I hope I don't live to regret this, BUT I had the TE put back in on March 7th and so fat so good. (knock on wood) Thanks for asking though.
Carrol- yeah I would like to die my hair as well, but like you I am afraid of looking washed out. I am in desperate need of a tan. I look like a racoon right now between the pale skin and circles under my eyes. I think chemo and surgeries along with everything else really takes its toll on us. I have my second fill Wednesday and he wants to put in 120 cc's instead of 60 ccs so I am a bit worried about how the pain will be. I am ready to get done with this BC crap and get on with my life already. Today is my one year anniversary since finding out I had BC. Take Care. Hope you start feeling better.
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hdangelbaby/sandymess - i am taking 5000 mcg/day of Biotin - that's vitamin B7. I have been taking that for 2 weeks and i swear i see a difference, but it could be coincidence and wishful thinking. The hair on my legs seemed to have sprouted overnight. I even shaved!! I am TN so I don't take any other meds.
If HD in your nick stands for Harley, there is a motorcyclist thread on here. check it out. it isn't all about downer cancer stories.
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lago, that was awesome, lol. Where on earth did you find it?
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hi ladies... I am at 4 of my 6 TC treatments and had originally buzzed my hair to 1/8 inch, except in the front I shaved it because of the wig... Now (I am between tx 4 and 5) my hair is about an inch long except the front portion (temples) I can feel stubble, but thats it... I had to shave my legs about 3 weeks ago (only cuz I went to St John and there was stubble) but it had grown some... and I've never lost forearm hair... still have my lashes and most of my brows.
So how do my prospects look... We all worry about our hair since its he most OBVIOUS side effect of this chemo... I just hope it grows fast and I don't have a round two of hair falling out... I have heard of that happening... and I had thigh hair (i don't normally shave my thighs) until weeks ago and now its gone.
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actually... the HD stands for Home Depot, it's where I work! ( on LOA at the moment though),but i sure do like motorcycles too!!!
I just got asked a few days ago if i wanted to ride on the back of one on a 100 bike, bike run. where they just go out and ride the motorcycles for a day and stop at a few bars along the trip!
I think I am going to take that friend up on the offer! why not??
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Nancy- I just noticed in my last post I wrote "so FAT so good." I meant, so far so good. Can you tell how I have been feeling lately. Time to go to the gym.0
Lago - "linky"? OMG that was so cool. Now I have to research the heck out of how you did that so I can use it to help my Mom! (Thanks.. and your hair looks A+).
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love all the pix ladies, thanks. im older, but not so lucky. i think (maybe) i never noticed it was thinning bf chemo. but its missing thinin the FRONT! thats' not something i even considered!! but, i have gotten some "wiglets" last wk end, and am just gonna wear a scarf, and see how it goes. i've learned to be grateful for the hair I DO have!!! 3jays
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Thanks for the link Lago, what a hoot!
Seriously though, it did provide a link at the bottom to the information about Biotin on the Linus Pauling Institute website, one of my favourite sources for non biased, referenced information.
{edited to add link}
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Bdavis I did the 6tx of TCH. On chemo the hair on my arms did thin. My leg hair always seemed to be almost stubble. My eyebrows thinned a bit as well as my eyelashes. Lost most of the hair down south and on my head (although not all).
My eyelashes did fall out after chemo but started growing back about 3 weeks later. My eyebrows also fell out but were growing in at the same time so I was never without. Just had some thin spots that were easily filled in with cosmetics. It's been 3 months, nothing seems to be falling out. Matter a fact I think I have more hair is some places. All that over plucking of the eyebrows from jr. high seems to have repaired!
It seems to me that most that get their hair falling out a 2nd time is when they get hair back on chemo… then it falls out during chemo. Sounds to me you hair grows fast anyway so I bet you'll be OK.
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lago that was too funny, sarchastic yes, but super funny.0
3jays: Very cute picture!
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Lago (whose name I always read as Iago) that link is brilliant! I'd never heard of Enter Let Me Google That For You (or before. That might come in very useful.
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I have not posted here in a while, but thought I'd share that I'm enjoying reading your posts on a regular basis. I get the email notification, so I have been keeping up and following your stories.
My hair is now in its frizzy stage, if there is such a thing! I have tried everything: Ovation, Nioxin, Toppik (shampoo, conditioner and fattener plus the powder to fill in the thin spots). I am very tempted to open up my Rogaine for Men. Yes, for men, as doctors have said that the one for women do not work as well. I can't start it until my participation in the eyelash study ends. I have been getting Latisse for the past 11 months. I do have very healthy, curly eyelashes.
Oh, I also found out that I am able to take mega doses of Biotin (At first I thought I was allergic.). I've been doing the Biotin for about 2 weeks. Maybe I should give it time???
Thanks for your wonderful and helpful posts!
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Brenda: So great to see you here! How are you healing up? I am in that Latisse study, too, and I still do the Men's rogaine--no one told me that I couldn't take it!
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Adnerb minoxidil (rogaine) can take 3-6 months to have an effect. Be careful of using the men's product. I did several years ago when I had hair receding. I stopped because it started growing on other places on my face! After that I only used the women's once a day and it seem to work well for me. I'm currently using it only once a day but it's only been 3 months so I assume now is when it will make a difference.
I'm not saying not to do it just be watchful. If you start growing hair on your cheeks you'll know to swtch back.
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Dawn31337: Thanks for the quick and easy answer. I appreciate it! I'll have to pick some Biotin up and give it a try.0