Hair Hair Hair - Another question
Ally, That's exactly the response my friend had. After she shaved her head only 2 weeks PFC, her real hair started coming in, and fast. How long after your final chemo did you first shave your head? And how many times have you shaved it since? What gave you the courage to shave it in the first place, as most of us are too scared to shave off any hair growth, even if it's poor quality hair, ie, white peach fuzz. Would love to see some pics!
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Something fun that is almost enough to make me shave my head again to show off my Sassy Head designs
My local BC organization that I support (and they support me!) contacted me for an event where they are looking for brides who are BC survivors. There is a tv show called 'Say Yes to the Dress' and they are sponsoring this with some local design students to design wedding dresses for us and debut them on a runway at the Southern Women's Show here in Florida. The host of the show will MC and announce the design winners....we get to keep the dresses! Even better, they want to my wife's outfit as well. She prefers pant sets so they will have fun with our outfits. - I have never seen the show, but I guess I better watch!
We were married in NY in June because it is not legal in Florida...yet. We plan to have another wedding here when it is.
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JB-That is awesome!!!!! I didnt know your wedding was in NY...where was my invite?!?!?!?!? LOL...JK
I am LOVING the pics, thanks so much for posting. I am really not likely this male pattern baldness/receding hairline I got going on! I am 5+ weeks PFC and I am REALLY happy with the growth on the sides, so-so for the growth in the back and completely freaked about the growth on top!!! Any thoughts? advice?
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Read this snippet in Time magazine this week. No other details - not even a drug name - but sounds like there's something to look forward to if you end up with permanent hair loss.
"In an early clinical trial, an FDA-approved drug that is used to treat bone-marrow disorders successfully restored hair growth in people with alopecia, an autoimmune disease that attacks hair follicles causing baldness."
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jbok that is freakin awesome. How do I get involved in the local BC organization? I want to get involved locally and meet the Orlando contingent. Do you go to meetings? Can I come to your wedding when you get married in Orlando? Yeah, I'm inviting myself. LOLOL j/k - to know me is to love me! I'm sure though we are going to meet up sometime soon. I'm going to Eden spa for a PT session in a couple weeks. They finally called me to set it up. I can't wait.
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jb, awesome, maybe we will have a tv star amongst us. And I hope they show your sassy head designs. That would be great. Is your BC organization with the ACS? I know you're from Saratoga, did you get married there? Thought it was in fla, didn't realize not legal there. Hey ya, I didn't get an invite either lol! Let me know next time in Saratoga. May have to come meet you!
Jules, 5 wks is still so soon to tell how it's all going to grow. I've said it many times, by 5 wks I still had basically nothing. I tried castor oil mixed with cocoa butter (look up castor oil for hair growth, there's all sorts of supposed hair growth benefits, can't hurt). Maybe it helped. But yiu have to have time to leave the oil on. Or ask your hairdresser about nioxin. Haven't used but look at others posts, may help.
And noonrider, I've been thinking about you and your comment about having bad hair before. A good hairdresser should work with what you have with the right cut and style and instruct on you on how to take care of it. It took me a long time to do the right thing with my curly hair, the right cut and care techniques and products. Good chance yours will come in thicker, I'm hoping for you. A fresh start and then keep looking until you find the right hairdresser for you.
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I have decided I will shave my head after the last Taxol treatment on the 5th of Sept. My husband looked at me at the dinner table tonight and said "It's not like you're going to miss what you have". LOL I thought, He's right! So I might as well try the head shaving and see if it grows faster that way. I have Nioxin and I have that other shampoo Hair Surge. I'm going in with both guns!
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Thanks Lisa. I know 5 weeks is still early but if the growth was even all over my head I'd be more patient. Ha. Just read that again. Who am I kidding!!! I'd be obsessing no matter what. Lol!
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MomMom - my hair started growing back while I was still on Taxol/Carbo, but it was so sparse and thin. I started shaving it once a week during those final weeks of chemo just to feel groomed and not so unkempt. It started to officially grow back about two weeks after my final chemo, but only on the back and sides. So two weeks PFC (I'm assuming that means post final chemo…I hope!), I shaved it again since I felt there was no sense in growing in just the back and sides.
Just in the last week it's started to fill in A LITTLE BIT on the top, but it's definitely no where near my normal thickness, as you can still see my scalp. I'll probably continue to shave it until my pre-chemo thickness returns. That way I can grow it out nice and evenly without any bald spots. So I guess keeping the end result in mind is where I get the courage to keep shaving it, although I'm still terrified the top will never completely fill in.
Here are some pics. The top 3 are 3 weeks PFC, just after I shaved off a whole bunch of fuzz. The bottom 3 are current, which is 6 weeks PFC. For just 3 weeks in between, it seems to be growing quickly…just not as much on the top as I'd like! Oh, and once I got rid of the white fuzz, my normal color and texture returned.
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HomeMom--here is my progress since my last pics when I started Hair Surge. I'm exactly 3 months PFC. 1 month using Hair Surge
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you guys are a hoot! Yes got married in Saratoga Springs!
The local org. I work with is Libby's legacy. You may know them from the Scooters for Hooters event each year in Orlando. They are a small agency that primarily serves uninsured and under insured women
My hair grew very thin on top. ( I called it the Tim Conway). Don't panic, it will all even out.
Look at what Latisse has done for me in 8 weeks! ( that a little smug of mascara in a few lashes). I had zero eyelashes when I got married on June 29.
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your lashes look great!
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Kite Did you shave your head at all after chemo? I am using the hair surge every day and am starting to see the little fuzz in between my stubs. I'm thinking of shaving my head first.
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Homemom- I thought about it, but when I saw how quickly it all seems to be filling in and looking more normal I am not going to. Everytime I saw stubble (or felt it) within 2 days it wasn't there. Which only could mean it grew out more. Then I would feel more stubble and 2-3 days later it was gone. That's the pattern it's been in. I feel no stubble today but I see it so I'm sure another round is coming!
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Lisaj514 - Hairdresser? What is THAT? You mean…like…spend money on ME and not my kids? Bwahahaha
This picture was taken about one month before starting chemo. I was desperately in need of a cut but not bothering because I was planning to shave it off before chemo. My bangs are very thin and whisky. Typical female pattern baldness all the way back on my head. ( I was in a hair loss study years ago.) The reddish color at the ends is old hair color, my true color is almost black. However, I have a video on my blog of me shaving my hair off, and at one point you see my look at a chunk I just took off and set it aside. What you don't see is in my head screaming "OMG its all salt and pepper!!!" Oh, and this is my daughter's Jr. Prom. She is my oldest at home. A tiny little thing! She is 18 and 4ft 8.
Ok, I shaved my head on day 14 PFC. This is me today. I have pinfeathers!!! My pre-chemo hair is almost black (see my profile pic? That was shaved one week before starting chemo) I need to get my husband to take some pictures of my head. The hair is white. The only way you can see it is if I get the light behind it. LOL
Here are my eye lashes after 10 days of Latisse. I had maybe 5 or 6 lashes on each eyelid when I started it.
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Kite, did you use both the shampoo and conditioner hair surge? Thanks.
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Kite thanks. I have one more Taxol to go so I will wait and see what happens in the next two weeks. Your hair looks great tho! The next picture is in Christmas with DH in 2012. My hair is thin and lifeless. You can see how it lays on my forehead weird. The bottom one is me dancing at my niece's wedding in 2009. My hair was healthy, shiny, etc. Something happened that summer. I tried to post a picture I took the other day with my phone, but no matter how I edit it, it kept showing up here upside down.
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I think it looks great in both pics. When my hair came back the first time it was so thick and wavy but by a year after I stopped chemo (5/2013) it started acting like my old hair again. Thin, straight and blah. Now it's coming back really dark which I don't mind at all!
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Shoot, so it could go back to the lifeless dull hair I had before bc? I am kind of hoping that the bc was causing my lifeless hair and now I've "fixed" it. The picture doesn't show the true nature of my hair when it started to thin. It isn't hereditary because my mom who just turned 80 has nice hair and my sis who is 3 years younger then me now has nicer hair then I had. I always had the better hair. I had all kinds of blood work done - hormones, iron, thyroid etc. Everything was normal.
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Well for what it is worth I've never read anywhere that someone's hair comes back in as the same hair. So you will have something that is different and hopefully it's a good different! 8)
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I did 11 rounds of Taxol. At the end my hair started growing back. I did my last A/C treatment on the 21st and it's starting to fall out again. GRR! Anyone else having this?
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This girl is amazing and I love her progress video
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Allydp, Your hair is amazing!!! I wonder if your young age and that of my friend (she's 10 yrs older than you at 45, but still a lot younger than my 67 years:-) has anything to do with your rapid hair growth?? If I could be SURE that if I shaved my head it would grow as fast as yours, I'd whip that razor out right now. I'm such a scaredy cat about doing it. My daughter saw my hair today and was surprised at its growth and that I've got some dark hair amongst all the wispy white, but to me it's not nearly fast growing enough. And where are my eyelashes and brows!!** I had them, then lost them post chemo. I'm afraid to use Lattiste as I had a friend who developed darkness around her eyes from it. Plus now I've got the watering eye, clogged tear duct thing going on - an aftereffect from Taxol and wouldn't dare use it because of that alone.I have heard that many women did eventually get their real hair back, ie, hair they had before breast cancer, but that it takes about a year for that to occur.
Thanks to all who are posting pics. It is so informative and helpful to all!
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Coopdizzle - this one came on after that one - even better. It made me tear up
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Here's what I had done to my head tonight:
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Hi girls. I haven't been on in a while. This is me 5 months and 1 week after my final chemo. My eye lashes and brows started falling out for the "second time" about a month ago. they are doing much better now. I lightly fill in the brows with a pencil and that makes a huge difference. I hope everyone has a great day!0 -
Mikesgirl Looks great! 5 months seems like an eternity!
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MomMom I think its just an individual thing. I'm 47, and my hair is not growing in fast. LOL
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Mikes girl, You look awesome! 5 months does seem long but you look great! Did you initially get the white pinfeather type growth?0 -
Laurais50 - My hair has grown in well while on Arimidex and the side effects have barely been noticeable. Everyone is different but most women have no significant problems. Enjoy your weekend!
Jbokland - Yeah! I'm so happy you have the rads behind you!